The Last Spirit Wolf by Elena Norwood Novel Full Episode

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

The Beart begins charging at me full speed and i

attacking and all the beans charging at it, its acile intent in an

Out of newdeve. 1 bear meer volies running our way. They’re coming from fergs fared; they mon be the ones that were guarding the other branders.

15 miles a day me alsa

park house. Soon, about fifty aches are ener

I have to

about this, we can

the beedert unprotected for too long and i 17 risk loving any mone anches.

| murke my way to the selves as they are charging tenards the beast.

a few seconds with the incoming woone of attacking wolven

ant quickly. I make my way to him, krtering the

“I need you to fery me time, I need that spear that

tell Kim, Desperation in starting to take over me an I see more and mo

The limitenani nods, its head and charges towards the beast, managing to get its fangs deeply into the leg of the beat.

run mer to where Noah, Locas and Eli are getting up from the floor 1

knees to look Noah in the met.

“Noah, I need you to launch me towards the spear.” All three beasts stare at at least then we have a fighting chance.”

in disbelief. “I know how that sounds, but I need to retrie

to blind t

och hesitates for a minute, but is quick to get on his feet. He picks me up, carrying me towards the beast. Once we are close enough and on its uge paw on my torso. Thank the Goddess for core strength, because he carries me from like I’m a spear myself, and launches me into the air.

As I’m launched into the air, it is clear to me that Noah overestimated my below, nowhere near my target. However, once I’m there, with this vi

ght and his strength, because I am launched straight up, looking at the beast I see a very bright dot on the top of its head.

For some reason, I feel a pulse of energy emanating from the bright light, like this is where the strength of the beast is coming from; that’s my target

1 descend to the ground, far from the beast, and Eli is right there to catch me. His silver coat making him stand out.

*1 hope you’re not the one who taught Noah how to throw.” He scoffs and positions me to be launched directly at the spear

‘m in the air, in direct trajectory to the face of the creature.

He has perfect aim and fortunately the beast didn’t notice me.

1 latch myself onto the spear, the pull on its eye ball making the beast cry out in pain and shake its head furiously.

I put my feet on its face to leverage myself and take out the spear. Once I do, I use my five arm to hold on to the beast’s furry check. It attempts to claw at me, only managing to scratch itself deeply on its face as I crawl up to the top of its head. I make quick of my climbing expedition and once I reach my destination, I can H the dot of bright light, it is encrusted into the beast itself, it’s in skull, through layers and layers of hair

1 tacar that spear with both hands and tum at in the direction of the light, making the beast even more frantic and it tries to get rid of now and defend bell from the onsdaught of wolves.

The spear can only reach halfway, as I pull it back and position myself to try again. However, the beast is now on its knees dung all it can to stop me. Eis dolgung its hands as I try to get a better angle to tam the spear into, alivaa al*pping off its bead a few times. I manage to get to the spot again by holdding on to da thick fat. The wolves and lycans are doing the best to stop it, getting that cuwa trian whựa

1 get a better position and once again take advantage of the distraction and jam the spear with all of my strength into the light again. A horrible shriek is heard from the beast, mrating I’m getting closet to the light, but it air 1 dead yet

I need to reach deeper, I rwed to dig the spear desper, but as much as I try, it just un’t enough. Iis not strong enough to do this myself.

I frantically start looking below, desperate for a solution, for help, when I feel a large b*dy crawling over me and every nerve on my b*dy becomes aware. I don’t

hate to


He comes up, his b*dy over mine, and starts pushing the spear with me, the beast shrieking even louder. Noah and I are using all of our strength but the thick skull of the beast is proving to be stronger than both of us. I start worrying that the spear itself will break before we can destroy this thing.

From the corner of my eye I see Eli crawling towards us, positioning himself next to Noah and algo grabbing on to the spear and pushing.

Between the three of us, it is barely enough.

But it is enough.

The spear rips into the light and the beast falls to the ground with a large thud, one last nasty shriek coming from it. All three of us fall to the ground along with it, Noah protecting me as we fall. We rolled on the ground, breathing heavily, our faces up towards the sky un utter exhaustion.

It’s finally over.

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