The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups by Jane Above Story

Chapter 77

#Chapter 77 – Jane Surrenders
Even as fury overwhelms me, my wolf
can’t help but puff up with pride. My
naughty little mate might not realize it,
but she would never have pushed me this
way unless she felt safe doing so. It actually makes the fact that she believed I
might be framing her even more outrageous, because she clearly knows I
won’t harm her.
Then again, maybe she’s tipsy enough that she’s simply thrown caution to the
wind. The scent of her obvious arousal is
driving my hunger for her higher and higher, and it’s entirely possible that she’s gambling on my reaction to her provocation,
hoping I won’t hurt her
despite her better judgment.
Either way, she’s going to get her wish.
Without another word I close the distance
between us, bending at the waist and hitching her up over my shoulder. Jane
yelps as I unceremoniously cart her away
as if she’s a sack of potatoes, her small
fists pounding my back once her mouth

catches up to her brain, “Hey! What are
you doing? Put me down!” She orders,
sounding about as intimidating as an angry kitten.
“I warned you, baby.” I remind her,
swatting her behind when she continues to struggle against my hold. “You’re the
one who chose not to listen.”
“Where are you taking me?” Jane demands, whipping her head left and right before dropping her voice to an affronted whisper.
“Ethan, there are people watching! We’re in public.”
“Maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to mouth off to your Alpha.” I scold, not giving her an inch of leeway.
“You’re not my Alpha.” She mutters
mutinously, trying and failing to kick her legs in defiance.
“Alright,” I amend, “then you should
have thought of that before you decided
to mouth off to your mate.”
“You’re not that either.” Jane grumbles, ”
not anymore.”
“According to the Goddess I am.” I
remind her smugly, resting my hand on
the back of her thighs just to taunt her. ”
Once a mate, always a mate.”
“Well not according to the courts.” She hisses fiercely.

I stride into the vineyards store room, scanning the small space to make sure we’re alone before shutting the door behind me
and depositing Jane on a desk by the entrance. The windowless space is full of sealed casks and smells of wine
and wood, but my senses are too full of Jane to take notice.
Sprawled on her back, her hair a golden
halo around her head, my former mate is glaring up at me with her brilliant green
eyes. Leaning over her prone form, I
circle her nape in one powerful hand, resisting the urge to fist my hand in her silky hair. “Last chance, little wolf.” I warn her. “If
you tell me to stop now, I
will. If not, you pay the price.”
She studies me closely, and I can practically see the gears turning in her head as she weighs her options. Part of me fears I’m
pushing too hard, especially with our history, but my Alpha instincts. are driving me now. My wolf knows what the omega needs
even if I remain
Sure enough, Jane bares her teeth a
moment later and challenges me
outright, her stunning eyes ablaze with desire. “Bite me.” She snaps, trying to rise up from the desk.
I catch her shoulder, pressing her back down before lowering my body over hers. Now I do slide my hand into her hair,
tangling my fingers in the shining mass and pulling her head back to expose her neck to my sharp canines. “Gladly.” I reply,
closing my teeth around my faded
I don’t bite down, as much as I want to. Instead I pause and gauge her reaction, chuckling darkly when she arches her back and
tries to rub her swollen breasts against my chest. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for this?” I question,

retracting my fangs and instead kissing my way up her neck. Jane gasps softly, squirming beneath me and unconsciously licking
her pink lips as I
stare down at her.
“Waiting for what?” She goads, “you haven’t done anything yet.”
With a ravenous growl I claim her mouth, cutting off her defiant words and
swallowing her cry of surprise. I catch her lips between mine over and over again, teasing the seam of her lips with my
tongue and delving deep when they part.
She tastes of wine and sunshine, and
suddenly I feel drunk for reasons that
have absolutely nothing to do with our vineyard tasting tour. I devour Jane
whole, running my hands over her lush body and reacquainting myself with her soft curves, feeling as if I’m finally coming home
after too much time away.
Jane is arching up into me again, moaning as our tongues tangle and clinging to me like a little blonde monkey. She nibbles my
lower lip and slides her hands beneath my shirt, exploring the hard contours of my chest and back as I steal more kisses from
her willing mouth. Her long legs wrap around my waist and her hips rock reflexively, grinding against my hardness as I trail my
tongue down the slender column of her throat.
Jane whimpers when I pull down the top of her dress to expose her breasts to the cool air, panting with need as I suck one
swollen nipple into my hot mouth and tease the other with my thumb. I’m
aching to delve my fingers between her legs, already knowing I’ll find her soaked, but I’m trying to bide my time. I don’t know
when I might get this opportunity again, and I’m determined to make the
most of it while I can.
Jane, on the other hand, is completely impatient, tossing her head back and forth as I lave her breasts and whispering soft pleas
for me to claim her the way she desires. “Please, Ethan,” She breathes, “I need you.”

“How do you need me, sweetheart?” I press, bunching her dress up around her hips and sliding my hands beneath her round
bottom, holding her still so that she can no longer try to steal pleasure simply by grinding her needy clit into my erection.
“You know!” She whines indignantly, pushing herself up onto her elbows and reaching for my fly.
Catching both her wrists in one of my
large hands, I yank her hands above her head, continuing to explore her body as she yanks at my hold. Taking mercy on Jane, I
slide my hand into her panties and run my thumb over the swollen bud at the
apex of her thighs, circling it with enough. pressure to give her relief, but not take her over the edge.
“Ask me, Janey.” I instruct her, stealing another kiss from her delectable lips, before lavishing more attention on my mark. “Tell
me what you want. My cock? My mark?”
Her hips jerk at the sound of my blunt
words, and I feel a gush of wetness beneath my fingers. Teasing her
drenched entrance while I continue to
work her clit, I pull back to watch her fall to pieces before me, feeling lightheaded when I see the way she’s spread out like my
own personal feast – exposed and vulnerable, needy and nearly begging for
“I almost forgot how beautiful you are.” I
admit gruffly, swearing under my breath. “I thought I had to be imagining how sweet you tasted, how perfect you look when all
your inhibitions are lost.”
Shaking my head, I continue, “but I
wasn’t. You’re everything I remembered
and more.”
“Please, please don’t make me wait any longer.” Jane half-sobs, blinking up at me with lust-glazed eyes.

“Well, since you asked so nicely.” I agree, only caving because I think I might go crazy if I put this off for a single moment longer.
I unbutton my trousers as swiftly as I can, pulling my rigid manhood from my boxers and ripping away Jane’s panties as if they
were made of string.
Lining myself up with her tight sheath, I ease the flared tip of my cock into her
heat, hissing through my teeth when I feel her silky channel gripping me for dear life. I thought we might be an easier fit after the
pups, but apparently they
didn’t make a difference. She feels as
tight as she did our very first time, and I realize in hindsight I should have
prepared her more. Oh well, I muse, it’s
too late now. Now that I’ve felt her, there’s no going back.
Thrusting forward, I bury myself in Jane, impaling her on my thick length in one go. She tosses her head back and cries out in
ecstasy, and I can only hold myself still for a few moments as she adjusts. Her sweet sex is clenching and spasming around me,
testing my willpower and begging me to claim her as roughly as both of our instincts demand.
All my hopes for a long, luxurious lovemaking session go out the window when Jane begins pushing herself down onto me
further, and the next thing I know I’m spearing my tongue into her mouth as I pound into her welcoming
sheath, ravishing her completely.
Pulling her up into a sitting position, I angle my cock into her sweet spot,
drinking in her satisfied moans as she
grinds her clit against my pelvis. The next thing I know, she’s exploding around me, detonating so quickly she takes me by
surprise. She tries to pull away as she comes down on the other side, but I slide
my hand between our bodies and strum her love button straight into a second
Unable to hold back any longer, I spill myself inside her with a satisfied growl. Gathering her to my chest in the delirious

aftermath, I purr as she cuddles closer, pressing her face into the curve of my neck and clinging tight.
As our sated bodies return to earth, I can
only think one thing: Finally..

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