The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Second Chance Mate (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 1)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Second Chance Mate: Chapter 7

Anaiah’s POV

I slowly lift my gaze as the most enticing scent of vanilla and honey fills my nostrils, my breath gets caught in my chest and I forget how to breathe, the man walking in front of me is tall and intimidating, he’s the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. He has thick jet-black hair, blazing dark blue eyes, a prominent face with high cheekbones, and a muscular body that looks like a greek god. As soon as he entered the room, he dominated it immediately and a wince escapes my lips. He smiles ever so gently once he nears me and my heart skips.

My wolf is trying to say something frantic but I can’t hear her clearly, I’m still in awe of him.

‘Hello, Love,’ His voice is deep and huskily sexy. I just watch him like an idiot, no words are leaving my mouth.

‘Anaiah,’ He whispers my name, his eyes looking at me with love. My name sounds so good on his tongue, and a shiver runs down my spine. He cups my face and tingles run down my body, I gulp.

‘Mate,’ I hear my wolf chant, not fucking again. I shake my head, burying my head between my legs. I can tell that this man is an Alpha by his strong domineering aura, will he reject me? Oh my god, no, no. I feel tears well in my eyes and a sob escapes me. I feel hands stroking my hair and I take deep breaths to calm myself. My hunky mate grabs my chin gently so that I am facing him, and when he speaks, a warm sensation goes down my body.

‘I’ve been waiting for you, Mate,’

‘Are you going to reject me?’ I ask calmly, bracing myself. He knits his eyebrows in confusion.

‘Why would I do that? You’re my Luna, my Queen,’ His eyes twinkle and I allow a small smile on my lips after I register what he said.

‘What- What is your n-name?’ I stutter my words.

‘Leondre Lavista,’ I nod and test it on my tongue, it suits him, it makes my wolf purr. I can tell he wants to ask something but is hesitant. There is an awkward silence between us before he speaks again.

‘Anaiah,’ Damn, he did it again, has my name always sounded so good?


‘What happened? Why were you in that terrible place?’ His expression is darkening, and I feel uncomfortable when he exudes a powerful aura. Seeing my discomfort, he takes a deep breath and opens his eyes.

‘My mate- um- my mate locked me up-‘

‘I’m your mate!’ He interjects with a growl and I flinch, backing away from him but there is nowhere to go. He starts taking deep breaths again, I instinctively reach for his hand and slowly rub circles on it, and he sends me a small smile that warms my heart.

‘Tell me, everything, please,’

I begin to tell him everything that happened and to say, Leondre was upset will be an understatement, while I tell him, some old scars reopen and I cry again, he holds me tightly and tells me that it will be alright, that I have him now and for some weird reason, I do believe him. My wolf is content in his arms and by a sheer miracle, my wounds don’t hurt. The door to the room opens and another tall man with a build like Leon enters the room, he smiles.

‘Luna! I’m glad to see you’re alright!’ I look at Leon, waiting for him to tell me who he is because I’ve never seen him before.

‘This is Dan, my Beta and friend,’ He says quickly, I smile and to Dan, he says, ‘This is Anaiah, my mate, and the new Lycan Queen,’

I almost choke on my saliva, did he say, Lycan?


How did I not feel it sooner, his imposing aura? Lycans are the most powerful among the supernatural, they are gorgeous creatures and dominating. They rule over all shifters and Leondre Lavista is the King! What? I’m freaking out right now, how is that possible, I’m no leader let alone Queen of a Lycan Kingdom!

‘Hold up, did you just say friend? I’m your best friend, motherfucker!’ Sneers Dan was offended that the King only called him a friend and not a best friend. Leon just chuckles and puts a hand on my neck.

‘Are you okay, love?’ He asks worriedly, I clear my throat and nod. So many things are running through my head right now! What if the Lycan community doesn’t accept me? They are magnificent creatures so I hear, they are wealthy, undeniably upper class, and will he ask me to leave with him?

‘Yes, did you just say King?’

He nods affirmatively, ‘And you’re my Queen,’

‘So, when are we leaving?’ Asks Dan before I can even think to process everything.

‘As soon as the doctors permit Anaiah to travel, and I still have some business here,’ Answers the King while the men discuss what to do in the Dawnrise pack, my stomach growls loudly but I ignore it, embarrassed. It growls again and this time I close my eyes, my cheeks are red and I hear the Lycan King’s deep chuckle.


I bite my lips, not sure if I’m allowed any food.

‘Dan, get us some food and bring my laptop, I need to work on the moonshine project before Marcus starts pestering me,’

The Lycan Beta bows and exit the room, my mate turns to me and sighs, he smiles and I almost melt.

He’s too HOT.

Minutes later, someone comes in with so much food on a tray, there is fried chicken, salad, chips, and fruit. My stomach embarrassingly growls again as my mate takes the tray from an omega, I don’t ignore how she seductively bats her eyelashes at him but Leon didn’t even spare her a look.

‘Enjoy,’ He places the food on a small table in front of me.

My mate watches me eat with a smile, and I take small bites of my food if I eat too fast as my stomach is urging me. I don’t remember the last time I ate this much and once I’m safe, my mate puts the tray aside and smiles at me again. I swoon this time.

‘Dramatic much.’

I wrap my arms around his waist, and we stay like that until the door opens and a possessive growl resonates.

‘Get away from my mate,’

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