The Legendary Spearman Returns

Side Story Chapter 172

Side Story Chapter 172

Energy surged within Cain. Despite the fact that he had just fought one of the strongest demons, Cain was better than ever.

‘I feel like I wouldn’t lose to anyone,’ Cain thought.

He’d never felt anything like it; it looked like even his old wounds were healing. Cain could guess who was behind the change. He turned to regard the Emperor of Avalon in the Silver-Eyed Ghost Sword’s body and caught his hand glowing brightly. The warm energy from his hand was permeating into Cain’s abdomen, healing his mana hall.

‘Thank you. I won’t let you down.’ Cain clenched his fists.

Above all, Cain was apologetic to the Emperor for giving up on his life so pathetically.

Just then Cain was surprised to find that he wasn’t the only one who was recovering. The two halves of Urus’s body were merging back together.

“Oh no you don’t!” Cain swung his sword once again.

However, Urus was quicker and retreated backward with his body still partially split, a level of resilience that even super-healing couldn’t account for.

-Shit... I can’t believe I let a human humiliate me like this.

-Step back, Urus.

-What the fuck are you talking about? I’m going to rip that damned geezer apart with my own hands.

-You still don’t stand a chance even if you attack him again.

Urus loosed his immense murderous energy toward his colleague in a fit of rage.

-Why don’t you just beg me to kill you instead, Altheon?

-I know it hurts your pride, but this is the Human Realm. You haven’t forgotten that already, have you?

-So what? Am I supposed to bow down before a human and give up?

-I’m telling you to restart everything, not give up on fighting.

-What shit are you on about?

-It’s time to use our other powers.

Urus's eyes widened and then he smiled wickedly.

-Do you mean it? Seriously? You told me before to hide it until we reach the Demon Spirit’s legacy.

-If you understand me, cover me first... Keep an eye on him in particular.

Altheon eyed Joshua warily.

-Go on, get started. Don’t worry, I’m itching to use mine! contemporary romance

Altheon slowly closed his eyes and extended his arms, his palms opened toward the ground.

Cain leaped at them, as fast as a bolt of lightning.

“What scheme are you up to, demons?”

“Let me help too,” Ulabis said, hot on Cain’s heels.

The raucous din of battle echoed off the walls of the chamber. Where the demon had once been able to lie on the floor and deal with the humans with only his fingers, Urus was now struggling to fend off the two humans’ fierce attacks even though he was officially the second-strongest demon.

-Shit! If only I were in the Demon Realm... do it, quick, Altheon!

Urus could only barely afford to talk.

Joshua turned to look at Tshchary and Perchilin, who bowed politely to him. The two demons looked totally loyal to Joshua now.

-They’re trying to turn this place into the Demon Realm.

“I knew it.” Joshua nodded. It was possible with the power of Evil Sins, not because of the demons’ inherent abilities.

-I’m sure you’ve realized already, but they’re using the powers of Pride and Sloth.

Joshua’s eyes sharpened at the word “Pride,” because the first Evil Sin he had acquired in his previous life had finally shown up. However, for some reason, Urus and Altheon had been hiding their Evil Sins until now, and Joshua couldn’t help but think that the demons had been forced to seal their powers rather than voluntarily choosing not to use their powers.

-Greed, I know you’re watching, and I have a feeling you can explain to me what’s going on right now.

In response, Joshua’s eyes turned pitch-black and the light in his eyes turned into a ribbon of smoke that pointed into the ground.

“...The floor?” Joshua tilted his head in confusion.

The smoke went into the floor.

Joshua’s eyes widened. “...There’s something underground. So it’s been right under my nose all along, huh...?”

An Evil Sin could detect special energy that ordinary humans and demons couldn’t, particularly those related to...

“...The Demon Spirit.”

The so-called god of the Demon Realm. It made sense because the Seven Evil Sins had been created by the first Demon Spirit, back when they were still one. The first Demon Spirit was the real deal, not like the phonies who proclaimed themselves to be gods after unifying the Demon Realm with their—admittedly exceptional—powers.

The Britten Family had ruled Avalon for hundreds of years. Even Kaiser ben Britten and Evergrant had hidden countless undead underneath the Palace. After ascending to the throne, Joshua had left the place be and used it in the same way—but he hadn’t noticed anything peculiar about the Palace’s depths.

“That must mean that the energy can only be detected by Evil Sins,” Joshua surmised.

A new question arose: the Demon Spirit’s legacy responded to the Evil Sins, so wouldn’t it better to unseal their Sins from the start?

Tshchary answered Joshua’s question.

-It’s because of us. We never knew that they had the powers of Pride and Sloth.

“Demons being demons... They hid their powers from their colleagues the whole time?”

-Each of us has different characteristics and all of us have a very strong sense of pride, but we united for one common goal.

“Your alliance isn’t based on trust; it’s temporary for the sake of your objective.”

-That is right, but if it comes to light that a demon has one of the Evil Sins that everyone wants...

Joshua nodded. “I see.”

The demons would drop everything to fight for that Evil Sin. Well, their common goal was no doubt to turn the Human Realm into the Demon Realm, so they would have to think about their future after they accomplished their goal.

“The key point must be who will rule the world once it’s become the demons’.”

-If we’d achieved our goal, Altheon over there would have been the most likely candidate, but that changes when other demons come into possession of Evil Sins.

“Bummer.” Joshua cocked an eyebrow. “I have no intention of turning the Human Realm into the demons’ world.”

Tshchary and Perchilin flinched but did not object.

-Everything shall be done as you wish, master...

-We’ve already devoted our souls to you, master.

Joshua chuckled at them. It didn’t matter how they actually felt because they were obligated to follow his orders now that they bore his Overlord Symbols. However, if there was a way to sever the links...

‘Shouldn’t we get a head start on them?’ Lilith suggested.

-You think so too?

‘Yes. Whatever it is, it was left behind by the Demon Spirit himself, so I’m sure it’s like nothing we can even imagine. The demons who are bowing to you must have been thrilled when they heard the news since it might be the way to free themselves from your control.’

A god’s power would certainly be capable of upsetting what they knew as fact.

-We’ll go first.

Joshua decided that they should get to the underground floor before the demons. Crevasse, having lived there for a very long time, may have noticed something strange already.

‘I’m fine with going, but do you think we can just leave them be?’ Lilith asked.

Joshua looked over his shoulder.

Urus, the red devil, kept stumbling backward under Cain’s and Ulabis’s barrage of attacks. It sounded like the demon was being hit by an avalanche. It wouldn’t be easy for the devil to defeat those two even if Altheon successfully turned the chamber into the Demon Realm. No, as a matter of fact, the two knights would win the fight. And the moment they overcame this trial, the already renowned Flame Emperor and Combat Emperor would advance one step further.

-That Battle God guy must have raised his army by now, so the army of Hubalt could invade your lands again any day now.

‘In other words, you want to train your colleagues in preparation for that day because you have to deal with demons and the Demon Spirit’s remaining legacy,’ Lilith deduced.

-You’re a quick learner. It looks to me like you can go on your own journey now.[1]

Joshua’s compliment made Lilith feel proud, but she grumbled, ‘Are you going to let me even if I say I will?’

-...I’m sorry. I’ll have to leech off of you until we finish taking care of this.

‘Use it as long as you need but don’t call it leeching... It’s nothing compared to what you’ve done for me.”

Joshua held back a smile.

‘A-Anyhow, I get what you’re thinking! But you know that you might have to deal with Bel yourself even if your plan succeeds.’

-...I know.

Joshua’s face darkened. Up until recently, he had believed that his two sons would be able to fend off Hubalt, but that man named Bel changed everything. He was worthy of his title; astonishingly, he was as good as Joshua had been when he was Bel’s age.

-I hope that Kireua and Selim will be able to take care of him, but I’ll have to step in if it isn’t possible.

‘That’s all I needed to hear. Although it’s odd for me to say this, Bel is the real monster,’ Lilith warned Joshua.

-Let’s go.

Joshua immediately turned away from the battle. The other people were already caught up in the action, so they didn’t even look in Joshua’s direction.

“I’ll leave the rest to you two.”

-...Yes, master.

Joshua nodded at Perchilin and Tshchary and then walked away. The two demons’ eyes were sharper than ever as they watched Joshua depart.

1. The raw is ?? ???? ???, which literally means climbing down a mountain. It often means that the teacher has nothing left to teach the student. ?

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