The Lies that Made Us

Chapter Decided


As Brynn woke up, he couldn’t help but smile for a moment. His arm tightened around Amelia as she lay sleeping at his side. He pushed down her dress to look at her scarred back in the dim light that came through the small window in the room. He softly moved his hand down, using his finger to trace some of the raised lines. Seeing them made his breath catch as the feelings of anger and sadness came over him.

His brother would have to answer for what he had done. Brynn didn’t know fully what had happened, but he could imagine his brother had committed many crimes, one of the worst daring to besmirch and hurt such a good woman as Amelia. She stirred a bit in his arms, and Brynn leaned down to kiss the center of her back where most of her scars met in some strange tangle.

She made a soft noise before slightly stretching. “Perhaps I should turn over. I imagine I do not make a pretty picture from that side.”

“Every part of you is lovely to me,” he said as he kissed the middle of her back again while his hand came up to cup her breast.

She looked back at him. “I know they are ugly. I have spent too long in the mirror looking at them. Though, they are much prettier than the marks that preceded them.”

“The actions that caused them are ugly, and I know they must remind you of the pain you endured, but no part of you could be anything but beautiful to me. Especially since I spent so long thinking I had lost you forever.” He bent down and kissed her neck as she sighed.

“I cannot believe all Gareth did to keep us apart,” she said as Brynn moved her hair to kiss her shoulder.

“I should have known it was him blocking all of your and my father’s messages, and looking back, I should have sailed straight back to Evalmore as soon as I got his message. I can’t believe you don’t despise me.”

“I have never despised you, Brynn.” She turned over to look at him. “Even when I thought you believed I killed your father and had abandoned me, I could not make myself hate you. I was angry and bitter, but there were so many times I still wanted you.”

“I will make him pay, Amelia, for all he did to you.”

“What he did to me isn’t even the worst of it.” Tears gathered in Amelia’s eyes. “I should have told you last night, but I didn’t want to face it. I couldn’t even think of it. Brynn, Gareth had your father killed. He had Master Elgan do it.”

Brynn nodded as he looked away. “I am not shocked by this, Amelia. After seeing what he has become, I think I already knew he had something to do with his father’s death. I just don’t understand why. Why kill our father and blame it on you?”

“He said your father didn’t want him to rule. Your father wanted to pass over Gareth for you. Gareth believed it was because of me, so he tried to turn me from you by withholding your letters, making me believe you had forgotten me. When that didn’t work, he arranged to have your father killed, and I blamed. He got to be king and keep me under his control.”

Brynn sat up in the bed as the covers fell to his waist. “And have you under his control so he could sate his twisted obsession with you. I never should have left you. I knew he wanted you in some way. I thought you were well protected, but I should have demanded that you either come with me or that father bring a master to the palace to teach me.” He looked at Amelia as she sat up next to him. “You have endured so much because of me. I am so sorry, Amelia, though I know my words do not help.”

“Please do not blame yourself for Gareth’s actions and my mistakes. I could say your father’s death is my fault as Gareth says he killed him because of me. If I had just given in and given Gareth what he wanted, your father might still be alive and you happy in Eriallia.”

“You cannot think I could ever be happy seeing you married to anyone and especially him. I love you, Amelia. We are finally together, and we will never be apart again.”

She glanced down and said nothing before Brynn raised her chin with his hand. “Please tell me you understand. I cannot lose you, not again.”

She gave him a small, sad smile. “I do not want to be without you. I could never love anyone but you.”

He leaned towards her. “Then tell me you will never leave me as I will never abandon you again. You said you wanted to marry me. Have you changed your mind?”

A tear fell down her cheek as she shook her head. “There is nothing in the world I want more than to be with you forever, Brynn, but—”

He cut her off by kissing her, not wanting to hear any excuses or reasons it could not be as he wished. He had her with him now, and she said she loved him. How could he ever accept anything but being with her forever?

Their kiss quickly turned more passionate as Brynn’s hand went under the covers to the hem of her dress. He ran his fingers up her thigh as he kissed her neck. She gasped his name as he brushed against her sex. They had been apart too long. His need for her was nowhere near satisfied after the night before. He believed he could spend every day loving her for all the years to come, and it wouldn’t be enough.

As her hand went down his chest to his lower stomach, he kissed her lips, two of his fingers stroking her gently. Just as her hand made its way into the waist of his pants, a loud knock at the door made her jump away, and Brynn cursed. He wanted to ignore it with hopes whoever it was would go away, but they knocked again after a moment. Brynn huffed and got out of bed, fastening his pants. He found his shirt quickly and slipped it on as Amelia stood up, fixing her dress.

“Perhaps I should answer it,” she said as she retied the material around her neck.

Brynn shook his head and walked to the door. Opening it, he found Melwa with her hand raised as if she would knock again.

“Brynn,” she said in some surprise before a smirk formed on her face. “A little early for a visit, isn’t it?”

“What do you want, Mel?” asked Brynn as he rolled his eyes.

“I have brought my maid, some warm clothing, and some water. I thought perhaps Lady Amelia might like to clean and dress.” Mel held up a dress and some other things on her arm.

Brynn was about to tell Mel to come back later when Amelia appeared by his side. “That is very kind, your highness. I am sure your maid can just leave the water and clothes. I am used to seeing to my own needs.”

“Nonsense, my lady,” said Amelia. “Suzy does not mind, do you?” The maid shook her head as she held a pitcher and bowl with a towel. “Now, come along, Brynn, and let the lady refresh herself. She can join us on the deck, and we can talk more fully about what happened last night.”

Brynn looked down at Amelia as she nodded. “I should make something for Owain as well so he can join us.” Brynn sighed loudly as Amelia put her hand on his arm. “I will not be long, and I am a little hungry. Perhaps, some food could be found for us.”

“I will have something ready for you when you come find us, my lady,” said Melwa. “Come escort me to the deck, Brynn.” Melwa handed Amelia the bundle of clothes on her arm.

“You are sure this is what you wish?” asked Brynn.

“I would like to change into something more appropriate, and we have much to discuss.”

“Very well,” said Brynn. “He took her free hand and kissed it. “If you need me for anything, please send for me.”

He allowed the maid to enter before walking out and shutting the door. Melwa shook her head at him with a small smile before heading towards the stairs.

“What does that look mean?” he asked as he followed her up to the deck.

“I shouldn’t be surprised, but I wonder if what you have done is the wisest thing.”

“It isn’t any of your business, so I do not want your opinion,” said Brynn angrily as he moved to the left side of the ship.

“I am not judging you and especially not her. I know you care for her, and I am guessing some things came to light that cleared the way for her to trust you again. Of course, you both would want to be together. I just hate to see either of you hurt.”

“I don’t know what you mean. Now that we understand each other, nothing is standing in the way of us being together.”

“Brynn, you cannot be so naïve,” said Melwa. “A great deal stands between you, and unfortunately, I don’t see how any of it can be overcome.” Brynn shook his head and looked out over the water. “Your brother, who is the king of the largest kingdom of our world, is also leading the one known as the most evil and feared. I can’t imagine what he has planned with his positions, but I know it cannot be good. You must see what it means?”

“I know he must be stopped, Mel. Not only do I fear what he wants to do with the power he has, but he has hurt and violated the woman I love and is responsible for the death of my father.”

Melwa took a small step back. “It was him who killed King Iver?”

“He as good as did. He arranged it with Master Elgan, the leader of the Light Bearers.”

Melwa gasped. “Do you even know how far the deception in your kingdom goes? If the leader of the order of Alinia is on your brother’s side, who else supports him as he is?”

“I don’t know,” said Brynn. “I imagine there are some lords who must be aware of all Gareth has done.”

“He will have to be stopped, and the very least dethroned as king, probably be put to death, though I hate to say it.”

“Say it all you like. I feel very much like killing him at the moment.”

“Killing your brother, even when justified, cannot be an easy thing, Brynn, but besides, that you do realize what this means? If Gareth cannot be the king, then it shall fall to you.”

Brynn shrugged. “I am ready to take up the responsibility. Amelia told me this morning that Gareth killed my father because he wanted me to be king over Gareth. He wanted me to rule with Amelia. Gareth believed it was because of Amelia that my father wanted me to be king. Amelia thinks it is not true, but I agree with my brother for once. My father thought more of her than anyone else in this world. I am sure he thought she would be a much better queen than either of his sons would be as a king.”

“That may have been true at the time, but you must see it is different now. If you are king, I don’t see how you can make Lady Amelia your queen.”

“It is quite simple, really. I will convince her to marry me,” said Brynn.

“And what of your lords? You will need their loyalty. Do you think they will accept her as your queen?”

Brynn felt his face warm up as he started to grow angry. “I don’t see why not. She is the daughter of the highest lord of Evalmore and was much beloved by their previous king. She is also the strongest Light Bearer in our kingdom and perhaps will be master very soon. Besides being intelligent and kind, she is so strong she can endure hell for three years and not lose who she is.”

“I am sure she is a remarkable woman, but not all will not see it. They will only remember her as the woman who was accused of killing the king.” She paused and took a deep breath. “There will be rumors of what happened in that tower. She will be called many things.”

“None of that is who she is. I will tell everyone she had nothing to do with my father’s death and tell them who is responsible. As far as what happened between her and Gareth, how can she be blamed? She was forced into it. She never wanted him.”

“I know, Brynn, but you must see how it will all make it nearly impossible for you to keep her as your wife. I suppose if you wanted to set her up as a mistress, many wouldn’t care.”

“Never suggest such a thing to me again,” said Brynn in an angry hiss. “I will find a way to take care of Gareth, and then I will make Amelia my wife. If I have to give up the throne, then so be it. Someone else can rule. Others are worthy.”

“Will your lady let you give up your family right to the crown? If she is as honorable as you say and she seems, I am not sure she will. You need to prepare yourself.”

“I am only prepared to live a life I will accept. Being with Amelia comes before everything to me. We will not speak of this again, and you will not say one word to Amelia about it.”

She smirked at him. “I will not talk to you lady about it as it is not my place, but if she is as sharp as you say, I am sure she is already thinking it.”

Melwa walked off to speak with one of her guards as Brynn looked back out over the water. There was much that was unsure in his life. For the time being, he had no true home. He could not go back to the palace until he was ready to face his brother and had a plan. He didn’t know what Gareth wanted or how he would stop him, and he wasn’t sure what his future really held except for one thing. No matter if he were a king, a Guardian, or a wayward traveler, Amelia would be by his side. He would convince her they belonged together above all else.

He saw her emerge from the stairs a few moments later with Owain. Brynn turned as she walked towards him wearing a fur-trimmed green gown that was a bit too long for her. He took her hand as she reached the edge of the ship.

He watched her as she stared out over the sea, the wind blowing her hair around her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “It is breathtaking. I have not seen the sea in many years.”

“You shall see it regularly in the years to come. I know you have always wanted to travel, and I will see that you go wherever you wish,” said Brynn.

She turned and stared at him. “I want to see Erallia someday. I wish you could take me there and show me all the places you went.”

“You will get to see it sooner than you think,” said Melwa as she walked up and handed each of them an apple. “After dropping off the prince, we will go there for the harvest moon. We can also speak with my father and husband about the situation with the King of Evalmore.”

“It would help if we know what he wants,” said Brynn.

“He wants power over everyone and everything,” said Amelia. “He wants to join the two kingdoms together, light and dark, and rule the world.”

“He told you this?” asked Melwa.

Amelia nodded. “He had his own father killed to make it happen. I believe he made it so Brynn heard I was alive just so he would return to Evalmore so Gareth could put him in a situation to die. I think he wanted me to die as well, though he says he couldn’t stand the thought.” She looked down. “He said he wanted to throw aside his wife and marry me. He claims to love me, though I know it isn’t true. He cannot love anyone but himself.”

Brynn stared at Amelia in horror. “He wants you to be his wife?”

“He believes we are fated to be together. After all he has put me through, I don’t know why he thought I would even remotely be interested in being with him. He must be mad.” She bit into her apple as she shook her head.

“I need to speak with the captain of this ship and tell him to do all he can to make it to Annelia as quickly as possible. Hopefully, we can arrive before mid-day tomorrow if the wind stays in the right direction. Excuse me for a moment.” She walked away after handing Brynn a water skin.

“Are you feeling better, Owain?” asked Brynn before taking a drink and passing the skin to Amelia.

“My stomach isn’t completely settled, but it is much better than before. I’m only slightly tired with the elixir Lady Amelia fixed up.”

“You will feel better if you eat a bit.” She looked down at the apple in his hand, and he raised it to take a bite.

“What’s our plan?” asked Owain.

Amelia sighed as she looked out to sea. “I wish I could just forget this whole thing and sail off far away from the land and never look back. I certainly never wish to see Gareth again.”

Brynn and Owain both watched her in silence for a few moments as she stared out into the distance.

“You could just run,” said Owain. “I could go with you, and we could find someplace far away from here to settle.”

Amelia turned to him. “I could never take you away from your family.”

“I could write Grace and tell her where we are, or once you are settled, I could go get her and Jack myself. She would understand, my lady. She knows how wronged you have been.”

Amelia grinned slightly. “You should not have to give up your life and duty for me.”

“I would, though,” said Owain. “I would do it in a second if you asked it of me.”

Amelia reached out and touched his arm. “You should rest a bit more until the medicine Princess Melwa gave you wears off. Go check on the prince as well. I am sure the princess has seen that he has food and clothing, but he might need someone to talk to. Let him know we will reach his home tomorrow.”

“Of course, my lady. Remember what I said and know I meant every word.”

He walked away from them as Brynn looked at Amelia. “I would take you somewhere, Amelia. After we drop off the prince, we could find a ship and sail wherever you like. Owain could go back home to his family, and you and I could find a life far away from here.”

She leaned on him, and he put his arm around her waist. “It is tempting, Brynn. A life with you is what I have truly wanted for many years. It is what I desire still, but so much has changed. I could never take you from your home, especially in its current state, and to tell the truth, I don’t think I could run away now and be happy. I would always feel like a coward.

“Gareth must be stopped, and Master Elgan must pay for all he has done. I will stay here and fight as I must for you to take your place. Brynn, you must be king over Evalmore. It is the only way.”

Brynn tightened his hold on her. “Mel has said the same thing, and it is not as if I don’t understand. I know it should be my duty, but I am afraid of what it will cost me.” He turned her, so she was looking at him. “Amelia, I can face my brother, and I can do what I must to stop him, but the thought of ruling Evalmore without you by my side is impossible.”

She reached up and touched his cheek, and stared at him. “Why don’t we take this one step at a time. We know that we must stop Gareth. To do that, we will need allies in Evalmore and beyond. We shall take the prince home and speak with the King and Queen of Annelia. Gareth’s wife is there. We can see how much she knows about Gareth’s actions of late.”

“Then we are going to Erialla. We can speak with the royal family there, and Mel’s husband will be in attendance. It is a good place to start.”

Amelia nodded. “Perhaps, I can find a way to contact my father. If what you and Owain say is true, then my father and brother will not object to hearing from me.”

Brynn bent down and rested his forehead against hers. “And we will do this together. I cannot be parted from you again.”

“I will help you however I can. I don’t want to be away from you either.”

Brynn leaned down and kissed her. They spent the rest of the day speaking with Melwa and Owain. Amelia took some time to walk around the ship with the young prince. She even showed him a bit of her magic, sending some wind to mix with a wave on the ocean, causing it to spiral upwards.

Brynn kept his eyes on Amelia all day. Every chance he got, he was by her side. He was aware that Melwa watched him constantly, occasionally giving him looks or shaking her head. He ignored her, and when she appeared to be ready to give him more advice, he cut her off or walked away. Much of his life was in turmoil, and he couldn’t see his future past the next week or so, but of one thing, he was certain. Where ever his path led him, Amelia would be at his side. When night fell, and supper was long over, Brynn did not hesitate to join Amelia in her room. She was very welcoming, and Brynn hoped never to spend a night without her again.

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