The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups by Jane Above Story

Chapter 134

3rd Person
The pups started to race towards the sound of Jane’s voice, but at the last moment Fabian appeared in front of them, blocking
their paths. “Where do you think you’re going?” He demanded.
The pups looked around in confusion, not sure where the older boy had come from or how he’d found them in the fog. “It’s our
parents!” Ryder told him excitedly, trying to run around the shifter so he could find Jane and Ethan.
However Fabian lashed out quick as a snake, snatching up Ryder and Parker and nodding to Sophie, “get the girls.”
“But Fabian, if it’s their pa-” Sophie tried to object.
“As said get them.” He repeated harshly, interrupting her.
Sophie reluctantly took hold of Riley and Paisley, but unlike Fabian she didn’t think to cover their mouths. Riley immediately
screamed at the top of her lungs. “
“Shut her up!” Fabian scolded, struggling to subdue the boys. “We can’t afford to lose four earners.” Together they dragged the
struggling pups into the sewers, where they knew their scents would be completely obscured by stone, water and decay.
Across the square, Jane and Ethan jerked in shock. “Was that...?” Jane squeaked.
“It sounded like Riley.” Ethan nodded, feeling his heart begin to race with hope and worry at once.
“It came from over there!” Linda pointed in the direction of the scream, and all three adults went racing through the mist. Of
course, by the time they reached the point where the pups had been standing – the children were long gone. “Oh Goddess, I can
smell them.” Jane whimpered. “Riley! Paisley!
Ryder! Parker!” She shouted their names as she spun around, searching every inch of space within her sight.
Before long Ethan and Linda were yelling too, but they were met only with silence. Little did they know that the pups were
fighting to reach them deep beneath their feet, in- a part of the city they didn’t know existed.
“Is everything all right?” A strange voice asked from behind Ethan and Jane. When they turned they found a man and woman in
their sixties, wearing wedding rings and simple clothing.

“We’re trying to find our pups.” Jane shared, on the verge of tears. “Have you seen them?” She pulled out her phone and
showed a photo to the elderly couple.
The couple exchanged a curious glance, eyeing Jane suspiciously. “These are your pups?”
For the first time Jane remembered that she looked like a young man, but she’d been speaking in her natural voice.
The strangers must have thought she was an incredibly dubious character, but they also hadn’t denied seeing the pups.
Throwing caution to the wind, Jane ripped off her wig, hat and fake beard. “Yes, I’m sorry, I don’t have time to explain the
disguises- have you seen them?”
The man seemed convinced, but his wife narrowed her eyes. She could see the resemblance between Jane and the girls, but
the disguises were too much of an oddity. “The littlest one, what shape is the scar on her ch3st?”
That’s Paisley!” Ethan exclaimed, “she has multiple scars, but the biggest is a straight line down her sternum.”
The woman relaxed slightly. “We saw your pups alright.
They came wandering out of the forest onto our farm earlier this week” She sounded as if she disapproved, and a moment later
she made it clear this was indeed the case. “1 wouldn’t mind knowing how they ended up all alone in the jungle.
“They were kidnapped and they escaped.” Jane felt as if she was about to pass out, “where are they now, do you still have
them? We heard Riley scream.”
As soon as Mary heard the children were taken against their will, not that Ethan and Jane were simply negligent parents, she
softened entirely. “Oh you poor dears. I’m so sorry, they ran away from us when we brought them to town.
l’d gone to the police and when our backs were turned they caused a distraction and took off”
Jane’s knees went weak, and she slumped against Ethan. “1 can’t believe this.”
Ethan caught her easily, holding her tight. “They did the right thing, they knew not to trust the police. And that means they’re here
“We’ve been looking since yesterday, and so have the authorities.” Thomas explained with a frown. I’m afraid there’s quite a
problem with orphaned children here. They probably found the local gang and are hiding with them.
“How were they? Were they hurt? Frightened?” Ethan questioned.

“They were a little banged up but they’re a strong bunch.
” Mary told them gently. “They had lots of fun making friends with our llamas and didn’t seem too traumatized, just skittish. Why
did you say they can’t trust the police?”
“it’s the same reason we’re in disguise.” Jane confessed.
“If the police find out who their father is, they’ll be in serious trouble.”
Thomas and Mary frowned at Ethan, “Are you not their father?”
“Yes, I am.” Ethan shared, studying the pair closely. He was both frustrated Jane had risked their cover by revealing herself, but
he understood her desperation. Now it was his turn to make a snap judgment about whether to trust the pair. He’d always
believed he was a good judge of character, but Eve’s deception had shaken his confidence slightly. His instincts were now to
never offer someone his trust without it being earned. “Let’s just say if King Aimon knew the pups belonged to me, they’d be in
Thomas and Mary exchanged a thoughtful glance. They were no fans of the king, but they also didn’t know what to make of the
strange couple. In the end it was the pups who convinced them to help the pair, no one who raised such sweet children could be
too bad.
“Alright.” Mary nodded. “We’ll help you in any way we can. The last time we saw the pups was yesterday afternoon.
I doubt they’ve left the city, but no one knows where the orphan gangs live. Some people think they retreat to the forest, others
swear there are secret parts of the town forgotten by time. The good news is that you often don’t have to find them – there’s
always a few children hovering around corners waiting for the opportunity to steal some money or food.”
Are things that bad here?” Jane fretted, her heart going out to any pups forced to endure such a life.
Thomas shrugged. “The King’s highway is a major transit zone, I don’t think yours are the first pups to escape the clutches of
dangerous people.”

That and there’s no resources here to help those in trouble. If children lose their parents to disease or the jungle, there’s no one
to help them.” Mary added.
“That’s terrible” Ethan grimaced.
“Why was Riley screaming then?” Jane murmured, feeling more nauseous by the minute. “If she thought she heard us, why did
she stop?”
“I don’t know, baby” Ethan frowned, trying not to jump to conclusions or make Jane more afraid. His wolf was aching to get out,
but if he shifted he’d lose his disguise. “Is there any place you see the orphans more often than others?
Maybe if we catch one..” He trailed off, realizing how grim this sounded.
“Maybe we can see if they know anything.” Jane finished for him, perking up at the idea.
“Let’s split up.” Linda suggested, “the more spread out we are the more chances we’ll have, and the more likely they are to
Ethan emitted an accidental growl, holding Jane more tightly. He did not like the idea of being separated from her one bit,
especially with her illness. “Il be fine.” Jane promised him, reading his thoughts and rising on her toes to press a k!ss to his
“Everyone keep an eye on your pockets,” Thomas advised, “They’re very quick. Just call out if you catch one.”
They all nodded, and Linda, Thomas and Mary immediately took off in different directions. However, when Jane attempted to
step away from Ethan, she found she couldn’t budge. “Ethan, it’s okay.” She insisted again.

“I wasn’t joking when I said I wasn’t going to let you out of my sight, Janey.” He rumbled, clearly conflicted.
“You have to at the moment” Jane reminded him. “I promise I’ll be back with you before you can blink.”
“Just be careful” He instructed. “And don’t go too far.”
Jane couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Sometimes I swear you treat me like l’m one of the pups.”
“You’re naughty like the pups.” Ethan teased. “Can you really blame me?”
“Yes.” Jane answered, offering him a saucy smile. “Now come on, I’m worried about Riley.” They separated only after Ethan
dragged Jane in for a k!ss, and for once it seemed that luck was on their side. Jane hadn’t been gone five minutes when Ethan
heard tiny feet tip-toeing up behind him, and as soon as he felt his wallet twitch in her back pocket, he lashed out.
“Gotcha!” Ethan easily caught the little girl, who was doubtless shocked that such a seemingly elderly man could move so fast.
He lifted her up by her small wrist, looking into the face of the shabby child with sympathy – until he smelled his pups on her
clothes. “Where are they?”
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