The Last Dragon Shifter (Shifter World - Book Eleven) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter Two: The Crabby Dragon

Zephyrus looked up when he heard people entering his cave. Who the fuck would be visiting him, way up here? He moved towards the entrance and paused when he saw a group of Shifters and Humans, standing just inside his cave. He instantly recognized the woman in front of the group and growled loudly.

“What the fuck do you want, Witch?”

Everyone froze as they stared at the Dragon Shifter. Well, they found him. But he didn’t seem to want to be found.

Pearl stepped forward. Dylan moved to stop her, but she brushed his hands away and smiled at the Dragon Shifter.

“Hello.” She said.

He eyed her and said nothing.

Pearl cleared her throat. “We come in peace?” She said, her left eyebrow raised as if she was gaging his response, to her idiotic words.

She felt like a fucking alien from outer space, confronting the human race.

The Dragon Shifter snorted. “Even I find that corny. And I’ve been alone for two thousand years.”

Pearl chuckled. “I’m sorry. But after you’ve given me and my daughter, nightmares, I didn’t know what to say, except to let you know that we mean you no harm.”

Zephyrus studied the Witch’s face. “Daughter?”

Pearl nodded. “The little girl in the field.”

Zephyrus groaned as he covered his face with his hand. “You mean, that was a real little girl and not a trick you were playing on me?”

The Witch shook her head when he peeked at her through his fingers and he grunted. “I’ve been hiding from Witches, Vampires, and other Shifters for so long, I don’t know what’s real anymore. What the fuck was she doing, watching me?”

“She’s a White Witch like me. The Goddesses apparently decided to share the visions with her, as well.”

Zephyrus looked up at her. “The Goddesses?”

Pearl nodded and grinned. “We’re the Fated Mates.” She said as she spread her arms to include the rest of the group. “And we’ve come to ask you to join us.”

He snorted. “They let loose the Fated Mates, and didn’t tell me?”

Pearl shrugged. “I guess it wasn’t your time yet.”

Zephyrus grunted. “Guess not. So, you’re here to take me to my mate?”

She shook her head. “They haven’t shown me your mate yet.”

He grumbled. “Of course, they haven’t. They expect me to wait another thousand years.”

“I don’t think so.” Pearl said with a shake of her head.

He scoffed, then stopped as he sniffed the air. He searched through the group and growled when he saw them.

“Vampires!” He hollered. “How dare you bring them into my home.”

Pearl looked back at Tate and Bridget, then back at the Dragon. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had a problem with Vampires.”

He snarled as he backed away from them. “I despise them. Get them out of my cave!” He hollered as his body started to shake.

‘Vampires, they’re here, in our home. They will ruin everything!’

Zephyrus snarled at his Dragon. Like he wasn’t having enough trouble, he didn’t need his opinion of the matter too.

“What kind of bull shit is this?” Dylan asked angrily as he watched the Dragon Shifter.

“Don’t piss off the fucking Dragon.” Dustin hissed.

“Maybe Tate and Bridget should wait outside.” Pearl whispered.

“I’m not fucking going outside, because Lizard Boy here, hates Vampires.” Bridget said with a growl.

‘Lizard Boy?!’

Zephyrus groaned. His Dragon did not like that insult, and if he let him, he’d tear the Vampire in half. But he doesn’t want to piss the others off. This is the Fated Mates, after all. They’re supposed to be his family. The Vampires, however, they’re not Fated Mates…

‘That one has Fated Mate smell.’

Which one? Zephyrus asked as he looked at the group of Fated Mates and Vampires.

The one with the pretty Fox.’

Zephyrus snorted. Do you really think he’s a Fated Mate?

‘Oh yes. He is mated to the Fox. I smell her on him. Look at his wrists.’

Zephyrus noticed the Vampire’s wrists and scowled. How the fuck did that happen?

‘She’s pretty.’

Who’s pretty? There’s like ten women here.

‘The one who called us, Lizard Boy.’

Oh, now you like her?

‘She smells like raspberries.’

How the fuck, do you know what raspberries smell like?

His Dragon got quiet and Zephyrus smirked.

“What is he doing?” Shar whispered as she watched the Dragon Shifter.

“He looks to be communicating with his Dragon.” Pearl said as she watched the Shifter across the cave from them.

“I didn’t know you could have a conversation like that, with your animal.” Shar said as she watched the Dragon Shifter’s face change to one of annoyance.

“Excuse me.” Pearl said as she took a step towards the Dragon.

The man froze as he looked up at her; as if he’d forgotten for a moment that he wasn’t alone.

“The Goddesses want us all together. We came to bring you home.”

The man scoffed. “I am home.”

“Of course.” Pearl whispered. “I meant, home with us.”

He shook his head. “Not until I find my mate.”

She sighed. “They won’t tell me who she is.”

“Maybe it’s a he.”

Everyone turned to Bridget. She just couldn’t seem to stop with the insults.

She shrugged her shoulders at them. “What woman, would want a little lizard, who can’t even leave his cave?”

Everyone gasped as they gaped at her.

She smirked when the Dragon Shifter growled at her. “You can’t intimidate me, Lizard Breath.”

“Get out!” The Dragon hollered with an angry growl.

“Nice one.” Daryl grumbled as he took hold of his mate’s arm and pulled her towards the entrance to the cave.

Bridget chuckled. “Finally.” She said, then disappeared.

“What is up with her?” Shar asked as they left the cave and headed back down the mountain.

“She has been off since that fight in the barn, over a year ago.” Maddy said as she held onto her mate when they hit a rocky patch, on the path.

“Do you think she’s a Fated Mate?” Shar asked as she looked at the twins.

Both women shrugged their shoulders.

“Who knows.” Josie said. “Look at Tate.” She said as she turned her head to look at the Vampire and his Fox Shifter mate. “We didn’t think he was one.”

“Let’s get to town, and we’ll try again tomorrow.” Daryl said as he took hold of his mate’s arm and helped her over a log.

“Good idea.” Pearl said with a nod.

“And we leave Bridget at the hotel.” Dylan said with a growl.

Zephyrus growled as he paced his cave. He should be with the other Fated Mates. But he didn’t want to join them until he found his mate. What was he going to do? He didn’t know how he was going to find her. And apparently, the Witch he’d seen watching him, wasn’t evil. She’s a White Witch and a Fated Mate. And the little girl had really been a little girl. Now he owes her an apology. He’d scared her really good.

‘Give her a ride.’

Yeah sure, like her parents would allow that.

His Dragon rolled his large shoulders. ’Who would say no to us?’

Zephyrus laughed. Who indeed?

“Hello, Lizard Boy.”

Zephyrus spun around and glared at the Vampire.

His Dragon, on the other hand, jumped up and down like a hatchling.


What do you mean, mate? She’s not our mate, you idiot. She’s a fucking Vampire!

‘Mate with her.’

Oh Lord, his Dragon is going through one of his sex-craved episodes. About every fifty years or so, they leave the cave in search of a woman to fuck. To please his stupid ass Dragon.

‘Mate her!’

He could swear his fucking Dragon just licked his lips. He has never done that before.

“What’s up? Lizard got your tongue?” The Vampire asked as she smirked at him.

He growled. “Get the fuck out of my cave.”

“Make me.” She challenged.

Zephyrus felt his Dragon jump for joy. He liked to play games. But this wasn’t a fucking game. She’s a Vampire. She’s his enemy. He hates Vampires!

“Well?” She asked as she watched him.

He growled and rushed at her.

“Come on, Lizard Boy.” She whispered, then jumped out of the way when he got to her. “Missed.” She said with a laugh.

Her laughter made Zephyrus’s Dragon smile. The fucker actually smiled. What the fuck?

‘Mate her.’ His Dragon growled.

I’m not fucking mating with a Vampire!

‘Fine! Then I will mate with her!’

Ah fuck. That’s a bad idea. The idiot will fucking kill her.

He felt his Dragon try to take over his body, and he held it back. No, he can’t let him do it…

‘You like her.’

Zephyrus grumbled. I do not. But I don’t want her friends to come back and try to take revenge. The Goddesses won’t be happy if we kill their other pets. Even if they won’t stay dead long.

‘Mate with her!’

Fucking hell. Shut up!

“What’s wrong, Lizard Boy. Did you give up already?” The Vampire taunted.

With a loud growl, Zephyrus dived at her. She didn’t move fast enough, and he landed on top of her.

“Fuck.” He growled as he looked down at her.

She stared up at him. “Get your Lizardness off of me.”

He smirked. “Lizardness? Is that even a word?”

She grunted. “Get off!” She hollered, then pushed him off, and got to her feet.

He laughed as he watched her. “I thought you wanted me to…”

She jumped onto his back with a growl and wrapped her arms around his throat. “Why do you hate Vampires?” She demanded.

He snarled. “I have my reasons!” He yelled, then took hold of her and tossed her across the room.

Bridget hit the wall of the cave, hard, and groaned as she slid to the floor.

‘You hurt her!’

I thought you didn’t like her. Zephyrus growled at his Dragon.

‘She smells good.’

Zephyrus snorted. You have officially lost it. She’s a fucking Vampire.

‘Cure her.’

Zephyrus blinked. What?

‘Let her drink our blood. Heal her, make her human…’

Zephyrus blinked. She will die.

Bridget got up off the floor and rotated her neck. “My turn.” She said with a growl, then jumped on him, knocking him to the floor, her on top, this time.

Zephyrus stared up at her. She really was quite pretty. Maybe that was why he couldn’t bring himself to kill her…

“Lizard Bo…”

He didn’t let her finish the word. He yanked her down, fully on top of him, and captured her lips with his. She moaned against him, and he felt his body respond to her. What the fuck was he doing? He’s kissing a fucking Vampire!

She bit his lip and drew blood. But instead of pissing him off, it turned him on more than anything ever has in over two thousand years.

She pulled back from the kiss and stared down into his blue eyes. She blinked.

“You have blue eyes.”

He laughed. “So, do you.”

She snorted. “I’m not a Shifter.”

He squinted up at her. That’s right. Shifters don’t have colored eyes. Only the Dragons do. He grinned, then pushed her off of him.

She fell backward onto her ass and glared up at him as he got to his feet.

“What do you want from me?” He asked as he stood over her.

“I want to know why you hate Vampires.” She said as she watched him.

He grunted. “None of your fucking business.” He said, then turned and walked away from her.

With a feral growl, she leaped off the floor and onto his back, in one smooth motion. Stunned, he spun around with her on his back.

“What the fuck?!” He growled.

‘Mate wants to play.’

She’s not our fucking mate. She’s a Vampire!

“Why do you hate Vampires?” She asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck again.

He took hold of her head and pulled her over his shoulder. When her ass hit the floor, he stood over her and glowered.

“Because they fucking destroyed my life!”

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