The Lies that Made Us

Chapter Unwelcomed


Though they were all exhausted, Brynn knew they needed to blend in better to their surroundings before they crossed the narrow part of the sea. Even getting a boat from the southern harbor town in their kingdom was risky since it would either be traders to Achillia or actual Achilians. The first thing they needed to do was get new clothes. After pulling their cloaks tight to hide their symbolic clothes and uniforms, the group moved through the town.

Brynn gave some money to his guards, telling them to buy something simple to wear that would not stand out. Dugan refused to get far from Brynn, and Owain was as always Amelia’s shadow. Brynn walked with Amelia to a large store towards the middle of the village near an inn they could stay. After entering, she went towards the area in the front that held many simple dresses while Brynn walked with Owain and Dugan towards some shirts and pants.

As Brynn looked through some dark shirts and pants, he kept glancing over to see Amelia by some shelves. He didn’t want her out of his sight, and it seemed Owain had the same thought. Brynn also saw Dugan constantly turn his eyes upon Amelia, but he didn’t like the way he looked at her or what he might have been plotting in his head.

Brynn finally picked out a simple shirt, pants, and a new dark gray cloak. He took them to the shopkeeper, finding Amelia near the counter, looking at some ribbons and holding a dark red dress.

“Did you find everything you needed?” asked Brynn.

“I think this will work, and the shopkeeper already has a cloak and a few other things for me behind the counter. I thought I might get a simple ribbon to tie up my hair or some pins, maybe.” She ran her finger over some red and black ribbon before stopping her hand near a pretty comb. It was black and had some red jewels on it.

“Do you like that,” he asked?

“It is very nice. It has been a while since I have seen anything superfluous and beautiful. I didn’t think I would care so much about it, but there are a few simple pleasures I do miss,” replied Amelia.

“Would you like it?”

She shook her head and pulled out some simple ribbons. “I have no need for it.”

Brynn picked up the comb and placed it on the counter with his clothes. “I didn’t ask if you needed it. I asked if you wanted it.”

“It is not necessary,” said Amelia.

“I want to buy it for you, to help you remember who you are.”

Amelia looked like she would protest further, but Owain and Dugan joined them, both putting their things on the counter.

“All of this,” said Brynn to the shopkeeper and whatever the lady said she needed. He pulled out his bag of coins. “Is there somewhere we could change?”

The shopkeeper took the large number of coins Brynn handed him and nodded. “There are two rooms in the back of the store. Feel free to use them.”

Brynn grabbed his things, putting the hair comb in his pocket as the shopkeeper handed Amelia her cloak and other items. She walked to the back and disappeared into a room as Brynn went into the other. He changed quickly before throwing on his cloak and fastening it. As he came out of the room, Dugan went next, and Brynn worked on folding up his clothes to fit them in the bags they had with them.

Just as he stuffed in his shirt, Amelia came out of the room, and Brynn paused mid-standing up because he was so struck by her. She wore a simple dark red dress that buttoned up the front. It was modest, but the neckline was still a little lower cut than her Light Barer dress. Brynn thought it was a shame she didn’t have some delicate necklace to wear around her beautiful neck. The dress had some decorative stitching down the front, and she wore an open simple black cloak that fit her very well.

She pinned her braid up as Brynn watched, and he put his hand in his pocket, pulling out the hair comb he had bought. He held it out towards her.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” she said as she finished with her hair.

“I wanted to. You didn’t receive any of the things I bought for you in Erialla. The least I can do is buy you some simple trinket here.”

She looked down at the comb in his hand before turning around. “Would you help me with it?”

Brynn stepped forward as Amelia pulled back some hair that did not make it into her braid. She held it into place as Brynn slowly placed the comb where her braid was held. As he let go, his hand brushed against her exposed neck, making her give a quick, loud breath.

A small mirror was hanging nearby, and Amelia moved to it and turned her head to look at the comb. “It is pretty.” She touched it with a small grin on her face as she turned to look at Brynn. “It feels strange to be dressed in something other than black or my shift. I haven’t been allowed any other clothes since I was taken to the tower.”

“You were not even given night gowns?” asked Brynn.

She shook her head. “It was either what I was wearing or nothing at all.” Her voice became very quiet at the end, so Brynn could barely hear her.

“Would you like anything else while we are here, a night gown or another dress?”

She shook her head. “This is enough. Once I am free from the palace completely, perhaps I can convince my father to give me some money to travel and set up a life. It will be worth it to him to see me gone from the kingdom.”

“I am sure your father will give you whatever you desire, my lady, but he will not want you to leave,” said Owain.

“You do not need to keep protecting me, Owain. The three years of silence from him has told me where I stand.”

“I think Owain is right, Amelia. Your father and brother both were arguing with Gareth about you coming on this mission. From how my brother spoke to Lord Fox, I think he might have been holding your safety over his head.”

“I think so too,” said Owain. “I believe there is a reason your father or brother did not visit you, and it was not by choice. They both met with me regularly to ask about your well-being. I have never lied to you about it.”

Dugan came out, and Owain went into the room to dress. “Your highness, we need to secure a boat as soon as we can. Perhaps, we should go meet with the guards so you can have two escort you to the docks.”

Brynn nodded. “We will go after we secure some rooms at the inn. I know it is early, but the village appears to be busy, and a good night’s sleep in beds will do us all good.”

“If we don’t get a ship, then we might miss our chance,” said Dugan.

“I can see about getting us some rooms,” said Amelia. “If you will give me the funds, Owain and I can go to the inn and have everything arranged while you go to the docks.”

“I thought you might come with me,” said Brynn. He didn’t like the idea of her being out of his sight for long. “We have plenty of time to do both. Many ships come and go from the harbor, and with the money we have, I can find someone to agree to take us to Achilia whether they are headed that way or not.”

“It will be fine, your highness. Do you not trust me to be alone for an hour or so? I promise you I will not run.”

“You know that is not it. You and I are integral to this mission, and we should stay together.”

“Come now, this seems a peaceful village. I will only go to the inn and perhaps to a nearby shop to get us some supplies, but that is all. I will have Owain with me,” said Amelia. “You will not be gone long.”

“I will stay behind as well and see to your interest, your highness,” said Dugan.

This information did not make Brynn feel any better. He definitely didn’t want any chance of Amelia being alone with Dugan. Before he could respond, Owain walked out, and Amelia went to him.

“Owain, you will accompany me to the inn and a few shops, won’t you? The prince needs to see about a ship for tomorrow, and we need to secure rooms and refill our supplies.”

“Of course, my lady. I will gladly go wherever you like.”

“There you have it,” said Amelia.

Brynn looked at her closely, seeing a look on her face he had seen many times. As sweet as she had always been, there was a stubbornness about her when she thought she was right. Brynn moved his cloak and took off a dagger on his belt.

“Take this, as we should not use any magic unless we must. Also, try not to use titles around others. We need to blend in and not let on who we are in case word might get to the Achilian leaders,” said Brynn.

Amelia took his dagger. “We will meet you at the inn, Brynn.”

“You still have that knife as well, don’t you?”

“I do,” she answered. “And a well-armed man at my side.” She looked at Dugan. “And another who will be close by, I assume.”

“I will tell the other three guards to keep watch by the inn, too,” said Brynn.

They walked from the store and quickly found the five guards. Two stayed with Brynn as he watched Amelia walk away with Owain by her side. Dugan followed her, and Brynn wished he had commanded Dugan to stay with him. Deciding he needed to see to his business as quickly as possible, he hurried to the docks.

There were many ships of various sizes all along the piers. Brynn found a boy tying up a ship and inquired where he might find passage. He was sent to the dockmaster, who helped Brynn find a captain of a small ship who was taking some supplies to Achillia in the morning. After seeing that the ship looked safe and agreeing on a price, Brynn was told to be there directly after sunrise the next day. It was usually a day and a half journey, but the sea had been rough, so it could take longer.

Glad that his business went smoothly, Brynn started to head back towards the village when a familiar voice stopped him.

“Thought I could avoid seeing you this far south in your kingdom.”

Brynn turned to see Princess Melwa with two guards behind her walking his way. He looked around before walking to meet her.

“What are you doing here?” asked Brynn.

“I am on my way home from visiting Acklian for my kingdom. My husband could not travel as his father is not well. I hope I receive good news on the king’s recovery when I get back.”

”I’m trying to keep my identity quiet, and talking with a princess connected to two powerful kingdoms out in the open does not help,” said Brynn.

“Then let us go somewhere else. I have two hours or so while my ship is prepared. I believe there is usually a tavern or something where one can meet in quiet,” said Melwa.

Brynn turned to look at the town. “I don’t have much time. I told others I would be back soon.”

“Who are you traveling with and where?” asked Melwa. “The last I heard, you came back here because you heard your love might still be alive. What did you find out? You know I won’t leave you alone until I hear all.”

Brynn looked around again. “I will give you no more than one hour, hopefully, less.”

He led her back towards the village, coming to a small pub on the end of a row of shops. Walking in, he found it a dark place that was mostly empty. After putting some coins on the bar, he asked for a private area and was shown to a side room that held three tables. He ordered his guards to stay out in the main area and keep watch.

He pulled out a chair for the princess before sitting down on the other side. The barkeep came in with two drinks and put them on the table before leaving.

“So, tell me all,” said Melwa. “What did you find when you went home?”

“I found Amelia being held in the highest tower of the palace,” said Brynn.

“And she has been there for the past three years without you knowing?” asked Melwa before taking a drink. “How did your brother answer for it?”

“He said he didn’t think I would want to see her after what happened to my father. We argued about it, but he wouldn’t admit he was wrong.”

“So, did you break her out? Are you on the run with her now?”

“She is here in town, but we are not on the run. When I got to the palace, I found out the queen’s brother had been taken by the dark magic users of Achilia.”

“The future king of Annelia? Why would they bother with him?”

“To get to my brother and our kingdom. They had demands for Evalmore, including our allegiance, money, and a Light Bearer to sacrifice.”

“Isn’t your love a Light Bearer?” asked Melwa as she took a drink.

Brynn nodded. “Gareth said he would not send her as a sacrifice or meet any of their demands. He wished the boy to be rescued, and he wanted Amelia to do it.”

“One Light Bearer against all the forces of Achilia? That would be as good as sacrificing her.”

“I agree, which is why I said I would accompany her.”

Princess Mewla put her cup down loudly. “You are on your way to Achillia?”

“I just booked passage to leave tomorrow,” replied Brynn. “We need to save the boy as soon as possible.”

“Is it just you and the lady?”

“She has one of her father’s guards with her, and I have six royal guards left. I am thinking of telling them to go home, though. I do not trust at least one of them, and for this to work I think Amelia and I might have to sneak in. I doubt I could get rid of her guard if I tried, but he is a capable man.”

“What do you mean you have six guards left?”

Brynn quickly told her of the troubles on their journey. He gave an involuntarily shiver as he spoke of the shadow warriors and Amelia’s injury.

“And she has recovered? She must still be in pain and have some exhaustion.”

“I am sure she does.” Brynn finished his drink. “But she has always been strong. I have been healing her often on the trip. I hope she can have a decent night’s sleep in a bed.”

“And how is it between the two of you?” Melwa picked her cup back up and stared at him.

“It has not been easy. She was angry and had no trust for me when I first saw her. I can’t blame her. She feels as if I have abandoned her. I never should have trusted my brother.”

“You can’t change what you have done. So, what have you done now to make things right?”

“I’ve tried to speak with her, but I can’t seem to get the words right. I can see the hurt she has been through in her eyes and by the scars on her body.” He looked down. “I can’t even speak about what my brother did to her.”

“Do you think it is hopeless?”

He smiled a little. “How can I feel hopeless when she is alive? After knowing what it was to think she was completely gone, being able to see her and talk to her every day fills me with more hope than I have known in a long time. She has also given me reason to believe her love for me is not lost. I will not give up unless she tells me she has no love for me left.”

“Your people still think she is a killer, don’t they?”

“I am sure many do, but it does not matter to me. My brother says he will give her freedom if she saves the young prince. She wants to leave the kingdom, and I will follow her if she lets me.”

“You will leave your homeland permanently? You will abandon your position?” asked Melwa.

“It all means nothing without Amelia. I have betrayed her and let her down too many times. Never again will anyone or anything ever come before to me.”

Melway sighed. “If she cares for you at all, she will not wish you to give up who you are. I hope you know how difficult this could be for you. I know you love her, Brynn, but it will be hard for your people to accept her as your wife if that is your plan.”

“I don’t care what people will accept. If somehow I can convince her to love me again and marry me, I will not hesitate. Not only is she what I want, but I made her a promise long ago. I will not disappoint her again. None of this is her fault.”

Before Melwa could reply, there was a commotion in the front room. Brynn looked at Melwa before standing up and walking to the room to see what was going on. He found a young man speaking loudly to the barkeep.

“Trouble in town, Dinten. You better close up in case it gets close here,” said the young man.

“Is it those Achillians again? What do they want this time? Surely they took enough for the winter when they looted those stores.”

“It doesn’t look like simple outward dwellers. These are trained men, and I think, a few magic users. They have cornered a group of people near the center of the village for some reason.”

Panic flooded Brynn as he knew who the Achillians had cornered. He turned to his guards to find Melwa standing with them.

“We have to go now,” said Brynn. “Melwa, it was good to see you, but you need to get back to your ship.”

“You can’t think I will let you face something like this by yourself. I am still a guardian, Brynn, and I won’t leave another guardian in need.”

Brynn shook his head and walked out of the tavern with his guards and Melwa behind him. “I cannot use magic freely. I don’t need anyone to have any clue who I am or why I am here.”

“I don’t care who knows why I am here, and there are ways of fighting without giving away your magic,” replied Melwa.

They hurried to the center of town, passing people running towards the docks, carrying children, and dragging elderly people. Once they got close to the inn, Brynn stopped and grabbed Melwa’s hand, dragging her between two buildings. He looked over to see several men on the ground, including one of his guards. In the center of it all, surrounded by what Brynn knew to be Achillians and Dwellers of the goddess Chiardian, were Amelia and Owain.

He could see shadows being thrown around as Amelia and Owain stood next to one another. Amelia would move Owain one way or the other to avoid the shadows. In one of her hands was the dagger he gave her. In the other was a sword she had gotten somewhere. He could see a subtle glow as she moved it, and he knew she was using her magic.

“Is that your Amelia?” asked Melwa as she pointed.

Brynn nodded. “Her and her guard. I wonder where the rest of my guards are. I can see one has fallen.” As if on cue, Dugan appeared behind Amelia with his sword raised. Brynn expected him to move in front of her, helping her meet the charge of men bearing down on them. Instead, he swung towards Amelia. Brynn cried out as Owain turned and met Dugan’s sword.

Without another word to Melwa, Brynn walked out from the building with his hand raised. Forgetting he needed to hide his magic in his fury, he held up his hand and sent a dim light towards Dugan. Dugan looked up and turned as the light went just past him, hitting a tree nearby. Amelia turned and looked at Brynn before meeting the sword of an Achilian.

Brynn felt a touch on his arm and looked to see Melwa with her hand up. She looked at him. “You have not time to hide now, Brynn, if you want to save her.”

He nodded as he felt his power join with Melwa’s amplifying it. He raised his hand and threw out a blast of light that combined with Melwa’s. It ran through the Achiliian forces, striking many down. Amelia took down the one she was fighting with her sword before doing away with a few more by moving her hand to her side, sending a blast of light. Owain moved in front of her to take out two men left as Brynn hurried forward.

Before he could get there, he heard Amelia scream as Dugan came behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Amelia dropped her sword and looked to be in great pain. Brynn couldn’t figure out why as he ran forward, but Melwa stopped him with her touch.

“Wait. He is a Dweller, Brynn. You can’t just run up on him. He could kill her or you at any moment.”

Brynn stared at Dugan, who looked back at him. He grinned as he pulled Amelia against him. “It’s time to go,” he said loudly. “Your highness, I am afraid I cannot see you on to Achillia, but perhaps I will see you there soon. You are probably foolish enough to still go. You should have stayed in Erialla.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” said Brynn furiously. “Let her go now.”

Dugan laughed. “As if you could command me at all.”

Amelia cried out as Dugan half turned her. Brynn walked forward, but before he could move more than two steps, they disappeared with every other able dweller.

Owain cried out Amelia’s name and hurried over to where she had been. He looked around as though she was hiding in thin air. Brynn put his hand to his chest as it suddenly felt hard to breathe. He had failed her again.

Melwa looked at Owain. “She is gone far away from here. Powerful dwellers can travel great distances with just a thought.” She searched until she found a man lying on the ground holding his knee. After hurrying over to him, she said, “You are a dweller, aren’t you.”

“Barely,” he said through gritted teeth. “I have never been very good at harnessing the goddess’s power.”

“Why did you come here?” asked Melwa.

The man shook his head and looked down as he held his knee. Melwa kneeled down next to him. “I can heal your leg, or I can make it so much worse. It all depends on what you can tell me. Now, why did you come here?”

“I hardly know. I was told we would take someone important for the festival in two days, some Light Bearer. I suppose it was that woman.”

Brynn moved closer to the man. “What festival?”

“Shadowseve,” said the man. ’it is a time when the nights become as long as the day. We celebrate our goddess and her increased power over our world.”

“And what do they need a Light Bearer for?”

“It hasn’t been done in generations, but if a Light Bearer’s power can be given to Chiardian, then her power can be increased on the world, giving a chance for her followers to overtake all lands.”

“Heal him and have him locked up somewhere. He can answer for his crimes later,” said Brynn. “Then get on your boat and go directly back to your kingdom, Mel.” Bren waked over to where Amelia stood before being taken. He saw something on the stone road beneath him and picked it up. It was the hair comb he had given her. He placed it in his pocket.

“What will you do?” asked Melwa.

“I’m going to go back to the docks and beg the captain of the ship to leave as soon as possible. I will promise him any amount of money. Owain, come with me. The rest of my guards can stay here or leave. I could never trust any of them.”

“Brynn, you cannot go to Achillia with just yourself and a guard with no magical skills. You will be killed as soon as you are found,” said Mel.

“I cannot just leave her, Mel, not again. I have to find a way to save her.”

“Then I will come with you. We will take my ship to Achillia and save Lady Amelia.”

“It is too dangerous, and it is not your problem. Go home to your husband and people.”

“It is my problem if it is yours, Brynn. You think I could just sail away knowing what you are facing and what they will probably do to that poor woman? Stop being stubborn and take my offer. We can leave within an hour.”

Before Brynn could answer, there was a commotion in town. The sound of many men on horseback rang out through the center of the village. Brynn and Melwa turned as Owain moved forward, his sword still out. Brynn heard him give a sound close to a growl. After giving a look to Melwa, Brynn walked to stand next to Owain. What he said caused every part of him to ignite with fury. Sitting on a tall bay stallion was his brother.

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