The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 41



As I was lost in my thoughts, my advisor, Marcus, walked into the room. "Your Majesty, I have an update on the investigation of the traitor," he said, bowing respectfully.

I turned to him, my focus shifting. "What news do you have?" I asked, eager for any information.

"We have uncovered evidence that suggests the traitor may have had ties to a neighboring kingdom," Marcus explained, his tone serious. "We are investigating further to confirm this."

I narrowed my eyes, feeling a surge of anger. "If that's true, it means we have an even greater threat to our kingdom. We must act quickly and decisively."

"Agreed, Your Majesty," Marcus said, nodding. "I will continue to lead the investigation and update you as soon as we have more information."

"Good," I said with a firm nod. "I trust in your abilities, Marcus. Do not let me down."

He bowed once more before leaving the room. As he walked out, I caught a glimpse of his expression. It was clear that he shared my sense of urgency, but I also sensed a hint of something else: concern.

Was he hiding something from me? Or was I just being paranoid? I shook off the thought and focused on Felicity once again. She consumed my thoughts, and I knew that I would stop at nothing to have her by my side. Even if it meant defying my advisors and punishing her for her disobedience.

Days had passed since the news of the traitor had reached my ears, and I could feel the weight of the situation growing heavier with each passing moment. As a leader, it was my responsibility to protect my people and eliminate any threat that could harm them. So, I called a meeting with a select few of my advisors to discuss the recent developments in the investigation.

As we sat around the table, I could sense the tension in the room. Each of us was aware of the danger that lurked within our borders, and we all shared a sense of urgency and concern.

"I have received troubling news about the traitor among us," I said, breaking the silence. "Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to identify them. It is becoming clear that they are highly skilled and very dangerous."

My advisors exchanged worried glances as the gravity of the situation hit us all.

There was a murmur of agreement from around the table.

"And what of Felicity?" one of my advisors spoke up, hesitantly. "What do we do with her?"

I knew this was coming. Felicity was the only person who had disobeyed my orders recently, and it was natural for my advisors to question her loyalty. However, I had made it clear to them that she was not the traitor. I narrowed my eyes, feeling a surge of anger at the mention of her name.

"She will be punished for her disobedience," I said, with firmly a hint of annoyance in my voice. "But make no mistake, she is not connected to the traitor. This is a separate issue that we must deal with swiftly and decisively."

Silence enveloped the room as we pondered our next course of action. I could feel the weight of responsibility bearing down on me as I tried to come up with a plan that would keep my people safe.

"We need to find this traitor before they can do any more harm," I said, breaking the silence. "We must put all our resources into finding out who they are and bringing them to justice."

"But how?" another advisor, Titus, asked. "We have been searching for weeks now, and we still haven't found anything concrete."

I knew he was right. Despite our best efforts, we had not been able to find any solid leads that could help us identify the traitor.

"We must think outside the box," I said, tapping my finger on the table. "We need to look for clues in places we haven't looked before. We need to approach this from a different angle."

My advisors nodded in agreement, and I could feel a renewed sense of motivation in the room. We all knew that finding the traitor was our top priority, and we couldn't afford to waste any more time.

With a renewed sense of purpose, we set to work, determined to root out the traitor and keep our people safe at all costs. It was a daunting task, but we knew we had no choice but to succeed. Our people depended on us, and we were determined to protect them at all costs.

"Keep me updated on any new developments," I ordered, rising from my seat. "We will not rest until we have uncovered the identity of the traitor and brought them to justice."

As I left the room, I couldn't help but wonder what other secrets my advisors were hiding from me. But for now, I have more pressing matters to attend to. The fate of our kingdom depended on it.

When I went to my chambers, to relax,

I sat down on the couch and poured the wine into two glasses.

Suddenly, I saw a vase move out of the corner of my eye. I got up from the couch quickly and went over to the vase to see if anything was wrong. But there was nothing there - it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

I shook my head, trying to put my thoughts in order and went back to sit down on the couch. I took a sip of wine, and that's when I heard the voice speaking to me internally, mocking me. It was the same voice that had been haunting me for months. "You're such a monster, you know that?" The voice sneered. "It's because of you that Felicity ran away, and you loved seeing the fear in her eyes."

I shuddered at the sound of the voice, realizing that it was right. I had been too harsh with Felicity, and it made her uncomfortable. But I loved her so much that I couldn't help myself. The voice continued as I sat there, in the grip of my own thoughts. "You enjoyed tormenting her, didn't you? You loved seeing her suffer. You're a sick monster, and you deserve to be punished."

I felt trapped and helpless, unable to escape the voice that was tormenting me. I tried to protest. But the voice only grew louder, drowning out my protests with its cruel and merciless words.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the voice, but it only grew louder.

"Stopped! "I shouted.

"Why don't you just give up?" the voice sneered, "Felicity hates you, and you'll never find her."

"I will find her," I whispered, my fists clenched in determination.

"You're pretending to be a decent lycan, but deep down, you're nothing but a monster. A sick, twisted monster who deserves to be punished."

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I listened to the voice, feeling helpless and lost. I knew that I had to get help, but I didn't know where to turn.

"It's all because of you," the voice taunted, "Felicity ran away because of your obsession. You love seeing the fear in her eyes, don't you? You're a monster." "No! No! No! I'm not like that and I'll prove it to you by bringing her back!" I said, determined.

"What if she's already dead?" the voice asked.

I shook my head, refusing to believe it. "No, she's alive. I know it."

But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that the voice was right. That Felicity was gone forever, and it was all my fault.

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