The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Epilogue (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 3)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Epilogue: Chapter 118

Jacob’s POV

I’ve been searching for Arya the whole day, I called my brother to extend the search and he sent some of his men. I inspect her car once more, it seemed that someone punctured her tires but who could it be? I try to think but no one comes to mind.

‘Who could have taken her?’ My Beta Isaac says, I sigh and close my eyes, trying to connect with her Lycan but I don’t and even if she was in range, would I be able to talk to her when I have not marked her yet?

We continue the search for my woman all while watching the babies on the cam we installed in the common area, they are crying. The two nannies are doing their best to quieten them however, they fail to soothe them. Can they feel that their mommy is away? That she’s in danger. My heart starts to race as those thoughts invade my mind, what if my enemies took her as vindication against me? What if my mate is harmed? I run faster and search in slums and brothels, everywhere I can.

It is getting dark and my Lycan is restless, he is infuriated that we can’t find her, it’s been fucking six hours! I let out a growl and threw the trash next to me against the wall in anger.

We leave the slums and my eyes fall on a man, he is staggering and falling to walk straight because he’s too intoxicated. My mind immediately drifts to Stefan, Arya’s first mate. The man was a drug abuser and used to harass her so I helped his family lock him away in a drug rehabilitation center however, I didn’t get their number. I get my phone from my pocket and call my secretary to find his parent’s number and in ten minutes she sends it. I dial the number and after a second ring, a frail voice of a woman answers.


‘Hello, Mrs. Goodwell, I’m Alpha Jacob Jones, of the New north pack,’ I inform her.

‘Oh hello dear, you’re the man who helped my son I’m told,’

‘Yes,’ I explain the situation at hand, and she gasps.

‘Stefan was here two months ago, claiming to be clean and demanding his inheritance, he was adamant about getting it so we gave it and we haven’t seen him since,’ She explains, that man couldn’t sober up in just a few months, he was in a bad shape.

‘Alright Mrs. Goodwill, have yourself a lovely evening,’

‘You too and when you find Stefan, please take him back to the asylum or whatever institution he was, he has caused this family too much trouble… So embarrassing,’

I put my phone back and ask Isaac to follow me to the control center. That is where we can see what really happened and where she was taken, I just can’t believe it took me this long to think of this. Reaching there, we are allowed access to all the cameras in the area where we found my mate’s car, and there she was, coming out of a car when two males abducted her and put her in a white van.

‘That van, can we see where it went,’

The IT guy furiously types and tracks the car,

‘South sea dock, between the Raven pack and red,’ He informs me and I bolt out of there with Isaac on my tail, I mindlink the guys to find us there. It was a fifteen minutes run but we were there by ten. My men soon joined us. The beach is heavily guarded by men with guns, we don’t know what bullets they are using so we need to be extremely careful. Silver bullets are fatal for a Lycan, more than two can actually kill one.

After taking out the guards, I follow the scent of my mate, and my blood boils at what I see, she’s gently talking to Stefan but he doesn’t see reason

‘Damn, did we miss the wedding?’ Jokes Isaac and I glare at him.

‘They are not married… yet,’

‘The dude is crazy, he kidnapped her just to marry her,’ He chuckles.

‘Of course he is, have you seen how hot and beautiful Arya Lavista is,’ I smirk proudly. I walk up to them and shout,

‘Stop this absurdity,’ They all turn to me, the priest and others who were witnesses run away and Arya sighs in relief, attempting to run to me but Stefan grabs her hand.

‘Jacob what took you so long you idiot! ‘ I smile at that, it’s been a while since she called me an idiot, it feels good.

‘Sorry didn’t think to go to the control unit, can you believe it?’ I chuckle

‘You’re an idiot, Jacob,’

‘Your idiot,’ I wink and she smiles.

‘Kill them, all of them!’ Shouts Stefan.

‘All your men have been arrested,’ Isaac says, standing beside him.

‘I’m not giving Arya up, she’s mine, mine!’ He yells and Arya punches him in the face and he staggers, making his grip on her arm loosen, and my beautiful mate runs to me, hugging me tightly.

‘I missed you, baby,’ I whisper .

‘You have no idea the shitty day I had… How are the babies?’

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