The Magic Drink

Chapter Kitten Time

“Look Pàl, cats!” Eilish said and excitedly ran over to the cats.

“Aww, they’re so cute!” Eilish said.

“Meow! Meow!” the cats meowed.

“Yes, they are cute,” Pàl said.

Eilish checked her purse for money.

“Meow! Meow!” the cats meowed again.

“How much do they cost?” Eilish asked.

“50 for a red one, 100 for a gray one, 25 for a white one, 75 for a black one, and 150 for a bluish gray one,” Pàl said.

Eilish pulled out a lot of money, “I’m gonna get everyone I know a kitty!”

“And who is everyone you know?” Pàl asked.

“You, Jamie, Fraizer, Malcolm, Mungo, Sìneag, Joe, and the guard at the prison. I’d give one to Scotty if he’d be nice to it, but he wouldn’t,” Eilish said.

“That’s a lot of people. And you are most likely right about Scotty, he’d torture the poor creature,” Pàl said.

“Which one should I get for Jamie?” Eilish asked.

“Whichever one would suit him the best,” Pàl said.

“I should check the cats’ personalities,” Eilish said.

“That would help,” Pàl said.

Eilish grabbed a cat that hissed and scratched her. She cried out, “Ouch! Pàl, the cat scratched me!”

“Sounds like Malcolm’s kind of personality, but I just realized that there are ten cats here, what will you do with the extra two?” Pàl asked.

“I’ll keep them!” Eilish said and handed Pàl the kitten that scratched her. Then she grabbed a white kitten that was sleeping. The kitten yawned.

“Aww, so cute!” Eilish squealed.

“Hmm, who would that be? Jamie, maybe,” Pàl said.

“Jamie would need a playful one. Hmm,” Eilish said.

“True, then is it mine?” Pàl asked.

“Yep! Hand me Malcolm’s kitty so you can hold yours,” Eilish said.

Pàl handed over the bluish kitten that was wagging its tail angrily.

Eilish handed Pàl a white kitten who was staring.

“Is this one Mungo?” Pàl asked.

“Why is it staring? Is it scared?” Eilish asked and petted the kitten.

“Maybe,” Pàl said.

Eilish sat the white kitten back in the cage and asked, “Why is it scared?”

“Maybe something happened to it...maybe it was kicked,” Pàl suggested.

“Poor thing...” Eilish said.

“Hopefully it isn’t too shy,” Pàl said.

“Mungo would like it, wouldn’t he?” Eilish asked.

“Yes, he will like it,” Pàl said.

Eilish grabbed a black kitten that was chasing a little red kitten and said, “I want this one!” Then she grabbed the red kitten that was playful, “Jamie would love this one.”

“Perfect, now you need to figure out Fraizer, Sìneag, Joe, and the prison guard’s kittens. And whichever one is left will be yours,” Pàl said.

Eilish grabbed a bluish gray kitten that was sitting down and said, “This one can be the prison guard’s!”

“Alright. You know, I wonder what names the kittens will receive,” Pàl said.

“What are you gonna name yours, Pàl?” Eilish asked.

“How about Noah? Like Noah Webster?” Pàl suggested.

Eilish started giggling and said, “Pàl, your cat is a girl.”

“It was still a great idea. How about Violet?” Pàl suggested.

“Great name!” Eilish said.

“I’m a genius for coming up with such a clever name!” Pàl said.

Eilish grabbed a red kitten that was playing with a gray kitten.

“Whose is this one?” Pàl asked.

“Joe’s and the one playing with Joe’s kitty will be Fraizer’s,” Eilish said.

“There’s a gray one and a black one, which one is Sìneag’s?” Pàl asked.

Eilish grabbed the black kitten and pets it. It started purring.

“This one is Sìneag’s. This other one is mine. Let’s pick out collars!” Eilish said.

“I’ll get a dark purple collar for Violet,” Pàl said.

“I’m gonna get a red violet collar for...” Eilish paused and checked the kittens, “...Lupine and a sky blue collar for Ricky.”

Eilish put a red violet collar with bedazzles on Lupine the gray kitten. Then she put a sky blue collar on Ricky. “Done!” She said.

Eilish grabbed a red collar, a pink collar, a blue collar, a green collar, a black collar, a yellow collar, and a gray collar then she ran over to the counter. “Let’s buy them!” She said.

“Do you have 810 bucks to pay for all of this?” Pàl asked.

“That is a lot of money...” Eilish said.

“Would you like me to help you pay for it?” Pàl asked.

“Would you? I’ll pay you back. That’s so nice!” Eilish said.

“Of course, how much money do you need?” Pàl asked.

Eilish pulled out 220 bucks from her purse.

Pàl took out 590 bucks and said, “Looks like we have enough!”

“Oh, thank you, Pàl! I owe you, five hundred and ninety bucks,” Eilish said.

“Part of the money is for my own kitty, so you don’t have to pay all the money back,” Pàl said.

Eilish bought everything and said, “Let’s go give Jamie, Malcolm, and Fraizer their kitties!”

“Great, where are they?” Pàl asked.

“I cleared out my backpack and they are in it with the zipper broke so they can breathe,” Eilish said.

“Mew?” the kittens mewed.

“It’ll be alright, little angels. Come on, let’s go!” Eilish said excitedly.

The white kitten stared at her. Eilish cradled her backpack and started walking towards Scotty’s Tower.

“Why are we going here?” Pàl asked.

“Because it’s where I left Fraizer and Jamie,” Eilish explained.

“Alright, I wonder what they’ve been doing,” Pàl said.

“I have no idea. Let’s go,” Eilish said.

Pàl hurried on behind her.

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