The Lovenina princesses: New Beginnings (Book 1)

Chapter 7

“This is the reason why I told you, girls, to stay hidden. We did not want anyone getting into a fight with the witchy twins with the little to no experience you have with magic. We almost lost you, Lucy.” Hunter declared, eyeing the girl for injuries.

“W—Well you can never get rid of me. I am like an annoying fly that is buzzing in your ear, but you can’t seem to find the pest,” Lucy replied, standing up from the loveseat, and tripping over her own feet.

“Damn, you were not kidding, you are a klutz,” He laughed as he helped her up.

“Yup, born and raise.”

“Thanks for the lift,” Lucy squeaked out as she realized she hasn’t let go of his’s hand.

She chuckled nervously quickly dropping his’s hand, “Oh sorry.’

“Oh, it’s ok,” He answered, while her face heat up.

Ella cleared her throat, “Anyway since you girls decided to join us we will start your training tomorrow. Now let’s get you two back to your world, so you can get some rest,” She suggested, opening a portal.

“Wait, how will we know what time to get here?” Lucy asked.

“We will send you girls a message our own magical way,” Ella said as she smiled at the group before she teleported away.

“Awesome, good night everyone,” Rose cheered, while jumping through the portal.

“Ok, well see ya,” Lucy added, slowly stepping into the portal, “Hey Hunter wait—”


“I’m sorry, I didn’t listened to you I just wanted to help.”

“It is fine you can help soon when you are more experience; good night Lucy,” Hunter replied as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Thanks, good night Hunter,” Lucy smiled, going fully into the portal.

“You are bad at flirting,” Ella stated, leaning against the door frame.

“Go to bed!” Hunter shouted, throwing a pillow at her as his face glowed red.


“Jeez, what took you so long; also, are you blushing?” Rose questioned as Lucy fell out of the portal.

“What? I didn’t take that long and my face is red from falling,” Lucy stuttered getting up.

“Really… because I think it is red from someone name H-U-N-T—”

“Good night Rose!” Lucy burst out as she shoved her into the hallway.



“Hey, are you there?”

“ Lucy! Wake up!” Rose screamed as she jumped on Lucy’s bed.

“Aah, Rose what the heck!” Lucy shouted, pushing her off.

“It’s time for training you didn’t hear Hunter, so I had to come to get you,” She explained as she grabbed Lucy’s gem from her desk.

“Well, Hunter is not here, so yeah I did not hear him,” Lucy answered, rolling out of bed.

“He is calling you through your gem, when Ella called me she told me he couldn’t get through to you. So, I came to get you.”

“Oh, sorry Hunter,” Lucy answered while grabbing her necklace from Rose, tapping the gem, and seeing his face light up.

“Well, good morning, seems like you slept like you were knocked out again,” He replied, smirking.

“Ha, ha, ha, very funny Hunter,” Lucy said rolling her eyes.

“Back to serious matters you should keep your gem on you. Never take it off, Raven’s witches could be anywhere.” He added. “Now, put your gems together and form the portal, I will pick you girls up from the rainbow hills and bring you to Ella’s castle from there.”

“Can I not get dressed?”

“There is no time, Lucy, just come.”

“But I am still in my pj’s.” She said looking down at the super, shorty shorts, black pajamas set.

“You are going to change anyway.”

“Fine, let me pack a bag then we would be on our way.”


"Good morning my fellow Princesses,” Ella greeted as she handed the girls work-out clothes.

Hunter led them into a room that was surrounded by a glass wall in the front that let you take a peek into a giant training halls that could be split into two separate rooms by just a push of a button on a control panel on a table in the middle of the sitting room they had met in.

“I am a little scared now that I see how insane this training room is.” Rose blurted out looking toward the glass wall.

“You will get used to it.” Ella answered with a smile, sitting next to her, “I didn’t know what colors you would prefer, so I picked red for Lucy and pink for you, I hope you like them.”

“They are perfect, thank you.”

“I am so glad, you’re welcome.”

“See, I told you were going to change anyway,” Hunter whispered to Lucy as she sat next to him.

“I am only sitting here because Ella is comforting Rose—”

“I like your pajamas, a tank top that says let me sleep is very on-trend for you.”

“What is your motive for all this buttering up?” She whispered back to the boy just the day before, told her he had no interest in getting to know her.

He confuses me. Didn’t we both agreed we weren’t looking to create any kind of relationship. sure, we can still be respectful, friendly towards each other if we are going to be on the same team. But he makes it so hard to not get closer with making statements like that.

“Motive, Lucy I’m not trying to—”

“Are you two even listening?” Ella asked, glaring at the odd couple.

“Um, something about…um—”

“Clearly you aren’t, Lucy, I was explaining that Hunter is going to train you in the next gym; since we should figure out what your personal strength is and it’s easier to pinpoint that when we aren’t all in a group. Right, Hunter?”

He fixed his slouching posture before, answering, “Right, Ella and I would figure out if we should train as a group or keep focusing on strengthening your personal strengths after what we see today.”

“Exactly, have a good training session.” Ella added.

“Good Luck,” Rose said to Lucy, following Ella out of the observer area.

“You too Bookworm!”

“Ladies first.” Hunter said opening the door to their side.

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