The Lesser of 2 Evils



Over the next few days Xavier and I spend as much time as we can together, simply getting to know one another. We don’t put any pressure on either ourselves or our relationship – at least, we try not to but having an entire pack watching our every move is unnerving. The pack is prepared for me to be their Luna and while the idea doesn’t frighten me, I know I have a lot to learn.

I join everyone for meals now that I am no longer being kept in the cells. I have my own small room in the packhouse with my own attached bath – it isn’t much bigger than the cell was but it is mine and it is private – it is perfect. What makes it even better is that I have the freedom to come and go as I wish – I’m a full pack member now and have all of the rights and privileges that come with that.

I also have responsibilities.

Everyone has a job in a pack, we all pull our own weight. Things are run differently here from what I’m used to – here the women actually perform duties beyond birthing pups and I’m excited to see she-wolves in powerful positions such as doctor, nurse, teacher and more. Xavier’s pack is far more enlightened than my old one could ever dream of being and it is wonderful to be a part of.

I’m no exception to the rules and need to fulfill a role as well but finding a spot for me has proven to be difficult. I’m not Luna so can’t take those duties on yet but at the same time, there’s so much to learn we don’t want to waste time either so it’s a tough situation. So Xavier and I agreed to make the most of the time available to me for now by putting me to work wherever I’m needed most – and it has been great. I help out in the kitchen and I work at the school – prepping meals and working with pups, two areas I’m comfortable and familiar with. It also gives me the opportunity to get to know other members of the pack, which I’ve greatly enjoyed.

After the first week of casual interactions in mostly group settings, Xavier and I are having our first ‘date’. Our friendship has grown steadily over our encounters which has been wonderful, getting to know him and explore our relationship. Xavier is intelligent, sensitive, kind and generous – he is truly a great guy. He isn’t perfect, of course, no one is including myself. He has a temper, can be petulant and stubborn in his determinedness… he has an emotional, vulnerable side to him he doesn’t let anyone see. I’ve seen glimpses of it, Bella reassures me it is in there and with time, maybe we’ll expose more of it as he grows comfortable with us – I can only hope.

I knock at the door to his suite on the top floor of the packhouse where we’re going to spend the evening. There are few places for us to go and have privacy and his rooms are one of them so that is where we’ll be tonight. I’m not sure what all he has planned beyond dinner but I’m excited to find out.

He opens the door to let me in and I’m pleasantly surprised to see the effort he made in getting dressed. He is wearing dress pants with a button-up shirt – the collar left open and the top three buttons undone. His shoes are polished to perfection – I’m sure I could see my reflection in them if I looked hard enough and his dark hair is slicked back.

He’s gorgeous.

I’m glad I went the extra mile with my appearance and opted to wear a dress. I hadn’t been sure and had hemmed and hawed about it, not wanting to seem over-eager but in the end, I’m glad I made the effort. My dress is simple, hangs to my knees in a straight skirt with three-quarter length sleeves. The neckline is scooped, drawing attention to my small breasts and the waistline gives the impression I have a figure. Even with the kitten-heels I’m wearing, Xavier still looms over me, his 6’8” a full foot taller than my average 5’7” frame.

“You look beautiful, Kristina,” he says in greeting, kissing me lightly on the cheek as he lets me in. I follow him inside, surveying my surroundings at the same time. His sitting area is not personalized in any way – it is obvious Xavier ‘sleeps’ here but doesn’t spend a lot of time up here. It is nicely decorated but reminds me of my room – generic, bland – each piece of furniture the same as the next room’s.

The only thing in this room that claims it as Xavier’s is Xavier himself.

I compliment him in return as he shows me to the table we’ll be eating at. He helps me into my seat and offers me a glass of wine which I gratefully accept. Having never had it before I came to this pack, I’ve discovered I greatly enjoy the taste but have to do it in moderation – after two glasses I’m on the floor. Xavier pours me a glass which I sip carefully and he disappears into his own attached kitchen. Xavier’s room is the only one that features an entire apartment setup and while I doubt he did the cooking himself I’m impressed he’s doing the serving.

For his first trip, he brings out the soup – creamy vegetable, one of my favourites. Having worked in the packs’ kitchen I know the vegetables are all grown in the gardens on-site so are as fresh as can be, likely picked today. Once served, Xavier takes his seat opposite me while I wait patiently to begin.

“To you, Kristina, for having the courage to run when you did,” he says as he raises his wineglass in toast. Stunned that he praise me in such a way, I blush as I lift and clink my glass with his. His smile is large and gracious as he sips his drink before starting in on his soup. I take this as my cue to start eating as well, pleased to find it is as delicious as it looks.

Our conversation flows easily, as it always seems to and we don’t run out of things to talk about as soup turns into the main course – venison steak and twice-stuffed potatoes. By the time we’re ready for dessert, we’ve been eating and talking for three hours, the light of the day easily giving way to the dark of night.

We’re both startled when there is knocking at his door.

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