The Lie: Rebels of Ridgecrest High (Book 2)

The Lie: Chapter 15

“This is bullshit,” I mutter under my breath in the school office.

Britney’s here, all dressed up in a pantsuit like she’s interviewing for some corporate job. As if the office staff will take one look at her and let her return to class because she’s overdressed. If anything, she’s just going to be uncomfortable.

I’m not dumb, wearing jeans and a thin sweater. It’s colder today, and the weather report said there will be storms this morning.

Britney glares at me, her arms crossed over her chest as she taps her toe. She turns back to the office lady with the gray hair and pink neck scarf. “I did nothing wrong; I shouldn’t be punished.”

Yeah, because she’s the one who gave you the punishment, Britney. Dumbass.

“We have a lot of things on the schedule today, girls, so get ready for a busy day.”

Just great. I already want this day to be over with. Imagining spending six more hours with Britney makes me want to scream.

“Mrs. Hadley thought it would be good for you two to help out down in the football locker rooms first, washing uniforms and towels.” She flips her hand in the air, as if to say, “That’s all.”

I scrunch my nose at the idea of touching other people’s gross stuff. Hot, sweaty boys—no, thank you. But also, sexy, sweaty boys—thank you.

“Will the boys be practicing still?” I ask.

The office lady just raises a brow and rolls her eyes. “They are right now. You can make your way down there, and Coach will let you know what you can do.”

I have no idea where the locker rooms are from here; this school is insanely big. My last school had the same number of students but half the campus. I have no idea how they even fit that many people after being here and seeing how much bigger the school is.

Britney clearly knows where she’s going, so I follow a few steps behind her.

“Stop following me, bitch,” she sneers. Her head snaps back and she walks a little faster.

I realize that she’s wearing heels; how the fuck does she walk around in them all day?

“I’m not following you. I’m doing what I’ve been told. Which is the same as you. Or are you that thick?”

Her fists tighten and she stomps a little louder. I can’t wipe the grin from my face. I quite like this song and dance with Britney. Can’t wait to see what the day brings.

I’m right about the locker room. The funky, musky smell of sweat from all the football players in here has me holding my breath. Music is playing, but when the door bangs shut behind us, it isn’t loud enough to hide our entrance, and everyone looks over at the two of us. Great. I hate being the center of attention, and all eyes are on me.

I guess they all know about Hunter and me. He probably came in here telling anyone who would listen about us being together, and that thought puts a smile on my face.

“Hey, Mila,” one guy closest to us says as he walks past, wiping his face with a small towel.

Holy hotness. I nod to him. Britney makes a strange sound, and I smile a little bigger.

“Mila,” a few guys call out and wave at me.

Britney turns to look at me, like she can’t believe they’re even talking to me. I wave back to them, and they reward me with big smiles in return.

Jace is here, and he watches me for a split second before turning back to the weights. I glance next to him and see Emerson with a huge goofy grin, waving at me. I chuckle and wave back. He lifts the bottom of his tee and wipes his face. My mouth drops open at the sight of his toned stomach and the trail of dark curls that leads down into his gray shorts. I stop there because I don’t want to be caught looking at his junk.

Fuck me. Emerson’s fine. I look around for Hunter and Roman, but I can’t see either of them.

Emerson comes over and rubs the back of his neck. “Hey, Mila. Hunter and Roman are off with Coach Talon. They’ll be back soon.”

“Actually, I’m not here for them.”

Em raises his brows as he leans against some equipment beside me, looking very casual. But I know it’s a strategic move so I can see all of his body and muscles. Not complaining about the view.

“Oh, really? Trouble in paradise already? Do I have to kick Hunter’s butt?”

Oh, protective Emerson…he’s kinda hot. I cock my hip and place my hand there. Looking up at him, I can see the beads of sweat around his hairline. I watch as one rolls down the side of his cheek. God, that should be a turn off, but it’s not.

And that’s a bad thing. A very bad thing.

“Could you actually kick his butt?”

The grin he gives me is wicked, and I lick my lips. Fuck, no. Down, horny body. Emerson is just a friend.

“Hunter, any day. Roman…” He leans in closer, and his eyes dart to a door before he looks back at me and winks. “I don’t want to die. But, for you, I’ll make an exception.”

I chuckle and punch his chest playfully, putting some space between us. “No need to die for me today. I’m here because of my punishment. We get to wash uniforms and towels for you sweaty, gross jocks. Yay.”

I scrunch up my nose and give a half-assed fist pump. Then I cringe at the thought of all these guys and how many towels there will be. Plus, after they’ve had their showers…rubbing their junk all over the towels. Gross. Am I supposed to just handle them? They better give me gloves.

“Jace,” Britney calls out from beside me.

I look over at Jace, who’s walking past us now. His jaw ticks at the sound of his name coming out of her mouth. He keeps on walking away, but it doesn’t deter her as she chases after him.

Grady walks in with a few other guys from the defensive line. He’s drinking a bottle of water, and he makes even that look sexy, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows it down. I seriously need help.

Everyone in the room turns to him, their attention putting me on edge. Are they going to turn into assholes? They might have said they’re okay with a gay player on their team, but maybe they’re not really. I don’t think he has corrected what Britney said about him. I heard the rumors all around school yesterday about Grady being gay.

I’m tense as I wait.

Then I realize what’s really going on—they’re looking at him to see his reaction to Britney being in here. Not only that, but she hasn’t seen him, and neither has Jace, as she follows him around like a puppy.

When Grady notices Britney, he freezes. His eyes quickly dart to mine, and I give him a small smile to let him know this wasn’t my idea. He smiles back at me. An arm drapes over my shoulder, and I look up to see that Emerson has drawn me closer to him and away from Britney, who has given up on Jace and returned to my side.

As soon as Grady continues on the whole room goes back to normal. Like that weird standoff didn’t just happen.

“You smell really nice, Mila.” Emerson sniffs against my neck then chuckles.

I push him away. “And you don’t,” I tease back, just as two arms come around my waist and spin me. I let out a squeal as Hunter quickly kisses me then bends down and gently swings me over his shoulder. I let out a squeak as I try to hold on, but I’m hanging upside down. I’m so glad my ribs have been feeling better because that would have really hurt a couple days ago.

“Are you trying to pick up my woman, Emerson?”

I look up at Em, who winks down at me and puts his hands up in mock defense. “No way. She was trying to pick me up.”

My mouth drops open. “Emerson,” I scold, but it comes out breathier than I want due to the fact that I’m upside down and trying to hold on.

“See? She’s not denying it. Don’t leave her unattended in a room full of guys better looking than you.” Em flexes his biceps and makes a growling sound.

“Dream on. You know I’m the prettiest, Em. You never stood a chance.” Hunter chuckles as he shoves him, and I sway.

Emerson stumbles into another player but corrects himself before pointing at me and then himself and mouthing the word, “Prettiest.”

I let out a giggle, and Hunter smacks my ass, the sound reverberating around the concrete room. No doubt everyone saw and heard what he just did.

“You like that?” Hunter rumbles.

I shake my head, but it’s a lie. I liked him smacking my ass.

“Hunter, let me down, you big caveman.” I pound on his ass to drop me, then I give up as he starts walking through the room.

I let my arms swing while Hunter tells the guys I’m his girl as he passes them. They’re all telling him good job, how lucky he is to have me, and there are a few fist bumps and high fives. I just roll my eyes and grin. He finally puts me down on a chair, and I flip my hair back.

His hands rest on either side of me as he leans in, our foreheads touching. The tip of his nose brushes mine, and I see the smile in his eyes, but also heat in there too. I pull on his tee and he stumbles into me, our lips meeting as heat flares all over my body. The kiss is like fire, hot and needy, until someone calls out to “get a room” and we pull apart.

Hunter is just as affected as me. Even more so, I guess, as I look down to the bulge in his shorts. He gives me a wicked grin as he rearranges it. “Are you teasing me so I have to walk around with my cock hard?”

I tap my chin and fake innocence as I look everywhere but at Hunter. But also, maybe I’m worked up and really needed that. He tickles my neck and I giggle.

“Just so you know, you are very lucky to have me, and I’m not teasing…I wish we weren’t here. I want to put my hands down your shorts and…” I raise my brow at him and he coughs and straightens up, looks around, then dives back in to kiss me again.

“Hunter.” We both freeze and look over. It’s Coach Talon, standing with his hands on his hips, and he doesn’t look happy right now. “This isn’t bring your girlfriend to work day. I told you to hit the weights.”

I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. Hunter’s in trouble and has a raging hard-on.

“I didn’t bring her, she was already here,” Hunter says, straightening up and holding his hands in front of his junk so his coach can’t see it.

I raise my hand and the coach looks at me. “I’m here because Mrs. Hadley told me I had to come here and wash uniforms and towels and stuff. I wasn’t here to visit Hunter.”

He looks to me then back to where Britney’s still standing by the door. He takes off his cap and scratches the top of his head before putting it back down and securing it in place.

“Yes, yes. She told me I would have some help this morning. I’ll take you both through to the laundry room where you can get started.”

Great, can’t wait to be stuck in a room that smells like sweaty balls with Britney Montlake. I slowly get to my feet and drag myself behind him, not looking forward to the rest of the morning now after the fun I just had. Hunter smacks my ass, and I jump a little and turn around and point at his shorts.

“Later,” I say as I nod at him. And he palms his cock through his shorts. I wink and head to the laundry room.

The laundry room is smaller than I imagined, and there’s not a lot to wash since the person whose job this is has already done most of it. Coach shows us the machines, and we get to work in silence.

The silence is tense…like, way too tense, and I hate it. It feels like the calm before a storm, and I’m watching my back every time Britney moves behind me.

It doesn’t take long before the bell rings and Coach Talon rolls some more laundry our way. “Looks great, girls. Just finish this up and you can report back to the office.”

I realize he’s given us damp towels from the showers. I wait for Britney to make a move and put them in the washer, but she doesn’t. She stands against the wall, playing on her phone as if the Coach didn’t just come in here.

“A little help?” I point at the towels, and she looks up at me, then to the towels.

“You heard him, finish it up.” And, with that, she dismisses me.

My hand grows into a tight fist as I try to hold back my annoyance. It’s hard, but I’m trying to not kill her.

The door opens again, and I’m about to tell the coach that she’s not helping, but I’m surprised to see it’s Jace.

“Jace,” Britney purrs.

Ugh, that’s more disgusting than these towels.

He looks toward me, and just for a moment, his eyes hold mine. His face is unreadable, but I’m not going to give him any more of my time. I turn my back on him and wheel the dirty towels over to the washer.

“Britney, the office called and said they need you there right now and to let Mila finish off here.”

I glance under my lashes as Jace holds the door open for her.

“Oh, wow. That makes sense. I’m not dressed for this dirty work. Walk with me?” She puts her phone away and makes her way over to him, placing a hand on his chest.

He moves swiftly so it drops away. “Coach needs me for something.”

I look away from them both and open the washer door, glad that, at least, it will just be me in here with the towels. Even spending time in this smelly locker room is better than being in Britney’s presence for another minute.

The door closes behind them, and I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. I don’t know why I expected him to say something to me.

I guess somewhere deep inside, as much as I dislike him right now, I still long for his attention. He was once my best friend, and it’s hard to forget that part of our lives.

I don’t hate Jace Montero. It’s much worse than that.

I pity him.

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