The Lovenina princesses: New Beginnings (Book 1)

Chapter 10

~Lucy & Hunter ~

How are you?” They both asked at the same time.

“Sorry, you first.”

Hunter grinned, sitting down on the end of the bed, “I am ok thanks to you.”

“You would have done the same if it was the other way around, but your welcome,” She said feeling her cheeks heat up.


“I mean, I wasn’t the one who was knocked out during the fight this time so… I guess I’m ok mostly,” She laughed as she enclosed the space between herself and him with a hug. “I am thrilled you are still here.”

I watched as Lucy’s face lit up as I thank her… god she is amazing she fought the pain of bleeding, bruise rips, and dragged my sorry ass out of there, while she was fighting unconsciousness. Her determination is extraordinary… but she needs to be careful determination can turn into recklessness. I learned that the hard way.

He was shoved out of his thoughts as he felt warm, light, tight arms wrapping around him.

When did she get to the end of the bed?

“I am Thrilled you are still here.” She repeated.

“Same here.”

“Jeez, did you charm me or something,” She chuckled, pulling away, and continuing her thought. “I said I wasn’t here to make friends and here we are. You somehow made the wall break that I have built around my heart.”

Damn, I miss her warm arms around me.

“The ladies just find me irresistible,” He stated, flexing his arms.

She giggled, “I don’t think that is it.”

“Well, we will find out soon Lucy won’t we.”

“Hunter Woods. I do not find you irresistible.”


She elbowed him, “Prince, Hunter Woods. I Princess, Lucy Heart do not find you irresistible.”

“Ouch! way to hurt a man’s ego,” He grabbed his chest and pretended to faint.

“You aren’t even close to a man.”

“Aah! the pain,” He gasped, rolling off the bed.

“Yo—” She stopped, falling into a laughing fit as he pulled her onto the floor.


Hours passed as they continued to lay on the cold, hard tile floor taking turns telling the cheesiest jokes.

“What do you call a fake noodle?”

“I know it, but I don’t want to say. It’s so bad.” She chuckled, twirling a strand of her wavy hair around her pointer finger. While he fidget with his’s gem.

“You really aren’t going to say it?” He asked.

“Nope, it’s way too bad.”

“Fine, I would take one for the team. An impasta!” He announced with the goofiness grin like it was the funniest thing he ever heard.

“It’s so bad.”

“You don’t respect good puns.”

I didn’t know Hunter was so charming, and hilarious. I feel like he is showing me a whole new side of him. I never thought someone’s smile, laugh could be so beautiful and his energy is intoxicated. “I should go back to laying down all this laughing is hurting my side.”

Hunter smirked, “So what I am hearing is that I am so irresistible that I made your injury act up… I don’t know if that is a win, but I am taking it as one since I got to see you laugh so much that you looked like you peed your pants,” He pointed out as he helped her back to bed.

“Maybe” I did… I haven’t felt so alive in a long time.”

“To be honest same, I felt like I had to grow up way too fast after Raven attacked my home.”

“So, I met this King Raven stupid minions does he not fight with them?” She asked.

“Not really he stays in the shadows watching the showdowns, which is probably for the best there are rumors he acts like a mad scientist with creating monsters.”

“What a creep.”


“Hunter, I thought I told you to rest!” Ella shouted, hands on her hips as she entered.

“Busted,” Lucy whispered.


Hunter did not get a chance to explain as Ella glared at him from the doorway.

“Were you here the whole time after I left?”

“Yes, but I feel fine, I just wanted to check on my savior. I swear I was only going to be a few minutes but lost track of time.”

“So, your excuse is you couldn’t rest until you saw Lucy.”

He covered his face as it lit up, “Ella, look I feel fine what is the big deal.” He threw his’s arms up in frustration.

“The big deal is that last time you almost drain yourself, and you were out for weeks. Now go rest before your body shuts down from being exhausted!” She demanded.

He quietly exits the room.


“Sorry, you had to see that. He just needs daily reminders that he is not invincible.”

“It’s ok, family matters I get it,” Lucy answered.

Ella sighed, “Anyway, I came to see if you were awake so I could check your bruises and apply some soothing lotion that will heal and decrease the pain. If you don’t mind me applying it?”

“I don’t thank you, Ella.”

“By the way, I’m glad you two dummies are finally getting along.”

“You know I really thought Hunter was a huge jerk when I first heard him talk, but honestly the weirdo is growing on me,” Lucy confessed.

Ella grew a huge grin, chuckling, “He always acts like that with new people, he hasn’t allowed others in for a long time. I haven’t seen him laugh like that for so long, It’s refreshing to hear it again.”

“Glad to be of help in bringing out his overpower goofiness.”

“Thank you, Lucy. I really thought Raven broke him and I lost my sweet, charming cousin, but then you came and from the moment he made eye contact with you, even though he was acting like a jerk. I saw something change in him that brought him back.”

“I don’t know about that, I’m pretty sure he hated me—.”

“Believe me he didn’t—.”

“Thanks, Ella.”

“Of course, I would leave you to rest.”




Lucy rubbed her eyes. Being awakened by footsteps and a familiar voice.

“Hey, Hunter what is up?” She asked through a yawn, stretching her arms above her head.

“Hi, sorry to wake you up, but I got told to pick up lunch, and wanted to see if you wanted to come along to get some fresh air,” He replied while he flicked a lamp on.

“Let me grab my shoes. I will meet you in the main hall in 5 minutes.”

“I will be waiting milady,” He said bowing, before exiting.

Milady? Did he fall on his head after Ella busted him…


After talking herself up Lucy finally got out of bed, surprisingly easier than she thought. Wow, that lotion works miracles. My body still feels like I ran head first into a bolder, but I can actually walk without crashing to the floor. So that is a plus.

Lucy noticed she was still in her training sweats as she stepped into the 5x8 bathroom that took up a corner of the room and stared at herself inside the full-body mirror.

“God, can I be any more embarrassing,” Lucy sighed, exiting the small bathroom, and dumping her whole bag onto the bed. “Let’s see what we are working with…”

Sliding her top off she finally saw how bloody, and damage her rips were.

I really need to work on my fighting. Wincing she rebandaged around the greenish, purplish bruises that mark up her side, her arm matched the color scheme, with a bit of red mixed in.

“Jeez, how am I going to survive in this world if I can’t even handle a few bruises, and win against a stupid Greaser wannabe.”


“How long does it take a girl to grab shoes?” Hunter thought as he glanced at the grandfather clock tapping his heel against the marble floor.

“Sorry, I am late I did not feel like myself in those sweats.”

“It’s ok le—” He was speechless as he looked up and saw Lucy in an A-line spaghetti strap, dark red, short dress.

His jaw hung open; his eyes lit up as he continued to be mesmerized by her.

She seems taller with the black, closed-toe, platform heels she chose to pair the dress with. Did she get all dressed up for me? He glanced down at his simple gray t-shirt, jeans, and worn-out sneakers. Should I change?

“Hunter? You ok in there?”

He wanted to say she look beautiful, but what came out of his dumbass mouth was.. “Are you wearing makeup?”

“Um, yeah, I love doing wing eyeliner and doing a bold color on my lips.”

“Oh, cool.”

“Yeah, I guess,” She replied walking out the door.

What the heck was that he stared at me then ask if I am wearing makeup.

“Freaking idiot!” He shouted, slapping himself in the face, and rushing out of the door worried that she left without him.

“Ready to go Prince?”

He smiled as he saw her leaning against one of the castle archways.



“Well, they said it will at least be an hour until our order is ready, so how do you feel about having a little mini-tour of Starina while we wait?”

“Oh, my god yes!” Lucy cheered as she bolted up from the picnic table.

Hunter chuckled, taking hold of her hand, and leading her into the center of town.

Lucy didn’t stop gasping as they passed enormous, crystal towers that looked straight out of a fairy tale by the way they blinded her with how bright they were. Crystal flowers loop around every curve of the unique architecture of the towers. The doorway to each tower shows the different phases of the moon in incredible looking stained glass material that glowed like stardust making the engraving look real enough to touch.

“Those towers are everywhere around Starina they are used for star sighting.”

“Can we climb one?” Lucy asked.

“I know even a better look-out point, I will show you if we have time.”

“Better than those huge towers—”

He cut her off, “Oh, yeah!”

He stopped them in front of a sparkling, concrete fountain that looked like a bedazzled version of Venus squirting out colorful crystals, and rocks into the water.

“Amazing right,” He said as he saw Lucy’s eyes light up as she took in the giant, incredible fountain.

“It’s so beautiful, this whole place is, everything is always sparkling and shining!”

“Not as beautiful as you—you shine the brightest,” He confessed, staring at her.

“You are doing it again.”

“Doing what?”

“Staring at me, I thought you said you weren’t falling for me,” She teased, smirking at him; while she places her hands on her hips.

“What if I am is that so bad?” He asked, mimicking her movement at her as he backed her up against the fountain bench.

“I—” She was cut off as Hunter pushes her into the fountain.

He was surprised he reacted that way. “Well, that was one way to change the subject.”

“You jerk!” She shouted, climbing out of the fountain, “You owe me new shoes!”

He watched as she dumped water and rocks out of her pumps.

“You are going to have to catch me first!” He cackled running away from the soaked girl.

…He did not get far… Lucy slammed into him tackling him to the ground, “Shoe destroyer.”

“There are other fountains for each planet, so you can get your revenge later and after lunch, I will take you shoe shopping.”

“Ok, continue the tour,” She said brushing dirt off her dress and getting off of him.

“Ok, hmm? Do you like chips and dips?”

“Only crazy people would dislike chips and dips.”

“Well, the best place for chips and dips is in Starina there is a food cart that’s got every kind of flavor you can think of and even some special magical ones.”

“Forget shoe shopping!” She cheered, slipping the soak heels on.


They sat at a round table inside a manicured park forming around colorful, flowers that look almost like glass with how transparent they looked against the beaming field.

“Um, Hunter these chips are plain I thought we agreed on ordering some magical ones?”

“These are magic each chip does something different that lasts for 24 hours.”

“Oh ok?” She questioned, dipping the chip in the three cheese dips they were sharing.

She took one bite of the chip and waited to see if she felt any different.

“Red must be your color,” He said pointing to her hair, while he dipped a chip.

“Wow a chip did this,” She exclaimed, finishing the chip, and looking at the red streaks that had started to form in her dark hair.

“Magic,” He announced, laughing as he bit into a chip, causing his iris color to slowly changed to a bright rainbow.

Lucy couldn’t stop staring at the new side of Hunter she was seeing. The once jerky, demanding teen was now a goofball, awkward mess. Who couldn’t stop making her giggle while he crack himself up.

Maybe I was wrong about him? I mean who really shows their true selves during the first introduction? I Cleary didn’t.


“Last stop, then we need to pick up the order and head back before it gets too dark, and all of Raven’s witches come into town looking for royals to capture for their master.”

“But it is only 2:30 pm,” Lucy stated, pointing at the shining clock tower that was in the center of town.

“In Gemanina the time zone are different in every kingdom since Starina is a part of the space kingdoms our sunset is at 3 pm, since space is usually full of darkness except for the stars, and planets,” Hunter replied as he led them down a wooden bridge.

“So, how much time is lost in the… um, I guess we will call it the normal world?”

“Usually, a couple of hours behind from here. We are here, welcome to the shimmering forest the only place where you can see the whole solar system any time of the day.”

“Wow!” She gasped throwing her head back and looking up at the million shooting stars that lit up the clear, afternoon sky.

Hunter laughed, clapping his hands. “That was how I reacted when I first discovered this place too. It’s so calming, and when I am here staring at all the colorful, glowing spots in the sky I feel like I got no worries and responsibilities.” He explained, patting the patch of grass next to him.

“I feel that.” She said flopping down next to him.

“You do?”

He turned to look her in the eyes as she continued.

“Yeah, Rose and I been on our own since we were nine…well I mean we had a “home” in Paris at Rosemary prep, but it’s a dorm room connected to a school full of unhelpful adults and fake, snobby kids—”

Lucy kicked a rock, “Sorry I am ranting.”

“No, no, it’s ok, remember our deal to let each other in; besides, I like hearing your voice,” He answered, smiling at her.

“I did not forget our deal,” She smiled back.

“It just seems like Rose and I are meant to always only have each other as a family,” She threw her arms up, “I mean our birth parents and our adopted parents sent us away, so I feel like it’s my job to keep Rose safe and remind her that everyone does not have good in them, and I loved how she is always looking at the bright side of things, but that makes it harder to keep her from getting hurt.”

“What about you though?”

“I can handle getting hurt, but Rose I’ve seen her crash.”


“Give up.”

“No way!”

“Yeah…she got bullied a lot and still does.”

“That is terrible, also I hope you know, you and Rose always have a home here; even if you don’t feel like you do.”

Lucy lift her head away from the ground and made eye contact with him. She wanted to slide her hand into his that was resting on the area between both of them. We are only friends I shouldn’t ruin something good by making awkward moves.

Her hand travel inches towards his fingertips, barely brushing their skin together.

“Thank you, Hunter, I feel like a big jerk now with how I acted when we first met, sorry about that.”

“It’s fine that was when we were strangers, also I was one too, but now we are friends,” He said as he nudged her.


“I know how you feel with the family thing I lost my whole family, except Ella in one night. When I was ten Raven attacked my parent’s castle a—a—and…”

Hunter broke into a sob, trembling, and turning away folding his knees up to his chest.

“Hey, I am here it’s ok,” She whispered as she wrapped him in a warm, wet hug, “You don’t have to continue.”

“He forced me to watch him choke the air out of my parents. I shouted for my older brother Derek, but he was missing,” He choked out, unfolding his knees, and twisting his body to face her. He glanced at her to get a take on her reaction before sobbing into Lucy’s chest.

I fail miserably to form a smile to comfort Hunter I wasn’t prepared for him to sob out. What do I say to this horrible story? Sorry for your loss is way pass what young Hunter experienced. My smile was more of a lop-sided frown as I blink away my own tears.

“That is cruel…who is this King Raven?” Lucy asked as she continued to hold him.

“No one knows, but I haven’t seen him fight his own battle, since that night… now he just sends Tweedledum and Tweedledee,” He chuckled through sobs.

“And your brother?”

“I didn’t see him that night when I escape using our castle’s underground tunnels. He never returned so I had to take his place.”

“Wait, you mean you “lied” you are actually a King, not a Prince!”

“Yeah…but I don’t like to announce it, because Derek is the rightful ruler, not me.”

“Bullshit, he abandoned you and his’s kingdom you deserve to be the ruler,” Lucy stated as she pulled his face away from her chest to look into his eyes, “You have nothing to be guilty for you stood up when your kingdom needed you even though you have no freaking idea what you were doing. If that isn’t the definition of a Leader in Starina then I don’t know what is.”

“Ok, thanks for the confident hype.” How can she be so beautiful while she is soaked from head to toe? I swear her smile lights up my soul and makes everything I hate about myself wash away, every insecurity, regrets. The way her eyes sparkle makes me feel like I can trust others again and open up to not just Ella. I can be less lonely and be losing my voice from laughing too much instead of crying. Who are you Lucy Heart? And can I be the one to find out?

“You’re welcome,” Lucy replied, “I am glad we understand each other more.” She said as she broke away from the hug, “You feeling better?”

No, I miss your warmth, “Yeah, thanks for comforting me.”

“No problem.”

There was a period of silence where they just watch the shining sky and made glances at each other. No one knew what to do or say next as they both felt the intense change of emotion between each other as they stole glances back and forth as the other was fidgeting with their gems or a blade of grass while they try to figure out what to say.

Hunter broke the silence first.

“Hey?” He asked, placing his hand on top of hers.

Everything seem to go in slow motion after Hunter laid his hand on hers. Lucy couldn’t speak. Couldn’t react. Couldn’t think as her mind was on overdrive with panicking.

Is my hand sweaty? Oh god, my face is burning up I probably looked like a tomato! She panicked as she placed her free hand against her cheek and felt the heat on her fingertips. I’m still dripping wet from the fountain! My hair must be a hot mess! Wait! Is my makeup dripping!?

“Lucy? You still with me?”

“Yes, sorry, I got distracted.”

He laughed, “That is easy to do here.”

Before she could reply, Hunter slid her hand off her cheek and entwine their hands together.

Oh, My god! Does he know the effect he has on me or is he just teasing me…?

“Can I tell you a secret?” He asked with a smile bringing their entwine hand to his’s cheek.

“Silly, you don’t have to ask if you want me to know something I am honored to listen,” She said as she tapped his’s nose. Oh, god did I really just boop him!

“Ok, I’m just going to say it before I regret it, and mess up our friendship, o-k

here I go, Lucy, I think I am falling for you!’ He blurted out quickly as his own face warmed up.


Hunter cut her off.

“I know you said I better not fall for you, and I know when we first met I was a huge jerk, but that was because I was worried if I let you in I would lose you. I know I am a complicated person. Trust me it seems crazy to admit this, but I fell for you when I first saw you, it felt like we were sent to each other.”


“I never had someone understand me this much…it’s scary, but also thrilling. I haven’t smiled or laughed in so long until Ella bumped into you, and now, I never felt so alive, carefree as I do with you… you must think I am crazy—”


“Oh, sorry I am ranting, aren’t I?”

“No, I was going to say I guess I must be crazy too—”

“What; why?” He asked getting lost in her brilliant, ice blue eyes.

“Let me finish you, dork, I must be crazy too because I think I am falling for you too,” She confessed, smiling at him, while getting trapped in his vibrant, hazel eyes.

“You do!?”

“Yes, you dummy I just told you. I was trying to tell you after you blurted it out, but you interrupted me.” She laughed, playfully shoving him.

“Oh, sorry.”

She laughed, “It’s ok, but you still owe me new pumps.”

“I know,” He said leaning in.

Hunter removed his hand that was resting on top of Lucy’s hand in the middle of them, and begin to caress his thumb against Lucy’s cheek as he enclosed the patch of grass that was between them.

Lucy’s free hand found its way around his back as she drew small circles around his skin.

“Your beautiful.”

“Ah, so you are the charming type that stretches the truth. I look like a drowned fish, with my soak dress and messy hair, and I swear my makeup has been dripping this entire time—”

“Shh, and you’re a chatterbox that thinks too much, sometimes. I promise your face isn’t covered in black mascara or red lipstick, and you are the cutest fish I’ve ever seen.” He answered smirking as he traced her lips.

“That makes me wonder how many fishes you have really seen, Prince,” Lucy said as she untwisted their hands, and pulled him closer by wrapping her legs around his waist.

“I see we are a bit eager.” He chuckled, smirking at Lucy as he watched her move her arms around his neck in the new position, where she was now sitting comfortably in his’s lap.

“Well, the fisherman keeps teasing the cutest fish by rubbing his warm, smooth hands against her skin.” She giggled as she peck his’s cheek.

“Who is teasing now.” He smiled as he peck her forehead.

“Still you—”

“Believed me, I am torturing myself for not just slamming your lips into mine, but I don’t want to rush this and end up ruining it.”

“You could never ruin anything.” She said with sincerity.

“Look who is being charming now.” Hunter winked as he caress his hand against Lucy’s cheek.

He smoothly slid his thumb down to trace her lips, then slowly trace her collarbone. He could feel her take in a shaky breath as he continued to brush his warm finger against the sensitive skin.

Her hands traveled down to trace his spine until she got a shaky breath out of him too, while she slid her delicate hands under his shirt.

“Oh!” He murmured pulling her closer against his’s chest.

They could feel each other’s hearts racing as they lean in



and closer

until they felt their breath against another as their lips were an inch away from connecting.


“Shit is that the time!? Hunter shrieked bolting up from the field as he heard the clock tower strike.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to shove you off of my lap. We need to pick up the food. Then I would teleport us back to Ella’s so we don’t end up having to walk in the dark. That strike was the warning that night will fall quickly.” He said holding a hand out for her.

“Are you ok to teleport?” She asked.

“Um, probably not the smartest move, but I am just taking us back to Ella’s, so I can rest when we get there.”

“Ok, if you are sure you can handle it.”

“Damn, I am a jerk I pushed you into a concrete fountain when you literally have bruise rips and a sore arm. I am so sorry, I forgot Lucy,” He said as they reenter the town.

“It didn’t hurt with Ella’s lotion being applied, also I will get you back, someday.”


As soon as Hunter got them back to Ella’s he collapsed causing Lucy to drop the pizza boxes.

“Fuck, sorry my landing is usually steadier,’ He conferred.

“Hey, it’s ok the boxes just got dented a bit, also no more teleporting,” She confirmed helping him get to his feet.

“I don’t think I could even if I wanted to,” He stated as he groaned, grabbing his’s head.

’Are you sure you are ok?” She asked while she opened the castle bronze door.

“Yeah, just got a headache from teleporting too soon tell Ella I am heading to bed,” He said as he stumbled out of Lucy’s arms.

“Wait, you are going to bed on an empty stomach, take a slice,” She suggested as she pulled out a large pizza slice and quickly fold it up in a paper towel, and handed it to him.

“Thanks, good night Lucy,” He said as he staggered down the long hallway.

“Good night, Hunter, get some rest.” She said with a smile.

“I will if I dream about that smiled and our date.” He declared, twisting around to shoot her a wink.

“Date? You didn’t even ask me out properly, and you shove me into a fountain.”

“Perhaps It could be the start of many.”

“Hmm, maybe, Prince, go get some sleep I can see you are getting ready to trip over your own feet.”

“ok, your right… He yawned, “Night.”

“Night, Hunter.”


“Sorry, Hunter I didn’t know the wait was that long, but thanks for picking it up,” Ella said as she nearly bumped into the doorway, while frustratedly typing on a tablet-looking device that seem like a more high-tech version of a hologram nightlight.

“Where is Hunter did you scare him away?” Rose asked, closing her book when she heard Lucy’s heels clack against the marble floor of the dining room.

“No, I didn’t, we actually had a wonderful time hanging out while we waited for the order and he had a—”

“Oh, my god did you guys kiss!?” Rose cheered, jumping out of her seat. “I need all the tea, girl, spill it all!”

“No, we didn’t, before you interrupted me I was saying he had a headache, so he took some pizza and called it a night,” Lucy explained as she handed Rose a plate.

“Good that boy needs to rest,” Ella stated as she finally looked up from her tablet to join the conversation.

“Are you upset you two didn’t kiss?” Rose asked as she slid into the chair next to Lucy.

“Oh, my god, Rose stop asking me about Hunter and my romantic relationship, which we don’t have he just showed me a few of his hangouts around town—”

“How romantic,” Rose pointed out forming a heart with her fingers as she batted her eyelashes.

“You are impossible,” Lucy sighed, grabbing a piece of pizza.


“Lucy where are you going?”

“Um, to get dressed for training you told me to meet you on the training deck.”

“That was just an excuse so I could see you before Ella gives me more tasks,”

Hunter admitted pulling her by the waist and guiding them into an empty corner of the long, quiet hallway.

“You saw me last night,” I giggled.

“God, I love your laugh, and I want to show you how much I love you every second, minute, and hour,” He confessed, brushing his thumb against my cheek, and sliding his lips slowly against mine.

He deepen the kiss as he collided his back with the wall, pulling me into his’s arms.

I slide my legs around his waist as he pulled me closer without pulling his’s lips away from mine.

“Hunter, I whispered, slipping my hands under his’s shirt, craving to connect our warm, wonderful skin against each other.

“A bit eager aren’t we.” He whispered into my ear.

I didn’t even have to look to know he was smirking.

“Shut up,” I murmured as I guided my own kisses down his collarbone.

He pressed his’s body against mine as he entwine our hands, biting my bottom lip, before slamming our lips together again.

We both fought for dominance as we both felt like we were starving without tasting the other’s soft, warm, lips.

“H—Hunter,” I breathe out breaking away.


“As much as I would love to stay here with you all day. I can hear Ella looking for us.”



“Hey, Lucy!” Rose shouted causing Lucy to bolt up and nearly fall off her chair.

“Finally, you were zoning out the whole time.”

“I was… sorry I must just be tired,” Lucy murmured.

“Or daydreaming about Hunter kissing you,” Rose suggested.

“I-I am just tired bookworm and my bruises are sore,” She answered, rubbing her eyes.

“That was why I was trying to get your attention. Here is a bottle of the lotion I applied earlier,” Ella said.

“Oh, thank you.”

“Anyway, daydreamer we have to get back to Rosemary prep, so we aren’t late for classes tomorrow,” Rose added.

“Wait, we are going to school tomorrow,” Lucy groaned hitting her head against her chair.

“Yeah, you really were out I was telling Ella we might lose our dorms, which will make our adopted mothers give us a talk, which I know you will rather skip. So, we have to attend our classes and talk about switching to online classes only, so we can be here more.”

“Ugh, see ya, Ella,” Lucy said as she held up her charm, waiting for Rose to connect hers to form the portal.

“Oh, by the way, you girls can open a portal on your own, by air writing what portal you need open with your gem,” Ella demonstrated as she opened the portal to Paris.

“That will come in handy when Rose wants to study together.”

“Hey, my study parties are great!” Rose informed shoving Lucy into the portal, “Good night Ella.”


What is wrong with me why the heck did I have a daydream like that?! I don’t even know if we would have ended up kissing if we weren’t interrupted. So why did my Damn mind create its own world where it was deeper than just two people teasing and getting caught in the moment…

Lucy, stared at her gem as she clutched a pillow. “What is wrong with me I never panic so much around a guy that I became speechless. I never dress up for anyone but myself, yet he invited me out and my first thought was I want to look my best.”

She pulled herself off the bed and made her way into the bathroom.

“I mean he did shove me into a fountain… but being soaked was worth it since I got to hug him.”

Pulling at the damp material Lucy replay the feeling of Hunter’s hands holding her waist.

Pulling the dress over her head she felt drops drip on her face, but all she thought about was how Hunter caress her face even though she was soaked head to toe.

She traces her collarbone, closing her eyes, and stepping back into the memory of their time alone in the shimmering forest.

Stepping into the shower, her head was filled with every smirk he made. Every time he reached for her hand. Every dumb or serious conversation they had.

She imagine how dream her must have felt as Hunter locked his’s beautiful lips with hers. As she pulled a new pjs set on.

“Jesus, Hunter Woods what did you do to me?!” She exclaimed, trying to clear her head of these moments, and feelings so she could focus on getting some shut eyes.

She was unsuccessful, as when she finally drifted off the only thing she wondered was if Hunter was also having this issue. With her living in his’s head making sleep almost impossible.

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