The Messenger of Death


Almost everyone in the 3 plain realms was scared to the core. Those that were strong enough felt suppressed, mentally and physically. Many fell to their knees as they thought that the world was going to end.

Those that were strong were able to resist the suppression, but they dared not because they felt that if they did something bad would happen to them.

Nana and her father fell from the sky and Crashed on the earth that was above the underground bunker. The Seraphim team members were on their knees, trying to fight the suppression, all but Alexander who was firm on his feet and was staring at the ceiling of the underground bunker.

Although to others it looked as if Alex was staring at the ceiling of the underground bunker, in actuality, he wasn't seeing the ceiling, rather, he was seeing the grey from where he was. Alex frowned at the sky before he spoke; "You think that I will be afraid of this? Come on, show me your worst! If you can, end me right now!!"

Alex dared the Heavens to deal with him right now. Although he dared the Heavens, it was his innate bloodline that was making him talk like this, and he wasn't even aware of it. He wasn't even aware of what was happening to those around him.

Surprisingly, no one but Alex and the Heavens could hear what Alex was saying. To his teammates, it looked as if Alex was just moving his lips angrily.

In response to Alex's dare, the 3 plain realms shook harder and fiercer, the sky started to have a tinge of red and it began looking like blood was going to drop from the sky at any moment.

Slowly, Alex's red turned red and started to transform, his pupils divided and split into 3, looking like a reuleaux triangle. With the transformation of his eyes, Alex felt more rebellious than he was a few seconds again, and more importantly, he felt that he was strong enough to fight the Heavens.

However, this was just him being intoxicated by the power coming from his innate bloodline.

Red clouds gathered above the 3 plain realms, however, only two people in the 3 plain realms could see and feel the might of this red cloud. These two are Alexander and Mr. Guardian. The red clouds, technically, gathered outside the 3 plain realms, so those within couldn't see, feel or sense it.contemporary romance

Seeing this red cloud and the terrifying bolts of lightning within it, reduced the confidence in Alex, he was sure that if that lightning strikes him, he would die, and yet, even while knowing this he didn't want to bow down to the Heavens.

The terrifying bolts of lightning rumbled and crackled in, bringing a heavy pressure that pressed on Alex, and yet, he didn't fumble. His eyes didn't waver, his heart did tremble but it only made him more rebellious.

After a minute or so, the red clouds above the 3 plain started to dissipate slowly. Every phenomenon that happened to the 3 plain realms started to disappear slowly.

It was as if the Heavens chose to ignore all that Alex said. Soon enough, things started to return to normal. The seas became calm, the mountains that sunk returned to their normal positions. The sky turned blue and the day became normal.

Although everything had gone back to the way it was, the people hadn't. Their minds were still in a state of fright and shock.

Seeing that everything had calmed down, Alex closed his eyes in relief. A little part of him was happy that the Heavens didn't use that lightning on him.

['This is what feels like to rebel.'] Al mentioned.

['No, this is just the begin.'] Xander added.

['I believe so too. We will reign supreme.'] Lex chipped.

Alex listened to what his alternate personalities said, but he chose not to say anything, nonetheless, their thoughts were similar one way or another.

"What… what just happened?" Drake questioned as he struggled to stand on his feet. His entire body was drenched with sweat.

"It felt as if the entire world was… looking at me," Camron mentioned.

Their shaky voices made Alex open his eyes. When he saw the state of his teammates, he frowned as a confused expression dawned upon his face.

"What happened to you guys?" Alex blurted out.

"We should be asking you that question, you are fine even after all of that. Could you have truly enraged the Heavens? What did you say to enrage the Heavens!?" Gustavo said the moment he could catch his breath.

"I only spoke my truth," Alex replied confidently.

"If it was only that, then you shouldn't be the cause of this." Gustavo laid on his back while saying this.

They were all unaware of how big the commotion was, they all thought that it was only them in the underground bunker that was affected…

Outside the underground bunker, Nana had just propped her weight off her father's body. While they were sent crashing to the ground, Darrel quickly wrapped his hand around Nana and used his body to cushion her fall.

"Father, are you alright?" Nana asked worryingly.

"Cough, cough!!" Darrel coughed out a patch of soil and grass that got in his mouth. "I'm fine… what was that all about?" He thought out loud.

After Darrel said that he was fine Nana had already forgotten about him and started wondering if Alex was alright. Without wasting any more time Nana left to check on Alex.

"Alex are you alright?" Immediately Nana appeared beside Alex, she questioned.

"I'm fine… why do you look so worried?" While arching a brow at Nana, Alex asked.

"Why won't I worry, don't you know how terrifying everything was?" Nana blurted out.

['Of course, it was terrifying, especially those red clouds and the lightning that came with it.'] Alex thought.

"Did you also see the red cloud?" He asked.

"Red clouds? What the hell are talking about? Did this disaster mess with your brain?" Nana held Alex by his cheeks and turned his head around while looking for any sign of injury on his head.

"Ah, ah, ah! My neck Nana!!" Alex cried while trying to remove Nana's hands from his cheeks, however, his efforts were futile as he wasn't strong enough. "Ah, Ah!! You crazy woman! Necks weren't made to turn like that!" Alex screamed when his neck was twisted the wrong way. 

"I'm fine Nana!! Really, ask them!" Alex cried out.

Nana paused and looked at the rest of Alex's teammates and saw the state that they were all in. she then looked at Alex again and noticed that he was in a better state than his teammates.

"So this is your disciple?" Darrel's voice echoed in the underground bunker.

Since Nana arrived here, Darrel arrived with her, but no one was able to notice him until he spoke. Hearing her father's voice, Nana immediately let go of Alex's face and a little blush crept up her cheeks.

Darrel noticed this blush and he was a bit stunned by her actions. 'She really cares for her disciple… this might be worse than I think it will be.' He thought.

Everyone but Nana stared at Darrel, unable to speak. "Hello, my name is Darrel, I'm her father." Darrel took the initiative and introduced himself.

When he mentioned that Nana is daughter, Alex couldn't help but look at Nana a bit before returning his attention to Darrel. "They do look alike." He whispered.

"We definitely do. I have heard a lot about you, Alexander." Darrel walked closer to Alex and stretched out a hand to shake.

Alex looked at Nana again before slowly stretching a hand to shake Darrel's hand. Darrel had a smile on his face throughout, just like Nana's great, great grandfather. This smile was what made Alex skeptical of Darrel.

After the handshake, Darrel said; "Natalia, we need to leave. This whole thing is bigger than we thought. The same thing happened in the Ordain plain realm and also in the Celestial plain realm."

"What!" Nana frowned.

"How is that possible? The 3 plain realms were affected at the same time." She muttered.

"We'll be leaving with Alexander," Darrel mentioned and Nana bobbed her head in agreement with what her father said.

"Wait, we have to carry them along too." Alex pointed at his teammates.

Nana rolled her eyes at Alex before answering. "As you wish. Let's go, father,"


Everyone within the underground bunker disappeared…

Meanwhile, in an unknown location, an astral spirit paced around a cave. This astral spirit is Mr. Guardian. Being the second person that could see the red clouds when they appeared, he couldn't help but worry.

"They couldn't have shown up because of me, I haven't broken any of the rules… then who could it be for? Did someone from the Outer world try to force their way in here?" He wondered as he paced around the cave,

"No, it can't be. If a person was trying to force their way into the 3 plain realms, the fight between the Heavens and that person wouldn't affect here… then what exactly is it?" Mr. Guardian stared at empty space waiting for an answer, but he received none.

"At least give me a hint, Heavens." He muttered with a sigh…

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