The Lovenina princesses: New Beginnings (Book 1)

Chapter 14

~ Hunter ~

“Ugh! I hate paperwork.”

“Well, I can’t be the only one who deals with the paperwork part of ruling. we agreed to split the workload so we didn’t get overwhelmed,” Ella said dropping another stack on the L shape desk.

“I know,” Hunter said as he read the next letter in the pile he was working on.

“Just finish the stack you are on, then you can test out those new spells we can deal with the rest of it later,” She suggested exiting the office.


Hunter was about to sign the last paper when he felt his gem buzzing through his shirt.

He pulled the chain out and tapped the glowing gem.

“This is an urgent message for Prince, Hunter of Starina, Princess, Lucy is in danger in the shimmering forest you don’t know me, but I am a friend it’s complicated, we will meet soon.”

“Lucy,” He scrambled out of his chair hitting the table causing the stacks of paper to fly off the table.

He quickly scribbles a note. “Sorry Ella I will clean it up later.”


Hunter’s eyes flicked red when he saw her.

Those witches I will kill them, Hunter thought as he hid behind a thicket.

“ I see you didn’t listen.” Marcus sighed.

“She wouldn’t talk so I had some fun,” Jackie explained ripping a blade out of Lucy’s side.

“You didn’t even ask anything you bitch,” Lucy choked out.

“Quiet!” Jackie demanded as she jammed her nails into the fresh new wound.

“God Jackie, did you even heal her?” Marcus asked, noticing the multiple new wounds that mark up her skin.

“No why should I… we’ve been getting rid of all the royals what is the difference with her?”

“Raven wants her alive.”

“If he wants me so much why hasn’t he shown himself.”

“Didn’t I tell you to be quiet!” Jackie shouted slamming a fist into Lucy’s gut, causing the girl to harshly wheeze.

She struggled to keep her eyes open as Jackie’s last blow made the oxygen she had left disappear.

“Jackie that is enough!”

“Why are you so concerned for her!”

“Because Raven wants her alive not like a lifeless doll!”

The twins continue to shout back and forth as a dark shadow appeared.

“Who the f—

Marcus never finished as the dark shadow teleported him away.

“Where did you take him!” Jackie demanded

“Weren’t you like to know.” The stranger mocked as he made eye contact with Lucy.

“Hunter.” Lucy smiled as he pull off his red hood and showed her one of his signature smirks.

He was in a white, shining knight armor with gold accents and a matching scabbard around his waist.

“Hey Jackie, sorry to crash your party, but you got Lucy so I hope you understand!” Hunter yelled slamming a fist into Jackie’s jaw.

“Hi!” Hunter said as he rushed over to her and started to pull at the chains.

“Hey, nice royal mode—

“you think so? I find it embarrassing, but if you like it maybe I should change my thought on it.”

“don’t let it go to your head, prince.”

“Lucy, they won’t budge, give me a sec I will figure something out. I am going to get you out of here.”

His eyes closes as he started to chant over the bloody chains.

“HUNTER WATCH OUT!” Lucy screamed as she watches in horror as Jackie flings him across the forest.

“Pay attention Prince,” Jackie snarled as she pulls at the necklaces around Lucy’s throat.

“If you wanted to look at my gems all you had to do was ask,” Lucy said hitting her wrists against the tree trunk.

“That’s the Lucy I know,” Hunter laughed, leaning against a tree.

“Both of you shut up!” Jackie growled.

“Now, I noticed you have both pieces of the Heart gems. So where is the other Princess?” Jackie asked holding a knife to Lucy’s throat.

“I always hated the special gems that royalty got.”

“I always hated brainless minions,” Lucy spit out as she felt the blade nick her throat.

“I do too,” Hunter added ripping Jackie away from her. Making Jackie’s blade fall to the ground.

“Sorry, it took me a while to teleport,” Hunter said as he forces Jackie to the ground.

“I can always count on you.”

“You bet.”

Hunter quickly summons roots to pin the witch to the ground.

“There you go,” Hunter smiled freeing the chains, and shattering them.

“Thank you,” Lucy said through clenched teeth as she fell forward.

“No problem, here drink this; while I deal with our little witch friend,” Hunter said helping her sit against a tree, and handing her a water bottle.

“You really think you had beaten me with nature,” Jackie growled as she pulled at the roots that trapped her.

“You are the one chained up now,” Hunter snarled holding his’s sword against the witch’s throat.

“I could kill you; I want to for what you did to Lucy, but I am a hero so I will let you go this time but tell your asshole of a master he messed with me once, and he better not make that mistake again!” Hunter shouted as his eyes glowed red as he pressed the blade against the witch’s chest.

“Aw how heroic, but you are forgetting something,” Jackie cackled.


“My specialty is duplication!” Jackie’s clone screamed breaking the roots and slamming Hunter down.

“NO! LUCY!” Hunter yelled, struggling to get out of the clone’s grip.

Lucy tried to go to Hunter’s aid, but she couldn’t stand without black dots hitting her vision.

“Time for a nap Princess we got a long trip,” Jackie said jamming the blade into the girl’s throat.

“I WILL KILL YOU!” Hunter yelled, thrashing against the witch clone to reach the unconscious Princess.

He finally found an opening, summoning his sword and jamming the long blade into the clone’s chest as he charged at Jackie, while the fake version turn to dust.

“You can barely stand just give up little Prince,” Jackie stated as she started to drag a lifeless Lucy into a portal.

“GET AWAY FROM HER!” Hunter demanded as his eyes went red, throwing his’s sword at the hand that was gripping Lucy’s ankle.

“This isn’t over Raven always gets what he wants!” Jackie growled losing her grip on the girl as she fell into the portal.


“Shit! You are ok, you are going to be ok,” Hunter said through sobs as he pulled the knife out and covered the newest wound with his hand.

She tried to scream out, but she couldn’t breathe.

I can’t breathe! I felt like a corkscrew was shoved in my windpipe blocking the oxygen from reaching my lungs.

She felt the full effect of the fight as someone easily carried her limp, lifeless body away.

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