The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Second Chance Mate (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 1)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Second Chance Mate: Chapter 27

Anaiah’s’s POV

I woke up in a strange environment, the room I was in was luxurious and white, it let in enough air and I found myself smiling at the tranquil I felt but I suddenly remembered Leon and I let out a scream of pain as my chest felt hot, the pain only lasted a few second but it was excruciating.

The door burst open and a huge man walked in, he was really imposing and very gorgeous, I could see the tattoos that covered his body under his white shirt. He smiled at me and pulled his hair back.

‘Hello, Anaiah,’ He said in a deep voice, I got up from the bed but I was still weak so I fail but he caught me in his strong arms.

‘Easy there, love,’ He chuckled and my heart ached, that’s what Leon calls me. The stranger helps me in bed and sits at the edge.

‘Hello, I’m Enrique Altamirano,’ He extends his hand to me but I’m too scared to shake it. Where am I? Am I in the royal Lycan pack and where is Mutinta?

‘You are in Sunset Lycan Pack and Um, Mutinta has gone to do some errands,’ He says nonchalantly as if he read my thoughts and my eyes bulge out of their socket

‘I did read your thoughts, I’m like you,’ He adds.

‘Like me?’ I say silently, he seats on the bed and caresses my face, a warmth spreading throughout my body.

‘Hello, little sister,’ My mind went into a frenzy as I didn’t understand what was going on.

‘Me? No, you must be mistaken, I’m not your sister,’ I say in a croaked voice, Enrique gives me a tiny smile and shakes his head

‘You are my sister, You are Princess Anaiah Altamirano,’ He says so sure of himself. I couldn’t believe what was happening and my head was pounding so much.

‘How, I- I am, my parents,’ I couldn’t formulate proper sentences. Enrique stood up and extended his hand to me.

‘Walk with me in the garden, please,’ I nod and get up, surprised that my knees didn’t feel weak

‘You are a strong one, teleportation like that would have you in a coma for a week,’ He says as he opens the door for me.

‘Teleportation?’ I repeat, is that what happened back then?

‘How long was I out for?’

‘Two days,’

The packhouse is full of werewolves and Lycans, all laughing and chatting, everyone is bowing to Enrique while ladies bat their lashes and blush when he smiles at them, all this seems surreal to me, it’s like I’m in a fairytale. The sky is blue outside and the garden is full of green grass and flowers, I smile when he opens a glass door into the green garden and it’s full of different colored butterflies. I smile and twirl around the room and others come to me, resting either on my head or shoulders.

Enrique is watching me play with the butterflies with a smile on his lips.

‘You always did love butterflies,’ He says.

‘Tell me everything, Enrique,’

He takes my hand, pleased that I’m willing to listen and we seat on the bench.

‘I was astounded when Mutinta told me what happened, she knows that for thirteen years, I’ve been looking for my lost sister,’ He starts,


‘Mutinta is a friend of mine,’ He shrugs.

‘Not that,’

‘Oh, we are born in a special bloodline called the crest wolves, the only white wolves in the realm and we were gifted with special powers to control the elements but Anaiah they are evil people who want our power,’

According to Enrique, being white wolves makes us royalty to the wolf community, we are stronger than all of them.

‘What about Lycans?’ I ask.

‘It’s complicated, we can beat them using our gifts and in a fight but the royal ones are strong,’

He tells me about our parents, our parents were Alphas of a long-lost pack called the Crest moon pack, it was a thriving pack but on my fourth birthday, evil witches attacked us, they wanted my brother and me for our power to enhance theirs but our parents managed to get us from the city, they gave me to the people who raised me to take to my godparents in the sunset pack but they didn’t deliver me here.

‘What about our parents?’ He is silent for a look time, slowly I take his hand in mine and he kisses it quickly.

‘They died during the war with the three evil witches, they protected us and kept us safe till their last breath,’

‘And the pack? Our parent’s pack?’

‘Majority who survived the witch’s attack came here with me, and we merged the packs,’

Our godparents raised and named him their successor, so he’s now the Alpha of this Lycan pack even though he’s a werewolf. Enrique is stronger and more agile than most Lycans. Our gifts are similar, his main gift is a telepath, he can read people’s minds and emotions, even make them do as he wants with enough concentration and my gift is teleportation, I can open portals to other places but we both have telekinesis.

All this information was surreal to me and I spent days learning about our gifts, I can already fight better than most female Lycans in the pack because of my special powers.

A week later, Enrique has been training me and my skills have immensely improved. My powers are still in a frenzy as I can’t properly control them like my brother but it’s because I’m new to this.

Everyone is treating me well in the pack and I feel like I belong, even though I dearly miss Leondre and the others, I didn’t contact them because I haven’t forgiven them for lying to me. My wolf has been whimpering and has gone mute because she wants us to go to her mate but we can’t, that woman was right, I have nothing to offer him that is of benefit, I hope he is happier.

‘I miss mate,’ Whimpers my wolf, and I sulk.

‘Watch out!’ Mutinta warns just as a blow lands on my face, I fall to the ground and my brother smirks in victory.

Enrique rushes to take the tray of food from Mutinta’s hands and starts t eat the food hungrily. We laugh and sit on the floor, I grab a bagel, and tears dance in my eyes when I remember it’s Leon’s favorite. Mut sighs and asks,

‘Why don’t you call the king?’

My brother lets out a growl that makes the young lady jump in fright, Enrique hates king Leondre for hurting me because they are business rivals.

‘My sister is not going back to that deceitful King,’ He declares.

‘But Alpha, he’s suffering as well,’ Mutinta says in a tiny voice, it has been weeks since I saw him, I need to talk to Leon soon, I need to know the way forward.

Before we discuss this further, a young servant announces that someone insists on seeing the Alpha.

‘Who comes to see me without an appointment?’

‘Me, my dear friend,’ Says a deep voice, a tall handsome man walks in, his aura is dark and he keeps his eyes on me. A small smirk forms on his lips and a shiver goes down my spine. This can’t be good.

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