The Mech Touch

Chapter 5712 A Small Celebration

Chapter 5712 A Small Celebration

5712 A Small Celebration

"Congratulations on your promotion, Alexa!"

The mech designers in Diandi Base decided to hold a party for Alexa's successful promotion.

Everyone was happy that Alexa managed to become a Journeyman Mech Designer. It certainly enthused the assistant mech designers and gave them hope that they would also break through one day.

The existing Journeymen all welcomed the arrival of a new colleague who could lighten their burdens and bring the Larkinson Clan's living mechs to the next level. contemporary romance

Alexa looked pleased and honored to receive the sincere well wishes of so many mech designers.

Although rivalries and conflicts could not be avoided in any group or organization, Ves and Gloriana had done their best to maintain a relatively harmonious atmosphere in their workplace.

They were all Larkinsons, so there were far more reasons for them to count on each other. The Golden Cat had done much to bring all of these people from different backgrounds together.

Alexa did not exhibit any of the more serious snobbish traits that made Terrans so notorious.

The other mech designers who all possessed second-class backgrounds did not begrudge Alexa for receiving so much attention and favor from the patriarch.

It was impossible to deny that she had become the favorite subordinate of Ves, but she had earned it due to her remarkable productivity, specialization and future potential.

As the crowd mingled in a festive hall, Alexa greeted and chatted with many mech designers as if she was friends with all of them. She also held Clixie in her arms and gently stroked the top of her head.

"Miaow~" The Rubarthan Sentinel Cat purred in satisfaction.

A young boy dressed up in a cute little suit walked up and stared at Alexa in wonder.

"You feel so much more like papa!"

"I do, Marvaine." The Journeyman responded as she smiled down at him. "Your father and I share a common research direction. We only differ in the details. Both of us can design living mechs, though I am still behind compared to him. If your senses are as good as I have heard, then you should probably regard me as a weaker version of him, am I correct?"

"Much weaker! It is still great. If you can do it, so can I! My science is always getting better. I'll become a Journeyman before you know it. Papa and mama will be so proud!


"Hihihi." Alexa giggled as she continued to cradle Clixie. "You are so cute, Marvaine. As impressive as it is to make rapid progress, I advise you to take your time with your studies. I could have broken through years ago, but I waited until now because I wanted to be serious about designing the best living mechs. This is not the easiest field for a mech designer to get started with. It doesn't matter who your father is or what your companion spirit can do. What truly matters is your willingness to respect your craft and explore living mechs the way you want, instead of what your father wants. Do you understand?"

The little boy looked dazed. "Uh, I think so. I will definitely design my own living mechs once I grow up! I want to see whose mechs will be stronger."

"I look forward to comparing my work with yours, but the comparison will not be fair at all. I am a full generation older than you. Do not be disappointed if your work cannot measure up to mine. Your father made fantastic progress ever since he first became a Journeyman. My growth will not be any slower by my estimation."

That did not deter the cute kid at all. Marvaine already saw Alexa as a rival to the position of being his father's best student, and he was determined to prove that he had learned the most in the future!

"By the way, what living mechs have you designed and built? I heard you made two machines."

"I did. Project S2 is the culmination of a years-long effort to encapsulate my ideas and principles in a mech that represents my vision. I actually produced two copies because I designed two variants. Just as humans can be divided into men and women, my mechs will also come in at least two genders."

"Ohhh…" Marvaine's eyes widened. "Can I see them?! What makes your living mechs special and different from the works of my father?"

"Ah, I cannot explain the full details of what makes them special, but I can tell you that my mechs can start their own families."

"What?! No way! How did you do it, Alexa?!"


Even Clixie was taken by surprise at this announcement!

"As I have just said, I cannot share the full details with you, but do not be surprised if my living mechs become fathers and mothers one day. By then, little children mechs will run around and play just like you and your sisters. Can you imagine the sight? It will be a fun sight!"

Marvaine stuck for a short time, but eventually Gloriana walked up and dragged her son away before she could convince Alexa to explain the process of interfacing between two living mechs.

A few minutes later, a group of dwarves walked up. They all dressed in their best formal clothing, but could not help but look out of place amidst the rest of the gathering.

Compared to all of the other Larkinsons, the Vulcanites lacked the clear and obvious connection to the Larkinson Network.

The fact that they were shorter and stockier than the tall folk around them did not help matters at all. It was rather impressive that the dwarves took no notice of the odd glances and held their heads up with pride and confidence.

The leading dwarf stopped and made a short bow. "On behalf of the Iron Emperor and the Eternal Vulcan Empire, we formally congratulate you on your successful advancement. Your success has lit a beacon in front of us, Lady Alexa. We too hope to be able to acquire the power to design our own living mechs one day."

Alexa was far too well-trained to mock or show any obvious sign of contempt towards the dwarves.

Though many Terrans would not think about making disparaging remarks about the descendants of a misguided genetic modification program gone wrong, Alexa knew how to be diplomatic.

"I am happy to receive your words Mr. Aaden. I understand the difficult journey that you and your fellow dwarven peers must complete. I am more than willing to set aside my time to pass on a part of my experiences to you. I can only point you in the right direction. If you truly want to design a living mech, then you must go beyond whatever teachings and advice you receive."

The dwarf who spoke with Alexa happened to be one of the descendants of the powerful Iron Emperor!

The sovereign of the only dwarven state in the new frontier had chosen to send one of his blood relatives to the New Constantinople System!

Despite the impeccable status of the dwarf known as Trent Aaden, his status was a bit murky in his home state.

The Eternal Vulcan Empire was a relatively new state and had many incomplete institutions. Princes did not exist as the Iron Emperor maintained such an iron grip on power that he was not even willing to let his 'offspring' shoulder a part of his burden!

His relationships with his children were not exemplary either. Though the Larkinsons were too far removed from the Eternal Vulcan Empire to know what was taking place over there, they heard stories how the Iron Emperor had sired a lot of test tube babies.

The legendary leader of the dwarves had only donated his DNA to a dwarven biotech institution.

This enabled the geneticists and other biotech experts to develop different designer babies based on the original donor.

Once the gene maps of many different designer babies came into existence, the scientists produced a lot of designer babies by placing their embryos into artificial wombs.

Suffice to say, a father who allowed a large batch of his genetic offspring to be born in artificial wombs was not the most affectionate to them. The children all grew up in what was known as the Vulcan Empire back then, and always had to pass difficult tests in order to do justice to their sire.

The sudden collapse of the original Vulcan Empire and the chaos that followed disrupted all of their lives, but it also granted amazing opportunities to all of the genetic descendants of the Iron Emperor.

Trent Aaden managed to get past those ordeals, increase his augmentations and successfully completed his studies so that he could become a first-class mech designer.

The dark-skinned dwarf with a short black beard smiled and took her words to heart. "We have been doing this every day since we arrived at this base. The access that your clan has granted to your living mech designs has been helpful to our own studies. We look forward to working under you when you embark on your own products. Perhaps the differences in the design philosophies of you and your mentor may teach us more about living mechs than any of us expected."

The two chatted a bit more before the dwarves thoughtfully moved aside. Alexa continued to stare at the dwarves, who all sought to become the next Journeyman who specialized in the same Class IX design philosophy.

Not even the 'son' of the Iron Emperor dared to make the assumption that he would succeed!

Might toil for 3 or 30 years and not make the crucial step that Alexa had successfully made.

This was why the elite dwarf had nothing but respect towards the deserving woman.

Ves eventually wandered over with Lucky following in his footsteps.

"Meow…" The dark-toned gem cat drew a lot of eyes away from the dwarves.

His new form with its archemetal characteristics and its much darker coloration made him look like an exotic artifact of a civilization that was much more advanced than anything else in this dwarf galaxy!

Many of the dwarves grew enthused at Lucky's arrival. The cat looked so much more advanced and sophisticated than any tech the Vulcanites had seen. This was despite the fact that they were elite first-raters who belonged to the uppermost class of the Eternal Vulcan Empire!

It was a pity that Lucky did not have a good impression of the dwarves. The cat arched his back in a vigilant manner and looked as if he was a few steps away from pouncing.

"Settle down, Lucky. We are among friends." Ves admonished his pet before he turned back to the dwarves. "Trent. I am glad you have decided to attend. Are you enjoying the party?"

"It is our pleasure to be here with your fellow Larkinsons." The leading dwarf responded. "We have only remained here as guests for a handful of months, but we are already impressed by how you Larkinsons treat each other. It is quite… different from what we experience back in our own state."

"Have you heard from the Iron Emperor as of late? Has he expressed any dissatisfaction in how we have chosen to handle your stay in our humble base?"

"The Iron Emperor has not made special remarks, which is a good development. He does not feel the need to track our daily progress too closely. He trusts us to learn your craft and he expects you to fulfill your obligations."

Ves moved closer and bent down to place his hand on Trent's thick shoulder. "I know. Once I have brought Alexa up to speed, I will not be the only mech designer that can teach you how to design living mechs. She can guide you almost as well as I, so you will not be lacking in instructors."

After chatting a bit more with Trent Aaden, he and his fellow dwarves all looked pleased as they became more assured in Ves' commitment to teach them his craft.

With a reward as big as a first-class fleet carrier at stake, there was no way that Ves dared to take it easy!

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