The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Epilogue (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 3)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Epilogue: Chapter 133

Anaiah’s POV

Alpha Edward is angry, his body is shaking and he’s growling menacingly. I follow his gaze and he’s glowering at Alpha Blanco, I see recognition in Blanco’s eyes and his lips quirk into something sinister.

‘Why do you smell like my mate?’ Edward booms, taking strides toward Alpha Blanco. The latter watches him curiously,

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, Alpha Edward,’ He simply says and looks towards the king, Alpha Blanco knows something for sure. Before we can comprehend anything, Edward lunges at Blanco and pins him to the wall. The two Alphas start throwing blows at each other and when they shift into their form. I calmly guide my guests out of the room, leaving Leon and Dan to deal with the raging Alphas.

Once we settle into another space, soft music begins to play and the servers start to bring out champagne like nothing is happening in the other room, the guests begin to interact and chat away. I shake my head and gulp my juice. My hands go to rub my belly and a smile spreads on my lips. I’m going to be a mom. Will I be a good mom? All those questions run through my head. A strange sensation rise in my chest and I stroke it. I exhale and inhale, suddenly feeling hot despite the cool weather.

The blurry sensation from when we were attacked at the cabin is back and when I receive a text on my phone, my heart stops for a second and a fearful shiver goes down my spine. There is a picture of Ajax being held in an uncomfortable position and a knife to his throat. My hands begin to shake violently and I drop my phone as though it burnt, only to pick it up again.

‘No, no,’ I mutter. While I’m looking at the picture, Images of my brother and Samantha run into my head, they are battered and can barely open their eyes.

‘Also, I’ve planted bombs in some selected packs and all your centers, they shall go off if you’re not at the border in thirty minutes,’Amacus’ voice rings in my head.

‘No, you wouldn’t,’ I choke quietly.

‘You replied, your voice is beautiful when it’s fearful,’ He says.

‘Don’t do this, they are innocent,’

‘I don’t have to if you come to the border in thirty minutes, Anaiah dear,’

My first instinct is to tell my mate and I rush towards the room he’s in but Amacus speaks again just as I burst open the door,

‘Telling the Lycan king is unwise on your part. I have a remote that can set off the explosives,’ His voice is bored and I freeze in my tracks.

‘My love,’ Leon calls me. I force a smile on my lips and say.

‘I was coming to see what’s taking long,’ My eyes scan the room, the two Alphas have shifted back to human form, they have blood and cuts on their bodies. They are glaring at each other.

‘We’ll be there, I think,’ He says and I nod, I turn to walk out but he grabs my wrist and twirls me to him, we are standing close to each other.

‘Are you alright?’ He asks, caressing my cheek. I swallow a thick lump.

‘Yes, please kiss me,’ He seems taken aback by my request but does anyway, the kiss is long and deep, and we only pull away when Dan clears his throat. I give him a peck on the lips before leaving the room and heading to the main exit.

‘Ana! where are you going?’ I hear Arya’s voice. I quickly wipe my tears, turning to her and smiling.

‘I just want to make a phone call to my brother, he promised to come but didn’t,’ The lie is smooth and she nods, I walk out of the room and immediately dial Enrique’s number since I can’t get through to him via mind link. The call goes to voicemail, next I try Samy’s but it’s the same. I’m panicking and walking around the garden aimlessly, Amacus is close, he not only has my family but has placed explosives in the packs.

‘Anaiah Altamirano, If you’re not here in thirty minutes, I’ll take your family where they’ll die a slow painful death, and then…. we’ll have a fireworks display… Boom!’ Amacus says and my heart accelerates. I begin my walk to the border and the night is dark and cold.

‘Chalo, what are we going to do?’ I panic.

‘We can fight them, Ana, we are one of the strongest wolves to ever exist,’ She says.

‘No, he can use magic to weaken us,’ I retort. I don’t want to feel as powerless as I did last time.

‘We’ll figure something out and maybe, it’s what we need to free the werebears and finally make an attack on the dark coven,’

The walk to the border is excruciating and soon, I was there. There was no patrol in sight which is odd,

‘Hello, Queen Anaiah,’

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