Chapter Heavens Above

6000 AD

God stood gazing down at the green Earth which had been without any humans for three thousand years. He chose to let the planet rest after the depressing effects of climate change which was pushed along to destruction once the humans devoured the many resources.

He watched in agony while it all came to pass, because of his choice, to give the races free will, and he now believed it was a bad decision. The free choice which he bestowed on his children went sour, not ripe like the luscious shining red apple on the tree which the Biblical authors wrote about. How would they know what he meant?

It was not an apple or a tree because it was just a metaphor and what it was that they had listened to the foolish propaganda of Satan who was once his favorite Angel and who he had given much power to. Even the power to work out how God had set the plans in action with the energy to allow the earth to be created in accordance with the natural order of the elements which just automatically filled in the spaces and automatically evolved the Earth over a long period of time. Just like building blocks.

He started the process and others worked on it. He was the architect. The elements were the builders and Satan had tapped into that knowledge and wanted God’s power as well, .God knew he ought to have thought about Satan because here was an Angel one could not give much knowledge to and in time Satan created his own kingdom with his own spies such as the serpents who he promised that they would be able to stand and walk with his help.

God knew as soon as the males in the animal kingdom were created those two males of almost equal power could not live together. And it came to pass when Satan tempted Eve and persuaded her that the world was not necessarily God’s, it was everyone’s oyster if they wished and she grabbed the reigns, which came with consequences.

God knew he could not boast about truth and wisdom and make the rules only to break them himself because of nepotism. He thought about the Roman Emperor Augustus who made many rules but was in a forked stick when his favorite daughter Julia broke them.

The Forum demanded her death, which was the punishment, but were met with stony glittering eyes from the Boss who caved in and demanded banishment, which came about, however the Emperor was never, from that day, regarded as a God but just a man, who held power, and slippery power as well. Like all Kings, all Queens and all Presidents God watched them all as they fell just like humpty Dumpty .And all the King’s horses and all the Kings men couldn’t put humpty together again.

He lost count of how many times he had been beseeched, prayed too and dreamt too in order to save the innocent, and worst of all to save Jesus .From the great hordes of destruction and down to the Holocaust evil reigned and with it came more power to Satan, sitting in his den, surrounded by despicable evil and loving every minute of it. Yet all he could do was provide a marshalling area which Gabriel named the Parallel world where he could keep safe the innocent souls, until it was worked out where they would be next to go.

Some of the holocaust people were dispatched to the new Israel to once again fight their old enemies who were originally part of the seven tribes. Buddha bobbed up years before and helped the earth with his peace movement, and still does. Jesus went down to save the world and his father had great regrets from the start. It led to his horrible death on the cross and still God could not intervene. He hoped that the death was not in vain and rejoiced when a new movement came about in his name but was forlorn, when once again the power brokers saw their chance and made a power grab.

They kept some of the sayings and some of the good stuff, but in time the word of his son was cannibalized and became a pale contribution to the original idea. God always wondered whether it was worth it and often told Jesus about his thoughts. But Jesus, always the forgiver, burst into song and sang—that’s life.-that’s. what all the people say- riding high in April- shot down in May-but if I ever change my tune—I’ll be back—back there in June..

God vowed to never again let his son’s sandals tread once more, on the soil of the earth. Yet that was 3000 years ago and he watched while his glorious son ambled towards him. It was a wonderful day and the Earth looked lively when he looked down on the clear day in 6000AD.He tried not to read his son’s mind but the signals of body language told him that Jesus was sick of gazing at the big screen which Gabriel gave to the Father on Father’s day. He knew that his son wanted to check out the progress himself and it seemed that the vow would be broken. Jesus hugged his father.

‘May I go back soon father, to check the earth?’ God stroked his chin which never grew a beard in spite of some of the paintings by the Italian artist Michael Angelo. He was unsure but he wanted to grant him the wish which hung around all those years—after all there were no humans there to hurt him and the animals would love him since they all became vegetarians, out of necessity. ‘On your own son.’

‘No. I thought I would take Gabriel. He is good with the taking of notes.’

Yes that is right. Will you travel to each continent- because it might be difficult as some are under the sea and some are now joined’

‘I see that as I scroll. But it has made the world smaller.’

Never could get the hang of it but don’t tell Gabriel. He is so sensitive to my needs. Tell me are the plants backing to normal?′

‘Depends on what is normal. Some trees are gone but newer ones are springing up’

‘What of the undergrowth and our small creatures?’

‘Settled in now and it is good that you culled the ants otherwise that would have made life impossible for the children of the undergrowth who rely on the damp ground and what comes from it’

The fairies I gather.′

‘They remain hidden in caves.’

‘What of the animals. I do not propose to bring back the dinosaurs.’

‘That is interesting’

‘And all the buildings.’

‘Just dust though some climbers clamber.’

‘It sounds good Son and I propose a new beginning very soon’

‘Are you bringing Adam John back as the new first man?’

‘Yes. He has been in suspended animation and sleeping as a spirit for all of those years.’

‘Selected a mate yet?’

‘I think his first wife when he was in Brazil is fine. Mary. She can keep her old name.[’

‘Just like mum.’

Yes son.′

‘Why did you choose him? Gabriel has some reservations and it goes with back chat; a real activist’

‘Actually that was in his previous life when he was in the Parallel world as a teacher’

‘Yes I remember.’ God smiled at his remarks and thought about his son, the greatest activist.

‘Tell me son who was the greatest activist?’

‘I knew you would point the finger as soon as I said it. Guess I ought to eat my words’.

‘We need activists in my plan to counter any insertions from Satan.’

‘That sounds like free choice to me’

‘Limited actually. I need him to talk direct to me without any fear and get the truth as time goes by. Not someone who is always bowing to me.’

‘So you are not sending any souls back to earth at this point?’ ‘Why do you ask son.’

‘The parallel world is getting overcrowded with spirits’

‘Look check with Michael because we have some vacancies here.’

‘What about the bulk of them though?’

‘Leave it to me I will think on it. Maybe they will be turned into a ball of energy and will travel to other planets in the Galaxy.’

‘Like beam me up Scotty.’

‘We done son. You remember it one of my favorite shows.’

‘Perhaps they could settle as energy and then later on mix with the current inhabitants? What do you think about that Father?’

‘Sounds good but what if the others won’t accept them?’ God answered his own question.′ but they’ll get used to it I suppose. Evolution works its way in which I have found’

‘Did you give those originals free choice at the start?’

‘Limited—like I should have done with the earth’

‘Is that why those originals are not trying to take over the Earth?’

‘Precisely. They always check with me for approval and I think there will have to be a mix of blood between the spirits and the originals. And the original theme would shine through’

‘And what is that theme father?’

′ Love son Just love.′

‘Are you aware that Ailia wants to speak to you about the changes?’

‘So I’ve heard I have a new plan for her and can you bring her here as soon as possible?’

‘I will right now.’

Jesus walked away and came back with Ailia on his arm. She ran towards her mate. She had kept her distance from God for a long time because he had given her free choice over dispute matters. She hoped it would not be a re- run of Adam and Eve when after the apple episode pain due to childbirth came into the world for the females, and Ailia was after all the appointed protector of the gender but she had no say in his old decision and she fumed for years about it. She once asked Gabriel what she could do and all he said was.

‘Forget about it Ailia.He will not reverse it. I warn you do not approach him about that matter’

When she and God shared the idea initially, she became hostile and started to shout with her words coming out strained and drained from moisture and it sounded like she had just eaten desiccated coconut. She licked her dry lips to remove the spittle and spittle was not something that the elegant Angel Ailia approved off. Since her creation full on, and in his face, with no baby teeth.

Ailia recalled the first time she insisted and now it looks like I will lose again she said to herself. She held her tongue but felt like saying again—don’t do it lover you are going to put womanhood back a step again and into the world of pain once more He started at her and did not speak yet she did she was back on a roll again and bit the bullet.

‘Look she bit the apple—under the spell of Satan and you know how powerful he is. She was just mortal not perfect.’ He was still and she went on.′ So this is about an apple is it—look do what you wish I have no say—just like a male.′ She turned her face away and finally he spoke.

‘Look Ailia it is what I must do but since you are all fired up and shouting, even the Council can hear you from the Crystal Palace I have another plan which should please you. Listen to me.’ She stared at him and thought--- God you are so beautiful and I miss your arms about me.

‘Well you had best let me in on the great plan. I am all ears.’ Ailia sat up and uncrossed her arms and sniffed the air. There was victory in the air; she felt it and was determined to savior it by listen to his words.

‘It is a limited plan and I will not take away the joy of man and woman having intercourse after all when they go back there are no more movies, no TV no chess boards and no friends so Sex has to be on the agenda.’ She leaned forward with her spirit bubbling.

‘Do go on.’ He did not prattle on this time. The last time they spoke he waffled on till she fell asleep.

‘It is going to be a copy of the egg bearing animals with eggs growing in the womb. The egg will be like a tough sieve which will allow fluids to feed the baby inside. And allow it to grow along with the egg. The egg will come out small without any struggles or surgery.’

‘When will it come out?’

‘After three months. No pain no pressure.’

‘What about after care?’

‘The egg has to be kept warm because the mother will sit on it. Carefully that is. It will finally break open when ready and the very small baby emerges. There is no umbrical cord or placenta and the mother is about to breast feed it. It will have a great spurt of growth from then on.’

‘Will the baby grow quickly?’



′ A chip which will grow in the mother and the baby’s brain.′

‘Oh so this becomes the limited choice regulator does it.?’

‘Congratulations you have just got it.’

‘Well it is much better than the first plan.’ ‘I know they are essentially children of love but I guess in a way it is robot like but does that worry you?’

‘Nup.Just do it’

’Jesus is going back soon to check out where they should be domiciled. Another Garden

Of Eden. Got any ideas?′

‘Yes. The South Island of New Zealand. A beautiful green place. It is mystical and cools a great place to re start.’

‘Good one Ailia.New Zealand here we come.’

What about immigration later on?′

‘I intend to let that sit for another thousand years. If need we can send a soul down. I don’t expect Adam and Mary to live that long. Might have to intervene. Leave it with me.’

‘Cain-- Abel what about that?’

‘Can’t say but if Cain starts his shenanigans I will get Jesus to intervene just when Cain is about to slay his brother.’

‘How would you intervene?’

‘We still have one of those human pause devices. He will be paused and remain that way as long as I wish.—you know those doovers which turned some humans into half ants’

‘And he would stay paused as long as you want.’

‘That’s the general idea’

‘My that could control of lot of trouble again. As long as we keep it here I guess’

‘I intend to do that. No more of the past years troubles please.’

Adam was happy in the new earth in a country called New Zealand and before he was sent there he was counseled about his new mate who was to be the Mary from his past life in Brazil. They met on a moonlit night after she was sent and they walked out together into the garden. It was awkward for a time because there were no past memories and their brains were cleared of that old memory which was required for a fresh start.

They sat and talked for many nights and Mary slept in a different part of the enormous cave with the glow worms twinkling each night. Until she felt cold and walked into the space where Adam slept.

They cuddled together and from then on slept in each other arms. And within three months an egg was produced. The boy grew and soon another boy came into the world. Their names were Cain and Abel and they worked in pleasant climates tilling the soil.

A thought came into Cain’s mind which he could not shrug off in his dreams and told no one about it. But the thought grew until the emotion of jealousy came into his heart which he had never known. He picked up a sharp stone and walked towards his brother who was bending down tending his plants.

Just as the stone was about to plunge down Cain felt a pain and stopped. He froze and stood there pale and wan with his arms still above his head. He tried to move but could’nt.Only his eyes moved. Abel yelled at him to stop and then ran away to tell his parents. They ran down and looked at Cain and they both knew what it was.

‘Come away Mary. It is God’s judgment.’ and they left yet checked each day if their son was still there. He was and only his eyes moved. Adam prayed to God each day to release his son or at least let him die but heard no messages. The three were in the other field two days later when they heard a noise from behind and there was Jesus. His presence blinded them and they shielded their eyes. His gentle voice spoke.

‘God understands your pain and he is sorry. I have come to help. Go inside and come back later I will be gone as will be your son.’ They obeyed.

Jesus walked to the other field and saw Cain. Who was as cold and still as Lot’s wife?

‘Can you hear me Cain?’ Cain’s eyes flickered. ‘It is me Jesus will you repent.’ Tears came and fell down his cheeks.—’.

‘Step down Cain. You can.’ Cain obeyed and a big smile came over his face.

’I am so sorry. Does God still love me Master? Jesus nodded and held the boy’s hand and watched his chest stop heaving. His eyes closed and within seconds he was on his way to the Parallel world.

And the new world. Became peaceful and free from evil thoughts, from that day on.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.”

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