The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups by Jane Above Story

Chapter 165

3rd Person
Jane was kicking herself. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t foreseen this possibility. Of course the pups would ask Santa to reunite
them with Ethan – Santa was supposed to be able to provide any gift you wanted, even ones parents didn’t approve.
She watched with bated breath as the tree farm Santa processed the children’s gift request, praying he wouldn’t make a promise
she couldn’t keep. The last thing she needed was for this to be the year the pups found out the truth about Santa Claus. That
would only add fuel to the fire. She could already see it playing out in her mind’s eye, tearful accusations of lies and tricks on top
of everything else.
The Santa glanced at her for guidance, and she shook her head firmly. The pups were still gazing up at him in awe, waiting to
see if he would make their dreams come true. “Ho now, that’s an awfully difficult thing for my elves to make in the workshop.”
The man bluffed, Isn’t there something else you’ d like?
Some nice toys?”
“No.” Riley declared firmly. “We just want Mommy and Daddy to be together again”
I understand.” Santa Claus answers gently, “but there are some things even Santa can’t do.”
“Nuh-uh. ” Ryder insisted. “You can get around the whole world in one night, you have flying reindeer you’re magic! You can do
“Love is a different kind of magic, dear ones. ” He replies. I’m very sorry. But there must be something else you want for
The pups shook their heads, and the girls slipped off his la*p. Riley, Parker and Ryder returned to Jane’s side looking completely
dejected, but Paisley stayed behind for a moment, whispering something into the old man’s ear too low for the others to
Santa nodded in reply and Paisley gradually rejoined her siblings.
What did you ask him, angel?” Jane asked, taking the pup’s hands and leading them away through the Snow.
“Nothing’portant.” Paisley replied cagily, exchanging meaningful glances with her siblings.

Later, after they’ d returned home and Jane was busy trying to situate the Christmas tree in its stand, the pups retreated to their
room. “Okay, Paisley, what’s up?!” Riley asked excitedly, “what did you say to Santa?”
Well,” Paisley began, raising her little hands to get her siblings’ attention, “have you ever noticed that Santa smells different
every year?”
Riley, Ryder and Parker stared at each other in surprise, realizing for the first time that she was right. “You’re right!” Parker
“But how is that possible?” Ryder demanded, “he can’t be a different person every year, can he?
“Actually he can.” Paisley corrected, “Daddy explained it to me once. He said that Santa is so busy in the North Pole getting
ready for Christmas, that he just doesn’ have the time to visit every city in the world aforehand to find out what everyone wants,
or even to read all the letters on his own. So he has thousands of helpers who go out and collect the letters and dress up like him
to find out what pups want for Christmas!”
No way!” The others gaped, I don’t b’lieve it!'”
It’s true. I asked Santa today if I was right and he said tha’s exactly how it works! The real Santa is up at the North POle this very
minute.” Paisley shared.
That means that the Santa we met today might’ ve been wrong!” Riley whispered eagerly. “He doesn’ have all Santa’s magic, so
he doesn’ know everything he can do.”
‘Exactly!” Paisley confirmed.
Then we have to get to the real Santa.” Parker decided. “If anyone can get Mommy and Daddy back t’gether is him!”
Ryder frowned, “Are you saying we should go to the North Pole?” Ryder asked, not quite believing his ears.
A course that’s what we have to do!” Riley cried, clapping her small hands over her mouth when she realized how loud she’s
“But we just got home!” Ryder whined. “And we don ‘ know the first thing about getting to the North Pole.
“So?” Paisley countered, we didn’t know how to read once either, then we learned. All things start out new – till they’re not
anymore. We can figure out how to get there.”

But it’s dangerous out there !” Parker interjected, having second thoughts of his own now. “I don’ wanna get pup-napped again,
or get lost like we did in the islands.
Tha’s why we have to plan really good.” Riley nodded. “We have to be safes.”
Maybe we could just write a letter.” Ryder suggested. “Letters are always safe.. cept for paper cuts.”
Paisley and Riley exchanged thoughtful looks, before nodding in agreement. “Come with us.” They led the way down the hall,
tiptoeing over the cool wooden floor until they were at the edge of the living room.
They peeked around the corner, watching Jane struggle with the tree. Usually Eric always went on these outing with them, then
helped her put the tree up after coming home. This was the first year she was trying to do it all alone.
She was trying to hold the trunk straight while also turning the screws on the base. She shuffled around the tree, tightening the
metal rods until they were digging into the trunk strongly enough to hold it uptight. However every time she stepped back to look
at her handiwork, the tree was listing over to one side or another, completely crooked. Jane would gr0an and try again, but after
a dozen attempts she was getting incredibly frustrated. Still she kept trying, straightening and adjusting the trunk over and over
again. Unfortunately on her fifteenth try, she loosened the screws too much, and the tree toppled back against the wall. Jane
slumped onto the ground with a heavy sigh, burying her face in her hands. “D*mnit!” She murmured, her voice thick.
D*mnit, d*mnit, d*mnit!”
“Look at Mommy.” Riley urged her siblings.
She looks so sad.” Parker murmured, frowning deeply.
Right on cue Jane started to cry, and the pups suddenly felt very guilt for giving her such a hard time lately. “Oh no!” Ryder
Before the other three realized what was happening, Paisley ran out of their hiding spot and into the living room.
Paisley wait!” Riley called after her, but it was too late.
“Don’t cry Mommy!” Paisley cried, throwing her arms around Jane’s neck. Jane pulled the sweet bundle into her la*p, and the
others slowly emerged.

I’m sorry pups.” She professed, trying to wipe away her tears before they could realize just how upset she was. “I’m okay.”
Riley, Parker and Ryder were gathered around her too now, competing for spots in her la*p until they were a veritable puppy pile.
Why’re you sad, Mommy?” Ryder asked, squeezing her middle tightly.
This just isn’t what I imagined, that’s all.” Jane replied vaguely, making the understatement of the year. Every time she’d pictured
having Paisley home with them in the past she’d imagined nothing but joy. She never expected having her pups together to be
accompanied by so much pain, or that her friends would also be thousands of miles away too. She certainly never thought her
babies would be so angry with her – still it helped to finally be snuggling them. But it helps to have you in my arms. I love you all
so much.”
The pups responded with out a second thought. “We love you too, Mommy.”
Jane hiccuped, the tears she’d wiped away suddenly surging back to life. ‘Really?”
“Of course!” Suddenly all four felt terribly guilty for the way they’ d been punishing her lately. In the past they’d had lots of talks
about not saying unkind things you didn’t mean, but this was the first time they understood just how badly their words would hurt
someone. If their Mommy could doubt how desperately they cared for her, words must be even more powerful than they knew.
They were still angry of course, but they would always love her. “You’re our Mommy.”
A little while later they returned to their room while Jane started dinner, their spirits seriously dampened. “I think she’s hiding
something from us.” Riley surmised. “She seems really upset, and I don’t think it’s just that we’re mad at her.”
“I think she needs Daddy too.” Paisley guessed. Is obvious she misses him.”

“We have to get to Santa,” Ryder was fully on board with his siblings’ plans after the scene in the living room. “And not just for
our Christmas, for Mommy’s too.”
“Then is decided.” Riley grinned. “We’re gonna go to the North Pole and have Santa bring Daddy home to us.”
We still have to figure out how to get there though.” Parker reminded them. ‘And we can’t let Mommy know what we’re up to –
you know how she worries. She’ll try to stop us.”
“I am kinda scared.” Paisley confessed, quickly adding, “I think is the right thing to do, but there’s a lot to think about – how will
we get through all the ice – it’s so cold, and there’s polar bears and things!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll figure everything out.” Riley assured her. “But we have to move fast, there’s only two weeks to Christmas,.
“When are we gonna go? Ryder inquired.
They all exchanged glances, then decided. “As soon as possible.
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