The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 20: Harvest Secret Scripture

After walking for about ten minutes, Yi Fan finally crossed the stone path and arrived at a plaza. In the middle of the plaza, there was indeed a building that looked like a giant stone palace. It was just that it seemed to have an ancient and ancient flavor because of its age.

There were dozens of huge stone pillars that stood on the vast square. Yifan did not count them. These stone pillars were also somewhat ancient. Yifan had also found quite a few on these stone pillars. The imprints made by his fists and feet, and even some claw imprints, shocked Yifan endlessly. Yifan had been searching for precious techniques from his previous life. Looking at the imprint on the stone pillar, he looked at the huge stone hall in the middle of the square. He couldn't help but feel a burst of heat in his heart as he sped up his pace towards the enormous stone hall.

This was a huge stone hall, There are three levels, the higher the level, The smaller he was, the closer he got to the palace hall and saw that the palace hall was completely dark green. It's like a huge stone carving, Although there weren't any external decorations, it wasn't ugly at all. On the contrary, there was a sense of simplicity and gravity. In front of the hall, there were two unknown ferocious beasts carved out of the same material as the main hall. They squatted on the left and right sides of the door. Yifan walked to the front of the hall and looked up at the three large characters carved above the entrance, "Tibetan Cultivation Tower."

Hidden Skill Tower … Hidden Skill Tower … Yifan was even more certain that this was the sect's cultivation technique collection, He walked into the corridor with an unstoppable heat in his heart. There were a few small stone rooms beside the corridor. Yifan went in and searched, but he didn't find anything. They were all decaying household utensils. Deep in the corridor was a huge stone door. On the right side of the stone door was a stone staircase that led up to the second floor.

At this moment, Yifan had already arrived in front of the huge stone door. He pushed the stone door with all his might and didn't move at all. It wasn't until Yifan erupted with 40 times his strength that the stone door was slowly pushed open amidst the sound of clicking magnetism. As soon as he pushed open the door, the smell of rotting paper rushed into his nostrils. Yifan stood at the door for about five minutes before the smell became less intense. Eagerly entering the room, he saw hundreds or thousands of stone bookshelves. Most of the bookshelves were filled with rotten paper residues. However, Yifan did not dislike the smell of rotten paper at all. He began to search through the bookshelves one by one.

After searching for more than half an hour, There was not the slightest bit of harvest, Not a single word of the book could be read, It was all rubbish that had turned into a pile of rubbish at the touch of an eye, He walked to another bookshelf, Rummaging around mechanically, I just ran into the first stack of books, He touched a complete book below, Immediately, Yi Fan swiftly removed all the debris on it and took out an ancient stone book that had already turned brown. Yi Fan took a closer look and saw the Hundred Battles Saber Technique, Basic Saber Technique, Saber Technique used by soldiers, and the Elementary Saber Technique that anyone who practiced saber techniques would have to practice. It was vigorous, heroic, and swung like a ferocious tiger. The following was an overview, followed by some body drawing, as well as well as some techniques to display strength.

F*ck! Although the saber technique was elementary, it was still extremely precious. Yifan carefully put it into his embrace. Finding an elementary saber technique gave Yifan great encouragement. He continued to search for it. After much effort, he finally found two more weapon techniques. One was the Hundred Battles Stealing Technique and the other was the Fast Sword Technique. Not to mention the snatching technique, but the Quick Sword was a basic sword technique. As the name implied, the Quick Sword and Quick Sword allowed you to increase your speed, skill, and angle after practicing. How to draw a sword faster and more accurately was also a basic weapon technique.

The first floor had already been searched, but Yifan was still very satisfied with the harvest. Although this kind of beginner technique would appear in the third year of the apocalypse, and even ordinary people could cultivate it. There were many different names, but it was not three years later. It was only the early morning of the second day of the apocalypse. Three years later, due to the appearance of the Heavenly Crystal, humans welcomed an overall strengthening. The Heavenly Crystal had grasped the physical qualities and characteristics of the human group through some instruments. After a series of data analysis, experiments, and so on, it had created many of these weapon incantations, as well as methods of manipulating the dark energy within the evolver's body, as well as methods of utilizing it.

Although the technique was still somewhat shallow, it could still be considered as a heartstrengthening injection for humans in this tottering apocalypse. These few basic manuals were useless to Yifan now, but they were useful to his future team. It was useful to many ordinary people who had never come into contact with martial arts. Even ordinary people could learn this kind of basic technique. Even the Heavenly Crystal had borrowed the techniques that had already been excavated to modify it. Otherwise, where would those various basic techniques come from?

As for those pre-apocalyptic "martial arts masters", First, one of them is a small group of people who are very talented, Second, even if you have real talent and practical knowledge, you first have to overcome this apocalyptic explosion. There are very few groups left. If they are not evolvers, facing evolvers whose physical mechanisms are 10-20 times stronger than theirs, no matter how good your martial arts are, you can only be tortured.

Thus, after the apocalypse, some evolvers fought with zombies for several years, and even slashed down randomly. Although they had their own styles and certain skills, they had never systematically learned how to exert their strength to display their advantages perfectly. This greatly reduced their combat strength.

Of course, there was also an extraordinary figure in the small group of martial artists. "Martial Emperor"-Hong Wenchang, Before the end of Hong Wenchang's life, After years of hard training, His kung fu was extremely terrifying. After becoming an evolver, he became irrepressible and was absorbed by the government. He was a decent person. Some even said that he was pedantic. In addition, he was a martial practitioner with a strong blood energy. Later, because he couldn't stand the dirty politics inside, he came out and built a base city. He shouted and people came from all directions at once. It was very undignified. In his previous life, Yifan was one of the few people who admired him from the bottom of his heart.

After rummaging through the first floor, Yifan walked up to the second floor. There were no more stone doors on the second floor. There were only a few more small rooms that looked like cultivation rooms. Yifan found some strange weapons in these small rooms. These weapons are all black stone weapons, There are swords and knives, It was as if it had been polished very smoothly, However, it could still be seen at a glance that it was grinded from stones. It was rather strange. Yifan tried to use these swords to cut the rock wall of the room a few times. He obediently cut a few scratches like cutting tofu in the middle of winter. Yifan quickly put away the treasures and took off his sportswear coat and carried it in his hand.

Then, he went to the stone platform on the second floor, which was more exquisite than the first floor, and began to search. The second floor is much smaller than the first floor, Probably his cultivation technique would be much higher, Yifan couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement in his heart. He began to excitedly search around, But the harvest made Yifan's heart ache. After searching carefully for more than half an hour, he did not find anything. Only the last desk was left, If you don't get anything, The harvest from the second floor was only two simple black swords, similar to a black horizontal saber from the prosperous Tang Dynasty. However, although it was similar, it was slightly larger than the horizontal saber in size. It felt like it had been enlarged by around 30%, and it was also made of stone. It did not look like a weapon, like a stone sculpture.

Just as Yi Fan was about to give up, he actually found a footwork manual on the last desk. The [Photo Step] was roughly a combination of footwork, offensive footwork, evasive footwork, and the use of elemental energy on his feet to achieve the final effect of'leaving shadows behind '. He could only leave seven shadows after he had mastered it to great success. It was an advanced footwork technique. Yi Fan wondered what kind of ghost elemental energy was. He didn't know if it could be replaced by dark energy. Sigh, let's study it in the future. Yi Fan didn't look at it anymore. He packed it up and wrapped it in his clothes bag.

There was only the last floor left. Yifan continued to climb from the second floor to the third floor. The third floor was even smaller. Yifan understood that the first floor was the most common technique, and the second floor was a high-level secret book. Then the third floor should be a top-grade ancient book. There were no more small rooms on the third floor. A lonely bookshelf, a long stone table, and a stone stool made it look extremely elegant. A bookshelf was simply too easy to flip through. In a moment, Yifan had flipped through as many as three books on the stone bookshelf.

Yi Fan hugged the three books and sat on the ground laughing foolishly without even looking at them. "Haha! You're so rich! Three books! You actually flipped out three books in a flash!" contemporary romance

He couldn't blame Yifan for being too rustic. In his previous life, Yifan didn't even have the chance to look at these things from afar, but now he was hugging them in his arms. Furthermore, there were three of them.

Yifan excitedly picked up the three books and studied them carefully. The first was a thick dictionary covered in dark brown stone bark. After opening it, there were six heavy characters. Thankfully, the mysterious runes gave him the ability to decipher these characters. Otherwise, even the treasures in his hands would be useless. How could he not know how to practice them?

Yifan fixed his eyes on it.

The first Heavenly Rock Body Refinement Ceremony … Flipping through the first page, one needed the elemental energy of the rock element to cultivate. It was like a basin of cold water being poured over his head.

The second book of the Wind Sword Scripture requires the elemental energy of the wind to open.

The 3rd Golden Spear Army Breaking Canon … Flipping through it … requires golden elemental energy.

Yifan was paralyzed on the ground. What kind of f*cking elemental energy do you need? This is the apocalypse. Where did you get any f*cking elemental energy? This isn't an alien world. Damn it, where did I get my elemental energy? Immediately, Yifan let out his anger and put the three secret manuals into his bag of clothes in frustration.

He walked out of this exciting yet sad place with an ugly expression. Go to the buildings behind the square.

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