The Last Witch: Volume Two

: Chapter 30

Gabriel pulls off the coat from our heads and declares loudly to the car, that today, we’re getting married! The whole car explodes with applause and cheers. Even Jensen nods his approval. He heard what Gabriel said to me and apologises for misjudging him.

The car stops twice and Amara and Connor leave to fetch something from each place before we carry on driving. Two things that they wouldn’t share with me. We finally reach our destination. We drive along a gravel driveway that takes us to a pink cottage nestled into the cliffs. Ivy covers half the fascia and the paint is weathered and peeling. The sun is starting to set and the breeze on my skin when I leave the car is gentle and refreshing. After Collins, Gabriel and Jensen check the house, we all head inside. It’s been empty for a while, I can tell. It’s dusty and the air is stagnant, but the place itself is very cute. The ground floor is spacious and bright, with white stonewashed walls and rustic flag stone floors. To the left is the period staircase, rising to the first floor. Beyond that is a generous dining room and character, country style kitchen with a traditional Aga in the corner. Gabriel leads me past it all to the back of the house, where a conservatory looks across the ocean. Directly below is a stunning beach. I can see the sea disappearing into the horizon with the sun sinking below its glassy surface.

‘This is beautiful,’ I sigh happily, sinking into his chest. ‘This cottage is perfect. I wish we could stay longer than a few hours.’

‘There’s a pathway carved into these cliffs which takes you right down to the beach. It’s half a mile of nothing but sand from here to the water. That’s where we’re going to have the ceremony. Down there on the beach.’

‘That sounds perfect. I could spend the rest of my life, with your arms around me, looking out at this view.’

‘When all this is over, when we’re in the Arcane realm, we’ll travel to this exact spot and build our very own version. We’ll wake up every morning to this view. What do you say?’

‘I say I can’t wait,’ I reply with a beaming grin.

‘You two are so soppy,’ Collins jests as he joins us in the living room, dropping the bags he’s carried in onto the floor with a thump. Jensen is behind him and drops yet more travel bags.

‘You know, it’s customary to ask for permission before you marry a man’s daughter.’

‘And I hear that it is customary not to try and shoot the groom in the head just before the wedding.’ I retort with a raised brow.

‘True,’ he shrugs. Slowly he heads towards us, shoulders back and jaw tight. Gabriel slides me behind him and meets him standing tall. ‘I’ve seen a lot of cruelty and malice from your family. I have to be honest, I’m not convinced you two getting married is in her best interest.’

‘All I have is her best interests. It’s everyone else’s that I don’t give too much concern over.’

Jensen looks past Gabriel’s protective stance to me. ‘I know he’ll do whatever he can to make sure you’re safe, which, if you do Break, probably won’t stand the rest of us in good stead.’

‘I won’t turn dark. I have the Break under control.’

‘I hope so.’ He sighs heavily and slides his hands into his pockets. ‘Lilly, I’m not a particularly good man. But I always gave you everything I could. I loved you and your mum more than I had ever loved anyone. I still love you. More than anything. And I know Gabriel does too. I know it probably means less than nothing to you, but I do give you both my blessing. And I want you to know that I will help you do the spell to send Descendants to the Arcane Realm. I’ll do whatever you need me to do.’ His feet move him closer and a desperation seeps into his emerald eyes. ‘I will never be able to live with the knowledge that you suffered so much at the hands of others while I lived in ignorance of your pain. I will never forgive myself for believing Theo’s lies. I will never ask for your forgiveness, because there is nothing I could ever do to undo what my actions caused.’ He takes another step closer and Gabriel shifts to the side. I meet Jensen halfway and let him take my hand. ‘I was once, a good father. You are still a most beloved daughter. My hope is that one day, you will allow me to be a good father to you again. And until then, I will be here, in the background, doing anything you need me to do. Helping in any way I can. And loving you.’ His palm rests softly on my cheek and I find myself leaning into his touch. ‘I love you, Buttons. And I am sorry for failing to protect you. I am sorry for hurting you. I am sorry.’

My arms furl around his neck and his around my waist. Our embrace is firm and way overdue. His tears land on my shoulder and I realise I have a content smile on my face.

With a sniff and a cough to clear his throat, Jensen steps back and swiftly wipes his tears.

‘I’ll leave you and your friends to celebrate.’

‘You’re not coming to the ceremony?’ Gabriel asks, taking my hand in his.

‘I don’t want to get in the way.’

‘You won’t,’ I tell him. ‘As long as you don’t try and shoot Gabriel in the back of his head again. We need to start over, Jensen. Move on and all that. Amara said it’s customary for the father to walk the bride down the aisle. Do you… do you want to?’

His mouth opens and he reminds me a little of a fish.

‘Jensen? You don’t have to-’

‘No, of course I want to!’ he replies, blinking in surprise. ‘I mean, if you’re sure, I would love to! I would really love to!’

‘Great,’ Gabriel says happily, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. ‘Then let’s get this show on the road.’


Upstairs, in a cosy master bedroom with a rickety four poster bed and two double windows that look out to the ocean, I sit and let Amara work on my hair. She lets it hang loose down my back and works in intricate little braids along the sides. She has a small pile of daisies resting on the dressing table and she delicately tucks them into the braids. She then pulls out a large bag. Inside is a dress.

My wedding dress.

Amara’s almost dancing on the spot before I let her put it on me. After some gasps and ohh’s and erm’s, she’s happy with my appearance and orders me to close my eyes.

A few steps to the left and I’m told, ‘Open your eyes.’

‘Wow,’ I whisper, looking at myself in the full-length mirror. ‘I look…’

‘Beautiful,’ Amara grins.

I give a little twirl. It’s a stunning but simple white dress. The three-quarter length sleeves are made of delicate lace. It has a V-neckline and the lace continues from the sleeves over the bodice. The floor-length skirt is layered chiffon that trails ever so slightly behind me and for a charity shop purchase it is an amazing fit. Yes, there’s a little tear on the hip and a bit of wear along the hem. But it’s perfect. Amara couldn’t find any shoes my size, so barefoot it is.

‘How on earth did you manage to pull this off?’

‘I have the advantage of a beautiful canvas.’ She beams while gripping my hand. ‘I can’t believe you’re getting married. I can’t believe it’s to Gabriel! I can’t believe he’s actually settling down! Oh! Which brings me to the second bag.’ She rushes to the bed and pulls out a small black paper bag with silver ribbon acting as handles. ‘I thought that perhaps you would like to give him this.’

I take it and pull out a black box. When I open the box, I am utterly speechless.

‘This is incredible!’ I pull out a ring. It’s a black gold wedding band with an emerald green square stone.

‘It’s a wedding gift. From the boys and me. I have no idea if it will fit him, and the carat is… well it’s non-existent, but it’s better than no ring at all, huh?’

‘It’s perfect! Completely perfect! It’s exactly the sort of ring Gabriel would wear.’ I hold it up and examine it more closely. The shade of green is a little lighter than what my eyes are, but the idea of us both wearing rings that match the other’s eye colour is a brilliant way of honouring his mother and his heritage. The fact that it’s from the people I love the most makes it even more special.

‘I’m getting married… Amara…’ I lift my head as it hits me. ‘I’m getting married today!’ My chest gets tight and I become a little breathless.

‘Oh my. Okay, sit down.’ I’m eased onto the bed as she starts fanning me with the bag the ring came in. ‘Don’t freak out.’

‘Freak out?’ I burst into a fit of laughter. ‘I’m so fucking excited I could pee!’

‘Well… don’t do that. No one wants to marry someone who smells of wee.’ We both burst into a fit of giggles before sharing a hug. ‘I love you, Honey.’

‘I love you too. So, what are you wearing?’


‘Yeah. My maid of honor has to wear something other than baggy jeans and a hoody.’

Her eyes tear up and her lip trembles.

‘You want me to be your maid of honour?’

‘Who else?’

With a squeal, she rushes to the bag she pulled my dress from and produces a pale-pink, knee-length dress made of lace.

‘I got it just in case.’

‘Then let’s get you ready too.’

Half an hour later, and we’re ready. The last daisies are delicately placed in my hair and Gabriel’s ring is tight in hand.

‘Before we go out there…’ I take her hands in mine and we face each other. ‘I want you to have this.’ I slide off Rebecca Hooper’s wedding ring, and place it gently on her finger.

‘Lilly… I can’t take this!’

‘I want you to. It’s a family heirloom after all. I won’t be having a child. And you are my sister. You should have it, and you should hand it down to your children. And so on.’

She lifts her finger and marvels at it. The stone is clear now, and no magic remains within it. All that remains is its sentimental value, and sentimentally… it belongs to her. To my family.

Someone knocks at the door just as she opens her mouth to say something.

I head over and open the door.

‘Woah.’ Connor looks us both up and down, breathing out a long, admiring breath. ‘If I wasn’t into guys, I would be hitting on you two so hard right now.’

‘Even in my wedding dress?’

‘Especially in that dress. Lilly, you look stunning.’ He plants a kiss on my cheek and does the same with Amara. Down the hall, Jensen watches us. He doesn’t know where to put himself.

I head towards him. ‘How do I look?’

‘Gorgeous. And happy.’

‘I am happy.’

‘The fellas are just setting up down on the beach. They need another half an hour or so.’

‘That’s fine. I could really do with some air and a minute or two to just gather my thoughts.’

‘Of course. Just don’t go too far and stay close.’

‘Will do.’ I head down the stairs.


The sound of the waves lapping at the shore and the gulls flying overhead are incredibly relaxing. The breeze cools my flushed skin and the sunset is truly spectacular. My gown whips around my legs as I walk towards the cliffs. I can’t believe that this is actually happening. It’s more than I ever thought I would have in my life. A man who truly loves me. A best friend. Two amazing friends and even a father! Jensen and I have a hell of a long way to go, but it’s a start I suppose. As I slowly wander around the side of the cottage, I sense Gabriel and Collins close by. Amara told me it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, but she didn’t say anything about the bride seeing the groom. I sneak closer to the cliffs and find the steps that Gabriel mentioned. They’ve been carved into the cliff-face and lead all the way down to the beach. I follow them down, holding the hem of my dress up by my knees so I don’t trip. Down and down I go, until my feet touch sand. The cool grains nestle between my toes as I wiggle them. I look once more out to the water and find the whole scene both serene and enchanting. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life on this beach over in the Arcane realm with Gabriel.

My husband.

His voice carries on the wind. I scoop up the hem of my gown and slowly make my way closer to him. There’s a group of large boulders and I hear both Gabriel and Collins talking on the other side. Quietly, I peek through a gap between two rocks and see them standing together. Candles are buried into the sand creating an aisle, and Gabriel and Collins are standing where the alter would be. He’s wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of black jeans. His hair’s just as untamed as it usually is and a silver tie hangs loosely around his neck. I smirk and bite my lip as he tries to tie it. I doubt he’s ever worn a tie before.

‘God, it’s like watching a monkey trying to knit,’ Collins laughs, heading over to help him. ‘Do you not own a hair brush? You’re getting married for goodness sake.’

‘Lilly likes my hair like this,’ Gabriel grins. ‘She says it’s sexy.’

‘Is that so?’


‘Suppose she also loves the fact that you can’t iron a shirt for shit?’ He gestures to the creases on his arms.

‘She sure does,’ he chuckles.

Collins continues to straighten his tie and when he’s done, he steps back to admire his handy work. ‘I can’t believe you are getting married. You! Of all people. Mr “I’m never settling down”.’

‘Old Gabriel is dead and gone, mate. This is the new and improved Gabriel and he is here to stay. I got my best buddy, the girl of my dreams-’

‘And a father in-law that tried to kill you a few hours ago.’

‘Precisely. What else is there to have?’ Gabriel whacks Collins playfully on the arm. ‘It’s taken five-hundred years but I am finally happy. I mean, the timings awful and we have the world against us but other than that, I couldn’t be happier.’

But Collins’s eyes narrow a little and his smile lessens. ‘Bit of a shock today though? How are you feeling about the whole… Ryan thing?’

Gabriel’s eyes go dark and hatred etches over his former joy. ‘How am I supposed to feel about it?’

‘I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking. She’s been through so much, man. Too much. She’s got you and Amara to keep her together. But what about you? I know that if it was Amara that had been through half of what Lilly’s been through I think I’d go insane with anger.’

‘Don’t get me wrong, every time I think about what’s happened to her I feel a murderous rage building inside me that I worry will consume me whole. But then, who do I direct it at? Her uncle Harry and aunt Christa are dead. The house staff and that vile thing that hurt her are long gone. I could waste my time being angry. Turn my wrath out into the world. Spend my days plotting Grayson, Theo and Toby’s destruction. Or I could just channel it into making Lilly happy and safe. I channel all that rage into loving her. And fuck… I really love her. I never thought I could or would love someone like this, but I do.’ Gabriel slides his hands into his pockets and looks out to the sea. His eyes scan its endless beauty as his shoulders slump. ‘But if I’m honest, when I’m not completely besotted and in awe of her, I’m just terrified of losing her.’

‘You scared she’s going to Break again?’

‘So scared. And not just of that. It’s getting close to the time where I admit to her the truth about June. I can’t put it off for much longer. The Blood-moon is in four months and I’ve dug myself such a hole I have no idea how to get out of it without losing everything.’

I feel a swell of dread rise in my chest.

What does he mean? What lie? Who the hell is June?

‘How can I tell her about June without destroying all the trust I’ve worked so hard to put in place? She finally trusts me and that’s after all my fuck ups. When she hears the truth-’

‘You don’t tell her!’ Collins says firmly. ‘You tell her the truth about June, you have no idea how she’ll react. That Break of hers is getting stronger and bigger. She snaps and we’re all screwed. You cannot tell her about June!’

‘Maybe. Maybe not. She’s forgiven me before for lying to her. Maybe if I just tell her the truth before she finds out on her own, she’ll be inclined to forgive me again.’ Gabriel looks to Collins with uncertainty. Collins returns his look in equal measure. ‘You don’t think she’ll forgive me?’

‘I think she might. After all, what happened back in June wasn’t your fault but are you sure you want to risk it? You don’t have to tell her the whole truth. We can figure out a way to give it back to her without her knowing you had it all along.’

June the month, not a person then. That’s a relief. But then, what happened in June? I was at Harry’s back in June and it’s April now. What the hell is he talking about? What does he have of mine that he needs to give back?

‘No. It wasn’t my fault, but it was on me to tell her the truth about it. I feel like I’ve tricked her into falling in love with me sometimes.’

‘She loves you because she loves you. You didn’t trick her into that. No one can trick someone into loving them.’

‘Toby did. He manipulated the shit out of her. You know, she only had sex with him the first time because he said he wouldn’t come back to see her if she didn’t let him?’

I hate that he’s sharing that private information with Collins, but my desperation to hear the rest of this conversation is far stronger, so I remain hidden and listen. A hand rests on my shoulder. I spin so fast I almost fall. Amara gasps in surprise at my reaction and is about to ask what I’m doing before I press my finger to her lips and point to the boys on the other side of the rock.

‘Are we spying?’ she whispers excitedly.

‘Shh. Listen.’

‘Toby’s a sick bastard. You would never do that to her. To anyone,’ Collins says firmly. ‘You have your flaws like the rest of us. But you are not the same as your brothers or your father. You are a good person and you did not trick Lilly into loving you.’

‘When she first touched me at the house and she didn’t feel any pain, I think that was such a big moment for us. For her.’

‘She didn’t feel pain because she knew she could trust you. Deep down, somewhere past all that misery and fear, she knew she could trust you. And she can. Everything you’ve done has been to protect her. Sometimes, safety is more important than happiness. But right now, I seriously think that her happiness is more important than anything else.’

‘I can’t just appear with her necklace without telling her how I found it,’ Gabriel says quietly. But not quietly enough. Now my heart rate starts to pick up. ‘She keeps making me look into her mind. To help her figure out what happened in those missing six-weeks, and every time I tell her I can’t see anything it’s just another lie. Another thing that she’ll need to forgive me for. If I hadn’t left that day-’

‘You didn’t know what was going to happen, Gabriel. You didn’t know Toby was going to take her and you didn’t know that he would do what he did to her and that baby.’

‘What is he talking about?’ Amara whispers in my ear. I shrug and shake my head, still straining my ears to hear their private words.

‘When she woke up back at the house after Grayson brought her home and it was clear she had no memory of you, you made the right call,’ Collins continues. ‘Those six-weeks needed to remain lost. It was clear that whatever happened to her then caused that Break, and risking her Breaking again is far too dangerous. Especially now. You say she has all of Rebecca Hooper’s knowledge and power dormant inside her? If she gets her magic and she Breaks, there will be no stopping her. If she learns the truth, that you and she knew each other before Toby took her to that barn, she could really freak out. She could Break.’

‘What?!’Amara hisses.

My whole world shifts on its side. All the air leaves my lungs and I have to hold the rock to stop myself from falling to my knees. His words don’t make sense. I don’t understand.

‘Maybe.’ Gabriel drags his hand through his hair and groans loudly. ‘There is so much at stake. If the spell isn’t completed, the Hunters mark will spread its hate and malice to everyone it comes close to. Humanity will destroy us as well as itself. And if the necklace does give Lilly access to magic, it’s more important than ever that I get it to her. With everything going on, she needs to be able to protect herself. I mean, there’s Toby who has a band of witch extremists at his beck and call. Grayson who wants to breed an army of Arcane Witches to help him take control of the covens all across the world and Theo who wants to use Lilly to kill every single Descendant in the world all in the name of bringing his dead mistress back to life. I won’t risk losing her. I won’t, Collins. She might never forgive me or it might be the thing that tips her over the edge.’

‘So what do you want to do? We can’t carry on running like this. Either your family will catch up with us or Hunters will. Sooner or later. And like you said, we have four months till we need to be at the next stone.’

‘I don’t have a choice. I have to go and get the necklace. I’ve hidden it at the hotel we got stranded in at Christmas. The Starlight hotel, down in Cornwall.’

‘That’s on Grayson’s turf. We could be seen.’

‘I’ll fetch it alone. Maybe, if we talk to Connor, he can create a fake trail. He’s found that auction. Maybe we get the necklace and take it there.’

‘You said she could sense it. How can we go and get it without her sensing it?’

‘I don’t know!’ Gabriel groans angrily. ‘Hence the fucking dilemma, Collins!’

Amara and I share a look. I have no idea how I feel right now. Confused? Betrayed? Angry? Hurt?

She looks livid so I’m sure that she has no idea about any of what they’re talking about. Collins lied to her too. I turn back to Gabriel and watch as he continues talking to Collins. I won’t jump to conclusions. I have to trust that there is a reason for all this. That he can explain what’s going on. That it sounds worse than it is.

There’s a loud thump and Amara falls unconscious at my feet. I spin round to see a fist flying towards my face.

Everything goes black.

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