The Longboats

Chapter 20

At the airfield I saw what looked like a game going on through the trees as I approached with yelling and laughing. Once I cleared the trees I started to chuckle at what I saw. In the open area of the airstrip there were dozens of men and women playing tackle football! There had to be some of my Marines there for them to be doing this so I walked to the sideline to watch for a few minutes and on both sides of the line were my Marines yelling out plays. The football was a bit rough looking but it worked and they were having fun so I turned towards the flight chiefs shack, acquired an airplane and had the field cleared while I took off, waving at them as climbed into the sky.

The Skipper got in touch with all the leaders of all countries before he headed back to Skavateland with the Gunny and told them to be there for a meeting to decide what to do with all the Greek prisoners that did not want to return home. He knew the Gunny was already working on it after he flew back and he also knew it had to be done quickly so he ordered several trucks to pick up all the leaders to bring them back to the Great Hall. He also wondered when his new red and yellow truck would be ready because he enjoyed driving this one and all it needed was a radio to pick up the local commercial channels. May be Scott could work on that, he thought, so he would ask him when he got back.

Yngvildr was in the flight chief’s shack when the Gunny landed his Albatross then taxied it to the hangers and turned the engine off. She met him as he was climbing out of the cockpit.

“How was the flight?” Shew asked.

“Much better without having someone trying to kill you.” He laughed.

“Well. I have news for you.” She started. “The Saxon leader, Fiete, says he wants the Greek prisoners he has, to work their lands and clean up what they did.”

The Gunny stopped for a second, shook his head, then started off again as he rubbed the oil from his face with a rag.

“Gerhold said the same thing but I talked him out of it. So you need to get with them on this if we want peace in the future.” She said as they walked.

“Yes. This needs to stop. It just keeps going around in circles again and again. Fight a war, make the losers’ slaves, then they fight for freedom and make THEM slaves.” He shook his head.

“If we ever want to grow as a people, and I mean people of the earth, we need to stop this constant bickering.” He said without looking up as they walked. “This happens where I come from but with a vengeance and I know there will always be some out there that want what you have and we need to fight them. But this bickering needs to stop.”

They walked to the Great Hall which was over a mile away and spoke of the changes that need to be made for a growing society. Ideas were tossed about then gone over with most discarded then more ideas would be gone over. They had to come up with something that would make all leaders of nations agree with one another. It was something the Gunny needed to do with all other leaders present in the Great Hall.

“Yngvildr. Can you have someone find Mac, Greg, Scott, Hennison and Snow? I need to speak to them before this meeting gets under way and it doesn’t have to be today. Have them come in first thing tomorrow morning in the Great Hall.”

“I’ll get a few runners on it right away,” she said then turned down a cobbled stoned road.

I stopped at the entrance of the Great Hall, which was now more or less our capitol building with several guards standing on either side of the large doors in their green uniforms and rifles. They saluted me as I walked up the steps. As I reached for the door I paused, thinking that I needed to greet them before I entered so they wouldn’t think their duties were light ones. Stepping back I slapped both on their shoulders with a smile.

“You lads are doing a fine job and you look good too. Let your officer of the day know I said this.” The both smiled broadly as I entered the double doors.

The radio operators in the side rooms were busy scribbling messages or talking on the voice radio to the front. Each one had a sign hanging over their area to tell us what part of the front they were communicating with and the one that was in contact with Fiete was talking loudly as I entered.

“You have to take that up with the Commander in Chief.” He yelled into the microphone. “NO! We can not allow that from what I understand!”

I leaned over to him and pulled one of the ear phones from his ear to listen to the conversation.

“I want these prisoners to get to work today! We have hundreds of miles of land they have to clear and we need to start NOW!” It sounded like Fiete on the other end.

I took the microphone from the communicator.

“This is Gunny, is this Fiete?” I asked and it was silent for a few long seconds.

“Yes. This is Fiete!” He said.

“You need to get up here for that meeting tomorrow. This will all be discussed then.” I said.

“I will be there.” Then it went silent and the radio operator looked up to me with a long sigh.

I turned to go find my children and try to relax.

The next morning Mac and Greg came into the Great Hall just as the sun came up to find the Gunny already up sipping tea by the front steps. As they approached the guards saluted them in recognition, then went back to parade rest.

“Morning, Gunny!” Greg said as he approached.

“You guys want tea?” he asked, then motioned for one of the house maids to get two cups of tea for them.

“Have a seat, fellas. I have a few questions I need to ask before this meeting today.”

As they sat, the maid handed them white porcelain cups of hot tea and Mac looked at the cups with a smile.

“Getting fancy, aren’t you Gunny?” He smiled while holding the cup in front of his face.

“Look. I know you guys are working overtime on just about everything that’s getting done around here but I need one thing to speed up. That ship!”

“OH!” Greg said. “The destroyer we’re building?”

“Yes. How far along is it and will it be more advanced than the Greek ships?”

“OH, WAY more advanced, Gunny!” Mac said.

“Yeah,” Greg piped in. “The Greeks don’t have squat on us with this one. We’ve been with all the Norse navy people at all times and every turn. Our guns are the latest in technology. Hennison and Snow have been working overtime too and now have a good working machine gun that is gas operated. Since we got all that aluminum, it’s easier to make parts for it.”

“Gas operated? Like our modern weapons?” I asked.

“Yeah. And Hennison even made a fifty cal!” Mac said with a wide grin.

“The ship is equipped with fifties and forty calibers all around it. Gun turrets fore and aft and we are trying, without much success, to make torpedoes.”

“Well, that’s only a matter of time, Gunny.” Greg said as he sipped his tea.

“But when will it be complete?” I asked them and they both looked at each other.

“That look did not look good to me.” I said.

“Another eight to ten months at least.” Greg said.

“THAT long?” I asked as I took a deep sigh of despair.

“But the good thing is....we have THREE we are building at the same time!”

“THREE!?” I sat up in surprise.

“Yeah. Three keels were laid and all three are being done at the same time. So about another eight months or so and you’ll have three destroyers in the water.”

“Holy crap!” Was all I could say. “Then it's not all bad news!” I said with a smile.

“And, Gunny. These are bad to the bone!” Mac said with a smile. “It even has two spots for sea planes!”

“Sea planes?” The Gunny smiled at that. “I never thought of that!”

Just as I was going to tell them what I had planned, Elvar walked up to us. He was the leader of all the northern provinces and represented all their interest. His clothing was a mixture of our modern dress and the old animal skins of the past. He also still carried a sword and ax at his waist.

“ELVAR! I haven’t seen you in quite some time.” Mac and Greg started to get up and leave but I stopped them and they sat back down.

He looked a bit bewildered at everything he saw but came forward to shake hands with me as I stood.

“Well. The King of all the Norse standing for me is a surprise.” He said with a slight frown.

“Take a set, Elvar. We have a lot to discuss.” I said as I sat.

“I assume you got the word about the meeting we have today with all the leaders?” I asked him.

“Yes. I came as soon as I got word. What is it about?” He sat on the steps with us.

“It will all be unfolding in a few hours. Until then, have some tea and relax form your trip.”

He looked around the area then swung his arm out as if motioning with his hand.

“All this is foreign to me. “ He shrugged, and then looked at me with a slight frown. “HOW?”

“Progress, Elvar.” I said, sipping tea then looking at him. “Did you get the radios I sent you and the soldiers to show you how to use them?”

“Yes. Yes I did and this is all very confusing to us. It seems we have been left in the dark for some time.”

“That is because you refused to join us and we were at war. Now that the war is over we can start to rebuild and I want you and the northern provinces to build with us.”

He just looked at me then to the two trucks that rolled past as one backfired, making him jump with a start.

“Just a truck, Elvar.” I said chuckling.

“Yeah and it sounds like it needs a tune up!” Greg said with a chuckle.

Elvar. Did you bring the others with you?” I asked.

“Yes. They are all still at the docks looking around at all the wonder.” He said shaking his head. “I have heard of wonderful things you have brought to our land and tails of your exploits from Rolf and Sigrun. We speak all the time.”

“They never told me this, Elvar. I’m surprised and honored.”

The maid, and older woman that has been here for years came to the door.

“Sir. Breakfast. Shall I set the table for three more?” She said while wiping her hands on her apron.

“Yes, mam. Three more for breakfast.” I said as I stood.

“Gentlemen? Follow me.” I turned and went into the Great Hall with all three to the large table in the center that was set for our meal.

It was late afternoon before every one made it to the Great Hall for the meeting of all leaders and all nations. The room was filled with more than any one had expected with over fifty people attending. Everyone had a mung full of either ale or mead and were standing around talking loudly in small groups or mingling through the crowd to meet.

“Gentlemen!” The Skipper yelled out loudly to gain quiet. “Gentlemen please take a seat or take your place for the meeting.” He turned to the Gunny that was standing at the head of the table.

“Welcome all leaders,” the Gunny started. “We are here to further progress our cause and bring peace and trade to this land.”

“What are we going to do with the Greek prisoners?” Gerhold of Germany asked loudly. “We want them to work the land FOR us!”

There was grumbling and everyone started talking at once in agreement.

“WAIT! WAIT!” The Gunny yelled out, holding his hands in the air until it grew silent enough to continue.

“We have been at war for years with the Greek army. This Greek army was not all Greek; they were conscripts from every country of the known world and had to fight for them. Drafted, by the Pope to fight a war they did not want. We have, as prisoners, French, English, Romans and even some Hebrews and Muslims. None of which wanted to fight for the Greeks but had to or their families would have been killed by the Greeks.”

“Then we punish the Greeks and not the others!” Someone yelled out, raising nods of agreement in the crowd.

“If we punish the Greeks, they will become bitter. They will plot to over throw our land once again when they become strong. I ask you this.” The Gunny stood from his chair and leaned on the table as he looked around it.

“Would you rather have allies for life, or enemies in the future?”

It was silent.

“If we take these people into our society, treat them as one of us after they give their oath of peace, let them live among us and thrive with us and build with us....what would become of our enemies then?”

Silence for a few seconds then someone spoke out.

“They would become allies!”

“YES!” The Gunny raised up to stand tall.

There was talk of who would take Greek soldiers into their province and how many. Discussions went on about how to build more foundries and power plants in the Northern provinces along with schools, hospitals and farms. Communication was a topic everyone wanted to attain along with flight. Aircraft and shipping were spoken of and each country and province was told they would get the technology. Every country would benefit from the Norse. After several hours of talking the Gunny held up his hands for silence.

“I have an announcement to make that will benefit everyone here.” He smiled as he looked for Mac and Greg.

“Mac and Greg here have been working on our latest ships and we have three nearing completion.”

The Skipper shifted in his seat as he leaned close to the Gunny.

“Are you sure you want to announce this to the public?” He asked him and the Gunny smiled an nodded.

“These ships will be the best, fastest and heavily armed ships you have ever witnessed in your life.” He continued.

“We will have three of them in a few months’ time and I have plans for one of them. Two will be used to shore patrol to secure or shores but the other one will go with me across the Atlantic to a land a thousand miles away called North America.”

“Exploration?” Someone yelled out.


“I want to send some of my men with you!” Gerhold yelled out then everyone started yelling the same thing. They all wanted to be part of it.

The Gunny held up his hands for quiet.

“Yes. Everyone will be able to send a represented to go along with us. This is for all Norse, not just one province.”

“So you ARE a man of your word, Gunny!” Elvar yelled out and all present cheered.

“On to a new land!” They yelled.

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