The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 1

(Mila pov)

Calypso’s claws dug into the earth, our heart beating fast as we raced through the forest. The rain drizzled down on us as tree branches grazed against Calypso’s fur.

‘Steady your breathing.’

I reminded Calypso softly.

She took a deep breath, weaving through the trees as a flash of red moved in the corner of our eye.

‘Faster! She found us!’

I shouted, knowing she could pounce any minute..not today though, today I was going to be the one to pounce.

Calypso slid to the left, dodging a rotten stump as she drifted onto another path. That’s when we used our speed, I needed to confuse her, that way I could sneak up from behind and gain advantage that way.

Suddenly the scent of my mate slammed into me, throwing us off guard as Calypso became distracted for one brief second and that was all she needed..Sadie’s wolf Savanah jumped out of the bushes, going for the tackle as Calypso changed gears. She quickly halted, our back end sliding sideways as we turned directions and began running towards the other way.

‘I told you there would be distractions.’

Sadie’s sweet voice filled my head, it was taunting and full of excitement. She loved the thrill of a chase..

Looking straight ahead I saw it, the red rag I was after all along, I just grab this and it’s a victory.

Just then I heard large paws padding on the ground next to me, the shimmering silver fur of my mate sparkled in the morning sun as Calypso’s excitement grew.

‘Go for it baby, I will block her off.’

Rowan linked me, knowing having him here only makes me stronger. But before he could execute his plan Tristan’s wolf, Hadeon, slid into him, throwing Bain off balance and making him growl in frustration.

Savanah tried to pull forward but not I would finally beat her.

‘Go Calypso now!!’

I shouted excitedly, making Calypso leap forward, our jaws reaching out as the fabric grazed our teeth. Biting down, she took the red flag in her mouth and yanked it..a muffled howl leaving her throat as Savanah sauntered up, her tail wagging as she bumped into me.

‘Congratulations Mila, you guys won fair and square.’

She said through our link, making Calypso prance around as Bain stalked over. He nuzzled into us, his tongue lapping at our snout as I couldn’t help but smile internally.

‘Good job baby!’

Rowan congratulated me and I was beyond happy. We have been doing this training exercise for weeks, and finally, I won. Sadie is an absolute beast, the way she moves and thinks is just beyond anything I have ever seen. I thought I was pretty good at training and thinking on my feet but she eats, sleeps, and breathes this stuff. It’s insane..

I couldn’t help but smile internally as I watched Hadeon nuzzle up to Savanah. Sadly, their wolves have more of a relationship than Tristan and Sadie do..

I would say they can at least stay in a room together now, but before Sadie would leave any time Tristan came by..

It has been three months since the whole Marcus thing went down..let’s just say a lot has happened since then.

Well, first off, Sadie officially joined the pack, so now we can communicate with her through mind link. She has become my personal guard since Ian changed packs to be with his second chance mate Mariah who just so happened to be a Beta’s daughter, so now he is the Alpha’s new Beta. We keep in contact and he comes over occasionally to hang out with the guys. Rowan has no hard feelings and has let all of that go, he understands what it’s like to want to protect his mate more than anyone.

Lottie and Blake, where to start there..they have moved in together officially and Lottie has been taking some of the Beta duties as well now. She and Sadie actually get a long really well, they hit it off immediately and Lottie pretty much calls Sadie her sister-in-law, even though things are kind of chill for her and Tristan right now..but I have a feeling in due time they will accept this.

Vincent and Laura are finally back from their overseas trip and Vincent was even offered a position to join the Elder Council. It was a huge honor and surprise, they meet up a few times a month to discuss pack relations and try to keep things peaceful between the surrounding packs.

Laura on the other hand has been on another that Rowan isn’t too fond of. Grandpups..she keeps subtly placing nursery swatches in Rowan’s files of paperwork and I swear he threw the last one in the fire. So it’s safe to say Rowan isn’t ready to have pups yet..which is okay with me for the time being because I feel like I have been so busy with getting involved with our community now. Being Luna has been both rewarding and challenging at times, it’s hard to balance work life with my time with Rowan, but it helps that we do everything together. So we can sneak some time in whenever we find the chance. He still can’t keep his hands off of me..but then again it goes both ways. Ever since that scare we had, I just never want to be away from him. I had a moment of feeling what life would be like without this man and I hated every agonizing second, so maybe I have been the clingy one lately.

I shifted back as soon as we reached the back of the house. Rowan shifted next to me, his hand reaching out as he pulled me close to him.

“I am so f*****g proud of you baby.” He leaned down, our lips brushing together as his hands roamed my back.

“I couldn’t have done it without you.” I smiled against his lips, the taste of him making me burn with desire as he looked around us, making sure no one was there.

“I say why don’t we go upstairs to celebrate?” He growled, his large hands finding my butt as he squeezed greedily.

“Rowan.” I gasped, never able to get enough of this man and the way he makes me feel.

‘Bro, sis, everything’s all set up for the meeting, Greta even made blt’s.’

Blake’s voice filled our minds and Rowan let out an exasperated g***n.

“I don’t want to eat Blt’s I want to eat my mate.” He quipped and I couldn’t help but gasp.

“Rowan!” I chided him, causing a frown to settle on his face.

“I haven’t had you since this morning..I’m having withdrawals baby.” He pouted and I reached up on my tippy toes, my lips pressing deeper into him as I felt the need to be as close as possible to my mate.

“After this meeting, how about we end the day early and we spend the rest of our afternoon in bed.” I offered, earning an all too eager yes which resulted in him pressing me against him harder, causing me to whimper.

“Yes please, that’s all I need..” he breathed against my lips.

‘Meeting, starting in ten minutes..get to it!’

Blake linked again, causing us both to g***n as I reluctantly pulled away.

“We better get dressed and go.” I sighed, feeling like I am missing Rowan already and he is right here.

We walked into the packhouse hand in hand after dressing in our emergency clothes we hid.

I wore a blue sweater with black pants and Rowan matched me perfectly like always.

His silver hair was now long and shaggy, it went down past his ears and I loved running my fingers through it.

We made our way to the elevator, meeting up with Sadie, Lottie, and Tristan along the way. I smiled happily toward them and Sadie bumped into my shoulder playfully.

‘Good job this morning Mil.’

She sent through the link, smiling softly as I couldn’t help but grin back.

‘I have a good teacher.’

I said while bumping her h*p, accidentally knocking her into Tristan who reached out, gripping her h**s to steady her and instantly pulled his hands away like the touch of her burned.

Sadie narrowed her eyes at me, making me smile sheepishly and mouth the word “sorry.” She had a no-touch policy for Tristan, I think it’s because if he touches her, she feels the mating bond even more..I have no idea why she is fighting this so much..I catch her looking at him when she thinks no one is paying attention..I’m not blind, and neither is anyone else.

“Can’t you two just get this mating bond thing over guys are perfect for each other and yet you both fight’s absurd!” Lottie blurted, causing Tristen and Sadie to both turn and give her the death stare.

“See, you two even glare at me the same..” she muttered under her breath, crossing her arms as I tried my hardest to stifle a laugh.

‘Don’t you dare laugh and make this more awkward.’

Rowan linked me, wrapping his arms around my chest as he pulled my back flush against his chest.

I looked up at him, his blue eyes meeting mine as I smiled at him lovingly.

‘I wouldn’t dare..’

I quipped, watching as he tilted his head forward, pressing a soft k**s to my lips.

“Ugh..and you two, I have never seen two mates go at it all the damn time..are you sure you’re not part rabbit or something damn..” Lottie g*****d, was she in a bad mood today or something? She seemed more irritable than usual.

Finally, the elevator doors opened and Lottie stomped out first followed by a red-faced Tristan. Then Sadie stepped out and waited at the side for me and Rowan as she soon followed behind closely.

We got to the meeting room where Blake had set everything up and was leaning against the wall waiting for us patiently. Lottie walked up to him pouting and nuzzled into his chest.

“Angel, what’s wrong?” He asked her worriedly, grabbing her face as he examined her carefully.

“Teddy bear, I’m having a bad day.” She practically whined, earning a snort from Tristan and wide eyes from Sadie.

I looked at Rowan, trying my hardest to stay composed as the corner of his mouth twitched.

“Aww come here, I will give you a foot rub later..will that make it better?” Blake offered and Lottie nodded her head excitedly.

‘And I thought we were bad..’

Rowan grumbled into our link and that’s when I lost it, I couldn’t hold the laugh in any longer, causing everyone to look at me as I tried to compose myself.

Rowan just stared at me with amusement in his eyes and I cleared my throat.

“Everyone ready?” I squeaked out, sitting at the table next to Rowan.

Blake dragged Lottie to the table and sat her down and then fiddled with the conference call, bringing in our allies.

He called Cresent Moon first, and my dad answered right away.

“Hey everyone, hi flower, how are you doing today?” He asked me excitedly. We talk on the phone every day now, but he gets excited whenever I am around, even if he calls Rowan about pack stuff I hear him asking about me.

“Good dad, I miss you.” I quickly added, knowing Blake was going to add the next person soon.

“Miss you too kiddo.” He chimed in and then Blake added Finn next.

Finn and Genevieve have been doing pretty well. They have come by a few times and Genevieve informed me that they are going to be trying for a pup soon. I was thrilled for them and I hope they are blessed with many healthy pups.

After everyone joined the call, we started the meeting and it lasted for almost two hours.. it was exhausting..we still have been having some rogue issues, and the ball for the neighboring pack was moved to a later date because of it. I guess a few bands of rouges have been terrorizing their lands so we have sent some of our warriors to help train their men to better defend themselves against the rogues.

I felt Rowan’s hand on my knee, his movements becoming more possessive by the minute. Finally, Blake hung up the call and Rowan stood up abruptly.

“Is that everything?” He said with a clipped voice as Blake nodded his head smirking.

“Yep, that’s all..” he smiled widely, and the next thing I knew I was being thrown over Rowan’s shoulder and carried towards the elevator.

“Rowan! At least let me walk!” I laughed, seeing Sadie try to hurry and keep up behind us. Suddenly I heard a loud smack and felt a stinging on my butt.

“If you walk something else will happen to keep us from getting out of here. That way no one will dare to interfere this way.” Rowan said with a clear smirk in his voice.

I couldn’t help the giggle that fell from my lips and right as the elevator doors opened I heard Rowan curse under his breath.

“Really dad..right now?” Was all I heard before I was swiftly placed back on my feet where I was met with Vincent and Elder Nicolas walking out of the elevator.

“Son, we have had this meeting planned for weeks, don’t act surprised.” Vincent said while patting Rowan’s shoulder and reached over to k**s me on the cheek and said hello before he turned to walk back towards his office.

I looked up at Rowan, reaching up on my toes as I placed a quick peck on his lips.

“Do your meeting and I will meet you upstairs..okay?” I whispered and he nodded his head, a deep sigh leaving him as I walked into the elevator followed by Sadie right behind me.

‘I love you.’ He linked, and I blew him a k**s right as the doors closed.

I stepped back, leaning up against the elevator as I couldn’t help the sad feeling that crept its way up. It’s been like this for the past month. Nonstop meetings and things keeping us apart..I miss him. But this is what it’s like to be Alpha and Luna of such a large pack..I just thought nothing would ever get between us like this.

‘You okay?’

Sadie linked to me and I put on the best smile I could muster.

‘Yeah, I will be.’

I replied and stepped off the elevator.

I opened our room door and walked inside, letting myself fall onto the bed as I let out a deep sigh. Are things changing between me and Rowan? Is the bond not as strong as before? I miss him..but I guess it was bound to happen. Things can’t always be like they were at the start.

Suddenly I flopped over onto my back, looking up at the ceiling as I was met with those blue eyes I love so much, causing me to jump.

“Rowan, what are you doing here?” I sat up, looking at my mate as he hovered above me.

“I told my dad and Elder Nicolas the meeting would have to wait. He is staying for three days anyway so I moved it to tomorrow.” He stepped forward, his hand reaching down as his fingers brushed across my lips gently.

“Besides, I believe I was promised an afternoon of just staying in bed..there is no way in hell I am letting anything get between that baby.” He smiled down at me mischievously. His hands moving down to my neck as he held my mark possessively.

“Mine, you are all mine and I think I need to remind you of that.” He pushed me back gently, his words causing my heart to race as I looked up at my mate with big l**t-filled eyes.

Yes, I am Rowan’s, every inch of me and I can’t wait for him to claim me over and over again like I know he will..I guess some things don’t change..

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