The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 25

Maximus POV.

It had been months since Felicity had run away, disappearing without a trace. My patience was wearing thin, and I was growing increasingly furious at the thought of my beloved daughter out there all alone. Consequently, I convoked a meeting to discuss the matter with my guards.

"I'm afraid we haven't yet located any trace of Felicity, Your Highness" Marcus, one of my trusted guards reported, causing my heart to sink.

"It's been months, your highness! Do you think we'll ever find Lady Felicity?" asked one guards.

"I won't rest until I do," I replied firmly. "We'll turn over every stone and follow any lead we can find until we locate her."

"But it's been so long, your Highness. We've scoured every inch of the kingdom. We've questioned everyone who might have seen her. I'm afraid we're at a dead end," Another guard spoke up, causing my temper to flare. "Are you telling me that my own kingdom cannot find one missing omega?!" I shouted, incredulous.

"Of course not, Your Highness. But it's not for lack of trying. We've just been stumped," The guard replied, attempting to placate me.

"I don't care what it takes, Marcus," I replied, my voice strained. "We have to find her. I won't rest until we do."

And so, days turned into weeks as my guards rode from town to town, asking questions and searching for any sign of Felicity.

And then, just when we were about to give up hope, we received word of a woman who fit Felicity's description. She had been spotted in a nearby town, living under a false name.

"I heard rumors of a woman matching Felicity's description in the next town over," informed another guard.

Without hesitation, I ordered my guards to investigate. And to our relief, it was indeed Felicity.

My heart leaped with excitement at the thought of finally finding Felicity.

I couldn't hide my joy, I got excited, I can finally punish her.

"We have to find her" I say trying to hide my excitement.

"Don't worry, your highness. We will find her," assured one of my guards. Marcus.

"Don't worry, your highness. We will find her," assured one of my guards. Marcus.

"I appreciate your confidence. I've waited long enough. I cannot sit back and do nothing. I have to find her myself," I declared, feeling the weight of my determination in my chest.

"But your highness, it's simply too dangerous for you to travel alone, especially given the current state of the kingdom," The guard protested, only to be met with my firm response.

"I will dress up as a humble villager so that no one will recognize me. I must do this for the sake of my kingdom and my sanity. You must trust me," I said, my voice softening ever so slightly.

"We do, Your Highness. We'd just be more comfortable accompanying you," The guard responded quickly, making me feel slightly less alone.

"Thank you, but I would prefer to go alone. I need space to think and to clear my head," I said firmly, and with that, I made my decision.

"No one will recognize me if I'm dressed as a humble villager. I must do this for the sake of my kingdom and my sanity," I argued.

And so, I disguised myself as a commoner and set off on foot, carrying a picture of Felicity in my pocket. I wandered from town to town, asking the villagers if they had seen a woman who matched her description. "Excuse me, have you seen this woman?" I asked a group of farmers, showing them the photo.

"No, sorry. We haven't seen anyone like that around here," they replied.

I couldn't help but feel frustrated and angry. "How can she be so elusive? I will never find her at this rate," I muttered to myself.

Days turned into weeks as I traveled farther and farther, passing by Felicity without even realizing it. She was clever, always one step ahead of me.

"Excuse me, have you seen this woman?" I asked a group of farmers, showing them the photo.

"No, sorry. We haven't seen anyone like that around here," they replied.

I couldn't help but feel frustrated and angry. "How can she be so elusive? I will never find her at this rate," I muttered to myself.

I kept asking if someone has seen her, but it was all in vain.

I was losing hope of ever finding her. I had exhausted all my resources, and my guards were unable to provide any leads. I was tired and hardly slept, but I could feel my anger rising as I spotted Felicity. "Felicity!" I thundered, my voice carrying across the street.

Felicity froze, turning slowly to face me with a look of fear in her eyes. "Your highness," she said, her voice strained.

"What were you thinking, running away like that?" I demanded, my eyes scanning her for any signs of injuries.

"I couldn't stay there anymore, your highness," Felicity replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "You are a cruel man who only cares about his own power. I had to leave to find some freedom."

I felt a pang of hurt at her words, but pushed it aside. "Disobeying me is breaking the law, Felicity. You knew the consequences of that," I reminded her sternly.

"Please, your highness, understand my situation," Felicity pleaded, her eyes brimming with tears. "I promise to never run away again. Just have mercy on me, please."

I hesitated, watching her carefully. I knew that I had a reputation of being ruthless and power-hungry, but I had to maintain my authority and show her that I was not to be disobeyed.

After much contemplation, I finally decided to forgive her. "Come," I said, holding out my hand. "Let's go back to the castle. I won't do anything to you."

Felicity hesitated, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. I could see the fear and distrust in her eyes, and I knew that I had to work hard to regain her trust.

"I won't hurt you, Felicity. Please trust me," I said softly, taking a step closer to her.

She looked at me for a long moment, then slowly, tentatively, reached out and took my hand. "Okay," she said, her voice filled with hesitant hope. "I'll come with you."

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