The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 10

(Mila pov)

I rolled over in the large King size bed that was ours for the weekend. The hotel room was dark and quiet as I tried to sit up and look at the clock on the nightstand next to the bed, unsure what time it even was.

“Mmm, not yet baby.” Rowan grumbled, pulling me flush against his chest as he tightened his grip around me and began placing open-mouth k****s against my bare shoulder causing me to giggle.

Last night was absolutely incredible. We spent all night in our room..which was almost as big as our place back in Black Stone. It even has a huge balcony with a hot tub outside! We ended up staying up late and watching movies, then ordered room service. It felt like a real vacation. And we can’t forget the multiple o*****s my mate gave me all throughout the night. By the twelfth one, I was spent. I don’t know how Rowan can keep going sometimes. I literally passed out when he was finally done with me but I’m sure he could have kept going.

My body felt sore and achy as I nuzzled against Rowan’s naked chest, kissing his collarbone as I let out a happy sigh.

“What’s the plan today baby?” I asked sleepily, the sound of Rowan’s deep breathing making me feel calm and content.

“Me and the rest of the board members have a meeting at ten, then there is a lunch for the employees where I will be speaking, and finally a dinner with our partners later in the evening.” His deep voice rumbled beneath me as he pressed his lips against my brow tenderly.

“But you, my beautiful Luna, will be having a spa day with the girls..and John and Dan.” He peered down at me, my eyes grew wide as I jumped up excitedly.

“Really?!” I couldn’t believe it. I always wanted to do something like this and I couldn’t help but climb on top of my handsome mate and smother him with k****s. He let out a deep laugh, making my smile grow even wider as his hands found my butt. His fingers began to kneed and massage me sensually as his eyes were soon filled with desire.

“Now show me how much you are going to miss me.” He whispered in a husky tone, causing my body to hum with excitement.

“So, so much.” I breathed against his lips, my core dripping wet as I felt him pressing against my entrance.

Let’s just say I am going to miss him a lot..and I showed him just how much multiple times.

An hour later we are now standing in the lobby, Rowan is gripping my hand tightly and pressing his mouth to my neck, placing small k****s down my sensitive throat as he whispered sweet nothings through our link.

‘After today it’s just you and me baby, I am going to take you out shopping and you are going to buy anything want.’

(Mila pov)

I rolled over in the large King size bed that was ours for the weekend. The hotel room was dark and quiet as I tried to sit up and look at the clock on the nightstand next to the bed, unsure what time it even was.

He whispered, causing me to flutter my eyes shut as his hands wrapped around me, caressing my body sensually.

‘Then I am going to take you to dinner at the nicest restaurant in the city.’

His lips dragged down further, right above my mark, causing me to gasp.

‘I want to treat you how you deserve baby, and give you everything you desire.’

He said smoothly and I couldn’t help but g***n.

‘You are all I desire.’

I breathed as I melted beneath him, almost forgetting we were in a public place. That was until I opened my eyes and saw a smirking Blake with his arms crossed.

“I hope we aren’t interrupting anything.” He teased, making Rowan growl as he reluctantly removed his full lips from my neck, making it so I could finally breathe.

Rowan just glared at Blake, his eyes narrowing as he linked him something I’m sure wasn’t appropriate.

“Where’s my brother and his mate?” Lottie butt in, walking over toward me as she looped her arm through my own.

“He said they were on their way now.” Rowan explained, his arm tightening around my waist as we suddenly heard footsteps approaching.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw Sadie walking out of the elevator with Tristan, Genevieve, and Finn.

I began waving happily as Rowan wrapped his arm around my waist and squeezed me gently.

‘If you need anything at all please link me baby..I’m serious. I want you to have fun but I will be there in a heartbeat if anything is wrong.’

Rowan said in a serious tone, his eyes meeting mine as everyone gathered around. I smile and nodded my head as I couldn’t help but admire my mate. My eyes drifted down, wandering his tall lean muscular body. He wore a white dress shirt with black slacks and a black leather belt. His longer hair was slicked back and he looked sharp and mate was the most handsome man I have ever seen How did I get so lucky?

I reached up on my toes, placing a sweet k**s on Rowan’s lips as I pulled back and turned toward our friends.

“Hey Mil, how you doing?” Finn asked with a smile, nudging me with his shoulder as he looked me in the eyes intently.

“Great! Isn’t this place amazing?” I beamed, leaning into Rowan’s side. I could feel his jealousy coursing through our bond as I nuzzled into his side even more. I know it’s hard for him to control these emotions but over the past two months, Rowan has been able to contain them more and think much more rationally.

Even when I have my fears and insecurities he knows exactly what to do to settle me down and bring me comfort. I feel like as a couple we continue to grow together and our bond is unbreakable.

“Yeah it’s not bad.” Finn added, nodding his head as he glanced towards Rowan.

“Ready to go? The meeting is about to start.” He asked, looking between Blake, Rowan and Tristan.

I couldn’t help but notice Tristan holding Sadie’s hand as he glanced over at her and leaned in, giving her a gentle k**s on the cheek. I can’t lie..I wanted to clap my hands and cheer with excitement from the way Sadie blushes and batted her eyelashes.

‘Eeek, it’s happening Mil!! This is not a drill!’

Blake linked me, making me almost burst into laughter as I glanced toward Blake and saw his wide smirk.

“Don’t even..” Tristan said to Blake in a chilling tone as Blake lifted his hands in mock surrender and Tristan began walking forward, leaving everyone behind.

“Have fun baby, I love you.” Rowan pulled me into a deep k**s before letting out a long sigh and resting his brow against my own, our eyes gazing into one another as a sudden sadness filled me.

‘I miss you already.’

He whispered into our link, his voice expressing my own thoughts as I felt the exact same way.

‘I love you with everything I am Rowan.’

I reached up, placing one last k**s on my Alpha’s lips before he pulled away.

“Come on, let’s go girls before he changes his mind.” Lottie whispered, pulling my hand as she led me towards a hallway across from the lobby.

I frowned, turning my head as I was being pulled away, and glanced towards my mate one last time, watching as he turned the corner and disappeared from my sight.

Ever since that day..I almost can’t bare to be away from him. Those memories of what happened constantly flashing through my mind. So while some think that Rowan is the one that can’t be away from me..they are might of been like that before but now it’s me who can’t be away from him. I began to panic and anxiety fills my chest, making it ache and tighten. It has happened a few times but I don’t like to talk about it, only Rowan and Sadie know about it. I will try my hardest to relax today but I can tell it’s going to be hard.

“Whose ready for a spa day?!” Genevieve asked excitedly, jumping up and down as I a smile began to pull at my lips. I guess if I am away from my mate at least I am with my friends and I can’t wait to experience this with them. Even if John and Dan are following close behind, hey who knows, maybe they deserve a spa day more than anyone.

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