The Messenger of Death


"Are you sure about that?" Nana frowned at this decision that Alex made.

"Yes," Alex intoned.

"But they wouldn't be able to compete with those geniuses from the Celestial plain realm. They will be at a huge disadvantage there and can easily die." Nana added. Being aware of how much her disciple cared about his friends, she didn't want him to lose himself because of the death of one of them.contemporary romance

"While that it is true, there are other factors to consider in this. The whole thing will be based on Karma… look I know that it is dangerous, but if they can't do this, then I might as well stop being friends with them. I need to get strong fast, and they are already miles behind me despite starting cultivation before me.

If they keep on cultivating at this pace, it will take hundreds of years for them to reach the stage that I have in mind, and I plan to reach that stage before I hit your age… I am in no way insinuating that you are old, you are my role model." Alex quickly added.

['Smooth, rabbit.'] Al chuckled.

"Look… they keep on telling me that friends should be there for each other and they want to be there for me when I'm in need, even if it costs them their lives. I don't want that, I don't want them sacrificing their lives for me. If they can use this opportunity to get stronger, then they might be able to compare themselves with those average geniuses from the Celestial plain realm. Or at least, they can boost their potential."

'Ah, this boy is still keeping something hidden from me, what is it that is making him desperate for power this much?' Nana wondered.

"I already told you before, if there is someone that you want to take revenge on, then tell me. I will help you take care of the person. Why won't you trust me on this?" Nana sighed heavily.

"That is because… my enemy is a True Dragon with the strength of an Immortal realm cultivator," Alex revealed.

This information shocked Nana. 'All of the Immortal realm cultivators are well known in the celestial plain realm, but there isn't any information about an Immortal realm Dragon.' Nana skimmed through her memory.

What Nana didn't know is that the information about the Dragnel brothers is that, they were only known by a select few. The Presence of 4 True Supreme Primordial Beast would have crippled the power structure and system of the Celestial plain realm if it was made public.

Dragons weren't meant to exist in the 3 plain realms.

The rest of Alex's teammates had been listening in on this conversation and they were stunned when they heard that Alex had a real Dragon as an enemy.

"Are you being serious?" Nana probed and Alex replied with a firm nod of his head. 'This is going to be bad… Dragons are supreme primordial beasts, just the bloodline bearers of the Golden Crow and Phoenix are enough trouble, now there is a Dragon too?' Nan fell into her thoughts.

"But what does a true Dragon wants with you?" Nana wondered out loud.

"My Dragon bloodline… he needs it to transcend the 3 plain realms and make it to the Outer World." Alex guessed.

"What!?" Nana and Gustavo chorused as they stared at Alex with wide eyes.

The rest of his teammates, except Camron, were dwelling on the part where Alex said that he possessed the bloodline of a Dragon.

"How is that possible, how can your Bloodline be used to get to the outer world?" Nana inquired.

"I don't know, they didn't give me all the details because we were pressed for time. They only said that I shouldn't approach their brother until I have made it to the Immortal realm." Alex said.

"You have the bloodline of a Dragon in you?" Katherine muttered in wonderment.

"Now you know why I have to get strong real fast. A Dragon is not a beast to scoff at, the more time I waste the more chances I risk of being found by the last Dragnel brother."

"But how is that possible? My father said that Dragons don't exist in the 3 plain realms because of their nature. The 3 plain realms aren't able to facilitate their growth in any way, hence their nonexistence here. They also wouldn't be able to descend to the 3 plain realms from the Outer World even if they are Heaven's favorite. Alexander, are you from the Outer World?" Gustavo asked with wide eyes as he rushed forward and grabbed Alex by his shoulders.

['Hell Nah, I'm not even from this universe,'] Alex thought to himself.

"Yes," He lied.

"From which of the 10 Worlds?" Gustavo asked.

"Mars… wait, how do you know about that?" Alex shuddered as he stared at Gustavo with the same expression that he was being stared with.

['There are 9 Planets in our Solar system not 10, dumbass.'] Al corrected.

['But if you include the Sun, that's 10 Planets.'] Alex mentioned in his defense.

['Gustavo said 10 Worlds, not Planets.  The two of you misinterpreted.'] Xander interjected.

['See what you are doing to me, Alex!? You are infecting me with your stupidity!'] Al complained.

['At least I have an influence on you.'] Alex retorted.

"Gus is also from the Outer Worlds… in a way." Camron chipped in.

"You are?" Alex questioned.

"Yes, my ancestors were born there. But I don't think I know of this place called Mars."

Alex looked at everyone's expression and he saw that they were not surprised to find out that Gustavo was related to the Outer Worlds.

"Don't worry about that, why am I the only one that is surprised to hear this news?" Alex questioned.

"Umm, Gus told us about his Clan and their downfall right before the Continental competition began," Emma explained.

"Oh, I see."

['Dumbass,'] Alex and Al said the same time at themselves.

"None of that is important, I have to make certain preparations because of this." Nana finally spoke up.

"You have a way to kill a Dragon?" Alex with an awestruck expression plastered on his face looked at Nana.

"Not really, but I can't let anyone bully my disciple now, can I?" Nana said as she ruffled Alex's head.

While doing this, Nana sensed subtle ripples coming from thousands of feet in the sky above the Severance academy.


Nana disappeared from the underground bunker.

In the sky above the Severance academy, the sun shone gracefully upon the earth, bringing along warmth to those underneath it.

"Father, what brings you here?" Nana reappeared in the position where she sensed the ripples coming from, and to her surprise, it was her father that sent the ripples out.

"I came to inform you that the Midas seed holders are starting to move, they said that the next petal is likely going to be in the Celestial plain realm. And while they say that they are not sure of where in the Celestial plain realm, every other person that wishes to take part has prepared. You will need to come to the Celestial plain realm with your disciple. The Midas petal will appear any day now." Darrel spoke gently to his daughter.

"Okay," Nana uttered slowly while frowning at her father. "You could have just sent a messenger to give me this information, why did you have to come to the Lower plain realm in person? Are you planning on meeting my disciple behind my back?" She asked while squinting her eyes at her father.

"Can't a father miss his only daughter?" Darrel chuckled as he pinched Nana's cheeks.

"Arng!" Nana attempted to bite her father's hand but she was too slow and bit nothing but the air.

"Cut the crap, Father, why are you here?" Nana asked seriously.

Seeing the seriousness in Natalia's eyes, Darrel could not help but sigh before saying; "Okay, I will admit, I am tempted to meet this disciple of yours. Not because he is your disciple, but because he's a Supreme primordial bloodline bearer… do you know how many people I had to threaten not to approach your disciple?!" Darrel started.

Nana rolled her eyes when she noticed that her father had started rambling. "To the point, Father." She said lazily.

"Cole is adamant on bringing your disciple to the clan, regardless of your decisions," Darrel revealed.

"Huh? It is not like Alex is the first Supreme primordial bloodline bearer, what's his deal?" Nana stated with an angry tone. She didn't like Cole much, even though they were family.

Cole had always tried to use her decisions and actions to bring her father down and that didn't sit right with Nana.

"Are you aware that your great, great grandfather tried to probe into his head?"

"Yes, I am. But I am very sure that he couldn't get anything out of his head." Nana replied.

"Oh, do you know why or what your disciple used to block out someone as strong as the old monster?" Darrel, curiosity-driven, probed.

"No, I have no idea, and he doesn't want to tell me anything about it," Nana said.

What Nana didn't know is that when she tried to probe into Alexander's mind, it was his innate bloodline that stopped her from probing, and when her great, great grandfather, The Great Guardian of the North tried to probe, it was the inscription that Mr. Guardian placed on Alexander that made him unable to get anything out of his head.

Nana hadn't forgotten about the fear she experienced that night when she tried to probe into his mind. 'Now that he mentioned that he's from the Outer World, I can understand why I was afraid of whatever stopped me that night.' Nana thought.

"There's a rumor going around that your disciple is from the Outer Worlds," Darrel said.

This information froze Nana in the spot where she was. A frown slowly dawned on her face. 'How did they come about such a conclusion, even if it is a rumor, the person that started it has to have some credibility.' Nana pondered. 'Could it be that True Dragon Dragnel that Alex mentioned?'

At that moment, Nana felt as if the sunlight was making everything worse.

"I don't know if it was Cole that spread the rumors, but he did bring it up in our last meeting, and that was before the rumor started spreading. Now you understand why I'm here, this has gone above what you can possibly control on your own. Your disciple might be targeted by those old monsters too." Darrel finished.

Nana bobbed her head slowly while remaining silent. It just dawned upon her what sort of disaster her disciple had gotten into…

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