The Last Witch: 3.5: Beyond The Veil. A Novella

The Last Witch: 3.5: Chapter 13

    thundering hooves makes me open my eyes. I’m on the floor of the camp, facing the dying embers of the fire.

The sound gets louder.

Bias is the first on his feet, running ahead of me with flames burning on his hands, ready to fight whoever is charging toward us. Connor is quick to stand at his side, fists clenched. Both men stand firm.

I blink a couple of times.

Am I still dreaming?

The long grass starts to move, and out rushes a horse before it skids to a stop.

My eyes widen at the sudden sight of the beast which rears on its hind legs and lets out a furious neigh.

I sit, ready to throw off my blanket and defend us from this intruder.

But the horse lands and I see atop it a man, panting from the effort of a strenuous ride. His eyes land on me in an instant, and he leaps down.

‘Gabriel?’ I ask, rubbing my eyes. ‘What…’

The boys step aside, allowing Gabriel through as he charges toward me. His jaw is rigid in a tight line and his entire body is tensed as he storms closer.

‘What part of stay home and rest did you struggle to understand, huh?’

‘Don’t be mad. I’m sorry I left. It was-’ Gabriel falls to his knees before I can fully sit or finish explaining myself. He pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me in a powerful hug.

‘Are you determined to give me a fucking heart attack?!’ he complains. ‘What the hell were you thinking? For fuck’s sake, woman. I just got you back. You can’t be running off on your own looking for lunatics with knives who are going around slaughtering fucking unicorns!’ He lets out a long sigh and breathes me in as he holds me. ‘My heart is about ready to burst through my chest here, Beautiful. I’m ready to drop with goddamn worry.’

‘I’m sorry,’ I tell him, reaching up and knotting my fingers in his dark hair. ‘I planned to come back, but I was just so tired. How did you get here so fast?’

He sits back on his feet and sweeps my hair clear from my face, looking me over with both relief and concern.

‘I got back shortly after Connor’s parents arrived at the cottage. They told me you went to see them and carried on down the coast to look for Connor. I didn’t even bother dismounting the horse. I just went at full speed to where they told me you would be.’

The horse gives a tired grunt and lays down, ready to have a well-earned sleep.

Gabriel pulls me in once more and melds himself around me.

‘I’m okay,’ I assure him. ‘Everything is fine.’

‘Everything is not fine.’ Gabriel looks up at the others. His eyes land on Bias. ‘Thank fuck you’re okay. We’ve been looking for you.’

‘We’re fine,’ Bias nods. ‘I’m still me, so there’s no need to worry.’

Gabriel gets to his feet and pulls Bias into a hug.

‘I’m not worried about that, you prat. I have no concerns about your Break in the slightest. I was worried you were hurt or alone and sinking in bad thoughts. I thought… I was scared that you were hurt. That they might have taken you too.’ Gabriel tuts and holds him tighter. Bias hugs him right back. ‘Don’t disappear like that again, Bias.’ He releases him and gives him a firm whack on his shoulder before pointing angrily at all three of us. ‘If you lot can’t behave, I will have no other choice but to put a tracking spell on you all. I seriously have no idea how much more my heart can take. We stick together. All of us. You got that?’

He looks at me, and I nod. He looks at Connor who also nods.

Bias hesitates.

‘I mean it, brother,’ Gabriel states. ‘You’re not on your own here, okay? If you’re in pain, we want to help.’

‘The pain I feel is my own fault. I don’t want to bring down your time together. You and Lilly have only just reunited. I’m in the way.’

‘We’re a family. All of us. So quit saying stupid shit like that. If you wanna take off, come over and talk to us first.’ He pats Bias affectionately on the cheek. ‘I’ve only just got you back too, don’t forget. Our house is big enough for your crazy arse to come over any time. All the time. Don’t think otherwise. Ever.’

With a humble smile, Bias nods.

‘What happened at the village?’ I ask Gabriel. ‘Did you find anything?’

Gabriel turns to me. I really dislike the look on his face.

‘What? I dare ask. ‘Did you find them? Are they okay?

‘We erm…’ He clears his throat and stands a little taller. ‘We didn’t. No. But we did go to the location of the slaughtered animals the girl Megan mentioned. And erm…’


‘There were a lot of dead animals. All with missing body parts or organs. We think it’s someone messing about with-’

‘Dark Magic,’ I finish.

‘Yeah. Yeah, someone is messing with Dark Magic.’

‘That’s bad. That’s… that’s very bad.’ I look at them all. ‘And what about our people? Are they still missing? What if they’re being carved up and having bits stolen for this Dark Magic?’

‘The Council are all over it. We’ll find them.’

‘We should go back to the village. To the site of the slaughtered animals. To-’

Gabriel clamps his hands down on my shoulders, stopping me from charging off.

‘There’s nothing to be done for now. Not for us. And not for you.’

‘I’m responsible for-’

‘No. We are all responsible. All of us. And if you don’t slow the fuck down and calm your pace, you will end up seriously hurting yourself. All you need to do now is take a breath and trust me.’

‘We need to go back.’

‘You’re not ready to whoosh yet. Your eyes are still bloodshot.’

‘Then we ride.’

Gabriel looks at the horse currently snoring across the camp.

‘I don’t think that’s going to happen either. Not yet, anyway.’ He rests his hands on my hips. ‘We will find them. I promise. But right now, you need to stop. You need to recharge. You need to come with me.’

‘Why? Where are we going?’

‘I want to show you something.’ He smiles. ‘Come on.’

He takes my hand and leads me away from the camp. As he looks back, he shows me that wicked half-smile and as I stumble, still cumbersome from sleep, he spins on his heel and tosses me over his shoulder.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ I laugh as he carries me into the grass.

‘You’ll see,’ he says, slapping my backside as he strides onwards, letting out a soft chuckle. ‘You’ll see.’

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