The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 2)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna: Chapter 70

Anaiah’s POV

I was at the Sunset Pack, helping my brother learn more about his mate. Now more than ever he’s sure that it’s Princess Scarlett.

‘I think we should try to talk to her through the link,’ I suggest. He frowns

‘I’ve been trying to do that for weeks,’ He sighs, putting away the book he was reading. The door to the library opens and Samantha walks in, bowing. She’s a bit cheerful these days,

‘The elder in my pack tells me as we descend from the same ancestors,’ She informs us, that would explain a lot about the connection we feel. She takes a seat next to me and I hold her hand,

‘Our great grandfathers were cousins,’ She starts, inhaling and smiling. There was something lovely about meeting Samantha, it was like finding a missing part of our small family and it brought me great joy. Enrique felt the same way.

Her pack, the white moon was a branch of the Crest pack which was our original pack but because of a feud between the cousins over a love interest, the white moon Alpha took them up north and the two packs didn’t keep in touch.

I was smiling and crying, I pulled her in a hug and Enrique joined us in the hug.

I spend the whole day with my family and we visit the new white pack being built, the members are really helpful. Their packhouse is not finished yet so they are staying in huge tents.

While my brother and Samantha talk about the plan, I go under a huge tree where the children are playing games,

‘Hello, Kids!’

They stop playing and incline their necks to me ‘ Good afternoon, Luna,’

‘Are you having fun?’


I join them in their games, the children are such a joy to be around, and they soothe the soul. Too lost in our frolickings, I didn’t realize I was being watched, I snapped my head in a distance and realized Alpha Erickson was looking at me. He approached me with a smile and crouched.

‘Hello, beautiful,’ I frowned, when I didn’t answer he greeted the kids and they responded.

‘What are you doing here,’ I ask, getting to my feet. I wipe the back of my jeans.

He gets up and extends his hand to me ‘ Please walk with me, I have something to say,’ I looked around and nodded, walking beside him.

‘What did you want to tell me,’

‘Aren’t you enjoying this? Us walking together and loving this company,’ I stop in my tracks.

‘If this is why you requested to talk then we have nothing to discuss Alpha Erickson.’ I snap. He grabs my waist just as I turn to walk away from him.


I stare at him blankly, ‘For what?’

‘You’re going to be a mother,’ He says in a monotone, his eyes having a faraway look yet his staring into my spheres. I swallow and he retracts his hand. How does he know about this? I didn’t even tell my brother.

‘How did you know that?’

‘So it’s true,’ He is sad. ‘ I have a seer, she predicted it,’ I raise my eyebrows, seers are very uncommon, how does he have one?

‘Care to share what else this seer said?’ I cross my arms against my chest, Erickson wasn’t being hostile towards me but I was pissed with him, are these the hormones people talk about when you’re pregnant?

‘Your child will be great and will rule over all shifters if it lives,’

My heart dropped inside my chest and my wolf growled ‘ What do you mean if it lives?’

‘You’re in danger, Anaiah,’ He simply says, we walk further. I didn’t know how I felt, why was I in danger, and from who? Enrique mentioned that wizards are after royal blood.

‘You need to be safe, we have to keep you safe because if Amacus has you, he’ll have the power of command to rule over all wolves,’ He informs me. My heart was beating fast even though I tried to seem unaffected by this in front of Erickson.

‘My brother-‘

‘Both of you but especially you, as a female… well I guess you know your history,’ He sighs, not wanting to indulge. We come to a pond and I sit at the edge, watching the fish in it. Members here are interested in fish farming so they want to do it on a larger scale.

‘Don’t seem vexed that I’m pregnant,’ I say, he snorts and sits next to me.

‘I’m Jealous that you get to carry his baby, not mine. Leondre always seems to have it easier than me,’ I open my mouth to speak but he raises his hand so I let him continue,

‘Ana, I’m in love with you and my feelings just can’t go away so easily but as the seers said, I should learn to accept that the moon mother put you in his path for the great of our people,’ He says.

‘Leondre, didn’t mean to hurt your sister, and as for your parents, I’ll be the first to say I’m sorry if the Lavistas didn’t,’ I tell him, he nods

‘I know Leon’s not to blame but it was easier just blaming someone for it, and as for my father, I hated him,’ He confesses and I tilt my neck to look at him, then why does he hold a grudge against the Lavista family?

‘My father was a harsh man who abused us for years, he betrayed my mother even though she was his mate,’

He looked at me for a long time and sighed as he started to tell me his story, a story not many knew, the real Erickson Jones, not the one people knew as power-hungry, not the man that threatened to take me from my mate but he was opening up and I was glad that he trusted me enough to tell it.

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