The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 52

Felicity POV.

I was in Ava's office and we kept talking. She was telling me what they were planning to do.

But as I left Ava's office, something else caught my eye. A file on her desk, labeled with my parents' names.

"What's this?" I asked, picking it up and flipping through the pages.

Ava's expression darkened. "That's classified information, Felicity. I can't let you see that."

"Why can't I? It's my parents and you brought me here!" I said, irritated by her words.

But I couldn't stop myself. As I read through the pages, I realized that my parents had been investigating something big, something dangerous. And whoever had killed them was still out there, lurking in the shadows.

I knew then that I had to keep digging, no matter how dangerous it may be. Because the truth was out there, and I was going to find it, no matter what it took.

I was furious when Ava snatched the file from my hands. I stormed out of her office, slamming the door behind me. How could she keep me in the dark about my own parents' deaths? I had a right to know.

As I walked back to my room, my mind raced with questions. What could be so dangerous that my parents had to investigate it? Who could have killed them? And why?

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice when Ava came into my room. I only realized she was there when she spoke.

"Felicity, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept that file from you."

I turned to face her, my anger still boiling just beneath the surface.

"Why did you keep it from me?" I demanded.

Ava sighed. "It's classified information. I couldn't risk anyone finding out."

"But it's about my parents!" I protested.

"I know," she said softly. "And I'm sorry. But you have to understand, Felicity. This is dangerous. The people who killed your parents, they're still out there. And if they find out that we have this information, they could come after us next."

I felt a chill run down my spine. She was right. I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me. I had to be careful.

"Shall we make peace?" She asked like a little kid who had been caught pouting.

་་། I guess we should," I said, feeling guilty for being so angry.

Ava smiled and walked towards me. "Come here," she said, opening her arms wide.

I couldn't resist the urge to hug her. We held each other for a long time, laughing and joking until my anger dissipated completely.

"You know I can't stay mad at you for long," I said, pulling away from her.

Ava grinned. "I know. But I promise, I'll never keep anything from you again, okay?"

"Okay," I said, feeling relieved.

We sat down on my bed, talking about everything and everything until late into the night. For the first time in a long time, I felt at peace. Ava was my best friend, my confidant, and I knew that no matter what happened, we would always be there for each other. "So what do we do now?" I asked.

Ava took a deep breath. "We keep digging. We find out what your parents discovered. And we stop whoever is behind their deaths."

I nodded, determination coursing through me. "Okay. Where do we start?"

Ava led me to the League Of Justice HQ library. We spent hours pouring over old documents and reports, searching for any clues about what my parents had been investigating.

But we found nothing. It was as if the trail had gone cold.

I was about to give up hope when something caught my eye. It was a document with an emblem on it. The emblem was a stylized wolf head with the letters LOJ underneath. It looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. "Hey, Ava," I said. "Do you know anything about this emblem?"

Ava leaned over my shoulder to look. "That's the League Of Justice emblem. It's been their symbol since they were founded."

My heart skipped a beat. "The League Of Justice?"

Ava nodded. "Your parents were the founders. They created the organization to maintain peace in the world of werewolves and prevent wars."

I was stunned. Had my parents done all that?

But then Ava's words sunk in. "Wait, if they were founders, then why haven't I ever heard of them before?"

Ava sighed. "After your parents were killed, people believed that the League Of Justice had ceased to exist. They went into hiding, not in any Alpha territory. We started up again five years ago to continue their unfinished work."

I was amazed. My parents had created an entire organization dedicated to peace and justice, and now I was a part of it.

But then a nagging feeling hit me when I saw a file with an emblem. I had already seen it somewhere, but where?

"I feel like I've seen this emblem before, but I can't remember where." I said, annoyed.

Ava and the others shook their heads. "No one knows we still exist. No one has any of our old documents. We've been hidden for 5 years. And for 18 years everyone thinks we've ceased to exist."

I looked closer at the emblem but still nothing. I went to bed, hoping the night would give me advice.


A few days passed without any new developments, but I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that was constantly present. I spent most of my days in the treatment room with Phoenix, only leaving to attend meetings with Ava or to train with the other members of the League.

One day, as I was finishing up a training session, I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see a tall, handsome man making his way towards me.

"Felicity, right?" he asked, a friendly smile on his face. "My name is Adrian. I'm the tech guy for the League."

I nodded. "Nice to meet you, Adrian."

Adrian gestured towards the training room. "Mind if I join you for a bit? I need to run some diagnostics on the equipment."

"Sure, go ahead," I replied, feeling a bit nervous.

As Adrian began fiddling with the machines, I couldn't help but feel drawn to him. There was something about his energy and his smile that put me at ease. "So, how do you like working with the League so far?" Adrian asked, breaking the silence.

"It's been...interesting," I replied, not sure how much to reveal.

Adrian chuckled. "Yeah, it's definitely a unique experience. But I think you'll find that we're a tight-knit group."

I nodded. "I hope so. Everyone seems nice, but there's still a lot that I don't understand."

Adrian looked at me intently. "What do you mean?"

"Well, for starters, why all the secrecy?" I asked, feeling frustrated. "And why does everyone seem to know so much about my past?"

Adrian looked serious. "Felicity, there are certain things that you need to know, but the time isn't right yet. We're trying to protect you and your family."

I felt a lump forming in my throat. "What do you mean? What family?"

Adrian hesitated before continuing. "Your son, Felicity. And your brother?"

I laughed nervously. What brother was he talking about? Was he crazy?

I felt the room spinning around me. "What are you talking about? I don't have a brother."

Adrian looked at me sympathetically. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you need to know the truth. You have a brother, and your brother is alive, Felicity. And he's here, with us."

I felt like the ground had been pulled from under my feet. My mind was racing, trying to process the information that Adrian had just revealed to me. My brother? I had a brother? And he was here, with the League?

As if on cue, the door opened and a boy who was two years or three years older than me stepped through. He had the same amber eyes and mousy brown hair as me.

"Felicity," he said softly. "It's been a long time."

I stared at him in shock. "Who are you?"

He smiled sadly. "My name is Kyle. I'm your brother."

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