The Last Spirit Wolf by Elena Norwood Novel Full Episode

Chapter 14

Chapter 14


Daddy! Daddy! Look! What is that?!

Sofa! Stay away from that!

But Daddy! It’s moving! Loooook!

Goddess Sofia, I told you to… By the Goddess, it is moving! Sofia, get your mother!

“What I’m about to tell you can’t leave this room,” I can’t believe I’m about to tell them this, “she isn’t sick, and she hasn’t been poisoned. She’s been cursed.” All three men stare at me, Dr. Owens and Noah in shock, and Alex with something else I can’t decipher.

“I’m sorry, Alpha. What do you mean, cursed?”

“You’re a well-read individual Dr. Owens, I’m sure I don’t have to explain it to you.”

“There haven’t been any sightings of witches in over one hundred years, Alpha, the probabilities of one showing up… and to hurt Vera at that. To what end?” At this very moment, I wish more than anything that I had answers. Dr. Owens continues, “let’s say it is a witch, and let’s say it did curse Vera. Don’t witches come after beasts they can obtain more power from? If the legends are true, that is. It makes even less sense to come for Vera.”

“Eli said she collapsed out of nowhere, they had been talking, and suddenly she just fell.” Noah says. I can see the regret in his eyes. From what I hear, he nearly killed Eli thinking he had done this to Vera.

I put my hand on his arm again as a means of comfort. “He’s fine, Noah. You were just protecting your mate.” It is clear my words do little to dissuade his guilt.

“Vera doesn’t even have her wolf,” he contributes. “When we first touched, my lycan was looking for her everywhere. He could feel her, but never found her.”

“Are you sure your lycan could feel her?” This news is shocking to me because for the longest time, I’ve doubted she’s even a wolf. Sure, she smells like a wolf, and she can mind link me, but I’ve always attributed that to the Allen blood and power because she can’t mind link anyone else in the pack.

“Positive. In fact,” Noah moves to place his hand delicately on her forehead, “we can feel her more now than before, we just can’t see her yet.”

Everyb*dy stays quiet with this piece of information. Mate bonds are stronger than any other connection in the planet, other than mother and child. If what Noah says is true, then Vera is in fact a wolf, but why hasn’t she shifted yet?

“Baby, we should go. Vera is safe, in good hands, and I’m sure Noah isn’t going anywhere until she wakes up. You need rest.” Alex is regarding me with an unreadable expression. I can only imagine what our conversation tonight will be like.

“Yes, yes, you’re right.” I smile faintly at him. “Doc, please keep me informed. Noah, please make yourself comfortable. I’ll have another bed brought in for you. If you need anything, please let us know.” He thanks me with a tired smile, one that can only reflect my own.

Alex takes my hand and guides me to the door. I take one last look at my best friend, lying in bed in what seems to be peaceful sleep. I say a silent prayer as I exit

the room,

“May our Moon Mother see you safely out of this one, V.”

Two weeks have pas sed since Vera fell into her sleep. I haven’t been able to do much work, not only because I’m worried, but because these pups are about to pop out any day now. Alex is understandably worried at this point, I haven’t delegated any of the Alpha activities to anyone just yet, even when I feel the day of my twins” birth getting closer and closer. What can I say? I’m stubborn like that.

I’m just about to mind link my beta, Thomas, when Violet mind links me first.

A/phu! She’s awake!

And I can feel it, I can feel her like I never had before. It’s a connection we always had, even as children. I don’t know if it stems from our friendship, or the

friendship stems from the connection. But she feels… different? Like it’s her, but not really her?

My heart is pounding incredibly fast, too fast for my liking. My hand instinctively goes to my swelled belly and I wonder if it’s time to meet my babies already. And for some reason, at this thought, a feeling of dread overcomes me. I’m sweating, I feel dizzy, and my breath is shallow. I’m holding on to the door knob of my office in hopes it’ll help me keep my balance.

My Beta, Thomas, mind links me, and I’m so close to fainting with what he says that my eyelids close,

Alpha! The southern border has been breached! Our wolves have been attacked, there are some fatalities.

This can’t be happening, not right now.

Alpha! We are under attack at the eastern border!

This time it’s one of my most trusted lieutenants.

Alpha! You need to get to safety! It’s moving straight to the pack house!

The alarm goes off, signaling an eminent attack to the pack house. I’m feeling weaker and weaker, my eyelids heavy, I can feel it all, my packs desperation, panic, and loss. I take a step forward to enter the office in hopes of getting the one thing that could save us, but I step into a puddle of water.


My water just broke.

Chapter Comments

Natalie Kruger

I think it’s going to try attack Sofia and the pups and Vera is going to come in all powerful and save the day.

Louis Johan


they’ve come for Vera. this is the best moment to attack has they the Alpha Sophia will gave birth sooner as for Alex i think is a culprit.

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