The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 2)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna: Chapter 58

Leondre’s POV

A month has passed by since Anaiah told us about the voice she hears, and we have been investigating constantly plus there have been sightings of Rogue Slayers in the borders, they are not as smart and we’ve caught some.

‘I’m exhausted,’ My mate walks into my study room, smiling at me. I motion her onto my lap and she throws herself there as we talk about her day.

Anaiah is the people’s favorite Queen, she is not only uniquely beautiful but elegant and graceful. My mind gets fogged when I remember someone wants her but for what? Shifters are natural predators and if this person can reach her thoughts, I think magic is involved in this.

‘What troubles you, my love?’

She can indeed sense my turmoil.

‘Do you still hear him?’

‘Not every day. Do we have anything on the Werebears?’ She asks. Always so concerned about the packs, and full of aspiration. I kiss her cheek.

‘No, they are not replying to our emails and we don’t know their exact location,’

She only sighs and leans into me. We are silent and I notice she has fallen asleep. I lift her to our suite and lay her on the bed.

My mind reels to what the man again. Could it be that it’s Erickson? He has been wanting her. Everything is so strange and the timing of the attack was incidental but I know one thing, I need to protect her from the known and unknown. I get out of bed and go outside, shifting into my Lycan form. I needed to think, I have to think about how best to protect her. Jack and Jake did mention that the Werebears and rogues were targeting Anaiah, however, their aim wasn’t to kill her.

A fucker wants my mate but the question is why? For her abilities? We concealed her abilities from the world so as not to make her prey for those power-hungry fuckers. So many questions ran through my head.

After running, I went back to my suite.

‘Where did you go?’

She asks. I smile and stroke her hair

‘Just for a run, go back to bed,’ I kiss her head. However, she shakes her head and goes to the closet. I follow her. She picks out a bra and her legging and wears sneakers

‘I have to train with my brother again,’ I grab her hand and sit with her on the edge of the bed

‘It’s still dark outside, baby,’

‘I know, this time no one is training, remember we said to keep my abilities a secret,’ She says, opening her hands, and her phone floats in the air to her.

‘Someone’s practicing hard,’

‘If only I can teleport and land in the right place for once other than the coast, then I’d call it progress,’

Ana has difficulty teleporting and even though her telekinesis is okay it still takes away her strength.

‘Do you know that I’ve been teleporting in the same place for three days now? On the seacoast,’ She laughs. I watch her rotate her hands and try to open a portal but it closes.

She tries again and a huge round ring of blue light appears in front of her and she smiles proudly before jumping in.

‘See you later, baby,’ She hollers as the light disappears.

I get ready for work.

‘Brother, you won’t believe what I found out about that swine Amos. We’ll meet at the office,’

Amos? Interesting.

Anaiah’s POV

‘You made it, ‘ Comes my brother’s voice, I smile realizing that I made it to the arena in the city. I get in a meditating position and close my eyes.

‘Keep a calm mind and erase all the negativity from there,’ I expel and inhale, clearing all toxicity in my body

‘Good Anaiah,’ His voice is soothing.

After meditating, we start our training in combat, and then in my form. Enrique’s wolf, Blaq is an outstanding fighter but so is Chalo. However, I couldn’t focus because I heard that voice again, saying it was coming for me, it wants me. It’s faint but the words are clear.

‘Just shut out the voice and focus on fighting!’ Instructed Chalo and finally, I closed off this strange mind link. Because I was distracted, Blaq manages to pin Chalo. Shifting back to our human forms, we shake hands and refresh,

‘How is it that you are so exemplary in fighting?’

‘I’m a protege, I guess,’ I boast.

In the time when the moon goddess blessed our bloodline, the majority were males and when women were gifted they were immensely proficient and proteges of their craft.

‘Indeed, you are,’

We begin walking out of there when he clutches his chest in pain, because of his unique gift, Enrique can feel everything happening to his mate, they beat her often and assault her. Seeing him in pain and unable to do anything, makes my blood boil.

‘We’ll find whoever is doing this to her and make them pay,’ I promise. He nods when I remember something

‘Have you tried searching her mind to locate her, as you did to Arya and Jacob?’

‘I tried, it was dark, and sometimes, I see water for miles… Or maybe she’s too far and I’m not too strong to make a solid connection,’ He says. I chew on my bottom lip in thought.

‘Maybe we should research more about our gifts in the library, we can find a way to connect with her,’ I suggest. I’m sure with enough information, he can find a way to talk to her.

He pushes his hair out of his face and nods.

‘Good Morning, Luna,’ A chorus greeting from the warriors who are going into the training arena bows to me. I smile and answer them.

‘They adore you,’ My brother muses. ‘ You’ve gained their respect. I’m proud of you, Ana,’

‘Brother, have you considered allying with Leondre? I think it will be good, especially in times like these. It would come in handy if you have a great pack ally,’

The past few days have been full of rumors that the Moonrise Lycan pack and the North moon pack have allied, and whispers that their borders were the only few that weren’t attacked because they are working with the enemies. The council called the two Alphas to question them but they repudiated it and there was no evidence.

‘I’ve never liked your mate,’

‘I know, brother but this is not time to hold unto your immature college grievances,’ I nudge him.

‘Isn’t King Leondre already making allies with his mother’s former pack?’ He questions, indeed that is true but they are not a big pack. In this city, they are only four large wealthy Lycan packs; The Sapphire Royal pack, the Northern Pack, the Moonrise Lycan pack, and the Sunset pack.So all eyes are on them.

‘Would you rather make allies with The North and Moonrise?’

‘You know my fealty is with whichever pack you belong to and that’s why, I’ve been thinking more about allying with the Royal pack,’ He informs me and I squeal, jumping into his arms.

‘I’m so happy, very happy!’

‘Ahm, Luna,’ Someone calls me, I turn around to face two huge warriors, they bow to me before speaking.

‘We are here to escort you back to the castle, the king wants to talk to you,’

Enrique and I exchange a glance, wondering what could be wrong.

‘It has something to do with your old pack, the Dawnrise pack,’

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