The Lord Ruler: Rise of the Cheat Potion Maker #3

The Lord Ruler: Chapter 25

[Extreme danger! You have encountered a third SUPER BOSS! Extreme danger! Extreme danger!]

[You truly are unlucky. For defying the impossible odds and encountering not one, not two, but three super bosses in a short span, you have earned a merit.]

[Congratulations. For earning two merits at a nigh-impossible speed, causing the heavens to look on with concern, you may upgrade one upgradable item or skill for free, skipping out any requirements or spirit coin prices.]

[A battle for the title of Lord Ruler has commenced. Nate vs. Maximus Truestorm, the Lord Ruler.]

Are you fucking kidding me with this, System? I thought as I slipped into the shadows, just barely avoiding a giant beam of magic the size of a building.

I thought I’d be able to get far, but the effects of the magic forced me out of the shadows and only a dozen or so meters from the big man himself. My eyes widened at the damage. The entire block… the entire fucking city block, just… gone. Destroyed. It looked like a F-5 tornado had a field day.

If he aimed even slightly more to the left, Yani, Anzu, and her siblings would’ve been obliterated.

I’ve been in over my head before, but this, this was just too much. Even the people were shocked. I just hoped that there were no stragglers, that the guards forced everyone to this gathering area. Wingston was a small city, for now, because at this rate, the system may downgrade it.

The Lord Ruler seemed to have snapped out of whatever state he was in, realizing what he done. I couldn’t help but wonder why I was even here. I highly doubted my words convinced the Astral duke to stop whatever plans he had in motion. He likely changed them to include Raider in some fucked-up scheme.

“You seriously need to reign that in,” I yelled. “This is unbecoming of a ruler. What the hell is wrong with you!?”

I couldn’t stop the rage. Never had I seen someone casually eradicate people’s homes, potentially committing a massacre, and just stand there, uncaring. “This is so fucked up.”

As if things couldn’t get any worse, the people began shouting furiously at their ruler. Until his aura struck, sending them to their knees. The look of surprise returned to him briefly before he spoke.

“There were no people on that block,” he said. “Anyone who lost their homes can file a complaint with the capital.”

He turned to me, his eyes scanning as if seeing me for the first time. I regretted not making that blighted potion I planned this morning. Still, I wasn’t out of options, just unsure where to go about this. What leg did I have to stand on? “Master magician. What!? But how can this be? You’re holding back… Either playing with me, or you truly do not understand how to organize the layers of your own power, like a novice. Wait… how can a Saint realm be a master magician? Nothing about you makes any sense.”

While he was reeling in confusion, I finally sensed my hasty plan click into place. Milia snatched Gwendolyn during the chaos, even beneath the nose of the guards, as they all eyed me warily with their hands on their weapons. Not even the so-called executioners stood a chance, likely given the same treatment as the hero. Shitty training to keep their power levels low enough. The threats were the Lord Ruler and his daughter, wherever she hid.

Milia and the entirety of the Wingston family were gone, flying deep into the forest where I’d meet them.

I turned to my other hidden ace. Ripley. The cloaked man, elf-like in appearance for those who could see him, nodded at me.

[Ripley has offered you a contract. Accept? Yes or No. You probably should consider your circumstances.]

Well, the system had me there. I didn’t have much of a choice and very little time, as the Lord Ruler continued to short circuit from the lack of logic in a world that lacked it from the get-go.

[You have formed a contract with Ripley, Son of the Midnight Dragon. This is a temporary contract.]

Ripley, Son of the Midnight Dragon.

Dragon rank: SS.

I recalled seeing him as we were hurrying for confrontation with the Lord Ruler and explained things. He offered to help without getting directly involved.

Energy poured into me, but before I could ponder on any gains, aside from a weird prompt, the Lord Ruler’s magic crashed into me.

Time seemed to slow at what everyone knew would be an instant death. I activated the one-time use special shield, blocking the deadly King-level magical burst. If only I could enjoy the Lord Ruler’s surprise, likely marveling over how someone survived his attack unscratched. Including the clothes.

Instincts that didn’t belong to me, primordial and bestial, guided my next move. They urged against summoning my spell book, knowing that it’d cause a scene and would be a waste of time. My ability to steal spell books had to be kept secret.

Sadly, swiping the Lord Ruler’s C-ranked miracle wouldn’t be possible.

“How are you able to move, unaffected by my aura, unmoved by my killing intent?” the Lord Ruler asked, his voice casual. He followed me as I traveled through the shadows.

Holy shit, did it feel so much easier to do so under Ripley’s contract. For some reason, I wished tonight was a double crimson moon night. That, I kept as a mental note. The dragon clearly bided his time for this moment.

Seeing there was no point of staying under, not without a proper escape route, I decided to pop up within the crowd. I pushed my speed to the limits, blurring, to deter him from wiping the people from the face of the earth.

Suddenly, he teleported in front of me. The weird prompt from before flashed into my vision, but I quickly closed it. There was no way in hell I’d do such a thing at this moment.

[You can now call Wolverine, but only while under the contract.]

“I’d be happy to talk, but not under threat of death,” I said. The people began to stir again, all speaking in defense of Raider. Fuck, while I appreciated the thoughts, their words would only serve to piss this guy off, resulting in the rolling of my head to say the least.

“Very well, then show me why I should allow you to live, Raider,” the Lord Ruler said. “Who are you?”

His fist would’ve taken my head off if I were any slower at dodging. Just the graze seemed to fracture, perhaps dislocate my shoulder, and the pain… Fuck, the pain only delayed for a second, giving me plenty of time to realize the difference between a King and a Saint, before I slammed down a healing potion.

The Lord Ruler seemed confused at my actions, his eyes clearly wondering about the vial I consumed. With magic being fucking useless, I looked inward at my arsenal of potions. It was always my potion-based fighting style that enabled me to win my fights, anyway.

I barely dodged another fist that produced a shockwave so powerful, it shook the entire area, only to realize the second grazing and the blood running from my mouth. Breathing grew slightly harder, but I pushed on.

“Big deal, I can shake the city too,” I said, my voice nearly a wheeze. However, I kept my aura contained. I needed the people on my side for this one and squeezing them with more power wasn’t a good idea. As long as they didn’t get me tied to the pole and executed.

I pulled out the strongest potion in my inventory, set it to one pocket, and then pulled out the mid-tiered special potion, Water Spirits.

The summoning potion was always a last resort, but I wasn’t entirely sure if it’d be enough due to it technically being at the simple level. I was only able to move and dodge thanks to Ripley’s contract.

[Potion of Water Spirits. Level: Special; Mid-tier. This potion enables you to interact with the spirits and elementals of water itself. What you choose to do with this ability is up to you.

This potion has the following effects through spirit interaction:

1. Water magic and water-applicable strength is increased by 97x after a rainstorm. Drinking this will have some interesting effects.

2. Due to being in the Saint realm, you may summon a minor water deity. The grand tier version, a complex potion, will summon major and immense water deities. Will their manifestation.

3. You may create water-type potions instantly even while on the move, using your soul space/inventory to draw ingredients from.

4. Increase your realm to gain the ability to become one with the water spirits.

5. You cannot drown, and your swimming speed is increased due to the power of the spirits. Combine this with a water-breathing potion for additional benefits.

6. You may strengthen storms using your will.

7. You will be able to see water spirits. In rare instances, you may be able to communicate with them. Create the grand tier version of this potion to unlock additional perks.]

With death looming, I quickly gulped down the small vial, which tasted like bland old tea. The changes struck immediately and even the Lord Ruler seemed to wonder what the fuck I had done to myself. I probably looked like some kind of addict, having his fix before death.

[Your strength has multiplied by 97. Try not to destroy the city…]

First it began with every muscle in my body briefly aching, as if I’d run two consecutive marathons back-to-back without stopping, perhaps at full speed. Then the world changed. The sky seemed bluer. Motes, little spheres of blue light superimposed on the world, reminding me of fireflies.

Time seemed to slow, just for a bit, as if my mind had to adjust and maybe it did.

This morning’s rainstorm affected me way more than I expected. As if things weren’t incredible enough, even the current weather conditions were in my favor, moist air, and light drizzling.

Taking inspiration from the battle against the fallen angel, I stomped the ground. It exploded, revealing a crater far larger than I attempted.

Unfortunately, the Lord Ruler… walked on air, as if it were ground, strolling toward me with his infuriating impassive expression. Well, at least the shadows I needed were now available.

“Raider, rumors about you spread across the kingdom like a wildfire,” the Lord Ruler said. “Yet, your display is nothing special. There is a plethora of powerful magicians spread across the kingdom that deserve attention, from our academies to our sects and undiscovered talent. Your situation appears to be unique, but my senses are probably wrong.”

“This display isn’t necessary,” I said. “I didn’t come here to fight.”

“Then why try to rescue…?”

Voice trailing off, his eyes widened upon noticing Gwendolyn’s disappearance for the first time. “What kind of trick is this?”

He sighed, shaking his head, throwing his arms up. “I was not expecting today. Raider shows up and can somehow enter the shadows. I sense no presence, making it a bit of a pain to track you. Just what are…?” His expression returned to being neutral. “So, you pulled off the rescue. What will you do now? Will you show me your strength? Or shall I send one million men across the kingdom to undo your efforts?”

“I think what you’re—”

I almost had out the words that could’ve ended the conflict, but the Lord Ruler decided to be a dick and attack. But he wasn’t fast enough. I slipped into the new shadows, then launched toward him.

His own danger senses probably blasted by the way he turned to react. However, the mid-tier special potion surprised me. Somehow it channeled the power of this morning’s rainstorm into raw strength.

With the knuckles still equipped, I punched, splitting the air in half, rocketing the Lord Ruler backward. I couldn’t believe what I saw, but he… he broke the speed of sound twice over, smashing through several buildings.

I planned to get the hell out of there, but I almost lost my footing when the earth shook furiously as the Lord Ruler burst from a building with a roar. Not wanting him to see me, I was long in the shadows.

When he reappeared, I knocked his ass back the same way. My body nearly moved on its own, the water spirits guiding it. He held his ground this time, sliding back only a few meters.

By the way, in case you’re wondering, the Lord Ruler was unscathed, aside from a bit of blood on the side of his lip. His eyes were bloodshot for only a moment. How the hell did he keep his hair perfect? He was one of those people, wasn’t he?

“So, that’s the strength of a Saint-Master Magician,” the Lord Ruler said. “To think you’ve pulled back on that punch at the last second. If you’re going to hold back, then I’ll take the initiative.”

Feeling the Lord Ruler’s increase of raw power in the air, I desperately willed whatever minor water deity into existence, asking it mentally to help me. It spoke in my head.

“A real saint! Darling, dear, of course I’ll help you,” she said, sounding like my grandma.

A giant woman made of water appeared and the system forced me to scan her.


[Stala, water deity. Type: Divinity. Rank: SS. Affinity: Water, light. Friendly. Minor water deity.]

The Lord Ruler seemed so taken aback that he dropped his spell midsentence to stare into the eyes of the water giant.

“So, is this him I should strike down? Very well,” cheered Stala. “Clench your teeth, girly man.”

Before the Lord Ruler could react, a giant watery fist smashed into him. Unfortunately, that did jack diddly squat… Wait. How the hell did he get on the roof so fast? He was scrambling back to his feet, eyes actually wild.

“You could’ve have chosen a better time for this,” I said. “Or is this level of luck truly a coincidence?”

Any other day, and I’d be dead. I made no illusions I could beat this guy as I was now without the potions. Then again, who the hell cared? Potions made up my fighting style. They were a part of me. No, I wasn’t some kind of druggy.

“Cracked Lightning Rain,” the Lord Ruler suddenly said, his voice barely audible. A giant green lightning bolt just barely missed me as I sped off with enhanced speed courtesy of Ripley and the water spirit potion.

The lightning bolts left craters as they fell around the area, attempting to obliterate me. Each was a King-level electrical monstrosity, instant death. By now, people had pushed through the guards to get to safety. Hell, the guards were running themselves.

I rushed toward the Lord Ruler and threw a punch. His fist collided with mine as he countered, a half-smile curling across his face. Time and space seemed to fucking bend around us, making me question reality once again. A shockwave emerged at the collision point, pushing both of us back some.

“So you’re an unarmed fighter as well,” the Lord Ruler said.

A King-level lightning bolt almost ended my life, as well as the Lord Ruler’s kick. I dodged the bolt but crossed my arms to block the kick.

My arms creaked in protest, but thanks to the potion, they didn’t break. The water deity caught me before I could enjoy a trip that would likely end with me splattered against whatever object I crashed into.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck her, forcing me to dive away as she exploded into steam. I rolled over as the Lord Ruler’s fist smashed into the ground where my head was at a half-second ago.

I chucked an unfinished potion at him, but supernatural reflexes made him bat it to the side with a finger. He teleported in front of me. Or at least moved so fast, it seemed like a teleport.

His fist approached.

“It’s over, Raider. You are weak.”

I grinned. “Are you sure about that?”

The lid to the potion of storms was open, pointed at him. That was when all hell did more than break loose. It fucked shit up.

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