The Lie: Rebels of Ridgecrest High (Book 2)

The Lie: Chapter 7

It was the perfect throw. How could he fumble that? It fell right into his waiting hands like a baby. All he had to do was cradle it, take a few more steps, and we would be celebrating right now.

But no.

We lost the game because Roman couldn’t hold on to the fucking ball. Something a child could do. He came out of nowhere yesterday, begging Coach to play, and Coach agreed to let him suit up for tonight’s game.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t happy at the time. I needed him; there were scouts again out there, watching me, and I had to play well tonight. I needed the boys. But Hunter is a fucking asshole, so I didn’t pass to him if I didn’t have to, even if the play called for it.

Roman was my choice all night…but that last catch. I should’ve known when he fumbled it earlier that he wasn’t up to playing. I thought it was a one-off. Apparently not.

It’s almost like he wanted to drop it. Like he was trying to get back at me for not coming to see him…or Mila. Hunter didn’t play last week because of her. I just couldn’t see them. I didn’t want to see how bad it really was, so I stayed away. Mom told me how they were. She visited every day.

“Don’t worry, Roman. It happens to the best of us,” our teammate Zack consoles him as we leave the stadium.

No, it doesn’t happen to the best of us. The best of us wouldn’t have dropped that catch. But I hold my tongue; I don’t want to start shit here. Even though I feel like he did that to punish me. He knew the scouts were out there. The fumble reflects badly on him more than me, but I wanted to win—we all did. Why would he punish the whole team because he’s mad at me? The Roman I know would just hit me and get it over with.

Hunter and Roman walk off toward Hunter’s Audi, appearing like nothing has changed between them. I guess Roman doesn’t care that Hunter has been going to visit Mila every night since she got back from the hospital.

I’ve seen Hunter over at Mila’s, staying till late and shit. I haven’t spoken to him at all since Mila and Roman ended up in the hospital. He tried to talk to me, but I didn’t care. Fuck him and Mila. He made his choice. By choosing her, he fucked this friendship.

This was why we’d always needed the pact. But none of it seems to matter to Hunter. He doesn’t care if he loses me or Roman. He wants Mila, and nothing is stopping him.

Only, does she want him? She said we all give her butterflies. Not just Hunter. Fuck it, I don’t care. They’re perfect for each other. Two assholes in love…Or three.

Fuck them all.

I don’t need either of them in my life. She kissed my brother. I hate her. For what she’s come back and done, destroying us all. The moment she stood beside her father’s truck and waved at me weeks ago, I knew this would happen.

I knew it then, and I know it now.

We’re done. What we all once had is gone, and my two best friends have left me. I’m alone. But I’m better off being alone if that’s who they choose over me.

“Hey, baby. Good game.” Britney slides up to me, and I want to gag at the pet name.

Well, not totally alone.

There’s just something about the way Britney says “good game” that has me shaking her off, irritated. But she’s all I have now. I might be friends with guys on the team, but Hunter is great friends with everyone. If they take sides, I won’t have many standing beside me. Even my own brother would take his side. I know it.


Fuck, I can’t deal with her.

I need Roman on my side. He needs to make a choice, because I can’t just wait around with him not talking to me and hope he doesn’t fuck me over and take Hunter’s side on this. I walk toward where they stand beside Hunter’s red Audi and some old white junk car that Roman leans against. Where’s his Harley?

They’re talking and Roman’s shaking his head at something Hunter said.

“She wants to see you,” Hunter begs him.

Roman shakes his head again. Maybe I haven’t completely lost him. Hunter broke the pact rules, and it’s now or never to convince Roman to take my side.

“Hey,” I call out. They both turn to me as I throw my bag on the ground and curl my hands into fists.

I’m riled up and brimming with pent-up anger and energy that needs to be released. Hunter’s smug face is the place my first hit lands. I don’t even realize I’ve swung at him until his face snaps to the side, and he whirls back, gripping his nose as the blood starts to pour.

“The fuck, Jace?” Roman roars from beside Hunter. He holds Hunter’s shoulder and turns him to inspect what I just did to his face.

It has me seeing red. He’s already chosen Hunter over me. Fuck them both. “No, Roman. I should be asking you that question. What the fuck was that shit out there?” I point back to the field.

Roman doesn’t speak; he just stands there and stares me down, his chest puffed out, ready for a fight. Normally, I would back down. I’ve seen Roman in the ring enough times to know I’m no match for him. He has more bulk and muscle on him than I do, and he will win against me any day of the week. No doubt. But I’m also not in the right frame of mind to walk away from this. He fucked up tonight.

I throw my fist at his face, but he grabs my arm, blocking my hit before I can make contact. He pulls me toward him, and I stumble. He takes a cheap kidney shot and I grunt, the pain making my stomach turn.

“Fucker,” I hiss out as I stumble back, gripping my side as I look at him.

With his back straight, he’s standing tall, ready for me if I go after him again. “Fuck you.” He doesn’t blink; he just watches me, anticipating my next move.

But I’ve gained enough brain cells now to know he could have done much worse, and I don’t want to end up limping home tonight. Nothing would be more pathetic than that.

“There’s no way that wasn’t a perfect throw. You fumbled that shit. You dropped it,” I scream out at him, and I realize pretty soon that we have an audience as Britney makes a sound behind me with a few players and their girls.

“Go home, Jace. You’re angry about the loss and spouting shit.” Hunter shakes his head at me. His fingers are covered in bright red as he tries to control the bleeding.

“Fuck you.” I point at him, then I point at Roman. “Fuck you too. I’m not talking shit.”

Neither of them moves. They just watch me, their expressions unchanged by my words. I’m not hurting them, and they seem to think this is a joke. I’m a joke to them.

“On second thought, the two of you can go fuck Mila. You’re dead to me—we’re done.”

“Jace Montero.” I hear the disappointed gasp of my mother. Turning, I see my father beside her, shaking his head as my mom looks between Roman and Hunter.

“Hunter, oh my goodness. Who hit you?”

I grit my teeth as my mother goes to Hunter, and he just stares at me. His eyes never leave mine as my mom tries to get him to sit down so she can take a look at the damage I caused him.

He doesn’t tell my mom who hit him, but she puts two and two together as she takes in his nose and my fists.

“You hit Hunter?” She pins me with a look that has my shoulders slumping.

“He broke the pact; he picked Mila over our friendship. They both did. They don’t care about loyalty.” I look to my dad for help. He’s a guy—he’ll understand what I’m talking about.

My dad glances at me briefly before shaking his head and speaking. “I don’t know who you are right now, Jace. But no son of mine hurts his friends for being there for one another. Mila was in the hospital, and where were you? You weren’t there for her, and now you’re breaking Hunter’s nose? Why? What does this gain?”

“But Dad…” I start to defend myself, but then I see the figure behind him.

Grady. My brother, my flesh. The asshole who kissed the girl I wanted to marry. That I dreamed of kissing every day for the rest of my life. He knew what he was doing to me when he kissed her. How could he not?

Hunter and Roman weren’t the only ones I hadn’t spoken to. I haven’t spoken to my own brother since I found out. He did this. Started it all and destroyed everything I built.

They all did. They all took her side.

“You couldn’t just keep your mouth to yourself. You knew how much she meant to me, how long I’d been in love with her, and you kissed her,” I scream at him, my heart beating rapidly. I don’t look away from Grady, but he gives me nothing, just like Hunter and Roman.

Britney squeals from behind me. “I didn’t kiss your brother!” I turn to her, her hand on her throat as she looks at me then back at Grady.

“I didn’t kiss Grady,” she repeats, as if I didn’t hear her the first time.

I throw my hands up at her. Why is she even talking right now? “What the fuck are you talking about?”

Her eyes widen and tears track her cheeks. Great, just what I need. Emotional Britney.

“Jace. Do not speak to Britney that way,” Dad scolds me like I’m five years old again.

I throw my head back and scream at the sky until my throat is raw. I’m so over this shit. Hunter and Roman made their choice. Grady can join them, and they can all fuck Mila together.

“I didn’t kiss Grady. I’m not his type.”

I let out a deep breath and slowly look down at Britney, who won’t shut up. Seriously? What the fuck is she talking about kissing Grady? That’s not what I said. Is she not even listening to me?

“Mila. I’m talking about Grady kissing Mila,” I scream, my voice hoarse as I watch her expression change, and I suddenly realize the mistake I just made. I did have one person on my side, and I just fucked that up too. Not that I care, I’m better off alone if she is all I have left.

“You’re angry at your brother for kissing Mila? The girl who means so much and you love isn’t me”—she points at her chest—“your girlfriend, but the skank next door?”

My hands thread through my hair, and I just don’t have anything left in me to care. This night has been one big clusterfuck, and I just want it to end. The audience has grown larger, and I know Britney won’t come back after this. Like I care.

“Don’t call her a skank.”

I hear Grady defending Mila and, in some ways, I want to as well. But also, fuck Mila. Fuck them all. I snatch up my bag and turn to my dad. I’ve never seen that look on his face—the one that’s directed right at me. Disappointment.

Turning to Britney, I find that her mascara has started to run down her face with her tears. Grady just shakes his head at me. But I don’t care. I’ve already hit bottom tonight, might as well make it worth it.

“Britney, I’d like to say it’s been fun, but…” I shrug. “I’m a dick. I never said I wasn’t. You are the worst girlfriend I ever had, I literally can’t stand to be around you.”

“Fuck you, Jace. Fuck you and your brother.”

I shrug, not giving one shit, and wave my hand at Grady. “Fuck him all you want, Stink-ney. We’re not together anymore, so you can have him. I’m sure he will fuck you; he likes to take what was once mine.”

Her mouth drops open, then she straightens and I wait for the slap and comeback to that. Hell, I know Grady would touch Britney. She isn’t Mila.

“Yeah? That won’t happen because Grady’s gay.”

Everyone grows really quiet; I freeze and slowly spin around on my heel to look at her. What the hell is she going on about? Grady gay? I didn’t say that. I said he kissed Mila. Hell, pretty sure half the team who have decided to linger here heard me say that. Britney’s gone batshit crazy.

With a smirk on her face, she cocks her hip and points behind me, where Grady stands with Dad.

“Grady is gay,” she says again, louder now for everyone to hear.

What? No, he’s not. I would know if my brother was gay. I turn to Grady, waiting for him to blow up at Britney, but he’s standing there, frozen. Staring straight at her, his face has fallen and paled. Dad is grabbing his hand and urging him to go with him. But Grady just stands there and stares at Britney…not speaking a word.

When his eyes meet mine, I can see the unshed tears there. He turns away from me, from the crowd. Dad and Mom follow after him, calling out his name as he begins running.

It’s true? I swallow the lump in my throat. Why didn’t he tell me? I’m his brother. Why would he kiss Mila if he’s gay? So many questions. How did I not know? How did she know?

“Britney, you’re such a bitch.” Hunter shakes his head. “Jace is an asshole but Grady’s never uttered a nasty word about you. And you out him like that?”

His nose has stopped bleeding, but he looks like hell, black eyes starting to form. I almost feel bad for that. Almost.

Did Hunter know Grady’s gay?

Britney laughs. “I’m only telling the truth, what’s the matter with that?”

“Everything, Britney. You just took that from him. You can’t out people like that. That’s not right,” Hunter continues. “I hope you’re happy because the team will no longer sit with you. Actually, we no longer acknowledge you exist. You’re nobody to us.”

Everyone just stares, and there are a few whispers, but that’s it. That’s when it hits me—everyone here knows Grady’s secret. I have no idea how this is going to affect him. She just told everyone his deepest, darkest secret, and I’m speechless. Can’t put that back in the box. It’s done, and I can’t do anything about it.

Emerson walks over and stands beside Hunter and points at Britney. “That goes for your friends too. If anyone associates with Britney Montlake, you’re dead to us. Don’t talk to us, don’t sit with us, and you sure as hell can’t party with us.”

I look around as all my teammates stand behind Hunter, Emerson, and Roman and glare at Britney, who sputters, unable to find words. Just like me.

This is all my fault, and I need to go home to Grady. I need to apologize to him. But how can he ever forgive me? He didn’t start this—I did. Britney is a bitch and always has been. I should have seen something coming, but I thought, if anything, she would be nasty to Mila. Not Grady.

I walk to my car, my shoulders slumping as I make my way across the lot. How did Britney know Grady was gay and not me…his own brother?

He hooks up with girls at parties. I’ve seen him. That’s the only time he really hooks up. He’s at training every day, and he never goes out on dates. Hell, most of us don’t, but that doesn’t make someone gay. How would I see him with another guy? He’s either home or over at Makai’s, studying.

Oh my god. I slump into the seat of my car, throwing my head back as I run my hands over my face. How could I have been so blind? I knew having a study session on the first day of school was strange, but I just thought they wanted to get a head start and, I guess, hang out. The whole time, they’ve been more than friends and hiding it.

I look over to my teammates still standing around, feeling grateful Grady has such amazing friends. Wishing I was an amazing brother and not such a self-centered dick.

Looking into my rearview mirror, I hate the reflection I see. “Jace Montero, you’re a fucking asshole.”

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