The Lengthening Shadow

Chapter 35: Homecoming

The host of Fernwood was standing on the walltops facing south, waiting for the return. Suddenly, Silderon spotted dust to the south. “They’re coming! Samuel is returning to Fernwood!”

Everyone rushed to the gates and opened them wide for the Company of Light. Silderon greeted Jake warmly. “Welcome home, my king. It’s been long.”

“I always knew I’d see you again.”

The mouse looked around. “Where’s Thayder? Is he with you?”

Jake looked down sadly at his feet. “I’m sorry I’m the one to bring you the bad news. Thayder is dead. Tarsch is dead. Kondurt and Felixa are dead. We’ve lost many.”

The days following the return were merry. Suddenly, news came of a happy event. All of the Fernwooders gathered in the chapel for a ceremony. Aidan and Grace stepped up to the altar and waited. Silderon opened a book and read aloud. “In the eyes of the Four Gods and those present here, I prepare to join in marriage Aidan of the Goldfur Family and Grace of Ainsley Scar’s line. Aidan, do you swear to uphold the laws of Alé and care for your wife?”

“I do.”

“And do you, Grace, swear to follow the teachings of Promethia and provide for your husband?”

“I do.”

“Do you, Aidan Goldfur, take Grace Ainsleylin as your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“And do you, Grace Ainsleylin, take Aidan Goldfur as your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do!”

“Then live in happiness and peace, till death do you part.”

“Till death do us part,” they echoed.

“Then I pronounce you husband and wife!”

The crowd erupted in cheering as Aidan and Grace walked down the aisle. Samuel and Marigold stepped up to the altar. Silderon opened his book again. “In the eyes of the Four Gods and those present here, I prepare to join Do you, Sir Samuel Flatbarrow Groundpaw Lackwelt Redbud Brinkling Rootgreen Longvine Opponert Feerloin Vunghink Weaselslayer…”

Everyone who had heard this before covered their ears for a couple hours as it went on and on and on. Silderon was wiping sweat from his brow and looking faint as he finished. “...Deerrunner Highjump Dringle Lenolin, Esquire, of Fernwood Castle in Greenbloom Forest.”

With that, he fell unconscious. Jake finished. “I’m not going to trouble your ears any longer, so they are married this instant. Thank you!”

Surprisingly, Samuel was somewhat bored. For the past few months, it had all been an epic quest, but now he was home with nothing to do. However, Vi’lle had something in mind. “You know, Samuel, how Tarsch gave you the Aspenstaff?”

“Yes, but why is that important?”

“Because you do not receive a wand without a specific purpose in mind.”

“Well then, what was Tarsch’s purpose?”

“Tarsch’s purpose was to carry on the legacy of the Verdancers. We are in failing numbers. We need new wizards.”

“Ah, I see what you’re getting at.”

“I don’t just mean you. Others in your band can become what they were destined to be.”

“All right then. Call them in. It’s time.”

“Agreed, Samuel. It is time for the next generation.”

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