The Legend of Silver and Gold Book Two The Old Ones

Chapter Chapter Eight

Lovecraft’s Estate, Providence

Mr. Tempest was standing over the map of the United States when he saw a silver glow appear over New York City. He frowned. He didn’t think that there would be a silver aura person in the city, not since the death of the last known person with a silver aura. Curious as to what was happening, Mr. Tempest put his hand on the silver light. His eyes glowed and he saw a vision of a young teenage girl in black clothes at a library.

Mr. Tempest released the silver light and his eyes returned to normal. He now had a new problem that had to be taken care of. He left the map room and went to an empty room that had recently been made soundproof. He took his phone out and dialed one of his human followers.

New York City Public Library

Molly was reading silently when a librarian went up to her. “Enjoying that book?” The librarian asked her.

Molly looked at her and nodded. “It’s my favorite book here.” She replied before she smiled a little. “I know it probably sounds silly given how many books this place has.”

“Not silly at all.” The librarian said as she sat down next to Molly. “Everyone has a single favorite that they would pick over all others even if they’re bookworms like you and me.” The librarian looked at the book Molly was reading. “The Call of the Cthulhu.” She said. “Sounds thrilling.”

Molly looked at the cover. “It really is a thriller.” She told the librarian. “If monsters like these really did exist, it would be awesome but dangerous.” Molly still thought it would be cool if they did exist. She was always into monster stories. She just couldn’t bring any of the books back home. Her mother would flip out on her if she tried.

“Just want to remind you that the library closes in an hour.” The librarian told Molly. “If you want to check that book out, please do it soon.” The librarian left Molly by herself.

Molly looked at the book. “If only I could.” She said quietly. She remembered how the last time she had brought a monster book home after buying it, her mother had ripped it apart and had grounded her for bringing Satanic stuff into a religious home. Molly knew that if she brought the library book home, her mother would rip it apart and file a complaint against the library for having books like The Call of the Cthulhu available for teens to read.

Molly closed the book and put it on the table in front of her. She didn’t want to leave just yet but her mother would be picking her up soon and the last thing she wanted was for her mother to see what it was that she was reading. She stood up and took the book over to the return stack. She put the book next to the stack. “See you tomorrow.” She told the book before she started heading towards the entrance to the library.

Outside the library, Molly sat down on a bench. She kept her left hand in her pocket where her pepper spray was. She knew it would be a few minutes still before her mom showed up and she liked making sure she had her best defense in hand.

Molly looked across the street. She could see the large black SUVs that were all parked alongside the few buildings with cop cars in front and behind the SUVs. Molly wondered why they were all at the abandoned theater that hadn’t been used in over a hundred years.

That was when Molly saw them. There were a few men in black clothes and police uniforms waiting by the street corner to cross the road to her side. They were all trying to act normal but she knew she had seen them looking at her. Molly looked away and stood up. She didn’t feel safe being out on the street anymore, not if the cops were giving her a bad feeling.

Molly turned to go back into the library and stopped moving. She saw the cops and the men crossing the road illegally. She could tell that they were all looking at her. Feeling her heart beating quickly, Molly rushed into the library. She ran to one of the long wings and to the back of the large room. She quickly ducked behind a bookshelf, hoping that the men hadn’t seen her.

Molly looked at the back wall. She didn’t see a door. That was bad. Molly realized that she would have to backtrack to find another door to the library. She heard the doors at the main entrance open followed by the sound of many boots walking across the marble floor.

Molly looked around her. She needed a new escape. It would just be a matter of time before the strange men found her. She looked at the end of the aisle she was in, smiling as she saw the staircase that went to the next floor. She hadn’t counted how many men she had seen crossing the street but she knew that she could possibly pass them all if they were still on the first floor.

Molly ran to the end of the aisle and up the staircase to the second floor. There were more rows of bookshelves up there. She saw that there was a door at the other end of the room. If she had to take a guess, it led to the balcony that overlooked the main library entrance room and the doors to the other wings. Molly ran to the other end of the room and cracked the door open a little. She looked down through the railing of the balcony towards the first floor. She saw several men in black clothes and a dozen police officers. Her heart sank. She didn’t remember seeing that many men crossing the street.

Molly backed away from the door, quietly closing it. She could feel herself panicking. She had no idea why the police were wanting her. She hadn’t broken any law that she knew of. The men that were with the police didn’t strike her as police officers.

Molly’s ears perked up as she heard movement coming from the first floor under the room she was in. It was just a matter of time before they found the staircase and went upstairs to where she was. Molly ran to the windows. With the cops and the men in the main library entrance and the men approaching the staircase, she didn’t have many options left for an escape.

Molly opened one of the windows and crawled through the opening. It wasn’t as roomy as she had hoped it would be but she knew that the men wouldn’t be able to open it or get through it. She quickly closed the window before leaning against the roof. The library wasn’t that large but she didn’t want to fall to the ground and break her bones. Molly looked around. There were buildings on both sides of the library but only one of them was a one-story building and it didn’t have a door that led into the building.

Molly looked at the window. Knowing that if she stayed there too long, any man that went into one of the other wings would see her leaning there. Molly looked at the one-story building. She saw a fire escape on the other side of the building. She smiled. She had her escape.

Molly jumped over to the building, rolling a bit on the ceiling. She quickly got back up and ran across the top of the building to the fire escape. Just as she reached it, she heard yelling. She realized that the men had seen her. It was too late to change her plan now. Molly took a breath and ran down the fire escape. She didn’t know how much time she had left but she knew that she couldn’t stay there.

As Molly reached the alleyway’s road, a car pulled into it, trapping her. Molly took her pepper spray out. She was ready to fight if that was what it came to. To her surprise, a girl that was a bit younger than her came out of the shotgun seat of the car.

“You need to come with us.” The girl told her in an urgent voice.

Molly looked towards the top of the building. She could hear the shouting of the men on top of it.

“If you want to escape those guys, come with us.” The girl told her.

Molly looked at the girl. “I guess I don’t really have a choice, do I.” She said. She just hoped that she didn’t regret following this stranger. She ran over to the car and got into the backseat.

Molly looked at the other passengers. There were two adults, one was a man and the other was a woman and then a young girl.

“Elizabeth, get us out of here.” The man said.

The woman put the car into reverse and sped out of the alleyway before putting the car into drive.

The young girl looked at Molly. “What’s your name?” She asked Molly.

Molly looked at her. “I’m Molly.” She replied. “Who are you guys?”

“I’m Carver, that’s Tora and our driver is Elizabeth.” The man told Molly. “Right now, we’re your best chance at getting away from those men.”

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