The Last Spirit Wolf by Elena Norwood Novel Full Episode

The Rise Of The King Chapter 19


"I'm sorry to interrupt, I - Uhm, was hoping I could get a word with you?" Cassia says.

"Sure, come, sit," I motion to the seat that Charlotte just emptied.

"So, I know it isn't really my place, considering everything that happened back at the manor, but I was hoping you had a... job for me?"

I frown and c**k my head to the side at her as she takes a seat in front of me.

"I mean, Jeremy has found his way into the kitchen thanks to Lucas. Apparently with so many new people in the Castle, they needed the help, and that's like, his dream. That's what he did at the manor before well, before everything went to shit. And Violet has decided to train with Lucas because you made it painfully obvious how useless she is in a fight; she wants to make sure she can protect herself. I mean it makes sense considering you didn't even have to turn to your wolf form to defeat a fully turned lycan, I mean *wow*. Where did you learn to fight like that, by the way? Nevermind, point is because I'm a human I don't really have to train, it would be wasting everybody's time, and I obviouslt can't go to the King about this so I was hoping I could talk to you about..."

She seems nervous, so before she continues rambling on, I extend my hand to her on the table, palm up. She looks down at my hand doubtfully, but eventually places her palm on mine. I close my eyes, concentrating. I take in a deep breath, and then let it go slowly. I do this about three times until I can feel her energy and anxiety decreasing. When I open my eyes, I notice she had closed hers too. When I sense she's significantly relaxed, I remove my hand from under hers and she opens her eyes.

"How did you do that?" She asks.

Perks of being a witch.

"It's a breathing exercise, you seemed nervous," I lie.

It's not entirely false; the breathing does help. But as a witch, I am in tune with people's emotions, and sometimes, I can even influence them a little. It works wonders for cases like these.

"So, Cassia, what would you like to do in the Castle?"

"I-Uhm, I don't know, whatever is useful to you guys."

"What did you do back at the manor?"

"Well, I was a maid, but I see there aren't any here. Everyone kinda looks after themselves, even the King."

"And would you like to be a maid here?"

She stays silent for a while as she stares at her hands on her lap.

"No," she whispers.

I smile.

"So, what would you like to do?"

"Anything that's useful..." she repeats.

"It won't be useful unless it's something you enjoy. What did you want to do when you were younger?"

She stays quiet again.

"I always... I always wanted to be a scholar..." she whispers timidly, "I also love healing. It's why I know my way around plants."

"Was the greenhouse back at Cerulean House yours?"

Her eyes widen slightly as her gaze meets mine.

"How did you...?" She begins, but decides not to question me, "that place was a secret, nobody but Jeremy and I knew about it. It was built by our mom before she... before she passed... it's where I grew most of the herbs and plants I used."

"I'm sorry for your loss," I say genuinely, "come with me, I have the perfect job for you."

She hops out of the chair, excited.

"Oh, thank you so much! I promise I won't disappoint you!"

"Don't thank me yet. Two other people have tried to do this job and have quit in under a week."

She doesn't seem fazed at all.

"If I survived Cecil, I can survive anything." she declares.

I chuckle. Honestly, I believe her.

We make our way inside the Castle, passing through the dining hall that is now deserted. Passing through the dining hall and the kitchen reminds me of Jeremy, and thinking of Jeremy reminds me of a question I've had since I met these two.

"Cassia, you and Jeremy look nothing alike, are you guys actually brother and sister?"

She blushes as we make our way up the stairs.

"I'm adopted," she says, "our parents found me in the woods, abandoned, and took me in."

I smile at this. So, we really aren't that different after all.

"Your parents seem like good people," I note.

She smiles sadly.

"They were the best."

We walk the rest of the way in silence, considering Cassia is already panting and we aren't even half way. When we get to the large doors that lead to the library, she's very our of breath. She is really out of shape.

"Here we are," I say, opening the grand doors to the library.

Unlike the first time I came here, this place is now booming with activity. Different scholars with their assistants have come back from all over lycan territory and have returned this place to its former glory; well, according to Elden.

Speaking of whom,

"Vera! My dear wolf, it's good to have you back!" Elden comes to meet me at the door, giving me a quick hug.

Ever since Alistair was taken care of and the scholars were allowed back in the Castle, Elden's mood never seems to sour.

"It's good to see you too!" I say, hugging him back.

He separates from me and sniffs the air briefly, wrinkling his nose.

He smelled her.

"Uh, Elden? Is there a place where we can talk, privately?" I ask as he gazes in the direction of

Cassia. I can feel her getting nervous again.

"Sure! Follow me," he says, guiding us to a place in the library that isn't so bright and filled with


Once there, we sit at the table furthest from everyone else.

"Even if this is all back to how it was, I wanted to keep a dark corner for myself," he explains.

Of course, he would.

"Elden, this is Cassia, she came back with us from Cerulean Castle and she's friends with Lucas'

s mate." I begin to explain, but he interrupts me.

"Witch" he eyes her accusingly.

I turn to Cassia and she's already turning pale and gulping nervously.

"Elden, behave." I tell him, "Cassia is not dangerous to us and she would like to be your


"I what?!"

"She what?!"

They both protest at the same time.

"She has an affinity for plants, but she needs a lot of practice. She would also like to become a scholar some day, and you're the very best. She could learn a lot from you." I say.

Cassia is looking between Elden and me erratically, like a prey animal looking at two predators. After some deliberate silence and sharp glares at Cassia, Elden speaks again,

"Only because it's you." he tells me as he gets up and signals for Cassia to follow him, "come,

girl, I have a special lemon tea I'd like you to try!"

He winks at me before disappearing through one of the many halls in the library and I slowly shake my head at him in disbelief. I know exactly what tea he's about to give her.

I stay seated for a few minutes, just making sure I dont hear any gurgling or any signs of distress from Cassia. Then, I get up and head towards the main doors. My job here is done, let's just hope the tea doesnt actually kill her.

I make my way back to the clinic quickly, hoping to finally get some work done; but when I pass by the Council Meeting room, I hear a large commotion inside; more importantly, I "feel" Noah's murderous aura creeping from underneath the large wooden doors.

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