The Lies that Made Us

Chapter The Battle of the White Shore


After meeting Master Euan, Amelia observed the Guardians’ training for a while as Brynn went through the exercises with the rest of the group. Eventually, Amelia let Brynn know she was going to wander the palace a bit and explore. He offered to go with her, but she implored him to stay with Princess Melwa and Prince Tristeen, seeing that he enjoyed his training session and speaking with his friends.

She did not mind having some time to herself. After spending her days mostly alone for three years, she found she still liked the quiet at times. The Celestial Palace was beautiful, and she had much to entertain herself as she went down the bright hallways and up the marble staircases. Eventually, she found herself on the fourth floor, strolling through a gallery of beautiful portraits and paintings.

She went through the portraits quickly, noticing they were all former royal family members of Erialla. She walked slower as she came upon landscapes of the kingdom. The crystals cliff’s looked breathtaking, and she could imagine they were even more spectacular in person. Erialla seemed to be full of picturesque villages and beautiful shorelines.

After the paintings of the kingdom, she came upon those done about the history of the world. She stopped at the end of the gallery where a painting that took up half the wall hung. It was of a vicious battle fought on the shores of Erialla. The white stones were no longer white but stained red as those fallen laid upon it. The battle raged on around those dead, Guardians, Light Bearers, and those without powers fighting on one side against a bevy of dwellers, shadow warriors, and fighters who followed the dark goddess.

At the head of the fighters against the darkness stood three men, one in black, one in gray, and one in red. Though everyone else around them looked angry, intent, or in anguish, these three men were serene, staring up at some unseen force.

“The Battle of the White Shore,” said a voice behind Amelia. “The turning point of the war that cleaved the world.”

Amelia turned around to find King Ignacioius walking towards her. “I suppose these three men represent the first three kings of our world.”

Ignacious came to stand beside her and nodded. “The one in black was from your own kingdom. He became the first king of Evalmore. The one in gray is, of course, from Erialla, and the one in red from my homeland.”

“The first masters of the Bearers, Guardians, and Whispers,” mused Amelia as she looked at the men. “I suppose they are meant to be staring up at their goddesses.”

King Ignacious looked closer at the three men. “Probably so, though it makes this piece ridiculous. Those three would not have been at the front of the line or looking at the sky. They would have been near the rear of their people shielding them while they fought.”

“That wouldn’t make a very pretty or interesting picture, though,” said Amelia.

“It would to the poor souls who actually fought at the front, at least an interesting one,” said Ignacious.

“From what I read, it was a horrible time, none of it pretty. It almost destroyed our whole world. Everyone blames the followers of Chiardian and their dark magic.”

“They did attack first.” Ignacious moved closer to Amelia to look at how the dark magic users were depicted. They were clothed in dark cloaks, most of their faces hidden. Those whose features were seen were twisted up in hatred and anger.

“To take over the world, or so we are told now.”

Ignacious looked at Amelia. “You doubt the history?”

“I do not doubt that there were some on the side of followers of Chiardian who were evil or close to it. They fought to gain power and nothing more but the others who followed them. Perhaps, their motives were different. Maybe they wanted just a chance to flourish, instead of being banished to a small piece of land that has always struggled to thrive.”

“Ah, they do say nothing good grows in Achilia. The land is said to be cursed.”

“More than likely, it is due to the short days and long nights because it is so south. The temperature never warms up as it does here or Evalmore. You can call it cursed, but it might have to do more with nature.”

Ignacious smiled at her. “You have studied weather patterns and climates?”

Amelia shrugged. “A bit. It was a part of my education, and I found it interesting at one time. I read quite a few books on it that King Iver found for me. He had a similar interest.”

“What of your compassion for the Achilians? Did that come from him?”

“King Iver was a compassionate man for any who suffered, but he was also the leader of Evalmore. If he did have any reservations for hating Achilia, he kept them to himself. You know he could hardly speak about it, even to me. There were always listening ears about. I’m ashamed to say until being taken there, I have never thought much about Achilia.”

“Most say it’s better not to think about them, but that could be why we are in the mess we are now.”

Amelia’s eyes swept across the painting. “If we could cut them off now by killing their leader, most would say it would be a good thing. Maybe keep us from repeating history.”

“Or it could inflame the Achilians even more, giving us temporary peace, but setting us up for a war to rival this one or worse.” King Ignacious’s hand moved in front of the painting.

“There are no easy answers.”

“There rarely ever are in something like this,” muttered Ignacious. “Ruling is a hard business. Sometimes I am very ready to be done with it.”

“Princes Melwa mentioned you had been ill,” said Amelia.

“I caught one of the many sicknesses that sweep the land every now and then. I am over it now.” He smiled down at Amelia. “I would not want you to think I am some feeble old man.”

Amelia smiled back at him, taking in his strong, tall form and still handsome face. “No one could think you feeble, your majesty. Perhaps you might be tired of ruling, but you still look every inch a king.”

Ignacious laughed. “You are very charming, my dear. I know you are only humoring an old man, but to hear such a compliment from one as lovely and young as you does my soul good.”

“Take the compliment, your majesty, as I meant every word.”

The king smiled wider. “Would you walk with me, my lady? I plan to take a short walk out in the city close to the palace before lunch. It would be infinitely better if I had a beautiful young woman on my arm.”

Amelia felt herself blush as she nodded her head. “I have wanted to see some of the city. I would be happy to join you.”

Amelia spent a pleasant morning with King Ignacious. They moved through the small marketplace near the palace with two of the king’s guards following them. Amelia helped the king pick out a locket for Princess Melwa he wished to give her during the festival and some new quills for his son. She even convinced him to buy a handsome map of Erialla he was eyeing.

“And now what shall I buy you for helping me today, my lady?” asked the king as Amelia looked at a pretty wrap she thought was some of the softest material she had ever touched. With some embroidery, it would be perfect. There was a time when her mother was alive that Amelia loved learning how to embroider and sew.

“What?” asked Amelia as she dropped the fabric. “Me? Your majesty, there is nothing I need, especially in exchange for this fine morning. I have enjoyed your company.”

He touched the soft, blue material she had dropped. “This would make a nice wrap for you, I think. The blue would be perfect with your eyes.”

“It is lovely, but I did not pick it up as a hint. It’s just so odd to be around so much finery. For the past few years, I have seen little luxuries such as this. Even to behold them is a treat for me.”

The king picked up the fabric and paid a woman close by before Amelia could protest. It was wrapped up in a package, and the king handed it towards her as Amelia shook her head.

“Please take it, my lady, to remind you that you are worth such luxuries and that those horrible days are behind you.”

“You really don’t need to.”

“Of course, I don’t need to do it. I want to do it. Now, make me happy and please take this gift. It is not a trap, Lady Amelia. I do not expect anything else from you other than the service you already gave me.” He laughed. “I would like to continue our friendship if you wish.”

Amelia slowly took the package. “I would like your friendship with or without this package, your majesty. I think it might be the real gift.”

The king took Amelia’s hand and kissed it softly. “You are lovely, my dear, in every way.”

They walked back towards the palace for lunch. As they approached the gate, Amelia saw that Brynn was standing there chatting with a guard. He stopped and stared at her when he recognized her.

“Your young prince has been waiting for you, my lady. I kept you too long this morning.”

“He will not mind. He was busy with his friends and order.” She sighed slightly. “I’m afraid eventually he will have to do without my presence altogether and me him. I am not looking forward to it.”

“Why would you say that, my lady. I am known for my wisdom, but even a fool could see Prince Brynnwynn is in love with you. I understand he has been for some time. Do you not feel the same?”

“I think I have loved Brynn in some way almost since the day I met him, but I am afraid our futures are not compatible. He will be the King of Evalmore, and my reputation in that kingdom is not pristine as you can imagine. I am certainly not who the people would want as their queen.”

“You don’t know what the future holds,” said King Ignacious. “Things can change very quickly, and I would think you of all people would know it.”

“I suppose they can,” said Amelia as they slowed a bit, Brynn tilting his head, looking confused. “But there is nothing I would not do for Brynn to be successful.”

Success,” said King Ingnacious with a snort. “How does one even measure success? I can see the look your young man is giving us now, and I doubt he barely even sees me, Lady Amelia. I have seen him watch you, seen how he looks for you at almost every moment. If you asked the young prince what his idea of a good, successful life looked like, do you think there is any chance it would not include you?”

As Amelia came closer to Brynn, Princes Melwa walked up to stand beside him. She spotted Amelia on her father-in-law’s arm and lifted one of her eyebrows with a slight smile.

“You found a friend this morning, your majesty,” said Princes Melwa as they got close enough to hear her.

“I believe I did, my dear princess. At least, I hope I did. I do not hesitate in calling Lady Amelia a friend.”

“And I am honored to call you mine, your majesty,” said Amelia as she let go of the king’s arm.

“It seems you have a knack for charming kings, my lady,” said Melwa. Her smile quickly faded as Amelia felt herself go red. “I didn’t mean, Amelia, I…”

“Do not trouble yourself, your highness,” said Amelia as she kept her gaze down. “I know what you meant.”

“Only that it is known you were great friends with Brynn’s father, and now you have charmed King Ignacious as well.”

“And caught the attention of Gareth as well,” said Amelia before she swallowed hard. “It is true, though I never wanted it.”

“Amelia, please,” said Melwa with more sincerity and contrition in her voice than Amelia thought the princess capable of. “I often speak before I think. It is one of my many faults, but I didn’t mean it like that.”

Brynn stared daggers at the princess as he grabbed Amelia’s hand. “You must be hungry, Amelia. We should get inside.”

Amelia nodded but stopped Brynn from escorting her inside. “Do not make yourself uncomfortable, Princess Melwa. You may not have meant anything by your comment, but even if you did, you are only telling the truth. Tiptoeing around my past and what has happened does not make it disappear.”

“I don’t look down on you because of it,” said the princess gently.

“I don’t believe you do,” said Amelia, leaving the rest of what she was thinking unsaid. She looked at Brynn. “Come along, your highness. You must be hungry after your training.”

Brynn nodded. “I hope you don’t have any plans for the rest of the day. I had planned to take you into the marketplace, but I see you have already been. Perhaps we could go deeper into the city instead or out to the shoreline.”

“I will go see wherever it is you wish to show me,” said Amelia. “Your majesty, Princess Melwa, will you be coming to lunch?”

“Go on, my lady,” said King Ignacious. “I wish to have a quick word with my daughter-in-law. I am sure she won’t mind.”

Brynn nodded. “We will see you in a moment then.”

Amelia looked back at Princess Melwa to see her staring at her and Brynn. Amelia gave her a small smile, hoping to put her at ease, but the Princess only watched her until King Ignacious made her turn.

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