The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Epilogue (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 3)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: The Epilogue: Chapter 105

Anaiah’s POV

‘The patient suffered internal injuries and he was dehydrated, it’s a miracle he’s alive,’ the doctor informs us about Silas.

‘When will he wake?’ I ask.

‘Let’s give him 72 hours,’ I nod and thank the doctor. The door bursts open and a frantic Samantha comes followed by my brother.

‘Where is he? How is-‘ she stops mid-sentence when she sees her mate, laying in a bed with tubes attached to his body.

Sobs escape her lips as she goes to him, caressing his face

‘Oh Silas, my love, what did they do to you?’ She cries. After calming herself she finally asks; ‘what happened to him?’

‘I don’t know, the doctor says he was beaten badly and has internal injuries,’ I explain to her what the doctor says and how I found him.

‘A butterfly? Was it magical?’ Asks Enrique

‘I don’t know, all our questions will be answered by him,’

‘But he was dead, I felt the bond break,’ Samy mutters.

‘Well, he’s alive and is asking for help,’

‘Or he’s a ghost,’ adds Arya, making Samy glare at her.

‘Stop with the ghost theory please,’

‘He needs help liberating his people from the wizard?’

‘Yes, have you had any connection to Princess Scarlett?’

‘She’s still in her pack and they torture her, but recently it’s been worse because she doesn’t do what they want,’ he informs me. Lately, they haven’t been any attacks against small packs Princess Scarlett refuses to command them to attack. Enrique can read her emotions but not direct communication.

‘A small pack was ambushed two weeks ago, they got their warriors and young men,’ Enrique tells me. I’m sure Amacus wants to make an army to wipe us out.

‘We should send out warriors in these smaller packs for protection and training, that way, they can fiercely fight back,’

‘I was thinking the same thing as well,’ Arya adds.

‘We have to find them soon. I hope Silas remembers the way to the pack,’ Samy says.

Going back to the packhouse, I go through the budget we’ll use when the guest will be here and after making sure that the rooms were prepared on the second floor.

I was about to close my eyes when I receive a call from my mate

‘Hello, my love,’ he sounds cheerful and I reciprocate with the same energy.

‘Hi, baby, how was your day?’

He tells me about his day and meetings while I tell him about mine, I inform him about Ajax and he agrees that he can stay with us for a few days until he’s ready to go home. Ajax’s dad and Leon’s parents are good friends and business associates.

‘I’ve left out one part,’ I tell him. I didn’t want to tell him about Silas yet, I thought it was something he should know when he comes back here but time is of the essence.

‘What is it?’

‘Prince Silas of the Werebear pack is here,’

He stays silent for a while, did he not hear me.


‘Wait, wait, there as a ghost?’ I groan loudly.

‘What’s up with this family and ghosts!’ I shout. He only laughs.

‘Arya and I had one growing up, I think it was a ghost even though my parents beg to differ,’

‘This is serious, Leon,’ I scold. He clears his throat.

‘You’re right, I’m sorry. Tell me everything,’

I woke up bright and early for training and afterward, took a shower and went to the hospital. Ajax called me to pick him up however, I still needed to meet up with his Beta.

Reaching the hospital, I first checked on Prince Silas, he was still in a sleep state and Samy was sleeping on the couch, she woke up as soon as I entered and I gave her coffee.

‘Thanks,’ she yawned.

‘You don’t have to sleep here, we’ve put security around the hospital for his protection, in case someone has Ill will,’ I inform her, no one would harm the Werebear prince since only a few of us know he’s in the city but we have to be careful still.

‘It’s no trouble at all, I’ll go home later to change,’ she tells me.

‘What are you doing here anyway?’

‘I’m here to see someone, I’ll talk to you later,’

I exit the room and go to Ajax’s room. He smiles and run to me as soon as he saw me. I hug him.

‘My Queen,’ the tall Beta and the petite woman in the room were on one knee. Their utmost respect and royal protocol surprised me.

‘Please, don’t do that and get to our feet,’

They do after kissing my hand.

‘Good morning,’ I greet and they answer in a chorus

The Beta clears his throat and spoke politely.

‘Our young Alpha begged his father to spend some time at the castle with you and to our shock, he agreed, however, with a condition that the governess and a bodyguard will follow,’

‘I tried to convince him not to let them come but Father doesn’t listen,’ Ajax says, I only smile.

‘It’s alright, they can come. We have enough room,’ I tell him. The Beta seems relieved to hear this.

As soon as the car stopped, Ajax jumps out of the car and run towards the house,

‘It’s bigger than our manor, you do stay in a castle!’ Ajax mused. While a few omegas came to welcome us and guided the two Lycans to their room, I give Ajax a tour of the castle. He’s impressed even though he was born wealthy and is used to all the luxury, there was something about seeing the royal castle, it is a sight to behold.

‘Thank you for bringing me here, Luna,’ he says, and I ruffle his hair.

‘Should we see the inside now? It has large passages and tall ceilings!’

‘Yes, please,’

As we go inside, Angie catches up with us, she looks nervous.

‘What is it?’  I ask.

‘The guests are here, Luna,’

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