The Metropolis Series #3: Quinn and Cassandra

Chapter Epilogue


IT WAS GRADUATION DAY at St. John’s Academy. Students in white caps and robes gathered under the blossoming golden shower trees, which scattered yellow flowers all over the school grounds.

Banners and bouquets traveled past the euphoric crowd and into the auditorium where the ceremony would take place. Cameras flashed and flickered from just about everywhere, followed by the congratulatory remarks of teary-eyed family members and friends.

Teachers searched for their students, addressing their farewells and thank yous. An entire class squeezed together, pulling their homeroom teacher into the center for a photo.

The grounds had never felt so lively, so bittersweet.

In the midst of it all, a woman strode across the stone paths to catch up with her daughter. As she walked, she produced a few bobby pins from her purse, careful to not drop the phone in her hand.

“Quintana,” the woman called. “Quintana!”

Quintana, or Quinn, as she preferred it, strolled along the grounds with her friends, Harumi and Bree, who were also graduating that day. They laughed about the silliest, mundane things that had happened to them and their friends in the past year. As they talked, Mrs. Vasquez approached her daughter and tapped her shoulder.

Quinn spun around. “Mom.”

“Wait, Quintana,” Mrs. Vasquez said. “I’m not yet done with your hair. Your cap’s falling out.”

Quinn groaned. “Mom, it’s fine.”

Since the previous year, Quinn had always kept her hair short, but it was still thick and lush. No amount of Mrs. Vasquez’s bobby pins could ever hold it in place.

“Aww, your mom’s so cute, Vasquez,” Bree said.

Quinn sighed.

“Are these friends of yours?” Mrs. Vasquez asked Quinn as she gestured toward Harumi and Bree.

“Yes, Mom. This is my roommate, Harumi. And this Bree.”

The two girls greeted the woman.

“Nice to meet you,” Mrs. Vasquez said. “Can I take your picture with Quintana?”

The three girls gathered together as Mrs. Vasquez unlocked her phone. Just as she snapped the photo, an announcement sounded off in the intercoms:

“Attention, all graduating students. Please fall in line as the ceremony will begin in a few minutes. All parents, family members, and guests can now take their seats in the auditorium. Thank you.”

“Okay, Mom,” Quinn said. “You’d better go.”

“Okay. Your dad and I will see you inside.”

Mrs. Vasquez then left for the auditorium as Quinn walked to the line of students. She saw Bree take Harumi’s hand, leaning forward to kiss her on the cheek. She was happy for them, but she couldn’t help but sigh. She looked around the school grounds, hoping to find a certain someone in the crowd.

But he wasn’t there.

Harumi noticed the worried look on Quinn’s face. “He’s not here yet?” she asked him.

Quinn squinted her eyes. “No, I don’t think so. I don’t see him.”

Tsk, tsk, ” Bree said, crossing her arms. “Boys should know better than to be late for their girls’ special day. But don’t worry, Vasquez. He’ll turn up.”

“Wait, Quinn.” Harumi pointed toward the sky. “Look.”

A smile took over Quinn’s face as she looked up. A paper airplane flew through the golden trees and landed at her feet.

Bree let out a laugh. “He’s here.”

“Yeah, find him, Quinn,” Harumi added.

Quinn nodded and picked up the plane. She sprinted across the school grounds, her eyes scanning the crowd. The intercoms went on again, and she heard a teacher tell her to start lining up by the auditorium.

But she didn’t care. To her, their words were just noise.

She made it through the parking lot’s entrance, and that was where she found him. He had his back toward her as he locked his car’s door, shoving the keys into the pocket of his slacks. She couldn’t help herself; her heart raced as she dashed toward him, and just as he turned around, she surprised him with a hug. He smelled of hair gel, cologne, and just a little bit of cigarettes—which she didn’t approve of a hundred percent, but the scent of him still overjoyed her.

He brought his arms around her. “Hey, glad to see you, too.”

She pulled away. “Julio, where have you been? The ceremony’s about to start.”

“Ugh, sorry. Traffic was crazy on the way here. Am I late?”

“No, no, you’re just in time. How did the band like your song?”

Julio took Quinn into another hug. “Liked it? They loved it! They’re hoping to produce a full album with me.”

Quinn squealed. “Oh my God. That’s amazing. Congrats!”

“Oh, by the way, I got you this.”

Julio pulled out a single rose from behind him. “Congratulations, Quinn.”

Quinn took the flower in her hands. “You shouldn’t have. But thank you.”

“Hey, don’t mention it.”

Julio brought an arm around Quinn’s waist and leaned forward. Just as he was about to close the space between them, Quinn’s graduation cap fell out of her head. She caught it with two hands as they both laughed, but then, they both noticed the sparkle in their eyes as they looked at each other. Julio stroked Quinn’s cheek, cupping her face in his hand as he brought his lips to hers.

Quinn wrapped her arms around his neck, tilting her head to kiss him. She took a moment to feel the warmth of his skin, to tangle her fingers in his hair. She remembered how she’d confessed her feelings one night at The MacGuffin. There were times when she asked herself where the courage had come from, but after being with him for more than a year now, those questions were no longer necessary.

When they pulled away, Julio gazed at Quinn with his deep, dark eyes. She longed to kiss him again, to taste the sweetness of his lips against hers, but she grew conscious as Philip walked toward them with his graduation cap in hand.

“Hey, guys,” he said, laughing a little. “Take that somewhere else.”

Quinn blushed. “Sorry.”

“Hey, Philip,” Julio said, waving. “Congrats.”

Philip smiled. “Hey, thanks.”

The intercoms sounded off again, calling students to line up. The graduation ceremony was about to begin.

Philip donned his cap. “Let’s get going.”

Quinn nodded. “Yeah.”

Julio nodded as he allowed Quinn to take his hand in hers. As they walked toward the school grounds, Rachael stepped out of her parents’ car after witnessing all that had happened.

She watched from the sidelines. Just as she said she would.

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