The Last Witch: Volume Three

– Chapter 10

At midday, I leave Gabriel in Theo’s charge and return to the safe house which is currently holding Collins and Connor. Mutt is pacing outside the cell doors, looking green and filled with dread. When I materialise before him, he leaps back, pressing himself close to the wall and just beyond my reach. Like I couldn’t hurt him no matter where he stands.


But no time for that. I stride past him to the cell doors and peer inside. Connor is sat with his head on his knees and his arms draped over his head. The chains around his wrists have left deep bruising after his attempts to pull himself free. But he’s clearly given up and resigned himself to his situation. I walk to the cell containing Collins. His chains are considerably thicker and they bind his wrists, elbows and ankles together. He’s asleep. No doubt because of the drugs I instructed Mutt to give him. There are enough sedatives in his blood to knock out an elephant so he should be pretty easy to move around. My head rests on the iron bars as I tap my fingers rhythmically on the steel.

‘Lilly,’ Mutt says cautiously. ‘Where have you been?’

‘I was gathering the rest of the package,’ I reply, my eyes still on Collins as he remains slumped on the floor. ‘You did well, Mutt. Gabriel believed that you were passing on intel under your own initiative. He genuinely thought he was a step ahead and had no idea Theo’s Hunters were following me. He was so busy trying to Un-Break me, he didn’t notice that they were surrounding him.’

‘So if it all worked, then why do you look so… upset?’

‘I’m not upset. I’m just….’

What am I? Why do I feel a knot twisting in my gut?

‘If you are having second thoughts about this-’

‘You’d like that, wouldn’t you?’ I scoff.

‘Of course I would! What you’re doing will kill everyone. You’re handing over the only people you love-’

‘I thought all you wanted to do was serve me? Make right all the evil that you did to me by doing everything I tell you to do?’

‘To her,’ he corrects me. ‘To make up what I did to her. And I have no choice but to do as you say. You’ve compelled me to, but know this. Before you go and leave us all behind, I want you to know that for you? I would do nothing. I would not willingly serve you.’ He steps closer to me, showing a hint of courage. ‘But for Lilly? The real Lilly? I would do anything she asked and she would never, ever ask anyone to do this! To help you end everything she has fought so hard for. For freedom. For safety. For-’

‘Well that Lilly’s fucking gone and soon, this one everyone seems to hate so much will be gone too. But you can all take comfort in the knowledge that I’ll be fine, Toby. This body and this baby will be far from the world that has been nothing but cruel to me.’

I reach out to the bars, ready to unlock the cell door when he takes hold of my wrist.

‘I am begging you. If you do this, you can never take it back. You are abandoning millions to a terrible fate.’

‘I don’t care.’

He steps closer, his eyes searching mine desperately. ‘Lilly, if you are in there please… please stop her from doing this! You are stronger than she is. We need you! PLEASE!’

I wait, giving him a moment of hope. She doesn’t make a sound.

‘Seems like she’s not as strong as you all think.’

I slam my head into his forehead with the added force my Physical magic grants me and watch him slump onto the floor, unconscious and blissfully quiet.

I really won’t miss his pathetic whining after tonight. I open up the cell and toss him inside before heading upstairs for a bath and something to eat.

After all, sunset is in less than six hours.

Then it’s showtime.


In a flurry of dirt, wind and lightning, I materialise at the location of the second Bloodstone. As ever, the Hunters respond to my entrance on instinct, raising their weapons and pointing them straight at my chest. But they don’t pull the trigger. Not unless Theo gives the word to do so. Or the signal or however the hell he has instructed them to react, depending on what I do.

Theo strolls through the crowd of his men looking ever the smug arsehole, hands in his pockets and a smirk plastered on his face. He glances at my feet where three men kneel in chains. Connor is shaking like a leaf, his eyes darting all around. Collins is just starting to come around from his sedation. His head lolls and he groans. Another hour or so and he’ll be alert. By then, I’ll be gone and they’ll all be under Theo’s care.

Mutt surveys his surroundings, counting those around us, taking in what weapons they hold.

Like he can ever hope to fight them off. The chains he’s in are solid and I’ve compelled him not to use his magic, so he’s pretty secure.

‘Where are the others?’ I ask Theo.

‘Like you don’t know.’

He steps aside and shows both Gabriel and Jensen standing side by side. Gabriel still has the collar around his neck, binding his powers, and his hands and ankles are chained. Jensen too, is restrained. And circling them both are six of my fierce, fiery and deadly wolves. They prowl around them and will attack anyone who dares pass them. I created them as soon as I left to fetch the others. Theo refused to let me take Gabriel or Collins and I knew that if I let him have free access to the pair of them, he would start his questioning. If he gets his information before I get to the stone, he’ll betray me. He’ll put me right back on the Hunters’ target list and do everything in his power to stop me from leaving.

I just want out.

After that, he can do whatever the hell he wants.

‘Will you remove the wolves any time soon?’ Theo asks. ‘I can’t very well question them about the location of the Descendants with your beasts killing anyone that gets too close. One may think you’re protecting them. Not going soft, are you, Hooper?’

‘Kendryk!’ Gabriel calls over. ‘Her name is, and always will be, Lilly Kendryk. You prick.’

‘Defiant until the end,’ Theo laughs with a roll of his eyes. ‘This girl is many things but sadly for you, your loving and self-sacrificing wife ain’t one of them.’ Theo holds out his hand. ‘Spell. As agreed.’

I fold my arms across my chest. ‘When I’m with the Bloodstone and when the moon is in the sky, then I’ll give you the intel.’

‘What? So you can leave without giving me what I want?’

‘I’ll keep my end of the bargain. Don’t you worry.’

Knowing he has fuck all other options, Theo orders his men to part, creating a path.

I walk ahead, through the passage created by angry murderers who would love nothing more than to kill me.

We’re at the top of a hill. At the base of the hill is a deep valley surrounded by a thick and dense woodland that stretches on for miles and eventually to the sea. But in the very middle of the valley is another, smaller, hill. And slap bang on top of that are the remains of a medieval fortress made of stone. It was once magnificent, I wager. With high walls. Towering turrets. A great-keep and a place of worship built alongside. I imagine there was once a moat where the gatehouse lies partially buried. But now, the fortress which once protected this land, is nothing more than chunks of stone, partially crumbled walls, deteriorated towers and collapsed arches. Despite that, it is clear what once stood there.

I reach out my hand and feel the Bloodstone calling me, right in the middle of the keep.

‘This was once the base of a great Coven,’ Theo informs me. ‘It stands to reason that there would be a Bloodstone of significant power here. Centuries of magic spilling out and being soaked up by the earth-’

‘Not interested in a history lesson,’ I reply, turning around and lifting a half-unconscious Collins to his feet. ‘That’s where the second stone is so let’s get this over with. Mutt, Connor, with me. And you, my beauties…’ I gesture to the wolves surrounding Gabriel and Jensen. ‘Take them to the stone and kill anyone who tries to get to them.’

They all growl and look at the Hunters around them in warning, before snapping at Gabriel and Jensen’s feet, urging them forward.

The sun disappears beyond the horizon and slowly, the moon begins to take its place.

Not long now.


The silence is profound, considering the sheer volume of people around. At least a hundred of Theo’s men encircle me, still keeping plenty of space between us. They fear getting too close. And they should. I watch Theo closely and he, in turn, watches me. The wind gives a gentle blow, rustling his long coat and guiding a few leaves across the Bloodstone that stands between us. This stone looks different to the one back on Dartmoor, but it is most certainly the Bloodstone which acts as a key to unlocking the Veil. Where the last one was a perfect pillar, smooth and flawless, this one looks as if it’s made of daggers, jutting out in all directions from the ground. The largest of which is taller than me and has the telltale seven-pointed star representing the Arcane engraved onto the side. I feel the almighty power contained within the deep red crystal planted in the ground. It makes every hair on my body stand on end and causes my skin to have a continuous case of goosebumps.

Behind me, I have all of my bargaining chips well protected. A dozen of my wolves guard Gabriel, Collins, Connor, my Mutt and Jensen. Once I get what I want, I promised Theo that I would extinguish them. He can have them once I have connected to the stone. If he does decide to betray our deal, there’s no way they’ll get through the Mortem Wall once it is created. Nothing living can pass through the barrier that surrounds me during the spell. That is if this stone follows the same pattern as the one before. Hopefully, the wall will be made around the circular ditch that encircles the stone. No one has ventured into its circumference yet. They surround it, and in turn, the fort ruins encircle us all.

I look up at the sky. It’s perfectly clear. With each passing minute more stars twinkle in the velvety blackness. The distant hoot of an owl breaks the silence.

As soon as the moon is at its fullest, brilliantly white and shining bright, Theo claps together his hands, causing everyone to flinch.

‘It’s time,’ he declares. At his words, every weapon is primed and pointed at me. ‘Pull out the journal and read me the spell, Lilly. And you can be on your way.’ He points upwards. ‘The moon will soon turn red. Give me what I want and go.’

He walks to the Bloodstone between us and stops with his hands in his pockets and an expectant and triumphant smirk.

I really hate that face of his.

I intend to walk towards him. I manage a couple of steps before I stop and look back.

To those I intend to trade for my life. For my safety.


‘Yes, Lilly?’ he huffs impatiently.

‘Why do you want to bring my ancestor back? What do you plan on doing when she returns?’

‘Do you care?’ he sighs. ‘You won’t even be here.’

True, I think to myself.

I step back, ready to head towards Theo and conclude our business. But the look of betrayal on all the faces of those that love me is painful to see, weirdly enough. It shouldn’t affect me. But it’s affecting her. She’s inside me, screaming and hollering. She’s not left that corridor this whole time. She still scrambles against the creatures her childhood fears made manifest. Her ‘Ghouls’.

And when I see Gabriel’s eyes, watching me, filled with such loss and despair, I can’t help but go to him.

‘Lilly…’ Theo warns.

I ignore him, as well as the cocking of guns and the shuffling of feet.

I pass my wolves and stand before Gabriel, an uncomfortable and unwanted uncertainty in my gut.

‘Don’t do this,’ he pleads with a whisper. He steps forwards so his forehead rests on mine as he lets out a long breath. ‘Lilly. Please. Don’t abandon us here. Don’t take my girls from me. I am begging you. You and that baby are all I have. You’re all I have ever wanted. I will protect you. I will follow you. I will do whatever the fuck you want just don’t go.’

I reach up and rest my palm on his cheek. He nuzzles it. Kisses it. And soaks up as much of what I offer as he possibly can.

I try to swallow down the way my throat has started to constrict and blink away the tears that have begun to prick in my eyes.

I lean in and I kiss him.

I kiss him and I mean it just as much as he does.

It’s her lips that react to his caress. Not mine. It’s her heart that thumps and her lungs that swell. This body is made to love this man, even without a soul driving it. I know that what they have is pure. It’s timeless and real. Painful and desperate.

It’s destined to destroy them and fix them over and over and over.

This body can’t help but love him even though I don’t want to. Even though I can’t because I simply lack the human ability while Broken.

But Lilly, the Unbroken Lilly, she is strong. It takes all I have to keep her buried. It’s exhausting. I hope that with this dark deed I am about to do, her soul and her hope will die for good and leave me in peace.

Gabriel reaches out with his cuffed hands and plants them gently on my bump as his lips and tongue continue to work mine with skill.

Let me out! Let me out!

Her voice screams out in desperation.

Gabriel’s kiss slows and he flicks open his eyes. They stare into my soul, the one still scrambling in that endless hallway, desperately trying to reach that door containing her one pure memory which will set her free.

‘I love you,’ Gabriel tells me with utter certainty. ‘I loved you the moment I saw you and I will love you long after I am gone. If this world is destined to burn, then I am glad that you will not be here to burn with it. At least I can die knowing that you and our baby will be safe, and I can take comfort knowing that when you do reverse this Break, she will never know the truth of what you have done here. That she will not live with this on her conscience.’

He watches a tear slide down my cheek but I think that he knows the end for him isn’t coming.

It’s here.

This is our end.

‘I’m sorry,’ I tell him, running my thumb back and forth across his cheek. ‘But trust me when I tell you that this is the only way I, and this baby, survive. Gabriel, If I complete the final spell I-’


I spin, furious at his interruption.

‘WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE TALKING-’ With a thunderous BOOM, several of the castle walls explode, sending brick, stone and bodies in all directions. Screams of pain are swiftly drowned out by yells of war, as dozens of people charge through the rubble, howling and hollering like animals.

More Hunters? Descendants, perhaps?


I watch as some leap into the air far higher than any human could, and when they land, they crouch low, snarling and hissing at those around them before launching into an attack, swiping their hands as if they were claws. I cringe in horror as one sinks their teeth into the neck of a Hunter who screams in agony before slamming his pistol into his attacker’s temple and firing. The strange creature falls to the floor lifeless, but another jumps over them and slashes the Hunter’s throat.

A blast of fire from a bomb hurls me through the air before I can react and I land on the ground with a hard whack to the back of my head.

People start screaming.

Guns start firing.

Explosions rip through the night air and blood quickly seeps into my hair from where my head just collided with a rock.

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