The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 82



As Felicity turned to head inside, I watched her go, stunned once again by how lucky I was to have her as my mate, when i was close to her i felt fulfilled.

I have recently discovered that she was my mate, but I didn't know how to tell her I didn't know if she knew, but hey, the time will come when I will tell her.

She was beautiful, kind, and loving, and I couldn't imagine anyone else in the world who could make me feel as complete as she did. Confiding in felicity about my disastrous story with my ex Celine did me the greatest good. I had never told this story to anyone, except Titus who already knew it.

I lingered outside for a few more moments, taking in the cool night air and the gentle rustling of the trees. It was moments like this that made me grateful for the small moments of peace and tranquility in life.

Eventually, I made my way back inside, slipping into the nursery to watch as Felicity gently laid our son down into his crib. He was already fast asleep, his little chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

Felicity turned to me with a tired smile on her face. "Do you think we'll ever have another one?" she asked softly.

I thought for a moment, considering the question carefully. "Maybe someday," I said, taking her hand. "But for now, I'm just happy to have the two of you in my life."

She leaned into me, her head resting softly against my chest. "Me too," she murmured, her voice muffled by my shirt.

We stayed like that for a few more moments, our bodies pressed close in the quiet, until I finally mustered up the energy to head to bed. As I drifted off to sleep, my last thought was a simple one - that no matter what the future held, I was incredibly grateful to have Felicity and our son in my life.


The next morning we all woke up early, since we should take the road to my castle.

We proposed to the members of LOJ who was there in the subsidiary to come with us, they refused because they had to stay here to take care of the place, that it was their house and also that they were going to take care of our wounded, that it was not safe to go with them, they were going to slow us down, which was true.

After a brief conversation, we asked them if there were any resources we could use.

One of the caretakers, a kind-looking woman with graying hair, said, "We have some food supplies and clothing that you may need. We also have some horses that you can use to travel to the castle. But you must be careful, there have been reports of attacks on travelers in the past few days."

Adrian frowned, "Attacks? Who could be attacking travelers in these times?"

The caretaker looked at us gravely, "No one knows for sure. Some say it's bandits, some say it's monsters. All we know is that it's dangerous out there."

Ava spoke up, "Thank you for the warning. We will take the necessary precautions."

I stood frozen in shock as the argument unfolded before me. Kyle, Felicity's brother, was angrily suggesting that they stay at the LOJ branch if there were indeed bandits on the road to my kingdom. I could feel the anger starting to bubble up inside of me. How could he insinuate that my kingdom was not safe?

"What kind of nonsense is that?" I said, my voice low and dangerous. "My kingdom is safe, and I will not have anyone suggest otherwise."

Adrian spoke up next, his voice equally as angry. "Kyle has a point, Maximus. We don't want to put ourselves at risk by going down the road if it's dangerous."

Felicity stepped between us, her eyes pleading with both sides. "Please, everyone calm down. We need to figure out a way forward together."

"Yes," Ava chimed in.

"Better stay here!" Adrian said.

Ava and Felicity immediately disagreed. "We'll be safer in Maximus' kingdom," Felicity argued.

Adrian scoffed. "Of course you take Maximus' side. You're blinded by your love for him."

Kyle was not backing down, however. "Felicity, you only take his side because you've forgiven him for what his father did to our parents. You should be ashamed of yourself. Like Adrian said you're blinded by your love for him " Felicity's eyes filled with tears at his words.

The words hit Felicity like a physical blow, and she began to cry. I reached out to her, but she shrunk away from me, her tears hot and angry.

"I will never forgive what your father did, Maximus," she said, her voice trembling with emotion."

"And Kyle I'm not blinded by anything," she protested. "I love him because he's a good man, not because of what his father did. I trust him to protect us. I trust his kingdom to be safe."

Ava spoke up then, her voice calm and reasoned. "Kyle, we don't have to trust Maximus, but we do have to trust Felicity. She has made her decision, and we need to honor that."

Kyle hung his head in shame, his anger having dissipated at the sight of his sister's tears. "I'm sorry, Felicity. I didn't mean to hurt you. I shouldn't have said that. It's just hard for me to forgive someone whose family was responsible for our parents' deaths." But Felicity shook her head, still crying. "I don't know if I can forgive you for saying that, Kyle."

"I understand how you feel, Kyle. But Maximus is not his father. And we need to go to his kingdom to ensure our safety."

Ava chimed in, "We can't just stay here and wait for something to happen. We need to take action and protect ourselves."

Agent brown nodded in agreement. "I think Ava is right. We can't control what happens on the road, but we can control our response to it. Let's go to Maximus' castle and take the necessary precautions."

In the end, we all agreed to travel to my kingdom, but the tension between us was palpable. It was going to be a long and difficult journey.

After gathering the resources we needed, we set off towards the castle on horseback. Felicity rode with Kyle, while I carried our sleeping son.

As we rode on our horses towards the castle, the sun began to set and I could feel my eyelids drooping. I knew we had to find a place to spend the night, but Kyle, Adrian and I had different ideas of where that place should be.

"I think we should stay in the forest, it would be safer," I said, looking around at the tall trees.

"No way," Kyle retorted. "There are bandits out here. We should stay in the village nearby."

"But it's not safe," I argued, feeling my anxiety rise. "What if something happens?"

"Exactly my point," Kyle said, glancing over at Adrian who nodded in agreement. "We need to be somewhere with people, somewhere we can defend ourselves if we have to."

I wanted to continue the argument, but my eyelids were getting too heavy. I could feel Phoenix's weight pulling at my arms, making me even more tired.

"Fine," I mumbled. "The motel it is."

We rode into the small village and made our way to the motel, where an old receptionist greeted us.

"Good evening," I said politely, approaching the counter. "We need a few rooms for the night."

The receptionist looked up from her book and studied us for a moment before nodding.

"Sure thing," she said, typing away on her computer. "That'll be 200 moonstone coins for the night."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet, but as I opened it, I felt a strange weight in my chest. I looked closer and saw a wanted poster with my face on it.

"What the..." I muttered, feeling my hands shake. "My head is...put at a price of 500 million moonstone coins?!"

My heart was pounding in my chest as I looked around at my friends. Kyle and Adrian were staring at me in shock while Felicity's eyes had widened in fear, Ava's eyes too.

"What does this mean?" Felicity asked, grabbing onto my arm. "Who would put a price on your head?"

"I don't know," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "But we need to get out of here now."

We turned very slowly to leave discreetly, but as soon as we turned, someone said behind us," hey there, wait! where are you going?"

My heart skipped a beat, and I froze. We turned around, and my eyes met with a tall and burly man, with a big head and a smooth, shaved head. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and black destroyed pants, and he wore dark sunglasses that covered his eyes. He had a menacing look on his face, and I knew instantly that he was a gangster.

We were caught red-handed, and we knew there was no escaping from this situation.

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