The Lycan's Queen

Chapter 30

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 - Chapter 30

Adonis came back with his siblings in a much better mood. Riley left, saying she needed to go and see her son. She promised that she would introduce us to little Michael. Damien was more interested in how Adonis works. He sat on a chair and questioned Gabe and Evan. “How many tables has he broke?” Evan groaned, “Too many to count. Too many.” Damien laughed. “Some things never change, do they? Even after all these years, you still haven't broken out of that bad habit.” "Old habits die hard.” Adonis shrugged. Damien's reply was cut off by the phone ringing. Everyone suddenly tensed. The last time someone rang this phone, it was to warn us. Adonis clenched his jaw and picked up the phone, placing it on speaker. “King Dimitri,” an unknown voice said. Well, it was unknown to me, but the tense expressions on the men’s faces told me they knew exactly who it was. “Councilman Harrison, to what do I owe this pleasure, (This novel will be daily updtaed at” Adonis gritted out. I noticed that Damien was also tense, glaring at the phone like it was his worst enemy. “Well, it has come to our attention that there have been two deaths in the past month and that they have been caused by someone who was once close to you,” this councilman said. “Yes, I am well aware. Have you called to tell me any useful information?” Adonis asked. “Not exactly. I have called to warn you that all of us have decided that if you slip up once more, meaning if you cannot catch this murderer in the next week, then we will remove you from the throne.” Councilman Harrison sounded smug. “And who would replace my brother? Me? Because I have made my intention very clear before Councilman Harrison. I have zero intentions of being king,” Damien made his presence known. “Ahh, Prince Damien. You finally have returned. It will soon be time to step up and take over your brother.” This councilman needed a slap. This time I growled and snatched the phone. “Listen here, you piece of shit. First, you try and get my mate to take another female as his mate, now you threaten to remove him from the throne? Let me tell you something, Adonis is king, not you, and so your words mean absolutely nothing. You've just wasted our time, time that should have been spent trying to find this criminal. If I find out that you are purposely trying to stall us or cause Adonis to fail, then I will show you why I am queen.” I didn't give him a chance to say anything as I threw the phone against the wall. Both my lycan and I felt satisfied watching it smash into little pieces. “Another phone, smashed. This is why you two are perfect for each other,” Evan groaned “Wow, you really are perfect for my brother.” Damien smiled at me. Adonis looked at me in awe before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder "Adonis. Put me down, you big brute.” I struggled. “Everyone off my floor. Now,” Adonis yelled. He made his way to our bedroom before placing me on the bed. “Do you know how fucking sexy that was?” Adonis groaned. “"” Words failed me as I looked at the lustful gaze of Adonis. “You're a little spitfire.” Adonis chuckled. “I'm not little.” I pouted. Adonis captured my lips, causing me to moan. “'ve got me all worked up.” Adonis placed my hand on his growing bulge. Tingles shot straight to my core. Adonis smirked. “I think someone else is worked up.” He whispered in my ear, “I could fix that.” I swallowed the lump in my throat before replying, “You sure?” I was tempting the beast, but I found myself enjoying it. Adonis growled and laid me down, ripping my underwear off. “You're a little minx. Plus, it's been a while since I've had a taste.” He didn't even waste a second before plunging his tongue into my folds. “Shit.” I clutched the bedsheets as Adonis attacked my core. His skilled tongue knew exactly what to do, and it wasn't long before I was moaning and begging for my release. “Hmm... what do you want?" Adonis teased. “Adonis.” I was not in the mood. “I can't hear you, little one.” Adonis smirked against my core. “I want you to make me cum. Happy?” I growled. Adonis's answer was giving me what I so desired. He lapped up all my juices before leaving my core alone. “Very.” He smirked. Damn him. He had me right where he wanted me. “Time for the main show.” He winked at me. I licked my lips as Adonis undressed, slowly. Fuck, he was doing this on purpose. (This novel will be daily updtaed at “Hurry up before I tear those clothes off myself,” I growled. He chuckled. “Impatient, are we?" I rolled my eyes. “Remind me next time to undress slowly when you're turned on. Then you'll see what I mean.” Adonis opened his mouth to reply but a loud growl made us both freeze. I looked at Adonis, who looked tense. Who the fuck growled? “Oh man. Why am I always the one to get you?” Evan's familiar voice complained my leggings back on. Something wasn't right; both Adonis and I sensed this, which is why we didn't tease Evan. “Guys, you better come quick. It isn't good.” Evan's solemn voice made my blood run cold. Adonis gripped my hand as we rushed out to see what the hell was going on. I knew something was wrong. Gabe and Evan looked incredibly tense while Lexi and Niya tried to comfort them by standing close to them and holding their hands. Okay, something was seriously wrong to get everyone worked up. “What the fuck is going on? And who growled?” Adonis looked at his best friends. Gabe sighed and motioned for us to follow him. Yet again we ended up in Adonis's study Gabe picked up the phone and dialed a number. He left it on speaker and waited. Both Adonis and I looked at each other in confusion, but that soon left when we heard the familiar voice of Bradley. “Ah, Adonis. You decided not to answer; big mistake, friend. I have someone very special here. Sophia Butler? Name ring any bells? I think she’s my little brother's mate; a pretty little thing too. Now, ring me back in thirty minutes or she’s dead. Tick tock, old friend.” Oh fuck no. This bastard took Sophia How fucking dare he? I'll skin him alive. Adonis was tense, gripping onto my hand like it was his only support. “That growl was Luke.” I sighed. It made sense. Gabe nodded sadly. "He came with me when I saw a voicemail on your phone. Needless to say, he lost control and took off. Damien has gone after him, just to make sure he doesn't harm anyone.” “How long?” Adonis asked. “I think we have ten minutes left,” Gabe replied. “Fuck.” Adonis ran his hands through his hair. "We've got this.” I squeezed his hand. 27 Adonis nodded and picked up the phone. He rang back the number that Bradley dialed on, and it didn't take long for this smug bastard to answer. “The man, himself. Cutting it fine, Adonis,” Bradley answered. Adonis growled, “I rang you before your time limit. Don't you dare harm Sophia.” “Protective, are we? What does your mate have to say about that?” Bradley asked “If you even touch a hair on her head, I'll skin you alive, you bastard,” I spat. “Oh, feisty, are we? Clearly you care for this lycan a lot.” Bradley chuckled. “What the fuck do you want?” Adonis was having a hard time controlling himself. “I'll be at your territory very shortly. I will walk in, and no one will harm me because if they do, I'll snap Sophia’s neck so quickly that you won't be able to save her,” Bradley warned.(This novel will be daily updtaed at Knowing this guy, he would follow through on his promise. I knew that and Adonis did too, which is why he released a deep breath and said, “Fine. No one will harm you.” “Good. I guess I'll be seeing you shortly, old friend. Remember, anyone even attempts to harm me, she'll be dead,” Bradley said before hanging up I looked at Adonis, who looked at me with anger in his eyes. “This fucker will be dead before a week is up. It is time for him to meet his end.” I nodded. “We are all with you.” Adonis looked at Gabe and Evan. “Tell the guards to stand down when Sophia.” “I'll get in contact with Damien. Luke needs to be here,” Gabe said. Adonis nodded. “Yes, but he also needs to be restrained. Have some guards as backup. I don't want him to do anything stupid that could harm himself or Sophia.” A ringtone broke us all out of our own thoughts. It was my phone. Sighing, I answered, seeing Carter's name pop up. “Smiley.” Carter didn't even wait for me to say hello. “Carter, we know. Sophia's been taken.” I guessed that was why Carter rang “Yes. God, I am so sorry. We had more guards, but these guys are lycans. It was hard.” Carter seemed frustrated with himself. “Hey. You can't be blaming yourself. Bradley would have purposely targeted the pack when it was at its weakest in terms of defense and security. The main thing is that everyone else is safe,” I replied. "Yes, everyone else is safe. The bastard knew what he wanted, and he got it,” Carter growled. "Sophia will be back in the arms of her mate soon enough,” I reassured Carter. “I know you all will do whatever is necessary. But we are coming. Me and a few others. Hunter will stay here, but I need to make sure Sophia is safe,” Carter said. “I know you all will do whatever is necessary. But we are coming. Me and a few others. Hunter will stay here, but I need to make sure Sophia is safe,” Carter said. I was about to argue, saying it was dangerous, but Adonis put a hand on my shoulder and shook his head. Sighing, I answered, “Fine. Please stay safe.” “I will. You stay safe too.” Carter ended the call. “Little one. You need to let him come; his wolf feels responsible for Sophia's situation. He needs reassurance that she is safe. Don't forget he is an alpha as well as a close friend to Sophia and you,” Adonis explained. 71 I nodded sadly. “I know. I just don’t want him hurt.” 119 “He won't be. Carter is a strong person.” Adonis kissed me on the forehead. He held my hand as we walked downstairs. “Now it's time to meet the devil.”

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