The Maze Bummer: A Parody of The Maze Runner

The Maze Bummer: Chapter 20

Thomas ran into Box Forest and saw Teresa standing there.

“Thomas!” cried Teresa, and ran over and hugged him. He was kinda hoping for a make out, but what can you do.

“You’re awake,” said Thomas.

“Yeah,” said Teresa. “And when I went to change my clothes, I found this on my arm.”

She showed Thomas her arm, which had a bunch of words written on it:

Don’t EVER go out with Tom again. That guy’s a total jerk.


“I must’ve written it on myself before I came here,” said Teresa. “What do you think it means?”

“No idea,” said Thomas, “but it’s probably not important, so we should just ignore it. Hey, is there any writing on the rest of your body?”

“I didn’t see any,” said Teresa.

“But there are parts you can’t see, like your entire backside,” said Thomas. “Here, take off your clothes and I’ll check it for you.”

“Good idea,” said Teresa, and started taking off her clothes. But before she’d even gotten her top off, Newt and Alby came running up with a couple other dudes, and Teresa quickly put her clothes back on.

“Thanks a klunkin’ lot,” said Thomas.

Newt pointed at Teresa. “We’ve been lookin’ all over for her,” he said. “After she woke up, she said something about ‘triggering the ending’ and then ran off. Five minutes later, the sky was all klunked.”

“I want her locked in my bedroom, right now!” said Alby. “And once you’ve put her there, have her strip down to her underwear to make sure she’s not hiding anything.” The two other dudes grabbed Teresa and put her in handcuffs.

“Why are you blaming her?” said Thomas. “You have no idea what caused the sky to change.”

“Just be happy we’re not locking you up, too,” said Alby. “Ever since you two arrived things have been totally klunked up.”

“Oh come on, isn’t that exaggerating things a bit?” said Thomas. “So the sky’s a little klunky, big whoop.”

“It’s not just the sky, shankbag,” said Alby. “They’ve stopped delivering pizza.”

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