The Lycan Prince’s Gifted Luna by Didi.adeyemi ( Lyla and Alexis )

Chapter 11



I was furious with Alexandria. I know she can be hardheaded and I knew that she would have a hard time accepting Lyla but I did not think that she would b that rude and have the outburst in front of Lyla. 

I saw how her face fell and how she shrunk more into herself when she couldn’t answer any of Alex’s questions. I could see her begin to question everything and it frustrated me. I love Alex, she is my cousin against all odds but I will not have her speaking out against my mate. 

She had a smug grin on her face as Lyla left the room and I wanted nothing more than to wipe it off her face. 

“If she cannot take a little opposition then she cannot be your queen.” Alex said in a haughty tone and I realized that I had enough. 

“Everyone out now; except Alex,” 

I think they were all looking for an excuse to leave because as soon as the words left my lips, they stood up, grabbed their plates and walked out of the dining room in a single file. I waited for the door to shut before I turned back to Alex. 

“Don’t give me that look Zander; you know I was right.” 

“I know that you were being unnecessarily rude to my mate and your future Queen.” 

“This has to be some kind of pratical joke that Lucas and Ender forced you into participating in,” she chuckled humorlessly, “because that is the only way that you would even remotely think about making her your mate. Is she even really your mate?” 

“There is more to her than meets the eye.” 

“You are already twenty five, you need a mate to rule the kingdom.” 


“I have the utmost respect for you Alex,” I began but she cut me off. 

1 284 Vouchers. 

“Funny, because I am losing the respect I had for you. What were you thinking 


“Do not mistake my politeness for weakness Alexandria. We might be family, but I am still the prince and I can have you thrown out in a second or punished for treason against the royal family.” 

That seemed to calm her down because she huffed, “Fine, I won’t say anything that you might consider rude.” 

“Lyla is my mate and she is the person I will be making my Queen one day.” 

“Our families will never accept her,” Alex spat, “Neither will the community. Do you really want to put your precious mate through that?” 

“Let me worry about the community. Your job is to accept it for yourself because as the future Duchess; you will be on her court.” 

“And if I refuse?” 

“Then you will be stripped of your title and it will be given to someone else.” I could see her fighting back a response but I didn’t care, “Those are your two options. You either deal with it by be courteous to her or you don’t and you become as uncultured and low ranked as you think she is.” 

“You wouldn’t do that.” 


I leaned forward and whispered, “Try me.” 

“This would have been easier if you just chose Cami.” 

“You will not speak about Camilla in this palace or near her; am I understood?” 

“You don’t need to threaten me on that,” she gave me a wicked smile; “Cami will be here soon, I can’t wait to watch you explain her to your mate. It will be a sight to behold dear cousin.” She chuckled to herself, “May I be excused?” 

Instead of responding to her, I stood up and walked out of the room. As I shut the door behind me, I could hear her dark chuckle of amusement. 

The last thing I wanted to do was think about that issue so I requested that a maid 



bring me a small tray of food that I took back to my room. 

Lyla was lying on my bed when I got there in another obscene nightwear that I know Helena gave her. I put Helena in charge of her clothes and a part of me loves it but a part of me also regrets it because just seeing Lyla is enough to give me a 

hard on. 

The moment I saw her, I was attracted to her and I knew that she was special but hearing that she had a mate already made me feral. Her willingness to reject him only made me more obsessed with her and I knew that I had to have her. 

I can see the fair skin of her breasts peeking out of the top of her nightwear and her smooth legs and thick thighs that I crave to have wrapped around my head were peeking out from the bottom. She ditched the cover up so her shoulders are on bare display and right now I want nothing more than to kiss her there and give her my mark. 

I forced my thoughts away from all the dirty things I wanted to do to her and placed the tray on the bedside table next to her. 

“You have not had anything to eat since the flight,” I said as I sat next to her. 

“I’m not hungry,” her voice cracked a little like she had been crying and I hated that I was part of the reason why, “Why does Alex hate me?” 

“Alex doesn’t hate you,” I lied, “She is just a bitch sometimes and it is hard for her to accept new people.” 

She hummed to herself and nodded “. 

said something in the dining room; she asked why you chose me when you had, then you interrupted her. What was she talking about?” 

“I can’t remember,” I kept my voice calm and even although my mind was racing. How did she notice that? “Alex says a lot of shit; don’t pay attention to her. Your should eat.” 

“Tomorrow,” she gave me a small smile, “I’m not hungry right now.” 

I decided to let the topic of food slide but made a mental note to force her to eat tomorrow morning. 

I let my eyes rake over her slowly, “beautiful.” 




“What?” her question made me realize that I had spoken out loud. 

“You are beautiful,” I slowly brushed a strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear, “I look at you and I am amazed.” 

“You ignored me today.” 

“I was scared,” it was the truth, “I was anxious at how my brother would react to you.” I buried my face in her neck and took a long inhale- she used my body wash, “He loved you so I had nothing to worry about.” 

“You should have just told me about your concerns,” her voice was shaky and I knew she was as affected as I was by what was happening. 

I kissed her shoulder blade softly, “Next time I will.” 

“I have one more question,” she began in a slow voice, “Why did you bring me here? There were so many other people, why me?” 

“Because we are mates, Lyla,” I explained, “Do you not feel the bond between us?” she went silent because she knew I was right, “I know you’re not convinced but we are mates and that is why I brought you here.” 

I wondered if I should tell her the other reason but I figured she wasn’t ready for it yet. Instead, I placed both hands on her waist and lay her back on the bed. A small startled gasp escaped her but I swallowed it when I covered my mouth with hers. I ravaged her lips but it only took a few seconds of me kissing her to realize that she wasn’t kissing me back. 

I pulled back and saw everything I needed to see in her eyes- she wasn’t convinced so she wasn’t ready. 

“I’m sorry, I just-,” 

“It’s okay,” I cut her off; “If you’re not into it then it isn’t fun.” 

“I just-,” 

“You should get some rest; you had a long day,” I gave her a soft peck on her forehead, “I will go finish up some work.” 

She opened her mouth to speak but closed it last minute and nodded. I forced myself to leave her side and make the long walk from my room to my office. 




The truth is, I didn’t have any werk to do but I knew that what she needed s space. Maybe it is because her wolf has not manifested physically we hier bes friends told me so she cannot feel the pressure of the mate bond. 

All she needs is a little time and space and she will begin to feel for me whe for her whenever I see her. 

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