The Luna That Became A Vampire

Chapter Chapter Eight


I was doing patrol with Mike and Sebastian who are the father and brother of Luz when a pack member came up to us, we could see that something serious had happened by the way that he looked. As he got closer to us his expression got sadder which made all of us worry even more, when he was close enough he lowered his head in respect to me as the future Alpha and we waited to know what he had to say.

“Alpha and Luna require all three of you to go immediately to the pack hospital” he said

“And why is that, is either one of them hurt or something” I asked

“No but..” he stopped and looked at Mike and Sebastian

“But what” Sebastian asked

“Luz isn’t” he said as he lowered his head and we saw a tear roll down his face

Without waiting for more information we all ran to the pack hospital, when we got there mom was in dad’s arms crying which let us know that the news was bad. As we got closer we saw dad’s shirt was completely covered in blood which we assumed it belonged to Luz, we got closer to them and when we were close we were able to see Daisy in Derek’s arms crying as well.

“What happened” Mike asked

“Luz fell down three flights of stairs” dad answered

“She lost a lot of blood and we haven’t heard anything from Demitri” Derek finished

“How did it happen?” Sebastian asked

“We don’t know, we just know that she fell all the way down from the top floor” dad said

After a few minutes a pack member came and gave dad a new shirt and we continued to wait until we saw Demitri come out of the room, he walked up to us with some kind of stick on top of his clipboard that had papers on it as well as a pen.

“How is she” mom asked

“We are doing everything we can to save them” Demitri said

“Safe…..them” dad asked confused

“We found this in her jacket pocket” Demitri said as he gave mom the stick like thing

“She’s pregnant” dad asked as he looked at Demitri with wide eyes

“Seems like it, I ran some tests and I’m waiting on the results to confirm it” Demitri said

“Where is she” Alex came into the hospital with about ten other vampires

“She is in the room, what are you doing here” Sebastian asked

“Well after her mate mated with her and then rejected her the next morning she called me and asked me to come get her, then when we were texting this morning she told me that she hadn’t been feeling well. I told her to go get a pregnancy test and take it, after a few minutes she sent me a picture that showed pregnant on the digital screen. Which made us hurry to get here faster, when we arrived we were told that she had had an accident and she was here” Alex said

“So, she is pregnant” asked Demitri

“Yes” Alex answered

After a few quiet seconds an alarm started to go off and Demitri and Alex ran into a room, I guessed it was the room where Luz was in. A few minutes went by before Demitri came out but Alex didn’t come out of the room. Demitri came up to us and his face was worse than when he went in, he came near us and looked at Mike and Sebastian.

“I don’t think they will make it” Demitri said

“Nooo” mom and Daisy yelled at the same time

All of a sudden the alarm started to go off and Demitri ran into the room at the same time I fell to my knees and started to clench my chest just above my heart, it felt like it was being ripped out of my chest. Mom and dad ran to me and started to ask questions but the one I did answer was if I was Luz’s mate to which I just nodded my head.

After a few minutes Alex came out with Luz in his arms, her lifeless body and inside her our unborn child that didn’t even get a chance to breathe on its own. We exchanged some words and he walked out with Luz and our pup, mom still had the pregnancy test in her hand and I took it from her as I looked at it a nurse came up to Demitri with some papers in her hands and when Demitri read them he gave them to me only for me to confirm that Luz was pregnant when she died.

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