The Last Witch: Volume One

: Chapter 7

Gabriel’s words are swimming around my head. Be honest. Be polite. I need to keep my answers simple. Harry always told me that I was an awful liar. That lies were written on my face like words on a page. Grayson isn’t a fool and lying to him isn’t a good idea.

‘Gabriel tells me that you are a Sensitive? How long have you had that ability?’

‘Am I?’

‘You tell me.’

‘I don’t know what that means so how can I answer you?’ I say a little sharper than intended. He’s acting like he’s trying to catch me out. When his eyebrows raise in response to my tone, I lower my head to show that I didn’t mean any disrespect. ‘I’m sorry. What I meant to say was, I don’t know what a Sensitive is. I don’t know anything about magic or witches.’

He rises from his chair and walks around the desk. I watch him like a hawk, half expecting him to lunge at me and start tying me to the chair as he did with my aunt and uncle.

‘Grayson, I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. Please, don’t-’

‘Lilly, calm yourself.’ He takes the seat next to me, crosses his legs and leans back comfortably. ‘I know we didn’t meet in the best circumstances. But I am not going to hurt you. We’re just talking. Okay? Please trust me. As long as you behave, I’ll behave. Deal?’ He gives me a smile, and I’m quick to nod. ‘Now, being a Sensitive means that you can sense magic. The humming you feel in the air around my men and I is our magic. So, I’ll ask you again, now that you understand the question. How long have you been a Sensitive?’

I answer clearly and with as much respect in my voice as I can muster. ‘I felt it for the first time with Collins,’ I say slowly and concisely.

‘That’s very interesting.’ He has a knowing smile as he looks briefly out the window. ‘Very interesting.’

‘Is it a bad thing?’ I ask.

He turns back to me and shakes his head.

‘No, Lilly. That is a fantastic thing.’ He’s watching me with fascination. Like I’m something thoroughly interesting, but all I am is extremely anxious. ‘I would love to know what your first manifestation of magic was. That is to say, when and how you got your first ability. Tell me about it. How old were you?’

‘I was four, maybe. I moved things. Then my fire came about four years ago.’

‘That’s remarkable. Absolutely remarkable,’ he says quietly before looking at his hands. He asks the next question without making eye contact. ‘Did you know that Toby was a Witch?’

‘Yes. I did.’

‘Did he tell you about me?’ He lifts his gaze, hungry for information.

‘No. He didn’t talk about any others. I actually thought we were the last ones,’ I laugh at my own words, embarrassed by how naive I was. The last two witches in all the world finding each other and falling in love. It would have been a sweet story. If Toby wasn’t, well…Toby.

There’s a knock on the door and Gabriel walks in holding a plate in the air. I could slump in a heap with relief.

‘Food,’ he says, looking at Grayson for permission to come in.

With a nod from Grayson, he comes in, hands me the plate and I tuck in happily to the ham and cheese salad sandwich.

‘You like ham then,’ he says happily, leaning on the desk and folding his arms. ‘How are we getting on?’

‘We were just talking about Toby,’ Grayson tells him. I stop chewing. Isn’t he done with the Toby talk? I swallow, and suddenly my stomach is closed for business. I can’t face another bite. Why on earth does he want to talk about him? ‘Her uncle seemed to believe he was Lilly’s boyfriend,’ Grayson tells Gabriel like I’m not here.

A small scoff erupts from Gabriel. It gets my back up a little.

‘How did you even meet?’ Gabriel asks. ‘I thought your uncle kept you hidden in the house?’

‘He did. For the most part.’

‘So how did you two meet?’ Grayson asks.

‘Erm.’ I take a second to think how best to answer. ‘Well, I was hanging out washing and he sort of…appeared.’

‘Your uncle made you do chores?’

‘Harry would only really speak to me when he wanted to vent.’

‘Vent?’ Gabriel asks.

‘Yeah. He had…anger issues.’ They share an angry look. ‘I was put under the supervision of a man called Mr Simmons. He kept me busy.’

‘The man who Hendrix stopped from throttling you to death?’ Grayson enquires.

I nod. ‘He knew what I was and was hired to keep me under control. Mr Simmons used to be in the military. Secret ops or something.’

‘So what happened between you and Toby?’ Grayson asks.

‘Two years ago, we had a fight, and he left. I’ve not seen him since.’ I hope that’s enough information for him.

‘I assume he knows you’re a Witch?’ Grayson asks.

I nod.

‘How long were you two together?’

Images invade my mind of Toby and our time together. The good and the bad.

‘Lilly?’ Grayson says a little impatiently pulling me out from my momentary daydream.

‘Three years. Can we talk about something else please?’

‘Three years!’ Gabriel says suddenly in disbelief. ‘How did we not know-’ Grayson holds up his hand silencing him and leans forwards a little more to me.

‘Is that three years including the time you spent in the cellar?’

‘No. Three years before the cellar. I was about sixteen when we met.’

‘So he knew about the late manifestation of fire?’

‘The what?’ I ask.

‘That you manifested your fire four years ago. He knew that?’

I nod. ‘He actually taught me how to do it,’ I admit. ‘Toby taught me how to use my fire and helped me practice moving stuff.’ I stop talking as I see how they are both looking at me. With furrowed eyes and suspicious expressions. ‘Have I said something wrong?’

‘He helped you manifest fire?’

‘Yes,’ I answer nervously.


I keep my eyes down and shrug, too embarrassed to say.

‘Lilly, please tell me how he helped you,’ he repeats, but I remain silent. With a sigh he says, ‘Can you tell me what you two fought about when he left?’ Another stint of silence from me and he groans. ‘It is imperative we find him.’

‘Knowing why we fought won’t help you.’

‘Is there anything that you can tell me that might?’

‘There was something he mentioned once. A brother. But I got the impression he was dead. Other than that…he didn’t really talk about his life away from me.’ He nods and the two brothers share a look of disappointment. ‘He had a friend. A female friend,’ I add in the hope that I can be of some use.

‘What was her name?’ Grayson asks shifting to the edge of his seat and staring at me intently.

‘I don’t know.’

‘What did she look like?’

‘I never saw her face. Sorry.’

‘So how can you be sure if she was a she?’ Gabriel asks, folding his arms and looking at me.

‘I just know,’ I say hoping that that will be enough. But of course, it’s not. They both look at me expectantly, so with a sigh, I accept that there’s no getting past letting them see how pathetic a girl I really am.

‘Because he would…’ I run my hands through my hair before letting them slump onto my lap. ‘Well, when I got jealous, he would make me watch them together. She would wear a hoody, and she would face away from me while they were…together, but it was always the same girl. She had long blonde hair that would fall out the front of the hood.’ I lean back and refuse to look up at them.

‘He made you watch him screw someone else? Why would he do that?’ The disgust in Gabriel’s voice is apparent.

‘Toby said I was weak. And that exposing me to hurt would build up a tolerance. I got jealous? He would sleep with other girls. I got frightened of something? He would expose me to it even more. That’s it. I don’t know where the book is. I don’t know where Toby is, and I don’t know anything else about the girl other than the colour of her hair and that she liked being watched while having sex with the man I was in love with.’ I bury my face in my hands in shame. ‘Can we please just move on from Toby?’

Grayson kneels on the floor in front of me and gently pulls my hands away so he can see me.

‘Toby is a callous and nasty individual. I’m very sorry that he treated you so poorly. I won’t ask any more questions about him. Okay?’ He gets to his feet and returns to his chair leaning back and once more looks at ease. It makes me feel at ease too, and I’m pleased that we’re moving on.

‘I know you said you have no idea where Junior may be. Your cousin? But if you have any information that might help us locate him, any friends he had? Or places he liked going?’

‘I didn’t really know him,’ I reply. ‘He was at boarding school and then went travelling as far as I’m aware. I wasn’t really included in family matters.’ He looks disappointed. ‘Why do you want to find him?’

‘Because other than you, he is the last known Hooper. If there is any chance of continuing the bloodline, I have to try. Besides, he’s of magical descent. He is entitled to a place with us. Are you certain you can’t help in finding him?’

‘I would if I could, Grayson. Sorry.’

He quickly moves on.

‘Can you demonstrate what you can do for me please?’ He raises his hand and the blue lightning snakes between his fingers as a demonstration. He wants me to show him my magic.

‘You’ve seen what I can do,’ I tell him. ‘The fire and-’

‘I have seen you angry and your magic affecting your environment. I want to see what you can do. I want to see if you can control it.’ He gestures for me to stand. ‘Show me.’

I get to my feet which are unsteady and reluctant to obey his command.

I imagine my magic as a bright red light when I attempt to use it intentionally. It’s a glow that’s always in my chest, and when I want it, I channel it out, sending it through my body and towards what I want to use it on. I see it in my mind. A swirling mass of red waves on a stormy ocean, and send it to the fireplace to create my fire. It’s controlled and calm but still the unnatural black and white. He gives a small approving nod and continues to wait. Gabriel’s looking at the flames with his arms folded and a deep furrow on his brow. He doesn’t seem impressed. He seems suspicious. Wary.

‘Why is it that colour?’ Gabriel asks suddenly. ‘It’s like his. Is she Broken too?’ Grayson silences him by raising his hand but keeps his eyes on me.

‘Broken? You keep saying that and I have no idea what it means.’

‘What else can you do?’

Me being “Broken” isn’t up for discussion. Yet. But I’ll find out. I just need to wait for the right moment to ask. So instead of pushing it, I continue my demonstration.

The sound of something sliding across the desk makes Grayson’s eyes flick in that direction, and he smiles proudly. Resting on the blade’s tip on the very edge of the desk beside him is a rose gold miniature knife letter opener. He reaches over and inspects the knife before putting it back on its side.

‘Very well controlled.’ He admires. He gestures for me to return to my seat, but I remain standing.

‘Can you do any of that?’ I ask.

‘I have Telekinesis. The ability to manipulate objects around me, and this,’ he wriggles his hand and shows me his lightning before once more gesturing for me to sit. ‘This is called Energy magic. It’s like lightning. Your fire is called Elemental magic.’

‘And you can control the actions of others?’ I ask Gabriel, who nods with his half-smile back in place.

‘It’s called Mental magic. Power over the mind,’ Gabriel tells me.

‘Collins is strong. Like superhuman strength.’

‘Physical magic. The ability to heal or manipulate your strength,’ Grayson explains.

‘And Hendrix is a vampire.’ Again, another nod as nervous laughter sneaks out of me. ‘Wow,’ I whisper letting all this sink in.

‘Sit down, Lilly,’ Grayson says. ‘Let’s talk about-’

‘My uncle told me I was the last, but then I met Toby-’

‘Lilly, sit down,’ he repeats when I continue standing. ‘I want-’

‘Are we the only ones or are there others?’ I ask Gabriel. I’m so excited to learn more. Gabriel stands up and has such enthusiasm on his face as I beam at him. ‘Do you all gather together and do spells on a full moon?’ I tease.

‘It’s just us,’ Gabriel laughs. ‘And we’re more inclined to gather for a beer than spells I’m afraid.’

‘Well, that sounds fun too!’

‘Well, I’ll gather the Coven as soon as possible,’ he says with a chuckle.

‘It’s a date.’

He looks into my eyes and says quietly, ‘I’ll hold you to that.’

‘I SAID SIT DOWN, LILLY!’ Grayson shouts suddenly, making me jump and sink into the chair with my head down. The smile that was stretched across my face and the excitement about learning more about Witches has abandoned me.

‘Grayson!’ Gabriel scorns quietly. ‘Take it easy.’

Grayson’s eyes flash angrily to his brother before settling back on me.

‘I apologise for my outburst. But I won’t repeat myself,’ he warns. ‘I asked her to sit. I expect her to sit. Not ignore me completely and talk over me.’ I sink back further into the chair. His tone alone is terrifying never mind his angry expression.

‘I’m sorry,’ I say in barely a whisper. ‘I meant no offence.’

‘I accept your apology,’ Grayson says, getting to his feet. ‘But to avoid future misunderstandings let me make this perfectly clear to you, Miss Hooper. I do not tolerate rudeness. I detest lies, and I will not repeat myself. Ever. The sooner you learn this about me, the more enjoyable you will find your time here.’ I would run screaming and crying if I could rid myself of the paralysing fear he’s just forced on me. My magic is bubbling up from my chest. My own built-in defence mechanism ready to attack with or without instruction from me. The more afraid I feel, the stronger it becomes until it starts seeping out. The lights in the room flicker. The pictures hanging on the wall begin to shake.

‘You’re scaring her, Grayson.’ Gabriel looks nervously at the less than inanimate objects.

‘My warning goes for you too, little brother. You know I demand more respect than this. So stop flirting with her and start doing as you’re told.’ They watch each other for a moment until Gabriel looks away to the floor. Grayson’s in charge. The conversation is over, and Grayson’s point has been made loud and clear.

I close my eyes and try to control the surge of power that’s desperate to explode. I’m strong but unpredictable, and I don’t want to anger the only people that have so far tried to help me by hurling them or their possessions around the room.

‘Okay. Okay, easy,’ Grayson soothes, resting his hands over mine. I open my eyes and see him on his knees in front of me. ‘I am sorry I shouted. Perhaps I was too hasty in my reaction. I really didn’t mean to frighten you. Forgive me?’

He remains on his knees looking up at me. The soft grip he has on my hand is as uncomfortable as ever. I nod because what else can I say or do? I don’t want to leave The Orchard. I don’t want to be on my own again. If I have to work around Grayson’s rules, I will. It’s a small price to pay for freedom.

‘Take some deep breaths for me,’ Grayson says, leading by example and taking in a long deep inhale. I copy, and after a few minutes, the room settles. It’s nice to know that I can be calmed. Even if it’s him that set me off in the first place.

Grayson gets to his feet with a smile and reaches out his hand. ‘Let’s take a break. Come with me.’

‘Where are we going?’

‘I’m going to give you a tour of your new home.’


We walk out to the entrance hall leaving Gabriel behind. Grayson leads me forward to the stained glass doors and out to the front of the house.

At the end of a very long gravel driveway is a set of thick, black, heavy, electronic gates set between a high, solid wall that stretches on and on clearly marking the boundary between us and the outside world. The driveway leads straight back up to the house finishing by a huge stone water feature of an angel with her wings spread wide and water cascading down on a platform beneath her feet. Running alongside the driveway are dozens of apple trees. Parked around the stone feature ahead are several cars. One of which is the black Mercedes Grayson brought me here in. And behind that is a large garage.

Looking back, I see the front of the house. The pillared porch and arching windows make it look like something from a period drama. It’s made of dark grey stone and is three storeys high except in the corners where turrets are giving an extra floor. It extends round the back, giving it an east and west wing.

‘Holy shit…’ I gasp. ‘You live in a castle!’

‘It’s impressive, huh?’ He looks up at the house with me.

‘You know it is!’ Outside in the air and with him smiling easily at me, I find it easier to talk to him.

‘Come on,’ he says happily, nudging me playfully. ‘Let’s carry on.’

Back in the lobby, he opens the doors to our right and gestures for me to go in.

‘This is the dining room.’

Inside, the walls are covered with light wood panels and above us is a domed ceiling with a crystal chandelier hanging centrally over a large oak table big enough for twelve at least. Again, there’s an impressive fireplace made of white marble and a large set of doors with deep red velvet curtains that lead out to the garden. We walk back out to the hall and into the next set of double doors beside it.

‘This is the lounge,’ he tells me.

In the centre of the enormous room is a large cream sofa with two armchairs either side. The high ceiling curves into a dome again with a matching large crystal chandelier hanging in the middle. Same as in the dining room. The floors are the same wood as the rest of the house, but this room has a rustic rug of red, blue and white stripes almost reaching the walls, the lower half of which are oak panels and the top halves decorated in yet more exquisite paintings of stunning landscapes. Decorative vases and antique furniture are placed beautifully around this massive room, and yet again, there’s another grand fireplace. This one’s made of gold and marble with carved pillars reaching up to the base of the dome. In the corner by the window is a black grand piano with a stool. And in the other corner, tucked away almost out of sight is a record player with hundreds of vinyls neatly stored in shelves next to it. The dining room and lounge combined are the same size as Grayson’s office. This place is enormous! He leads me out past the stairs and his office, towards the kitchen. Opposite which is a set of double doors. He opens them up.

‘Game room,’ he tells me. Inside is a pool table sitting in the centre of a large, light room with wooden floors and high ceilings. In the far left are a couple of sofas facing a television and bar stocked with bottles of spirits. There are two large glass doors at the far end. Peering out I see they open up into the garden.

‘I like this room.’ I swipe the balls across the table and fail to pot a single one. ‘Do you play?’

He rests his palms on the large table and watches me.

‘I do. You?’

‘Once. I was terrible.’

‘Remind me and I’ll teach you,’ he insists.

We leave and go back into the hall and turn right. The hall splits and continues to the right and to the left. At the end of each corridor are more doors. He takes me right and leads me inside.


‘The Victorian conservatory,’ he tells me as I walk inside a circular room made of glass giving me a complete view of the grounds. There are cream sofas and loungers placed all around. It’s all very elegant. The windows are all open letting in the fresh air and in the middle, is a small fish pond built into the floor with Koi gliding through the water.

‘Holy shit, Grayson, your home is…this is all…’

‘Why, thank you,’ he says with a small courteous bow. ‘Would you like to carry on?’

‘Lead the way!’ I’m eager to see more. The only other house I’ve been in was my uncle’s. The Orchard is so much nicer.

We walk back along the hall to the door at the other end.

‘Palm house,’ he says. ‘Otherwise known as big, greenhouse.’

The room’s hot and filled with plants.

‘You like gardening?’ I ask leaning in and smelling the various flowers. He nods. ‘You, Grayson…are full of surprises.’

‘You have no idea.’ He grins. The tension from inside his office is gone, to which I’m very relieved.

We return to the hall and walk past the kitchen and the game room, back into the extraordinary entrance lobby.

‘Come on. Upstairs next.’

We climb up to the first floor.

‘There are six bedrooms on this floor. Each has their own bathroom. There are also two extra bathrooms, a few cupboards and a room we shove junk in,’ he explains as we walk. He points out which room belongs to Collins, Hendrix and now me. The hall bends to the left allowing more space for the sheer number of rooms this house holds.

We return to the stairs going up instead of down. I like it up here. The hall goes in a big square so I can walk around the twisting staircase and look down to the lobby floor. As I stand at the top of the stairs, there are two large double doors both to my left and my right. He walks to the ones on the right.

‘This is my bedroom, and that one there,’ he gestures to the other double doors opposite. ‘Is Gabriel’s bedroom. We are the only ones that sleep up here.’ As we walk along the landing, I admire the art covering the walls. There are pieces I recognise and know from Mr Simmons that they are missing. Rembrandt’s The Storm on the Sea of Galilee and Vermeer’s The Concert, hang bold as brass right in front of me.

On the other side of this square balcony are three more doors. Two of which are bedrooms, he tells me.

‘What about that one?’ I ask, looking at the third door in the far corner. Like his and Gabriel’s, they’re double doors.

‘That room used to belong to my brother. Bias.’ A solemn look washes over his features as he looks at the set of doors, and his tone drops lower as he talks. ‘Bias died a few years back. He was our youngest brother.’

‘Oh, Grayson, I’m so sorry. What happened?’

‘I would rather not talk about it.’ He attempts a smile, but it’s so full of grief I can’t help but rest my hand on his arm in comfort.

With a small tap on my hand, he continues walking around the landing and back to the stairs.

‘Come on. We haven’t finished yet.’

He takes me back to the first floor and turns right, past my room and towards a set of doors at the end. I assume it’s a bedroom, but when I walk in I gasp in awe! I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

‘Grayson, this is… I mean…wow!’

‘The Library,’ he says. ‘It’s the whole of the west wing. Twenty-two metres long. Ten metres wide. Twenty-two thousand books at the last count and home to the largest selection of occult reference books in the world. As well as all the mainstream greats. Dickens, Shakespeare, Tolstoy…’ he opens his arms as he walks into the very centre of the room. ‘This…’ he looks lovingly at every corner of this grand room. ‘This is my baby.’

‘Your baby’s amazing! I’ve never seen anything like this.’

The books are housed in oak carved bookcases that not only line the walls but jut out creating aisles. There are tables and great big armchairs for reading. Above us is a gallery overlooking the room with yet more books, and at the end of the library is a large, lit ornate marble fireplace warming the room. I can’t wait to curl up in front of it with one of these books. The cream ceiling has dark wooden beams going across from one end to the other, and two large full height bay windows are giving outstanding views across the gardens. I charge across the room pressing my nose against the glass in excitement.

‘Is that the ocean?’ I ask, pointing into the distance. I’ve never seen the ocean before. As I strain to see it, he walks up behind me and gently slides his hands onto my hips. As he does I tense. He feels my reaction but keeps them there.

‘We are a couple of miles from the coast here. If you walk in that direction,’ He gestures into the distance, pressing his body against mine. ‘You will reach the cliffs. I will take you for a walk one day. It really is stunning. My brother and I own the land right up to the edge.’

‘How long have you lived here?’ I ask. My attention shifting from the amazing house and views, to the powerful and frightening man holding onto me.


I look back at him. All this beauty and he’s taking me in completely. He turns me by my hips and firms his grip, holding me in place.

‘Do you like The Orchard?’ he asks.

‘I love it, Grayson. I’m so thankful to you for letting me stay here.’

‘I don’t want you to be thankful. I want you to be happy.’ He glances down to my lips. ‘Lilly…I would very much like to kiss you.’

My breath hitches as he leans in. I raise my hands to his solid chest and stop his approach. I barely touch him, and he halts.

‘I’m sorry, Grayson. I can’t…’ but he’s still looking at my lips. He’s dangerous and frankly terrifying, even if he is incredibly attractive and has saved my life. ‘I’m just not ready to be kissed. By anyone. I’m sorry.’

‘You never have to apologise for not being ready to kiss me,’ he says sweetly.

‘What’s that?’ I ask nodding to the fireplace, hoping to distract him without insulting him. Disappointed, he lets go and walks towards the sizeable woven tapestry hanging pride of place on the wall. It’s black with an intricate silver seven-pointed star in the centre. Simple, but very bold.

‘We call it the Arcane star. It’s a representation of the most powerful type of witch ever to exist. An Arcane Witch. Have you ever heard of an Arcane Witch before?’

‘No,’ I tell him still looking up at the tapestry. ‘But my mother used to wear a necklace with a seven-pointed star on it.’

‘She did?’

‘Yeah.’ I run my fingers along my neck, missing the small piece of jewellery immensely. ‘Is that what you are? Is that why you’re the Coven’s leader?’

He laughs and shakes his head.

‘I wish I was an Arcane Witch. That would have made my life a lot easier, but sadly no.’ He points up to the image. ‘Do you see how the star has seven points? Well, each point refers to a different realm of power. There are seven realms in total. Telekinesis, Elemental, Sensativa, Energy, Physical, Mental and Sight. All witches are born able to access at least one of those realms. Gabriel, for example, has Mental magic allowing him to alter and control people’s minds. Collins has Physical magic which allows him to heal and have extraordinary strength. I have Energy.’ Raising his hand, he creates his lightning. ‘And Telekinesis, of course. Most Witches are born able to access one realm, but some like me are lucky enough to possess two. And then there’s you. You have three. Telekinesis, Elemental, and Sensativa.’

‘So, what makes the Arcane so special?’

‘They are special because they can access all of them.’

‘All seven! That’s a lot of power. Is there an Arcane alive now?’

‘The last one died five hundred years ago,’ Grayson tells me. He’s not looking at the star anymore but at me. ‘Before she died, she did a spell to protect us all from a terrible threat. Witch hunters. You see, five hundred years ago Hunters launched an attack on us all without warning. We didn’t even know they existed until it was too late. Their mission was simple. To hunt and kill every single witch on the planet without mercy or exception. We were massively outnumbered and extremely unprepared. Soon there were hardly any of us left. With the risk of extinction and heartbroken at watching all the bloodshed, the Arcane did a spell. A spell that prevented witches accessing their magic.’


‘So we could pass for human. Hunters could track us via our magic. We had to give it up so we could hide. Cutting us all off from our powers meant we could live in the world without prejudice and the threat of death hanging over us at every turn. For years children were killed. Families torn apart. Innocents were being tortured. We needed to disappear.’

‘That’s awful.’ I feel my heart break a little. ‘That’s so unfair! What happened to the Witches after the spell?’

‘They’re still here. Well, their children’s, children’s children. They are called Descendants. You met one earlier. Amara Jayne. If she were alive five hundred years ago she would have magic. But with the veil up she doesn’t. Your uncle and your cousin are descendants too. Hunters would love to get their hands on the Descendants, even now. To them, they’re all still Witches. Even without their magic.’

He turns and looks back up at the star, but now it’s me that can’t stop looking at him. I’m dying for more information.

‘What’s the Veil?’

‘Magic exists in a place called the Arcane Realm. Think of it as a world that lives right next to ours. An invisible world.’

‘Like an alternative reality?’

‘Sort of. Yes. But instead of people occupying it, it’s just pure magic. Five hundred years ago the two worlds overlapped, but the Arcane did a spell and created a veil between us. We call it the Arcane Veil. It stopped the magic reaching us.’

‘Okay…’ I say more to myself than to him. I need a minute to take it all in. All the information about the Hunters, the Descendants, the veil. I’m determined to understand. The world is so much bigger than I ever imagined. So much more complicated. How can a girl that spent most her life living in the confines of her uncle’s house ever expect to understand it all? As I look up at the star, a connection sparks in my brain.

‘The book you’re after, it has a seven-pointed star on it.’

‘It does.’

‘It’s connected then? The veil, the book, the Arcane.’

‘The book is, in fact, a Journal. One written by the Arcane Witch in a language that only an Arcane Witch can read. Inside is the spell she used to put up the Veil. As well as the spell to bring it down.’

I whip my head around understanding what he means to achieve. Understanding why the book is so important to him.

‘You want to bring the veil down, don’t you?’

He smiles.

‘That’s why you’re so desperate to find it! You want to bring back magic!’

‘Yes. We want to return magic to all the Descendants of the world so they can come out of hiding and take back their freedom. If we don’t, we’ll all be killed by Hunters for certain. But we need your help.’

‘I’m supposed to help you?’ I say slowly in disbelief. ‘I told you, I don’t know where Toby or the book is. Why won’t you believe me?’

‘I do believe you. But finding Toby is not how you can help me.’ He takes a step closer to me as we stand beneath the star. I’m so enthralled by what he’s saying I don’t care he’s close again.

‘Magic manifests, and then it’s done,’ he says. ‘I got both my realms when I was six. That’s it. No more. You have been manifesting them for years. First your Telekinesis. Then years later your Elemental magic. Then two days ago you manifested Sensativa.’

‘What does that mean?’ I ask nervously.

‘It means that you will keep manifesting till you are finished. Until you become a fully formed Arcane Witch.’

I can’t help but laugh. That’s funny. I soon stop when he looks a little annoyed at my reaction. Is he serious?!

‘Hang on. You’re not joking, are you?’ I step back and stare at him like he’s crazy. ‘Are you actually saying you think I’m this…Arcane thing?’ I shake my head as he nods. ‘No. I’m sorry, but you’re very mistaken.’ Is that the only reason he wanted me here? When he knows I’m not this Arcane Witch, will he kick me out?

‘The last Arcane Witch was called Rebecca Hooper. Only Hooper witches have ever been Arcanes. Why do you think I was so keen to find Harry’s son? If you all died out, the Veil might never come down. Why do you think I came to your house? Why do you think that your mother would have a necklace that represents Arcane power?’

My mouth won’t close.

‘I’m not an Arcane,’ I tell him. ‘I can’t be.’

‘I grew up with Rebecca. I know an Arcane Witch when I see one, and you, Miss Hooper, are an Arcane Witch.’

‘You’re wrong!’ I insist ‘I’m sorry but you’re just wrong, Grayson.’ I shake my head and step away from him. The enjoyment from the lovely tour, the beautiful library…it’s all gone.

He steps closer.

‘I’m not wrong. You are the single most important Witch alive. The most powerful. The most amazing-’

‘Stop it! I’m not those things. I’m not,’ I insist. ‘So if you think I am, you’re wrong. If that’s why you brought me here, then I may as well turn and leave now. Because I’m not going to live up to your expectations.’ I’m suddenly furious. Angry tears start appearing, so I turn away. He reaches out to take my hand, and I yank myself away.

‘Why are you acting like this?’ he asks. ‘What have I said to make you angry?’

‘Do you really think if I were as amazing and as powerful as you say, I would have let myself suffer like I have? You think Rebecca Hooper would have let what happened to me, happen to her?’ I shake my head again and wipe my tears on the sleeve of Gabriel’s hoody.

‘Hey,’ he says gently. ‘What happened to you wasn’t your fault. Don’t talk like that.’

‘I’m no one, Grayson. Not your Arcane. Not your answer to the Veil. I can’t control the magic I do have, never mind piling on four more realms. I’m nothing. I’m no one and life has been hard enough being no one.’

‘Are you afraid?’ he asks, still looking concerned as I almost yell at him. ‘Or do you think you’re just not worthy? Because let me tell you,’ he walks straight up to me and takes my face in his hands. ‘You are worthier than anyone I have ever met. From what I’ve seen, you have faced the absolute worst of humanity. You have been beaten. Starved. Tormented. And I suspect much worse. Yet you are the one that still stands. You are the one that is free. All those people at your uncle’s house are dead. You’re not. Toby’s on the run. Living in the shadows like a coward. Not you. Some people would have killed themselves long ago if they faced half of what you have faced so don’t ever call yourself nothing. Don’t ever think you are no one because you are the most important someone to exist.’ He looks at my lips and wraps his fingers in my hair. ‘You are everything I have been looking for in the last five hundred years.’

I never knew my mouth could dry so fast. His closeness and his words have stunned me completely.

‘How old are you, Grayson?’ I ask in a whisper.


I remember Gabriel in the orchard this morning. He said he was Twenty-five-ish.

‘How long have you been twenty-eight?’ I ask.

With a sly smile, he says, ‘Five hundred and fifty three years.’

‘Oh my god,’ I whisper, my voice lost to shock. He’s centuries old!

‘God had nothing to do with it.’ He leans in and kisses me. His mouth claiming mine as well as his arm which wraps around my back. He pulls me in, holding me close to his body. I don’t close my eyes. I don’t push him away, because honestly? I’m scared. I pull back and cover my lips with my fingers.

Our eyes meet, and he’s smiling that smile again. And still, it doesn’t reach his eyes.

‘I want you to help me bring magic back, Lilly Hooper. There are hundreds of Descendants depending on us to save them. I need you to help me bring back witches. Only an Arcane can. Will you help us?’ He’s searching my eyes for an answer. A sign of what I’m thinking.

Someone behind us clears their throat and I spin round to see Gabriel watching us. I walk a few steps away from Grayson, embarrassed that he more than likely saw us kiss.

‘Grayson,’ Gabriel says coldly. ‘Billy’s here. He wants to know when you want the men back.’

‘Tell him I’ll be down in a moment,’ Grayson replies happily. Gabriel looks to the floor before leaving the room.

‘Will you help me?’ Grayson asks, bringing my attention back to him. ‘Will you help me bring back magic?’


Grayson walked me back to my room, and before he left, he asked me to think about everything he’d said. I couldn’t give him an answer. How could I? I have no idea what any of this really means. Is it a good idea to bring back magic? Is he right about me? I don’t know these people. Not really. I have no idea if I can trust them.

After an hour of staring out the window with all the information Grayson has shared with me swirling around my head, I watch the sun sink lower into the horizon. Soon, the first stars I’ve seen in years blink into view. It distracts me for a while and gives my brain a chance to slow down.

He thinks I’m an Arcane Witch. He needs the Journal Toby has run away with. A journal that only I can read. He plans to return magic to the world. He and Gabriel are five centuries old! Jesus! I bury my face in my hands. Yeah, like that will help. I don’t know what frightens me more. If he’s right about me and I’m due another four realms of power, or if he’s wrong and I have to deal with a disappointed Grayson. I don’t imagine he would take it very well. On top of all that, I let him kiss me. I slam my fist into the wall in frustration and groan.

As I sit in the dark, I occasionally sense a witch walk past the room. Every squeaky floorboard, every voice or loud noise has me on high alert. My heart will wear out if it keeps beating like this. Before I get into bed, I slide the dressing table across the door. The duvet keeps getting tangled in my feet and the pillow feels like it’s smothering my face. Finally, I give in and accept that I’m just not used to being so comfortable. I slide down on to the floor, rest my back against the bed and bury my face in my arms. I pull myself in, making my body as small as possible and fall asleep feeling afraid, confused and overwhelmed.


I’m barely aware that I’m being lifted off the floor. The room’s still dark as I’m laid gently down on the bed. In my half-asleep state, it’s much more comfortable. The duvet’s pulled up around my neck, and I settle down. Whoever has lifted me into bed, sits beside me and as soon as I feel their hand stroke my head, I know who it is.

‘Gabriel?’ I whisper.

‘Yes, Lilly?’

‘My mum had a necklace. It was a star,’ I tell him sleepily. ‘Did she know?’

‘Know what?’ he asks.

‘That I’m the Arcane Witch?’ His hand continues to stroke my head, and I’m struggling to stay awake.

‘I think so. Yes.’

‘Did Toby?’ His hand stops. ‘Is that why he wanted me?’

‘Go back to sleep.’

‘Night, Gabriel.’

‘Goodnight, Lilly.’


I wake with a start as the sound of a door closing disturbs my sleep. I sit and look around. It wasn’t a dream. The dressing table’s been put back to where it was against the wall and Gabriel’s put me into my bed.

When I hear Hendrix’s booming voice calling to someone from outside, I know I won’t be able to sleep if anyone can just walk in here. I get up and put the dressing table chair under the handle of the door. Feeling that little bit safer, I crawl back into bed determined to keep my mind as empty as possible so I can actually get some sleep.

I just hope I don’t have a nightmare.

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