The Lesser of 2 Evils



Gunner knows something is up with her – he said so again when our eyes met outside her cell but because of her rogue scent, he’s having an impossible time making the connection. When she looked into my eyes, Gunner was instantly alert and trying to reach out to Kristina’s she-wolf but she was still too weak from the silver cuff and so he wasn’t able to.

“She responded to something though – her body reacted and it was beautiful,” Gunner says with a sigh, replaying me images of Kristina’s breasts with nipples pointing through her shirt, her clenching her thighs together and the sound of her heart when it accelerated for some reason.

“Not for some reason – us,” he insists, saying she only reacted after she scented something – us. Her body then reacted physically and she clearly liked what she smelled… I wonder what I smell like to her? Goddess – I wonder what she smells like when she isn’t reeking of rogue all of the damn time!

“Offer her a place in our pack so she’s no longer a rogue,” Scott suggests. He knows it isn’t that easy – we don’t just let outsiders in, especially rogues. It also isn’t my decision alone to make – decisions that

affect the pack require their input and just because my potential love life is on the line, this will be no exception. The vote will go to the people but only after it has been discussed with Kristina to ensure this is what she even wants – it may not be. She may have other plans in mind but I’m hoping not – I need to know one way or another if she is my true bond mate or not, I really must know. If she is and she agrees to stay, if she’s willing, I’d like to take the chance to get to know her. Just because we’re supposed to be together doesn’t mean we will be but I’d like the opportunity to give it a try – but there are so many obstacles in the way.

She’s a rogue.

Convincing her to join my pack.

Convincing the pack to agree.

Getting to know one another – and hopefully like each other!

Then and only then will there be love, after we spend time together. Kristina is also not just taking ‘me’ on – I’m Alpha to my pack and she would become the Luna so she needs to consider that as well. There are a lot of responsibilities that come with the position and she needs to be sure it is something she can handle – I have to ensure it is a job she can do well. The pack’s well-being always comes before my own and I cannot put my love life ahead of my pack’s needs – ever. If Kristina proved to be wrong for Luna for whatever reason, I would have to let her go, despite the fall-out.

An Alpha is stronger with his Luna at his side, and vice versa. They are supposed to work well together, when one is weak the other is strong and together as a united front, they become formidable. The Alpha performs the ‘paternal’ role for the pack while the Luna the ‘maternal’, in addition to providing a biological heir – like I am. Most Alphas are biological heirs, taking over from their fathers at age eighteen but some Alphas are chosen, or inherited.

Over the years shifter numbers have taken drastic hits so we’ve been forced to make allowances, including chosen mates which result in chosen heirs. There is nothing wrong with a chosen Alpha – he is no weaker, less intelligent or less competent than anyone else but they are often looked down on all the same. I would still choose a mate before taking a poor Luna and putting my pack’s future at risk – which it could be. A Luna unsuited for the role can cause catastrophic damage to both the Alpha and the pack – just like an incompetent Alpha would. Neither is good for the pack and must be avoided at all costs – even if it meant not being with my true bond mate, as awful as that would be.

I. Have. To. Put. The. Pack. First.


After all of that and assuming she’s perfect for me and the pack – we still have one last problem to deal with – Alpha Lincoln. Kristina comes with baggage that could cause problems to my pack – that might include violence should her old pack decide to push the issue – we would need to be prepared. My warriors are always ready to defend and fight if necessary but should we be invaded, there is always the risk of someone innocent being hurt or worst, killed.

So many obstacles to overcome, so many issues to surmount just so two people can potentially be together. It seems extreme but the Moon Goddess partners wolves together for a reason, so if Kristina and Bella are our true bond mates, I’d be a fool to turn my back on that.

Even if it means no more casual sex, Goddess help me.

I’m still willing to try, to make the effort – I can only hope that Kristina is as well. The first thing we need to do is find out if she is truly my mate or not, then we can go from there.

I summon Scott to my office, where I’ve been sitting and thinking since we left Kristina’s cell earlier this morning. She should have her she-wolf back to full strength now so if I’m her mate, when she sees me, she should have no doubt and maybe Gunner will be able to connect with her. She’s going to stink like rogue until she is no longer one so that part is going to remain tricky for me but if she says we’re mates, I’ll be willing to take her word for it.

Especially since Scott seems to be convinced.

“If this works out – we’re going to be with our mate!” Gunner excitedly exclaims, his tail wagging wildly. Relieved that no one else can see him, I warn him not to get too excited yet – Kristina could still say no. All of this could still go to shit very easily, everything is dependent on so many other people that it is enough to make me crazy. For someone used to being in charge this is not a sensation I’m used to and I can say with complete honesty – I don’t like it.

In fact – it fucking sucks.

Scott joins me as we walk back to Kristina’s cell, him full of excitement that I’m willing to move forward with this while I’m full of trepidation at all of the ways this could go badly. By the time we reach the door leading to the cells, I’m ready to strangle him in an attempt to calm him down but opt for ignoring him instead. We head down the stairs toward the one set of bars that contain our subject of interest.

As I rest my eyes on her, I hear a loud gasp.

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